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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 170 Radioactive Minerals

Kasha trotted to the body of the Tentacle Mantis. She could feel the stinging sensation of the armor biting her skin.

Sensing there was prey to devour, her living skin had entered a state of excitement.

Kasha first carefully stretched out her little hands wrapped in carapace, letting the skin armor sense the valuable parts of the corpse to absorb, and then touched the parts ready to be devoured.

With a “hissing” sound of dissolution, Void Ling’s chitinous carapace was quickly absorbed by her skin and nails.

Kasha’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, and the needle-like pain coming from her body became more and more intense.

Absorbing evolution is a painful process, and she has long been prepared for this.

Next to Kasha, the sad Kassadin looked at his daughter’s slightly painful expression, and his heart couldn’t help but twist up, wishing that he was the one who suffered the pain of evolution for her.

He opened his mouth, but suppressed the words of encouragement that reached his lips.

Kaisha has become a mature warrior, and he can no longer treat her as the little girl she once was.

She can handle it on her own…

It takes a while for the living skin to devour the carcass of the tentacled mantis.

During this period, Nasus waited quietly, sitting cross-legged in front of the void rift, closing his eyes and concentrating.

Sivir took out a handkerchief from his satchel and wiped the disgusting ethereal mucus on Chalikar.

Taking advantage of this gap, Li Lin opened the system first and checked his panel changes this time:

[Name: Li Lin]

[Level: Level 27]

[HP: 2549/2549]

[Mana value: 1132/1132]

[Combat power: 32]

[Skill points: 29]

[Wealth: 6328 blue essence, 1034 orange essence. 】


After this battle with the Void Insect Swarm, Li Lin’s level was raised by a total of 4 levels, and he obtained a huge amount of skill points, blue essence, and orange essence.

Most of the system rewards come from his first kill of different types of ethereal spirits, followed by the elites among them, and the smallest proportion is the number.

Although the prompt for the [Career Advancement] module is still incomplete, Li Lin had a vague hunch that he was only one step away from the “Heart of Machinery”.

As long as he goes through a battle, the scale of which does not need to be comparable to the battle with the virtual spirit, he will definitely be able to advance.

After rescuing Kasha, the next step is to set off back to Nasramei.

But before that, they could pass by Calixai, or inquire about the rumors of the “Void Prophet”, and get rid of Malzahar and his pet Abyss Maw Kog’Maw along the way.

Li Lin quickly thought up his next itinerary and plan, and then spent 200 blue essences to buy a portable Hex detector from the [Essence Store].

He has not forgotten the second goal of coming to Yinge Valley this time.

“Rambo said he found metal minerals that can be used for nuclear fusion here, but this place has been swallowed up by the void and has become like this. Will there be any left of that stuff…”

Li Lin was very confused, so he took the Hex detector and turned on [Digital Thinking] and wandered around in the cave.

However, he had almost walked around the entire cave, and the values ​​displayed on the instrument were still normal, and no excessive radiation or incorrect values ​​were detected.

Yodels can’t walk through walls. Rambo said that he found radioactive minerals here and mined a lot, which proves that it must exist somewhere in an open space that can be directly accessed by the physical body.

Combined with the tendency of void to energy…

“Perhaps, this thing has been swallowed up by the void.”

Even though Li Lin had been mentally prepared for this situation, a trace of regret would inevitably appear in his heart.

With Lambo’s controllable nuclear fusion technology, whether it is further generating electricity in a nuclear power plant or manufacturing some large-scale mechanical creations with a miniature nuclear reactor as the energy supply core, it is a good choice.

But the prerequisite is that there are corresponding materials.

Not to mention that only outside Bandel City can there be materials that can withstand the high temperatures of nuclear fusion reactions. Now even the radioactive minerals that supply fusion reactions are gone. It is simply a pipe dream to develop nuclear energy.

Although controllable nuclear fusion reactions can theoretically extract corresponding elements from seawater to generate electricity.

But for now, not even Yodel City has reached such technology, and Earth’s technology cannot be used as a reference. He has no clue at all.

Li Lin sighed helplessly and returned to the crowd. Just as he was about to put away the Hex detector, a long “beep” made him stunned for a moment.


Li Lin took a deep breath, unable to suppress the excitement in his heart.

He hurriedly looked at the numerical changes displayed on the instrument, and the blue pointer pointed to the only place he had never been.

Li Lin’s eyes turned to the direction where Nasus was sitting quietly, and then focused on the deep trench that opened the void rift behind him.

“What are you doing?”

After finishing his work, Sivir stood up and came to Li Lin’s side, looking at a strange mechanical device in his hand.

The eyeball-like surface was covered with dense numbers and Piltover language, which made her immediately lose interest.

“Looking for ore.”


Sivir, who was just about to go back and sit down, cheered up again.

“Where did the mines come from in this damn place? I do know a few places, including iron ore, copper mine, silver mine and even gold mine. My former employer mined part of it there.

