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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 158 The Missionary of the Void

From the rear entrance of the Xueyin Market to its head, it is almost two hundred meters away.

However, due to the density of vendors here and the crowds of passers-by, this 200 meters has become an “unreachable” distance.

Li Lin and Kassadin in power armor were still leading the way, and it took them more than ten minutes to cross this street.

However, a situation like this has some advantages for them, that is, other people’s conversations can hardly escape their ears.

Along the way, Li and Lin heard a lot of recent rumors.

For example, the City of the Sun rises again from under the yellow sand, and the emperor of the Shurima Empire returns.

Recently, a desperate caravan was completely wiped out in Calixai and became the food of the Void Evil tribe.

There are also rumors about the desert butcher Renekton who has reappeared in the world after thousands of years. He is slaughtering wantonly in the desert, trying to learn where his brother Nasus is from the people who know the news…

Of course, what interests them the most is the news sent back from Vikoula:

A few days ago, two celestial warriors fought in Vicoula, destroying the sky and the earth, tearing open mountains and rivers. The aftermath of the battle destroyed almost half of the town.

Later, the Eagle King Azir brought his yellow sand warriors composed of yellow sand and the birds and beasts that existed in ancient times and now reappeared in the world to join the battle, and together they defeated another demigod.

Li Lin was very interested in this and approached the boastful person to learn more.

However, he only heard it from hearsay, and it was just used to brag. He didn’t know whether it was true or not, which made Li Lin speechless for a while.

Outside the skull of the desert beast, Kassadin led the way and said in a low voice:

“This rumor proves that Azir arrived in time to support Nasus. With the combined efforts of these two celestial warriors, I think Xerath should really be defeated as they said.”

“Is the battle between the gods warriors really as exaggerated as the guy just said?”

Sivir really couldn’t imagine how Nasus, who was only less than three meters tall, could achieve the ferocious and brutal battle they said.

Li Lin guessed the doubts in Sivir’s heart and chuckled: “That’s just the ordinary form of the ascended ones. They can’t always maintain the size of the hills recorded in classics and history books, right?”


The two followed Kassadin’s footsteps into the Hall of Skulls.

According to Kassadin’s introduction, everyone who can open a shop here is a rich and powerful person, and no one is easy to mess with.

In the Xueyin Market, these people are the rulers and the law.

And the guy Kassadin knows, if he is not killed offside by others, should be regarded as the most powerful person here.

However, in this era when people’s hearts are gradually declining, this man still takes care of the poor and is quite generous in purchasing various items.

When Kassadin was still relatively depressed, this man even provided money to support him.

The three of them walked around the maze-like skull hall, which was separated by various barriers, and walked to the innermost side.

Kassadin noticed that the decoration in front of him was almost exactly the same as the last time he came here four years ago, and a smile appeared on his face.

It seems that his old friend is still here.

He unfolded his mask, explained his purpose to an acquaintance of the guards, and then continued forward with Li Lin and Sivir.

However, as soon as they reached the door, they heard a quarrel coming from the compartment.

“Get out of here! I’m not interested in the ideas of cultists like you!” A middle-aged man’s strong voice came out.

It’s nice that he’s my old friend…but I don’t remember him ever getting so angry.


Kassadin couldn’t help but frown as he caught a key word.

He stopped first, ready to listen to what was going on inside.

“Holerites, I show you our great teachings out of friendship! Only the void is our return!” Another very hoarse and low voice of a man who sounded like a twilight old man came out .

“Void? Can this thing make me money?”

Hollerites slapped the table and sneered: “No! Moreover, you want me to prepare a batch of livestock every week, or even live humans as sacrifices! Do you think I am a fool to be fooled?!”

Void? !

Hearing this word, Kassadin’s eyes flashed with a sharp light.

It can be said that there is a blood feud between him and Void for killing his wife and taking away his son.

Even if they are believers in the void, he is unwilling to let them go, thinking that they have already gone astray and their hands are stained with blood.

