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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 181 Advancement: Mechanical Heart!

Li Lin and Kassadin quickly discussed a simple plan:

Li Lin and the Storm Robot launched a frontal attack to attract Kog’Maw’s attention.

Kassadin took advantage of a suitable gap to tear apart the space and teleport directly to it, using the Blade of the Underworld to pierce its head.

This combat plan does not allow for any mistakes, and there is no backup plan.

If Kassadin failed to kill Kog’Maw, he would use the “Void Veil” to leave the material realm.

It might as well have alerted the enemy, preventing them from getting close to Kog’Maw again.

At that time, Li Lin can only make something out of nothing and buy a few Storms from the [Essence Store] to suppress Kog’Maw.

At worst, Kassadin was splashed all over his body by its corrosive acid, which penetrated all layers of defenses and died directly in the yellow sand.

Of course, with the level 8 [Steel Barrier] and the protection of Hex Power Armor that has almost all defense points, the possibility of the latter is slim.

The surrounding Axel has basically been cleaned up, and those who called Axel did not show their faces and howl, calling for their companions.

Kaisha and Sivir quickly ran to Li Lin.

All six air combat machines focused their firepower on Kog’Maw and fired artillery shells continuously.

In the blink of an eye, the two already damaged Storms were shot down by Kog’Maw’s acid because they failed to dodge in time.

Kaisha noticed that her father had walked into Kog’Maw’s blind spot at some point, and her face changed slightly, “What are you planning to do, dad?”

“He discovered the monster’s weakness and wanted to get close and pierce its core with the Blade of the Underworld.”

Kasha was startled, and immediately panicked, “But, but this is too dangerous! Dad…”

“This is his choice, believe your father.” Li Lin sighed while locking Kog’Maw’s attack.

He actually wanted to take the risk and attack Kog’Maw himself if he could.

It’s just that the high-frequency vibrating knife may not be able to penetrate its carapace, and the energy consumption of [Flash] is too high. It consumes 30% of the maximum energy at one time, and the transmission distance is only 50 meters.

Even if Li Lin turned on [Overload Operation], which he had never used before, and restored 24% of energy per second, he still couldn’t withstand using this function several times in a row.

After all, Kog’Maw has the final ability to act when he explodes before death. With his speed, it may not be enough to flash several times in succession.

Kassadin is different.

The Blade of the Underworld’s “Void Walk” has no cooling time. Depending on his body’s endurance, he can travel up to a few hundred meters, but it will only cause some damage to his body.

However, each time the shuttle is more than 100 meters, it is no problem to shuttle a few more times.

As the firepower continued to pour in, Kog’Maw’s attention had completely shifted to Li Lin and the others.

It responded with dense living artillery shells and biochemical barrages, forcing Li and Lin to dodge in a hurry.

Kassadin seized this opportunity, swung the Blade of the Underworld in front of him and jumped forward, disappearing into the material realm in an instant.

Kog’Maw seemed to be aware of the abnormality and stopped attacking directly.

On both sides of the huge mouth full of sharp teeth, four flashing green eyes rotated independently, and the tentacles on the head also swayed in the air, seeming to sense danger.

“The food…disappeared?”

In just one breath, one of Kog’Maw’s eyes suddenly flashed with a dazzling purple light.

“The power of the gods is dangerous!”

Kassadin emerged from the purple passage and stabbed forward with his right hand without hesitation.

The blade of the underworld cut through the air, as if it could penetrate even space, and stabbed straight towards the core of Kog’Maw.

At the same time, Kog’Maw quickly activated the “Void Curtain”, and his body that was already separated from bones was instantly wrapped in the purple of the void, becoming ethereal.

In the distance, Li Lin, Kai’Sa and Sivir’s hearts were beating fast, and their eyes were focused on the purple energy wrist blade.

Kassadin is very fast, but it is obvious that Kog’Maw escapes from the physical realm even faster.

In the blink of an eye, its figure was almost invisible to the naked eye, and physical attacks could no longer cause any damage to it.