“Some of them are from the Piltover family, and some are from Noxus, but after the outbreak of the Noxian war against Ionia, they never went mining again.”

There was a hint of pleasure in Sivir’s voice, and she approached Li Lin and patted him on the shoulder.

“How about it? I can draw a map for you to ensure that you are safe…or I can be your guide and take you there directly.”

She paused, then changed the subject slightly, “But…hehe, I need to pay more.”

I thought your personality would change if you knew you were of Azir’s bloodline. It seems I’m overthinking it…

Li Lin complained a little speechlessly in his heart.

“No, I’m not interested in those. I’m looking for something else.”

He looked down at the data on the Hex probe and walked straight towards Nasus.


Sivir was very surprised.

Gold, silver, copper and iron ore are basically resources that all countries must compete for. How come there are still people who are not interested in these?

Apart from these, what other ores are valuable?

With doubts in mind, she quickly followed Li Lin who had already walked away.

Li Lin walked up to Nasus and greeted him respectfully: “Sorry to disturb you, Grand Maester.”

Nasus half-opened his crimson eyes and uttered a single word: “What’s the matter?”

“My Hex instrument found a radioactive mineral here. It should be in this deep trench. Can I go down and check it out?”

Radioactive minerals…what are they?

Under the metal mask, Sivir couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

And Nasus had never heard of this strange word that Li Lin put together by himself, so he subconsciously asked, “…radioactive?”

“To put it simply, it is an ore that radiates energy and can be harmful to the human body.”

“Well… there are indeed some stones down here that continuously scatter energy. I thought they were affected by the void.”

Nasus used his battle ax to prop himself up and stood up, making way for Li Lin.

Out of scholarly qualities, he still wanted to ask clearly: “However, you said it is obviously harmful to your human body, so why is it a mineral?”

“Because the metal elements extracted from it can undergo a fusion reaction to produce extremely strong energy, I call it ‘nuclear fusion’.”

Li Lin had no intention of hiding this.

The Shurima Empire controls magic and has Ascendants who are comparable to demigods, and has little need for nuclear power.

After all, the astral magic they cast can easily reach the energy level produced by nuclear fusion.

Nasus scratched his head, “Nuclear fusion?”

For some reason, a ridiculous thought emerged in his mind that he was already behind the times.

As a celestial warrior, Nasus could easily tell that Li Lin’s aura was different from that of Vicola’s when they first met. It had become purer, as if a magician had controlled higher-level magic.

Moreover, there is a mysterious power faintly shrouded in his body. Even if his eyes can penetrate the human soul, he cannot see where this power comes from.

This mysterious little guy is definitely not a simple ordinary person.

During the brief silence, various thoughts flashed through Nasus’ brain.

Then, he waved it casually in front of Li Lin’s face, and the dark blue magic power surged, creating a magical barrier for him.

Before Li Lin could ask anything, Nasus took the lead and said, “In short, it’s still not very safe down there. This barrier can protect you, not only in the void, but also from being affected by the radiated energy.”

[You have obtained the astral magic blessing of Nasus! 】

Noticing the prompts on the system panel, Li Lin couldn’t help but look happy: “Thank you so much, Grand Bachelor!”

“No, it’s just a small amount of assistance between fellow scholars, not worth mentioning.”

Nasus gave a rare laugh and said, “Go down quickly. I can sense that the little girl’s devouring evolution has come to an end. It’s better to leave this land of right and wrong quickly.”

Li Lin nodded seriously, took out the rope that Kassadin had stuffed into his backpack and tied it to his body.

Sivir also provided help, fixing the other end in a crack in the hard rock.

Then, holding the Hex detector in one hand and pulling the rope with the other, he slowly descended from the side of the deep trench.

Through [digital thinking], Li Lin tried his best to avoid the place where Nasus’ magic sealed it, and finally went down to the bottom of the pit.

Looking around, there are potholes of different sizes and shapes everywhere, and countless hernias are drilled out of the rock formations, extending irregularly around in extremely twisted and weird postures.

A devastated scene that is shocking at the same time…

Li Lin calmed down a little and untied the rope from his body.

As his thoughts moved, he activated the high-frequency vibrating knife on his right arm and headed in the direction with the highest value displayed on the detector.

The hot blade can easily cut through the ground hernia as hard as metal, and his movements below are not restricted.

However, every time he passed a pothole, the detector would make a “beep” prompt, proving that there were still radioactive metal residues inside.

Li Lin couldn’t help but feel a little distressed.

This is an energy source that can generate so much electricity and drive so many mechanical creations!

However, when he arrived at the location shown by the detector, the depression in his heart immediately disappeared.

Radioactive minerals in the form of soil, powder, lumps, stalactites, kidneys, etc. filled the space where Li Lin was.

There are still a lot of ores, and the void has not completely swallowed them!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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