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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 147 The light of the sun’s disk is always shining

In the northwest of Nashrame, in a high tower on the top of a hidden cliff.

In the room on the top floor of the tower, the winding stacks of bookshelves filled the already small space. Various styles of wooden scrolls, old yellow loose leaves and a large number of books were the only things in the room.

A stalwart figure with skin the color of obsidian and at least two meters tall sat quietly cross-legged.

His face was hidden in the shadow of the rag-like hooded robe. His whole body was hunched over and he let out a deep sigh from time to time.

As the night got darker, he slowly stood up, his legs, which were twisted at a strange angle compared to ordinary people, strolled to the window sill of the room, and looked up at the stars in the sky.

Astrology, a form of divination magic that only a handful of magic geniuses can fully master.

His original scarlet eyes captured a dark purple magical light, and the gorgeous and colorful constellations in the sky suddenly changed in his eyes and turned into another appearance.

Suddenly, he noticed something strange about the stars, “…is this?!”

He stretched out his fingers that were wrapped in bandages like a leper or a mummy, and the surging magic power that shimmered with light gathered at his fingertips, forming a grand star pattern.

The cool breeze blowing into the room through the window sill blew the hood off his head, completely revealing his complete jackal-like appearance.

He is the lost son of the desert, Grand Maester Nasus, who founded and took charge of the Great Library of Shurima.

“The serpent’s tail, the reincarnation of fate… Renekton, my brother, and Xerath…” Nasus took a breath.

But before he could do any further divination, the stars in the night sky suddenly changed again, and a beam of light shot from the sky to the center of the desert.

Nasus’ eyes flashed with shock, and he couldn’t help shouting in a hoarse and deep voice: “This, this is impossible!”

He hurried through the piles of books, pushed open the dilapidated door of the room, and ran down the winding and dilapidated stone stairs down to the tower.

How many years has it been since the last time you came outside?

Ten years, twenty years?

Or maybe it’s decades…

Can not remember.

But the arcane mage with purple skin who was dedicated to collecting world runes and sealing them away was still fresh in Nasus’ memory.

I wonder how his journey went?

Nasus shook his head, throwing away the memories of his past that were like clouds of smoke.

Now is not the time to think about this.

Nasus’s scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, and he paused to look into the distance.

There is the center of the desert, in the direction of the original capital of the Shurima Empire, the City of the Sun.

Suddenly, a throbbing blood connection flashed through his heart.

Nasus couldn’t hide the shock and joy in his eyes, “Rekton… you actually came out…”

But soon, the joy in his heart was replaced by deep worry.

Renekton and Xerath spent thousands of years in the dark, dark tombs of the emperors.

Is he really still the same person…

Before Nasus could be depressed for too long, a long-lost power suddenly poured into his body.

He could feel that his ascended body was once again bathed in the gentle and endless sea of ​​magic.

Nasus’ expression became even more shocked, “This power… is the sun disk!”

His fingers clenched together tightly, making a cracking sound in the bones.

After standing silently in the night wind for a long time, Nasus hurried back to the tower and took out a “cane” that was also wrapped with strips of cloth. The wide top was also wrapped in rags.

The tower door was closed tightly, which could not be pushed open by ordinary people. Nasus took a deep breath and walked along the cliff towards the foot of the mountain.

This time, he won’t make the same mistake again.

In the far northern polar region, the sky is filled with severe cold and biting icy snow.

A four to five meter tall monster made of scarlet flesh with a terrifying appearance slaughtered a small tribe of dozens of people wantonly.

“Yes, yes! Scream! Hahahaha…”

The bladeless giant sword in his hand seemed like some kind of corrupted evil object. The sharp edges and corners of the same color as obsidian were like the incarnation of the devil, stained with blood.

An orange-red evil light shines from the center of the giant sword. At the point where the hilt and the sword body are connected, a heart-like core beats wildly, resonating with the entire sword body.

With every drop of blood and every trace of flesh and blood, the beating rhythm of the giant sword becomes stronger and stronger.

The sounds of screams, howls, and roars were endless.

But he enjoyed it all, the pleasure of killing and absorbing flesh and blood to strengthen himself.

“I am Aatrox, and I am the end of the world!” He raised his sword and laughed wildly at the same time. His majestic spirit seemed to be able to shatter mountains and rivers.

“You devil! You will be cursed! The great mammoth will not let you go!” A warrior who was stepped on by Aatrox uttered the last curse.

“Mammoth? Hahahaha?”

