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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 153 Death is coming!

Time flies by and noon of the next day has arrived.

The scorching sun hangs high in the sky, pouring down the earth with flames that seem to roast people.

The almost deserted Vicora looks like a ghost town in the desert, bleak and lifeless.

After more than ten hours and overnight evacuation, most of the residents in the city have been evacuated.

A small number of those with limited mobility were led by soldiers to the east of Vicoula and hid in an underground shelter built by Taliyah with magic.

On the high platform of the Sun Temple in the center of the city, Nasus sat cross-legged alone under a mottled and inferior replica of the sun disk.

He closed his eyes and fully felt the temperature from the sun. The votive belt on his strong body made of obsidian slowly fluttered with the heat wave at noon.

Suddenly, Nasus felt the presence of ancient magic outside Vicora City, and a rancid metallic taste filled his mouth.

He suddenly opened his scarlet eyes, grabbed the long-handled battle ax beside him and stood up.

“Xerath,” he murmured.

As early as last night, Li Lin and Kassadin left with Sivir, accompanied by the kind-hearted little girl who could control rocks.

Azir learned of Nasus’ message and immediately replied that he had set off for Vicoula.

This city was his mother’s birthplace, and he would not allow Xerath to destroy it.

Judging by the time, Azir, who was traveling at full speed, should arrive here near the afternoon.

Nasus stood at the highest point of the city, looking at the distant sky from the eaves, already in a state of preparation for war.

With the blessing of the power of the gods, his senses and thinking became extremely sharp.

Every grain of sand under your feet, the last bloody smell of the long-dried brown-red blood clots on the replica of the sun disk, the whispers of people praying for peace, the sounds of various desert insects and animals crawling on the buildings and underground…

Nasus looked far east of Vicoula, and then looked south in the direction where Li Lin, Sivir and others left.

Before they set off last night, he personally promised Sivir to protect the remaining residents of Vicoula.

The shelter built by Taliyah is very well hidden, and the entrance is almost impossible to find from the outside.

The rebels who follow Xerath are nothing to worry about. The only thing that needs attention is Xerath himself.

Nasus took a deep breath.

He had already heard hundreds of warriors riding horses, sand crocodiles, desert monitor lizards, and sand tigers, roaring with excitement and malice, rushing into the city from the western wall.

As long as Xerath is held back for a few hours until Azir arrives to support him, even if he cannot be sealed again, it is still easy to severely damage him…

While Nasus was thinking, several warriors armed with scimitars and long swords and dressed obviously belonging to different tribes climbed up the temple stairs.

These people are obviously hostile tribes who would fight to the death when they meet in the desert, but now they can fight side by side.

They knew they were facing a celestial warrior, but there was no trace of fear in their eyes dancing with blue light.

Xerath has taken control of them…

Nasus thought in his mind and walked down the steps.

He swung the long-handled battle ax in his hand and drew an arc in the air, effortlessly blocking the slashes of five warriors from different angles.

Immediately after, Nasus suddenly raised his hand and flicked away their weapons.

Because of the huge force, two of them could not control their bodies and flew backwards. They hit the ground at the bottom of the temple steps and lost their lives.

At the same time, Nasus held the battle ax tightly in his right hand and slashed horizontally very quickly, cutting off the remaining three people at the waist.

He went down to the square and made his way to the eastern part of the town.

The dozens of warriors from the ferocious tribes who attacked him were all easily killed by him, as easy as squeezing an ant to death.

Feeling the ancient arcane magic flowing in the air, Nasus walked straight out of the city, deep into the desert and away from the city wall.

In an instant, hundreds of elite soldiers with mixed weapons and almost no protective armor surrounded him, raising a cloud of yellow sand.

Nasus narrowed his eyes slightly, his red gaze looking through the layers of flying dust and gravel.

A hundred meters away from him, a blue-white magic mass floated in the air more than ten meters above the ground.

