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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 162 The little girl swallowed by the void

Underground in the Song of Songs Valley, in the intricate dark passages.

Four huge ethereal spirits were crawling slowly and cautiously on the wall.

The three eyes burning with yellow light on each individual rotated separately, seeming to be looking for something.

Suddenly, two purple-black energy waves similar in color to the void shot out from a distance, illuminating the space and accurately hitting the virtual spirit at the front.

The corrupted plasma easily shattered its chitinous shell, hitting the beating core hidden beneath its hardest skull.

The leader of the virtual spirits was killed instantly, and the remaining three virtual spirits poked out their pharynxes full of sharp teeth, let out harsh screams of “hissing”, and looked into the depths of the passage, as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Performance.

Immediately afterwards, a petite humanoid figure covered with purple-black skin, with two huge cheek pouches glowing purple on its shoulders, almost no different from a void monster, rushed out of the darkness.

“One!” A girl’s vague voice came from under the mask.

She clenched her fists with both hands and aimed at one of the ethereal spirits. The purple spiked lens suspended in front of her hand fired several hot purple energy light bombs one after another.

The first few rounds of energy light bombs failed to shatter the chitinous shell of the ethereal spirit at once, but as the remaining light bombs hit it cumulatively, the previously remaining energy plasma was recharged and activated, and it exploded instantly. , making it lose its voice.


The girl’s actions angered the remaining two ethereal spirits that were larger than her.

They let out a roar similar to “angry”, kicked the wall with their four arthropods and shelled feet, and rushed towards the girl at high speed.

However, Xu Ling’s actions played into the girl’s hands.

As the purple-black skin squirmed, she felt a tingling sensation in her body.

But in less than a heartbeat, her whole body was filled with strength.

The girl slid under the two ethereal spirits that were rushing towards her with a sliding shovel. The crystals that fit her hands fired several bullets in succession, much faster than before.

After exchanging positions with the two ethereal spirits, the girl quickly stood up. The cheek pouch scales on her shoulders shrank, and the purple crystals scattered hot purple light.

Before Void Spirit could react, several surging plasma projectiles were launched from the heating crystals, spinning and circling several times in the air. After contacting them, the instantaneous explosion melted most of its body.

The girl looked at the four lifeless ethereal spirits lying on the ground, half-packed the cheek bags on her shoulders, couldn’t help but bend over and hold her knees, gasping for air.

In order to hunt down the lone ones, she planned for three days.

From releasing their own human blood to lure them, to predicting their movement paths, and finally to ambush and hunt them.

There is no backup plan, no way out.

Once the hunt fails, only death awaits the girl.

Because in the past three days, she had not taken in any energy that could support the active skin on her body.

The second skin’s desire to devour has affected her thinking, and has even begun to backfire on her body.

Fortunately, the plan went smoothly.

The girl could no longer bear the burning pain in her body, so she immediately withdrew the energy crystals on her fists and staggered towards the corpse of the ethereal spirit nearest to her.

Without hesitation, she reached into the insect’s slimy and corrosive carapace and quickly pulled out a beating core that was almost as big as her head.

These bugs, which could barely be called “creatures”, actually had no intelligence of their own, so she didn’t have any psychological burden.

Everything is to survive…

The girl took a deep breath, and as the second skin on her body began to squirm, the ethereal core she held in her hands was rapidly shrinking, and was being swallowed by the symbiotic void skin with her.

As a large amount of energy was injected into her body, she couldn’t help but let out a pleasant hum.

For a girl, about two ethereal spirits can keep her alive for about a week, provided that she does not use the living weapons she has evolved.

The amount of living skin can be swallowed is limited, and the energy of the two virtual spirit cores is currently the limit that she can absorb.

As for the remaining two ethereal cores, the girl planned to keep them as backup.

Anyway, in such an environment, their energy escapes very slowly, and it will take at least two weeks to be completely exhausted.

The girl quickly devoured the core of the other ethereal spirit, and dug out the core of the ethereal spirit next to it.

When she ran to the first Hollow that she killed to check the situation, her good mood of killing the prey and reaping the rewards was instantly shattered.

