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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 177 Sea of ​​Bones, Axel Attacks

The reason why Li Lin chose to leave from Calixai was for two reasons.

First of all, with Nasus accompanying him, Rek’Sai’s threat is not that great.

It is just a creation of the void. Although it is the queen of the evil clan, it is not a threat to the warriors of the gods.

Even if he doesn’t meet Malzahar, he can still brush mobs to increase his “affinity” for machines, gain some experience to level up, and get some blue essence.

Secondly, the junction of Shurima and Icathia is Kohalise in the southeast of the mainland.

To get there, the quickest route is through the Great Seal to Wekaura and then into the adjacent Khali Se.

However, Li Lin felt that with Malzahar’s temperament, it was impossible for him to go out in a large, crowded city openly and openly.

Most likely, he would pass through the middle of the deserted Great Wall, cross the River of Life, pass through Calixa, and follow the southeastern mountains to the border of Icathia.

Ordinary people are afraid of the void burrowers, but Malzahar is the agent of the void. Rek’Sai and the Exes are too late to help him, so naturally they can’t hurt him.

Of course, Calixai occupies the southern third of the continent of Shurima.

If you want to find someone in such a huge golden ocean, it is very difficult even if it is not as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, few people dare to travel through Calixe unless they are desperate.

In addition, Malzahar always wears a purple robe, which is quite different from the caravan’s dress, so it is relatively easy to distinguish.

With the current semi-intelligent chip of the Storm Robot, the ability to identify objects is much better than before, and it is quite easy to identify a lone person wearing a purple robe.

Li Lin had already made a plan in his mind.

Zerima has quite a few Piltover caravans selling Hex Technology. She can purchase a wave of materials as a cover, and then buy some Storm Robots from the store.

Making something out of nothing once is enough.

If we do it again, not only Kassadin and the others will ask again, but Nasus might also be curious and ask. It would be too troublesome.

Anyway, Li Lin still has 4628 blue essences left, and he is not a mage, so most of the equipment in the store cannot be used.

A Stormbot without bullets or energy crystals is 100 Blue Essence, and has 24 energy crystals in his Dawn, which can power 12 Storms.

He planned to buy 12 Storms, combined with the original 13 equipped with chips, and let each of them take charge of an area and patrol Calixai throughout the day.

If you’re lucky enough, you might actually be able to catch Malzahar.

Li Lin discussed the next itinerary with Kassadin, Sivir, and Nasus, and planned to rest in Zerima for three days before setting off for Calixai.

In the past three days, Li Lin wrote IOUs to more than a dozen caravans in Pi City and purchased all Hex technology devices, including some precision mechanical devices.

He happened to gather the materials and made an auxiliary chip for the manually controlled storm robot.

In addition, he also made and installed signal enhancement devices for the storms so that the signals could be transmitted faster.

Li Lin stayed bored in the room for three full days. When the agreed time came, he walked out of the room with 26 storm robots, almost shocking everyone’s jaws.

If the storm robots that followed him before were like loyal guards, now they can be called a small combat force.

Under the astonished gazes of Weiner, his men, and the citizens of Zerima, Li Lin, Kassadin, Kasha, and Sivir mounted their newly purchased camels, followed by Nasus, who did not need a mount. The mighty force left the north gate of Zerima and headed north.

10 days flies by.

Li Lin and his party went up the Fuke River. When they reached the middle section, they changed direction and headed east instead.

Northerners call Calixai the “Sea of ​​Bones,” which is actually a good description.

Before they had fully entered the scope of this sand sea, they had already encountered many white skeletons of various large animals submerged in the yellow sand.

As a teenager, Kassadin ventured into Calixa several times as bait for death.

Fortunately, he survived.

Therefore, he was fairly experienced in navigating Calixa.

It would be impossible for a young man abandoned by a poor family to walk through this desert of bones and yellow sand for several seasons.

Most people were buried in Axel’s belly and became their nourishment.

And those who are as lucky as Kassadin have earned enough money to stay away from this place.

They would rather travel through the boundless “Endless Plains” Farajese than face the terrifying evil clan lurking underground, leaving people helpless to fight back.

However, Kassadin also knew a middle-aged man named Shaib who had been traveling on Calixai for more than ten years.

His reputation in the Seal Market is probably comparable to that of Kassadin when he was in Bergune.

Kassadin told Li Lin and the others that the basis of Calixai’s survival is a method called “foot-opening”, which every guide must learn.

A considerable number of Axels have no visual system. They rely entirely on some kind of sensory organ in their bodies to sense movement on the ground, and use this to capture prey that steps into their territory.

Camels cannot be ridden on Kaliksai, and the weight of people and cargo will greatly shake the ground.

Moreover, people cannot wear shoes when walking, which will increase the contact area between the feet and the ground, allowing the group of Axels to quickly sense it.

Not only that, because a camel walking too slowly will reveal its position, people must take steps when walking on the ground to be fast and quiet.

The first step to open the foot skin is to touch the big toe and roll outward until the entire sole of the foot touches the ground, then the body’s center of gravity can be shifted from the back foot to the front foot.

In addition, the sand in the desert is not as good as that on the beach. Opening the skin of the feet is a very painful process. It is usually accompanied by bleeding and the sand is embedded in the skin of the soles of the feet.

Some people inevitably suffer from suppuration and inflammation during this process. If it reaches that level, it means that the person is hopeless and will be abandoned by the guides and caravans.

The living environment in the desert is cruel.

Kasha, who had never heard such a story from her father, fell silent.

Looking at the bones on the ground again, she felt very uncomfortable, and her determination to get rid of the void became even stronger.

Sivir sighed quite a bit: “Fortunately, we have Nasus following us, so those Sha clan are not a worry.”

Nasus, who strode next to Sivir’s camel, exhaled heavily and did not refute this point of view.

“Our main target this time is Malzahar, but if we don’t catch him, getting rid of the void threat in this place can be regarded as killing the people.” Kassadin said in a dull voice.

“Is Rek’Sai, Queen of the Sha, right?” Nasus’ voice was low and hoarse. “They should be mutant forms of the Sand-lurking Beast.”

“Does Rek’Sai really exist, Dad?” Kai’Sa was curious about Rek’Sai’s legend. “You told me before that almost no one has seen its true appearance?”

“Because most of the people who have seen it are dead.” Li Lin answered first.

“Li Lin is right…” Kassadin was silent for two seconds, “But Shaib saw it later.”

“Really? Then…has he ever told you what Rek’Sai looks like?”

“It was a sandstorm, so he couldn’t see clearly. He could only vaguely make out that it was a huge thing that was hundreds of meters long.”

Kassadin sighed, “The caravan led by Shaib was completely wiped out. Only he and two young guys survived. Fortunately, the weather was bad and they saved their lives.”

“Ka’Sa, Rek’Sai’s level is almost the same as that of the tentacled mantis underground in the Songling Valley. If you devour it, your armor will evolve again.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Lin regretted it.

If Kai’Sa really absorbed the excavator, wouldn’t the ability evolve into burrowing…

Li Lin couldn’t help but shudder when he thought of her digging a hole in the ground.

No, no, my proposal is too outrageous…

Before he could change his words and Kaisha responded, Nasus suddenly perked up his ears, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, entering a state of alertness.

“Get ready for battle, I hear movement from beneath my feet!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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