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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 15 The Council of Seven

At the very top of Piltover’s northern district stands a large complex of buildings.

It perfectly integrates blue polished granite, bronze grids, countless mechanical gears and transparent and flawless glass, showing a unique style that is elegant and dignified yet solemn.

This is the center of power in Piltover. The seven-member Parliament, composed of representatives from the six major families and Piltover University, is held here.

The setting sun in the early morning pours over the earth, and the cool winter wind blows away the haze that diffused into the upper city at night.

In the circular table in the center of Piltover’s parliament hall, six MPs who had arrived in advance were busy with their own affairs at hand.

“Your birthday present, Senator Salo.”

A tall, dark-skinned young woman with elegance and beauty in her behavior placed a cylindrical metal box in front of a short, fat old man with a thick beard and a bald head.

“Oh! Mel, you are too polite!”

Salo looked happy and gently grabbed the small box on the table and looked at it carefully.

Mel smiled and said, “I heard that this gadget is specially designed for people with sharp minds like you.”

At this time, another tall, thin young man with yellow hair who was leaning on the table eating snacks heard their conversation and stared at the small cloth bag in his hand for a moment and hesitated.

Then, the yellow-haired congressman walked quickly to Salo with a smile on his face and handed the small bag with snacks in front of him:

“Congressman Salo, I also brought you some roasted ginkgo nuts…”

“Ah! Congressman Hoskar, don’t you know I’m allergic to it?!” Salo pushed the yellow-haired Congressman’s hand away with disgust on his face, “Why are you paying attention? Do you want to murder me?”

“It’s such a shame not to be able to taste such delicious food.”

Hoskal curled his lips to show his displeasure, picked up the small cloth bag that had fallen on the table, returned to his seat, raised his orchid fingers, pinched a piece of roasted ginkgo, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Salo’s expression changed after hearing the irony in his words, “Hey! You guy…”

“Don’t be angry, Congressman Salo, I don’t think Congressman Hoskar has any special meaning.”

Mel put his hands on Salo’s shoulders and kneaded them gently, extinguishing the arrogance that had just risen in his heart.

“Well, well, well, since Councilman Mel said that, I am no longer as experienced as that kid.” Salo continued to play with the small toy in his hand intently, “By the way, Mel, when was the last time we held a parliament meeting? ?”

“Five days ago, we discussed the arrangements for Evolution Day,” Mel said patiently.

“So, haven’t we already discussed the matter of Evolution Day? Why did Councilor Gila Mann convene a parliament again?”

“I heard that her daughter was attacked by gangsters yesterday.”

“What?! Someone actually dares to attack a member of Congress’s family? Who did it? It’s simply lawless!”

Salo’s tone suddenly became excited, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Mel’s face still had the same smile that never changed, “This should be the reason why Congressman Gila Mann convened the parliament today.”

A yordle whose body was covered with yellow fluff and whose lips were surrounded by white beard said in a sharp voice:

“I remember Councilor Gila Mann’s daughter is named Caitlin, right? She seems to have a pretty good relationship with one of my students.”

On the other side, a bald woman with a mechanical gear around her neck, golden fingernails on her fingers, and equally dark skin responded:

“Yes, I heard that your student is recognized as the youngest genius in the entire academy… Of course, compared to you, Senator Heimerdinger, he is still far behind.”

“Oh haha, you really praised Senator Voslaton too much.” Heimerdinger blew his beard helpfully.

Several members complimented each other for a while, and as the door of the parliament hall rang, everyone’s eyes focused on the door at the same time.

Karina was seen walking in front with a solemn expression, followed by a young man and woman.

One of them was Caitlin, the daughter of Councilor Gila Mann, who was known to the council members present.

However, the focus of their attention was another young man with an Ionian face.

Who is this?

Why would Congressman Gila Mann bring an unrelated person here?

Several congressmen had doubts in their minds at the same time.

Karina turned around and whispered a few words for them to stay where they were, and then walked straight to her seat alone and sat down.

“May the gears turn in the right direction, Senator Gila Mann.” Mel greeted her with a smile.

Karina nodded slightly to her, then moved her eyes and glanced around the six people seated.

“Everyone must have heard.” She said in a calm tone, “My daughter, Caitlin Gilaman, was attacked by five gunmen yesterday.”

“There are actually guns?” A member of Congressman Polpok, whose body was completely covered in metal and looked like a robot, said in surprise, “This is a controlled item.”

“Is Miss Gila Mann okay?”

“Have you caught the gangster?”

“This was definitely a premeditated attack…Have the law enforcement officers found out who did it?”

For a moment, except for Meier and Heimerdinger, the other three congressmen all asked with concern.

“This is what I am convening the parliament to discuss today.” Karina raised her voice above the others, and the entire parliament hall fell into silence again.