If Li Lin hadn’t grabbed him from behind, he would have summoned the Blade of the Underworld and rushed into the house to kill the Void Missionary Owl who still wanted to bewitch his old friend.

“The end of all things is nothingness, and we will all eventually embrace the void! In this case, why don’t we advance this process?” The old man persuaded in a very bewitching tone.

“Mom in advance! I still think I haven’t lived long enough!” There was a hint of sullenness in Hollerites’ voice.

“Remembering the old friendship, I only give you two options now: either leave the Marrow Seal Market yourself and stop promoting your guy here. What’s your name? Malzahar, right? Yes, his cult theory!

“Either I ask my men to throw you out. Of course, they have been doing this kind of rough work all year round, so they may not pay much attention to propriety in their actions.”

“Eventually, the void will surely come, washing away the world and all the misery in the world, and disappearing with it, as well as all of us!”

After hearing his remarks, Kassadin couldn’t bear it any longer, so he pushed open the unlocked wooden door and broke in.

Li Lin left four floating machines outside the door and followed closely behind him with Sivir.

Inside the house, Hollerites and an old man with bare feet, wearing a dark purple robe and a purple turban, were shocked at the same time.

“What’s going on?! Didn’t I tell Seben not to bother me if it’s nothing important?”

“Don’t blame the kid, you know he won’t stop me.”


Hollerites sat on a shabby Piltover-style office chair. His frowning eyebrows suddenly relaxed, and a trace of joy appeared on his face.

“You old guy, I thought you died in the desert and became the food of those Milos beetles or the Sha clan Exe.”

“How could I die in front of an old guy like you?”

Hollerites completely ignored the Void Preacher he just talked to, got up from his chair and walked to Kassadin, laughed and hugged him.

“Wow, this armor of yours is really nice. Is it Hextech from Piltover? How much does it cost? Can you sell it to me?”

“Don’t think about it, I have other things to do with it.”

Kassadin shook his head and did not explain that its inventor was actually Li Lin behind him.

“Then the gentleman behind you… er, or lady?”

Hollerites noticed Li Lin behind him, who was also wearing power armor, and smiled politely.

“Sir, my name is Li Lin.” Li Lin unfolded his mask and smiled politely at him, “I will give you water and shade, Mr. Hollerites.”

“I also give you water and shade, Mr. Li Lin, and this beautiful lady.”

Hollerites bowed to Sivir in a “gentlemanly” manner according to Piltover’s aristocratic etiquette, but none of the movements were correct.

Just as he was about to ask about the power armor, Li Lin, who had already seen his intention in advance, declined in advance:

“I’m sorry, I think you have heard of the Gila Mann family of Piltover, right? I am a craftsman of their family, and this technology is not allowed to be passed on to others.”

Sometimes, simply bringing out the powerful and famous family behind you can eliminate most of the problems.

Hollerites’ face froze slightly, “This… turns out to be a craftsman from the Giraman family. I have admired him for a long time.”

He often purchases goods from the Piltover caravan, so he naturally knows those top-level councilor families.

Even if they were not members of the Councilor family, any of the top-ranked families would not be something he, the person in charge of the small Marrow Seal Market, could afford to offend.

Hollerites quickly changed the subject, “Sit down quickly. I haven’t seen you for several years. What do you want to see me for today?”

Just as he was speaking, he noticed the Void Missionary who was still standing there and was not ready to leave, and couldn’t help shouting:

“Why don’t you just go away and stay here? Do you have to ask me to ask the guards to give you a ride?”

“Wait a minute!”

Kassadin suddenly grabbed Hollerites.

“What’s wrong? Do you have anything to do with Ans Ayer?”

“Celebrating the holidays…”

Kassadin looked at the old man in front of him, whose skin looked like dry, ripe skin, dotted with inexplicable purple lines, and said almost through gritted teeth:

“I have sworn that I will fight all void creatures, including its believers… until death!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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