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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 149 I am the ruler of the desert, here to find the royal bloodline

Inside the most luxurious hotel in the inner city of Vikora.

Li Lin, Kassadin, Sivir and the girl sat around an old round table.

The girl is wearing a traditional Shurima red robe. A fur collar woven with precious fur is circled around the collar of the robe. The inner garment is lined with a purple shirt. Under the tight slim brown trousers, A pair of sandproof travel boots that are essential for walking in the desert.

After some understanding, the girl’s name was Taliyah, who had recently returned to Shurima from Ionia, following a kind caravan from Bergun through the Great Wall to Keneser.

After that, she continued south along the river called “Mother of Life” in the desert, and finally came to Vikoula.

Taliyah originally planned to exchange all her gold coins for various supplies here, and then set off to return to her weaver tribe.

Unexpectedly, on the way, she was lost in thought because she missed her parents and other people in the tribe, and she happened to bump into Li Lin.

Now that they have met, Li Lin naturally will not let this girl whose fate is intertwined with Sivir’s in the original world line go.

With the strange looks in Kassadin and Sivir’s eyes, Li Lin used the excuse of “apologizing” to drag this girl, who had obviously never had an adult ceremony, to a tavern to treat her to dinner.

Even before the food was served, Sivir was curious about the little girl’s journey to Ionia.

Judging by the time, her trip to that nascent land should have coincided with the invasion of Noxus.

Why did a little girl from the Weaver Tribe run to the other side of the Sea of ​​Watchers, to distant Ionia, alone?

When Sivir asked, Taliyah lowered her melancholy face and told her experience.

She awakened the magical talent of weaving rocks while in the tribe, but there was no qualified teacher in the tribe who could teach her how to control the blessing of the “Weaver Mother”.

In order not to harm the people in the tribe, Taliyah left alone and headed west towards Mount Targon, training herself to communicate with the rocks.

However, a group of Noxian soldiers in the north of Shurima deceived her and said that the empire would find a mentor for her. She was very innocent and was dragged to the Immortal Bastion by the commander.

Later, under the promise and temptation of an officer, Taliyah was taken to the Ionian frontline by a warband, intending to let her use her abilities to massacre the Ionians.

She refused, and was thrown off the deck by the officer into the turbulent Sea of ​​Watchers.

Fortunately, after a long drift, Taliyah floated alive into the extremely cold mountains of northern Ionia.

There, she met a qualified mentor, a ronin warrior who could control the extreme wind with his own blade.

After a period of training by him, she finally realized her wish and gradually gained control of her own powers. Then she said goodbye to him and set off back to Shurima.

Everyone listened to Taliyah, with varying degrees of emotion rising in their hearts.

“Noxians cannot be trusted. When I was a desert guide, I hated dealing with Noxians the most when I was escorting caravans.” Kassadin said in a low voice.

Immediately afterwards, Sivir also answered with an unhappy expression: “Huh, Noxus is a bunch of disgusting bastards!”

She subconsciously touched her lower back.

Although the wound had healed under the influence of the water of life, not even a scar was left.

But the sight of Cassiopeia’s dagger and the numbness and severe pain that filled her body at that time are still unforgettable.

If Li Lin hadn’t said that Cassiopeia had been killed by him with an energy weapon, he didn’t even leave a body.

Sivir must chase her to the ends of the earth, and then crush this bitch that she raised into ashes!

As the waiters came and went in the store, the dull, slightly greasy wooden table in front of them was filled with freshly baked barbecue, bread, oats and cheese.

Of course, in this sweltering desert city, a glass of expensive cold beer worth dozens of silver sands is also essential.

The girl with a slightly restrained expression looked at a table of hometown-style delicacies, and her throat couldn’t help but squirm.

“You can eat if you want, you’re welcome.” Li Lin, who unfolded his mask, looked at the girl and said with a smile.

“This, this is too expensive…”

Taliyah had not tasted the delicacies of her hometown for at least two years.

But she knew very well that there were only a dozen or so gold plates on this table of food, so she couldn’t buy it at all.

Li Lin pushed a new glass of Dashai’s unique ice-flavored drink in front of Taliyah and smiled.

Before he could speak, Sivir on the side unceremoniously grabbed a third of the chopped front leg of the sand dune sheep and gnawed on it, while muttering in his mouth:

“You don’t have to be polite to this guy. He is a craftsman from a big family in Pi City, and he has a lot of money…”

“Artisan?” Taliyah raised her thin eyebrows slightly, showing an expression of surprise, “Is it similar to the weavers of our tribe?”