Aatrox crushed his bones with a little force under his feet, absorbing his flesh and blood into a poor imitation of the ascended body that he worked hard to reshape into the glory of the past…

“Your god, be afraid of me!” he snorted disdainfully.

Then, the pair of scarlet eyes looked at the five priests who were summoning the mammoth spirit at the tribal totem altar.

Aatrox grinned, “Otherwise, why hasn’t your god appeared yet?”

He raised his giant sword, leaped forward and charged.

The giant sword as hard as obsidian quickly cut through the air, cutting forward and horizontally at an exquisite angle. At the same time, it took away the lives of the five priests and sucked their flesh and blood into the giant sword.

“Not enough…not enough! This little flesh and blood is simply not enough for me to maintain this body for too long.”

A flash of blood flashed in Aatrox’s eyes, and he murmured to himself: “Yes, I seem to have left behind a qualified body a few years ago, as if I was the leader of a certain tribe? It’s time…”

Before he finished speaking, an inexplicable heart palpitation made him suddenly stop the massacre in his hands.

“This…this is?!”

Ignoring the few tribal survivors who were fleeing in all directions, he suddenly turned his head and looked towards the distant south.

“Sun Disk…Shurima…”

In the dangerous waters, Yuanlin Province is located in the southernmost part of the Ionian Islands.

A man with silver hair and dark purple skin was walking on the desert plateau on a moonlit night.

The heart area on his chest flashed with purple magic light, flashing with the beating of his heart.

In his hand, he held a strange-looking longbow made of an unknown material that seemed to be integrated with his left hand. It didn’t even have a string.

Those eyes with only the whites were extremely cold, as if they would be pierced by countless sharp arrows just by looking into them.

“Where are you going, Varus?” A young man’s voice echoed in his mind.


Or Wazu Mau?

Varus couldn’t tell the difference between the two people’s voices many times.

He used blood magic to possess the two Ionian hunters who were hiding from Noxian soldiers in the temple of Pallas two years ago.

But this couple was so strong-willed that even he, who was once a warrior of the gods, couldn’t suppress them.

Their souls cannot be extinguished…

Now, they have become a trinity.

“We cannot leave Ionia, Varus.” At this time, another man’s voice sounded, “Our parents are still here…”

This should be Wazumao’s voice?

Varus shook his head, ignored their questions and objections, and walked straight to the western coast of Yuanlin Province.

According to the memories of these two hunters, there should be ships there that can leave the port for Shurima.

Under normal circumstances, these two mortals cannot compete with Varus for control of the body.

Except for some special circumstances, such as when he wants to kill innocent people, they will strongly resist.

“Why are you going to Shurima?” Wazumao couldn’t stop Varus and could only ask helplessly.

“I have said it many times.” Varus said without any emotion, “I want to find my compatriots and resurrect them.”

“Resurrection like you devouring us? We will not allow you to do this inhumane thing.”

Kay hated this unnecessary killing and tried his best to stop Varus.

“You can’t stop me, you can’t stop me…”

Just as he was speaking, Varus suddenly stopped in his steps, and an expression of uncontrollable surprise appeared on his face.

Then, he returned to his calm and cold expression and strode forward again.

“What’s going on? Why can’t I stop him?”

“Kay, I can feel our control over our bodies diminishing…”

“This is impossible! Wasn’t it good just now? Varus, what did you do?”

Varus chose to ignore the annoying voice in his head.

The Sun Disk has resuspended itself over the Shurima Empire.

No matter what, I want to go back.

The empire must have a way to release me from being sealed in the weapon!


We who have sinned so much, are we still qualified to continue to plead for forgiveness from the empire?

Varus’s steps were unusually heavy.

In the Valoran continent, somewhere in an unknown underground tomb in Noxus.

A scythe sealed on the altar by countless chains and arcane magic suddenly opened its crimson one-eye at the corner.

“How long have I been sleeping…” A deep voice full of darkness and hatred slowly came from the scythe, echoing in this huge underground space.

No one answered his question, and no one could.

“Alas…” Sickle sighed heavily, “My once most handy and trustworthy partner is now the prison that imprisons me…”

Suddenly, the sickle let out a deafening roar:

“I am not willing to give in! I am Raast, the great warrior of the gods! I have saved the world before, how can I be trapped in this endless darkness underground and suffer this eternal torture?!”

In the space, the roar that echoed gradually fell into silence.

After an unknown amount of time, the one eye at the corner of the sickle uncontrollably closed again, accompanied by a final helpless sigh:



Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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