It was a magical spirit body composed of dark energy and astral magic that kept making “crackling” sounds.

He was wrapped with rusty chains and the core of an ancient sarcophagus specially used to seal it.


Nasus roared and roared, calming all the surrounding warriors with his temperament alone.

And in the next second, he felt Xerath’s burning anger sweeping over him like a huge wave.

Nasus hurriedly grasped the ax with both hands and used his magic power to build a black-purple magic barrier in front of him, blocking an arcane magic impact from Xerath.

But the hundreds of soldiers who had just surrounded him were implicated in the impact of this scorching energy.

In just one heartbeat, all of them, including their mounts, were turned into ashes and blown into flying sand by the surging wind, as if they had never come to this world.

Nasus gritted his teeth and stared at the blue spirit body, gripped his ax and strode forward.

Being provoked by Xerath, the warrior’s heart and anger that had been buried in his heart for a long time were reawakened.

“Oh, isn’t this the Grand Bachelor…the coward who locked me underground for a thousand years?”

Xerath’s voice was the same as when he was still mortal, sounding like it had been dipped in honey.

“Where did you hide Azir’s descendants?”

Nasus simply ignored his question and kicked the ground with his back foot. His whole body was instantly ejected into the air, and the battle ax with the power of the gods in his hand struck directly at Xerath’s head.

“I’ll put you back underground!”

Xerath’s figure flashed and he easily dodged his merciless full blow.

Nasus’ heavy body fell to the ground, making a small crater in the yellow sand.

“With the help of your beloved brother, you were able to suppress me.” Xerath sneered, “And now, since the cage door was opened, have you heard any rumors about Renekton?”

“No, mention his name!” Each word came out of Nasus’ low and hoarse throat.

“Have you seen what he looks like now?”

Xerath smiled sinisterly and slowly floated down from the air, stopping dozens of meters away from Nasus.

Seeing that the gloomy Nasus didn’t say a word, he became even more presumptuous.

“Of course you didn’t see it. Now he will kill you as soon as he sees you.”

Nasus did not argue with him on this topic anymore, “You are not the one chosen by the sun. Your power originally belonged to Azir.”

He took heavy steps and slowly approached Xerath, whose limbs were filled with tongues of fire and blue arcs of electricity.

“Neither Renekton, but he ascended, too.”

“Don’t mention his name!” Nasus roared angrily.

The battle ax in his hand whirled and swung towards Xerath, with the potential to shatter mountains and crack the earth.

Xerath still just sneered and ducked away without fighting back.

“Your brother is weak…oh, you should know this, just like you.”

Nasus knew very well that Xerath wanted to provoke him, so that his subsequent attacks would easily reveal flaws.

He knew he shouldn’t have been offended by such a trivial trick, but the evil wizard kept mentioning Renekton again and again, making him unable to control his emotions.

“Actually, he is more fragile than I thought.” Xerath said reluctantly, his tone full of mockery.

“I just told him that you threw him into the darkness, trapped him with his enemies, and left him to fend for himself, and this brainless crocodile collapsed.”

Nasus lowered his head, and the battle ax, which was made of ancient metal and enchanted with astral magic, clicked loudly as his claws clenched it.

In just a moment, wild sand surged around him and turned into a hurricane, covering a hundred meters around him.

Xerath’s heart trembled, and he quickly backed away from Nasus, lifting his hands into the air, igniting surging lightning and arcane energy flames.

Nasus waved his hand, and the towering and furious sandstorm was swept up by the hurricane. It seemed to be alive, spurred by the magic in his hands, and continuously injected into his body.

His limbs were filled with strength, and his dark body grew horribly taller and larger as countless grains of sand were poured into it, as if all the anger accumulated over the endless years had been vented.

In just one breath, Nasus had transformed into the size of a hill nearly 100 meters tall.

The giant ax with an aquamarine gem inlaid in the center grew together and transformed into a towering giant.

This is Nasus’ true god form – the arrival of death!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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