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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 164 Nice to meet you, Kaisha

More than ten minutes ago, in the underground passage.

Kai’Sa was carrying the trophies of the core parts she had stripped off the Void Spirit, heading back to her temporary stronghold, preparing to rest for two days and continue hunting monsters.

But what she didn’t expect was that she had just carefully walked through the two tunnels when she suddenly heard the roar of several ethereal spirits.

And she had never heard such a cry before.

“Is this… fear? But how can these mindless monsters have such emotions?”

Kasha felt the tingling sensation on her second skin and understood the meaning of the cry.

She thought for a while, then dug a pit on the ground with her sharp chitin claws, buried the ethereal core in it, and made a mark.

Anyway, she was very familiar with this underground space, and it was enough to remember where the core was buried.

Then, Kaisha touched in the direction of the previous Void Spirit’s roar.

Most of the void spirits that usually do not have energy and flesh to swallow should be in a state similar to “sleeping”, staying in the core area of ​​the void rift.

She had to find out what happened to these monsters and why they suddenly went crazy.

However, just as Kaisha’s hidden aura approached, seven very manic and different-looking ethereal insects rushed straight towards her position.

Although she had struggled to survive in the underground void for three years, she had never seen anything like this before, and she was momentarily panicked.

When Kaisha took the initiative to attack, she regretfully discovered that the target of these bugs was not herself, but that she was blocking their way.

If you hold back your panic, they will actually ignore you.

After attacking and escaping for several minutes, Kai’Sa ran into the tunnel where Li Lin and Kassadin were, treating them and the floating robot as ethereal beings…

But before she could put her whole body into the “extreme overload” state and prepare to fight to the death with the “Void Spirits”, she was stunned by the familiar words.

The man with a handle on his right arm that made her second skin feel afraid suddenly disappeared and appeared behind her.

“It’s a big no-no to be dazed in battle! If you don’t want to die, don’t stay dazed!”

This familiar voice…

My father’s memories always catch people off guard.

Kasha, whose eyes were slightly moist, sighed softly and comforted herself in her heart:

But he is dead, Kai’Sa, you can’t always live in the past…

After being stunned for a moment, she immediately reacted, turned around quickly, released the energy in her cheek pouches with all her strength, and fired several hot missiles at the last ethereal spirit.

Under the combined effect of the long-range fire suppression by Li Lin and the Storm Robot and the ethereal balls fired from Kassadin’s Underworld Blade, the remaining ethereal spirits were shattered into pieces in a series of explosions, and were directly annihilated in the concentrated energy. middle.

After eliminating the immediate threat, Kasha breathed a sigh of relief, controlled the cheek pouches on her shoulders to fold and shrink, and then turned her eyes to look at Kassadin first.

Before she could say anything, Kassadin, who was already full of doubts, asked first: “Who are you? Why are you in a place like this? And… is the void on your body?”

“Don’t be anxious, take your time one question at a time.”

Kasha hadn’t seen a living person for a long time, so she felt a little excited.

Seeing Li Lin approaching, she first unfolded her helmet composed of void living skin, revealing her original appearance.

“First of all, I am a human like you, not a void monster. My name is Kasha…”


With the assistance of the night vision function, Kassadin saw her appearance clearly, his eyes widened, and his whole body froze.

In addition to three symmetrical double purple lines on the cheeks and forehead, the original blue eyes turned purple, and the pronunciation of the name was different…

This girl is exactly what my daughter will look like when she grows up!

Kassadin’s eyes were instantly blurred by tears.

He retracted the Blade of the Underworld, and his right hand that reached into the air began to tremble visibly.

Kasha raised her eyebrows and took a step back subconsciously, not understanding what this middle-aged man meant.

“Ke…Kesha…is that you?”

Kassadin’s voice was choked up.

Wait…how did he know my original name? !

Kasha suddenly took a breath of air, and an idea that she dared not confirm appeared in her mind.

“Father…Father?” She called uncertainly in a very low voice.

“Oh, yes! Binski, it’s me…I’m Kassadin!”

Kassadin controlled the power armor to unfold his helmet, revealing a face that had been weathered for many years.

Kasha couldn’t help but stretched out her hand to half-cover her open mouth, and crystal tears instantly fell from the side of her face.

She simply couldn’t believe that her father, her beloved father who she thought had also died in the hands of the void, would actually appear in this place…

His father’s appearance was quite different from what he remembered.

In addition to the deeper marks left by the years on his face, his temples and half-long hair have become mixed black and white, no longer the original black and capable short hair.

“Is this true? Dad… you are still alive?!”

Kassadin, who was crying silently, hugged Kasha, who had already burst into tears, into his arms, and kept kissing the withered hair on her head.

Li Lin also unfolded his mask and silently looked at the reunited father and daughter. He was infected by their emotions and had tears in his eyes.

He stayed slightly away from the two of them, leaving them enough space, and took on the responsibility of guarding them, lest any ethereal spirit choose to launch a sneak attack at this time.

Kassadin and Kasha were affectionate to each other for a long time, until their tears were almost dry and they could no longer cry, and then they finally separated, sitting on the side of the tunnel, leaning against the earth wall and telling each other about their experiences over the years.