Being hit by the most powerful void vibration wave emitted by his own cheek pouch directly injured the core of this void spirit, causing it to be severely damaged and basically no longer worth devouring.

“Damn it! I shouldn’t have used ‘Void Search’. Now I have to think about the next hunt as soon as possible.”

Void Seeking is the girl’s name for her recently evolved ability to emit two waves of void vibration plasma.

It has an extremely long range and is so powerful that it can shatter the ethereal’s hard chitinous shell with almost a single blow.

The girl sighed slightly frustratedly, “It doesn’t matter Kasha, I have to hunt anyway…”

She whispered to herself to comfort herself.

In this environment where there are no living people, only terrifying and twisted monsters, Kaisha has long developed the habit of comforting herself and maintaining an optimistic attitude.

Otherwise, the narrow, claustrophobic, dark and lightless underground environment alone could torture her spirit to the point of madness.

Kasha held the purple ethereal core beating like a heart in her hand, stepped over the corpses of insects on the ground that were leaking corrosive liquid and eroding the land, and headed towards her temporary stronghold.

“How long has it been since I was swallowed by the void…”

She couldn’t help but look up at the top of the low earth wall, and continued to murmur in a low voice: “It must be the third year, right? I haven’t seen the sun in three years…”

As a hunter, hunt void monsters, or at some point in the future, become prey and be hunted by hordes of void monsters…

How long will it take for such days to pass?

“Dad, Mom, I miss you so much…”

At the same time, above the ground.

Kassadin held up the flickering Void Stone to lead the way, and the Hades Blade on his right wrist was already unsheathed.

He led Li Lin and Sivir through the twisted stone pillars that tore through the earth and extended from the ground without stopping.

“Where are we going?” Sivir couldn’t help but lower his voice and asked.

“Go to the valley to the south. There is an abyss crack there that leads to the underground.” Kassadin replied without looking back.

“But I remember, your family…”

Before Sivir finished speaking, he was pulled by Li Lin next to him.

Sivir immediately closed her mouth when she realized she had said the wrong thing, but what she just said had already triggered sad memories deep in Kassadin’s heart.

His beloved wife…

There is also his and his wife’s “Binsqi”, that is, their daughter-Kesha.

They have long been buried in the belly of the void…

Sivir’s voice was a little low, and she also recalled her parents.

If he had been killed by the Saenz people at that time, they would have been as persistent and crazy as Kassadin…

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to mention your sadness.” She apologized with a slightly hoarse voice.

Of course Kassadin knew what Sivir wanted to ask and responded: “It doesn’t matter, it’s been a long time.”

After being silent for a long time, he added: “I didn’t set up tombstones for them. When I was waiting for death, my friends in the caravan found me and dragged me back to Zerima.”

“So, today we can just go underground. There is no need to go back to my former home… There is nothing left there, it has been completely swallowed up by the yellow sand.”

He said in a nonchalant tone.

Under the mask, Kassadin’s eyes were already red, but he tried hard to suppress the tears in his eyes and prevent them from falling.

As Kassadin’s words gradually faded, apart from the soft sound of the power armor’s mechanical gears and energy core supplying energy, the sound of the Storm robot’s engine pushing, and the sound of metal touching the sand, they did not speak again.

The three of them walked in silence for more than 20 minutes, until a long and narrow “cliff” in front of the mountain, with an invisible bottom blocking their way.

Going straight down from here, you can come into contact with the corrupted evil things under this land, the public enemies of all living things, and the twisted existences that want to swallow the entire Runeterra – this is where the void opens the rift.

Li Lin, Kassadin and Sivir stood in front of the devastation that tore the earth apart.

Sivir gasped, “It’s so high, how are we going to get down?”

“The slope is not too steep. With powered armor, we can slide directly down the cliff…”

As he was talking, Li Lin’s thoughts suddenly changed. The one following behind him had a very “unique” appearance. The storm robot he had newly made at the Xueyin Market slowly floated down.

“But don’t worry, let my storm robot go down first to check the situation.”

Trivia: Kai’Sa’s original name was Kai’Sa. After being swallowed by the void and surviving, she changed her name to Kai’Sa (Ka’Sa means “void” in Shurima)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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