She looked back at Caitlin. Mel, who was good at observing people’s emotions, took the opportunity to ask, “I wonder who this young man is?”

“Li Lin, our family’s newly recruited talented craftsman.”

Genius craftsman?

A thoughtful look flashed in Mel’s eyes.

However, Karina obviously didn’t want to get too involved in this aspect and immediately changed the subject: “He took a shot for my daughter yesterday and saved her life.”

“What a brave gentleman.” Mel praised with a smile.

“He is a witness and knows everything that happened at that time.” Karina waved to Li Lin and asked him to stand in the center of the circular table. “Li Lin, please tell everyone what you saw at that time.”

“Okay, Senator Gila Mann.”

Li Lin’s eyes lingered on Heimerdinger for a moment, then he looked around and took a deep breath.

“The thing is like this…”

He spent a few minutes “retelling” the scene with added detail.

In the narrow and deserted alley, five gangsters armed with Mauser rifles started a fierce battle with them.

Fortunately, Li Lin carried a newly invented weapon with him, which enabled them to survive the crisis.

This was what I had agreed with Caitlin last night.

Not only that, this morning Mrs. Karina specifically asked him to take the matter seriously in exchange for more profit sharing and a favor from the Gila Mann family.

Although Li Lin was reluctant to become a bargaining chip in the game between the families, it would not have much impact on him anyway, and he could also gain favor from the Gila Mann family, so he agreed.

“A new type of weapon?” The gears on Polpok’s metal face turned, making a deep metallic voice.

Voslaton became very interested in the weapon Li Lin mentioned, “Can you describe its use in detail?”

“Why develop weapons, young man? What we need is peace…” Heimerdinger also echoed.

“Everyone, I think this is not what we should focus on, right?” Mel noticed Karina’s increasingly gloomy expression and hurriedly spoke to help Li Lin.

Then, she turned her attention to Karina and asked softly: “Does Congressman Gila Mann investigate who sent those gangsters?”

“The Odilenk family is the mastermind behind this attack.” Karina slowly said a name.

When Salo heard this, he categorically denied it: “Them? No, no, no, how is this possible? My friendship with them is still… uh.”

In the middle of his words, he was glared at by Mel, and his words stopped abruptly.

This time the Gila Mann family is bound to use this to attack a hostile family. If they jump out at this time, they will be asking for trouble.

After understanding this, Salo no longer dared to intercede on behalf of the Odilenk family.

“I think that since the Odilenk family dares to take action against my daughter, they don’t take our parliament seriously at all.”

Karina snorted coldly, “So, I propose to sanction the Odilenk family. Let everyone vote by a show of hands.”

The six MPs present looked at each other and made simple eye contact.

Then, everyone slowly raised their hands.

In a dark secret room in a mansion in the northern part of Piltover.

“Head of the Odilenk family, you have failed.” An indistinguishable male or female voice echoed in the room, “I have advised you long ago not to take action against Councilor Gila Mann’s family for the time being.”

“That little bitch went to Dicheng without a gun. It was a God-given opportunity. How could I give up this opportunity?!” A gray-haired old man shouted angrily at the top of his lungs. “You can’t blame me for this. You found it. Mercenaries are too weak!”

“Don’t blame your stupidity and incompetence on other people.”

The mysterious man of unknown gender sneered, and then changed the subject:

“I have laid everything out for you, but you messed it up… Although the Gila Mann family may not know that this is what you did, but as their mortal enemy, you should know what you will endure next. Is there such a consequence?”

Thinking of the large number of law enforcement officers that his men reported seeing coming in and out of Gila Mann’s house last night, the head of the Odilenk family instantly turned pale.

“You must help me! I can’t be taken to jail by law enforcement officers, otherwise our Odilenk family will be completely ruined!”

“Of course, of course, I will help you.” The mysterious man chuckled, “After all, we are allies…”

“Thank you so much!” Odilenk breathed a little relieved, “The law enforcement officer should come to me soon. I don’t know what you want…”

Before the head of the Odilenk family finished speaking, the dark and lightless secret room was suddenly illuminated by a flash of light.

What flashed in the air was Odilenk’s horrified expression and another face wearing a metal mask with patterns engraved on it.

Huge gunshots echoed in the secret room, and the old man with a bloody hole in his temple fell straight to the ground.

Following the sound of gentle footsteps, the mysterious man walked up to Odilenk, who was still staring at death, squatted down, and gently put a pistol into his hand.

“The head of the Odirunk family planned the kidnapping of Congressman Gila Mann’s daughter and finally committed suicide out of fear of crime…”

The corners of the mysterious man’s mouth curved up under his mask, “A very reasonable way to deal with it, isn’t it?”

Please comment!

I’ve been playing alone and I don’t know how well I’ve written (_)

Your support is the motivation for the author to write!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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