One day three years ago, Kasha and her friends discovered a goat in a pen that was purchased from nomads by a group of mysterious strangers.

She heard her mother mention that these goats were used for “sacrifice”, that is, tribute, so she, along with her friends, cut the ropes with the dagger Kassadin gave her when she was eight years old and let them go.

It was this unintentional move that later led to unimaginable things…

The earth trembled, a scorching flash illuminated the sky, and a huge purple mouth that seemed to lead to the underground abyss tore through the bedrock, swallowing the entire village and everyone in its mouth.

Later, Kai’Sa, who found herself trapped underground, could still hear the cries of other survivors.

But as time gradually passed, she found that she was the only one who survived in the end.

Just when Kasha was desperate, she discovered a bright purple light that drew her underground.

Along the way, she picked up scattered food on the road to satisfy her hunger. Occasionally she could find scattered water bags and even rotten fruits, her favorite peach…

These final gifts from the ruins of the collapsed village allowed her to survive the most difficult beginning.

But in the end, Kasha, who followed the light down to the deepest point, was once again filled with fear.

It was a huge cave, illuminated by evil purple “lights” and filled with large, rustling, weird-looking “creatures”.

That was the first time she faced the void.

The movement that Kaisha inadvertently caused alerted a bug that was about the same size as her at the time.

It opened its huge mouth covered with needle-like spikes and pounced on her, trying to swallow her into its belly.

Kai’Sa used the dagger given by Kassadin to resist. Although the blade had broken, luckily it penetrated the monster’s softer core.

The two sides rolled down the steep slope deeper into the ground. When Kaisha regained consciousness, she found that the strange skin of the monster was attached to her body…

For the next three years, Kai’Sa crawled around underground struggling to survive. The void skin grew with her and quickly covered most of her body, becoming her second skin.

In the subsequent battles, she suddenly discovered that her second skin could actually swallow those monsters to evolve, which gave her a clear plan in mind:

Fight with all your strength, survive, and find your way home…

These beliefs have supported her to this day.

“It’s all my fault, I’m sorry… I hurt everyone…” Kasha was still sobbing.

Ever since such a horrible thing happened, she has been feeling guilty, thinking that her parents, elders in the village, and friends died all because of her.

Although Kasha later discovered that the characteristic of the void is devouring, as long as there are living creatures to eat and energy supply, sooner or later they will swallow their villages into their belly.

But the guilt in her heart has not diminished at all…

Kassadin shook his head, “No, Kesa, it’s not your fault.”

He has read many ancient classics and studied the battle between gods and voids, and he also understands the characteristics of voids.

“Their essence is to devour everything. Even if you don’t do this, they will still wake up those cultists. Those guys who deserve to die have already used the people in our village as sacrifices…”

He first comforted Kasha, and then gritted his teeth.

Kasha sniffed twice, and suddenly thought of another question: Since dad is still alive, then… mom?

“By the way, Dad, did you find any other survivors in the village?”

Kassadin was silent for a moment, and knowing his daughter’s thoughts very well, he guessed what Kasha really wanted to ask.

“Sorry…I couldn’t find any surviving people or animals, not even a corpse.”

“Is this so…”

Kasha lowered her eyes, a hint of loneliness and disappointment flashed in her deep purple eyes.

However, she has already changed her mentality.

She was extremely surprised and satisfied to learn that her father was still alive today.

Kasha shook her head and calmed down her complicated thoughts.

Then, she turned her eyes to Li Lin, who was standing in the distance, squatting on the ground and studying the corpse of Xu Ling, “Dad, he is…”

“Oh, I forgot to introduce you.”

Kassadin stood up, pulled Kasha up by the way, grabbed her wrist and walked to Li Lin.

Hearing the two approaching footsteps, Li Lin paused the work at hand, stood up and looked at their father and daughter.

“This is Li Lin, a well-known Hextech craftsman from a parliamentarian family in Piltover. He can be regarded as my benefactor.”

A smile appeared on Kassadin’s face, which was in sharp contrast to his previous gloomy look.

“I met him at Fulgrim’s Tavern in Zaun. At that time, he heard about my experience and took the initiative to provide help… He invented the power armor we have on us.”

Kassadin had told Kai’Sa many times about Piltover’s Hex technology, so she was fairly familiar with it.

But this was the first time she had seen this type of power armor.

It turns out that this thing that looks similar to the living skin on my body is actually a product of Hex Technology.

Kasha looked at Li Lin with a trace of curiosity in her eyes, “Hello, Mr. Li Lin, I’ll give you some water and shade. My name is Kai… no, Kasha.”

She had heard from her father that there was a handshake ceremony in Piltover, so she extended her right hand in a decent manner.

But when she saw the void carapace attached to her hand, she was worried that it would scare Li Lin, and she tried to retract her little hand in a panic like a frightened deer.

However, before Kasha could retract her hand, Li Lin, who saw her worried expression in advance, had already reached out and held her hand.

“I will also give you water and shade. Just call me Li Lin.”

He paused and smiled kindly, “Nice to meet you, Kasha.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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