“The weavers of Shurima weave silk and cloth, while the artisans of Piltover study hextech.”

Kassadin explained, pointing to the powered armor on himself and Li Lin, as well as the four floating machines floating in the air outside the tavern.

“These are Hex technologies, all invented by Li Lin.”

Taliyah’s light brown eyes narrowed slightly, and she was shocked by Kassadin’s words, “Wow~~! This is too…”

She really couldn’t find a word to describe this exquisite and complicated armor, and immediately lowered her head with a blushing face, “Huh, sorry… I’m too excited.”

This kind of innocent girl with a flawless personality can always involuntarily affect the people around her and inspire people’s desire for protection.

Li Lin, Kassadin, and even Sivir, who had his mouth full of food and devoured it voraciously, without the slightest hint of royal aristocratic demeanor, all had a glimmer of warmth in their eyes.

Li Lin used tongs to put two pieces of cheese-coated bread and some roast lamb on a plate, and then pushed them in front of Taliyah.

“Eat quickly.” He whispered first, and then murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: “I can only enjoy such rich food a few times…”

Next to the cracked earthen city wall in the west of Wekaula, a huge figure almost level with the city battlements stepped over a pile of collapsed sun-dried adobe bricks.

His whole body was hidden under a rag robe, and in his hand he was holding a “scepter” wrapped in cloth and with a wide head.

With the sun shining overhead, a fleeting golden light reflected under the robe from time to time.

After more than ten nights of running around, Nasus finally arrived at Vicoula, where astrology had guided him to go.

In fact, with his heavenly warrior physique re-infused with the power of the sun disk, he could arrive here earlier.

However, Nasus didn’t want to face the sun, and he didn’t want the nomads in the fortress to notice him, so he only chose to travel at night.

Along the way, he often heard rumors about the crazy “Desert Butcher” in the desert, and he knew that it was his brother Renekton.

Although Nasus didn’t know why his brother fell into madness, he finally resisted the idea of ​​looking for Renekton at this time.

He had more pressing tasks to attend to.

Returning to Vicoula after thousands of years, Nasus’ thoughts were in turmoil and his heart was filled with mixed emotions.

He strode through an archway made of square stones and looked up carefully.

Buildings of this quality and appearance are but a poor imitation of the empire’s glory days.

Nasus thought in his mind, and then glanced at it.

On the roadside, a vendor was using a copper device with a wheel to fill green glass bottles with water mixed with sediment.

Noticing the huge shadow cast by the sun on the ground, the vendor looked up with a smile on his face, “I’ll give you some water… eh?”

Half of his words were stuck in his throat, and he was frightened by the big guy who was nearly 3 meters tall in front of him.

From time to time, there would be vastayas with different appearances in the desert, but even the carnodonts he had seen with relatively strong bodies were not as tall as the person in front of him.

“Do you… want water? Fresh, I just brought it from the River of Life today…”

“This arch bridge was built by the exiled craftsmen of Icathia.” Nasus’ voice was strong and deep. “Your stall is placed among a group of ghosts.”

The vendor’s face turned a little pale, and his back couldn’t help but press against the cold stone wall behind him.

He thought the big man didn’t like his stall being placed in this place.

“Please forgive me, I didn’t know this…”

“You mortals have long forgotten the past. I established the Great Library to prevent the decline of these memories… Unfortunately, after the fall of Shurima, it did not play its due role.”

Or maybe I failed to fulfill my responsibilities and obligations…

Nasus’ voice gradually became sullen.

But after thinking about it, the bitter memories of the past finally turned into a heavy sigh.

“Forget it…the reincarnation of life and death will continue, and the fate of the Shurima Empire will also enter a new beginning.” He couldn’t help but snorted, “The premise is to find the bloodline of the royal family.”

The vendor listened to Nasus talking to himself, and the panic in his heart gradually turned into shock.

As a breeze blew through the robes of the strong man in front of him, he caught a glimpse of a face that was only recorded in legends with the help of sunlight passing through the hole in the roof.

“You, you are… the lost son of the desert, Nasus?!” The vendor couldn’t help but exclaimed in a low voice.

“Lost?” Nasus shook his head, “There are people who are more lost than me.”

He paused for a moment, his eyes shining with scarlet light in the shadow of the hood staring straight at the vendor in front of him.

“I am the Commander of the Desert, here to look for the royal bloodline…Have you ever heard of any rumors?”

Thanks to Zifeiyu An Zhiyui, oh for the reward!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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