However, as the weapon of Horok, who is proficient in space magic, the Blade of the Underworld is naturally not a mediocre weapon.

As the magic elements dispersed in the surrounding air continued to be injected into the wrist blade, the color of the underworld blade suddenly changed.

“Hmph! Where do you want to escape to?”

Kassadin’s movements did not change, his hand speed did not decrease, and he still stabbed Kog’Maw’s original position.


A sharp and painful roar spread into the minds of everyone present, reaching deep into their souls.

In the space of a heartbeat, Kog’Maw’s figure reappeared in the material realm, but the original yellow-green liquid on his body had turned into a purple-red color similar to the void, and spattered a large amount around him.

Kassadin was closest to Kog’Maw and was stunned for a moment by its final roar.

In such a short period of time, a large amount of more corrosive liquid than before was splashed on the “adaptive shield” of the power armor, quickly dissolving it.

There was a hint of crying in Kasha’s voice, and she shouted sadly: “Dad!”


Li Lin noticed that the HP of Hex’s power armor dropped to half in an instant, and his already nervous heart became tense.

Fortunately, Kassadin finally reacted, hurriedly withdrawing his wrist blade, and used the [Steel Barrier] deployed in advance with his left hand to block the large amount of purple corrosive acid, preventing the power armor from being penetrated.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched his hand behind him and hurriedly escaped into the space tunnel opened by the Blade of the Underworld.

Li Lin, Kaisha and Sivir all breathed a sigh of relief.

But without Kassadin as his target, Kog’Maw, who was covered in acid and seemed to be looking back, turned his cold eyes and looked towards Li Lin and others.

“Oops… get out now!”

Kog’Maw was extremely fast, running more than a hundred meters in just two or three seconds, greatly shortening the distance between him and them.

Fortunately, they were three to four hundred meters away from Kog’Maw, and the folding power armor also had the ability to [overcharge].

Even the slowest Sivir was more than two hundred meters away from Kog’Maw before it exploded.

With a loud noise that could pierce the eardrums, Li Lin, Kaisha and Sivir were thrown away by the irresistible shock wave and fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, Li Lin and Sivir’s power armor has good shock absorption, and Kai’Sa is also protected by living skin armor, so none of them were injured.

The three people quickly stood up and looked back. The sky was filled with yellow sand, and a deep pit with a radius and depth of about 50 meters was being filled by quicksand.

The air was filled with a smell that burned throats and lungs, even if the power armor had a breathing filter, it couldn’t stop it.

Li Lin blocked the outside air, put the power armor into air circulation mode, and called Kai’Sa and Sivir to quickly leave the area.

“Dad…where’s dad?!”

Because the dust in the sky blocked her vision, Kasha couldn’t see where Kassadin was, and she was so anxious that she almost cried.

She has already lost too much, but she cannot afford to lose her father, whom she finally reunited with…

“Don’t worry, Kasha, Kassadin will be fine.” Li Lin patted her shoulder gently, “I have asked Storm to search for his location.”


With Li Lin’s comfort, Kasha’s nervous mood eased a little.

Not long after, a staggering figure appeared in the dim yellow sand mist not far away.

“Dad!” Kasha couldn’t help shouting and ran over there.

Li Lin and Sivir followed her closely.

Kassadin seemed to be fine, but the Hex powered armor on his body was in tatters and had completely stopped functioning.

When the power armor loses power, it is just a pile of extremely heavy scrap metal that can only be dismantled manually.

It’s just that this set was severely damaged. Some of the mechanical parts were melted and stuck together, making it difficult to take them off by yourself.

Kassadin was stunned to drag this heavy piece of scrap metal over such a long distance.

Under the Void Helmet, Kasha’s eyes were filled with mist, and she suddenly threw herself into her father’s arms, unable to help crying softly.

Kassadin raised his arm helplessly, wanting to touch his daughter’s head, but the metal armor on his arm was too heavy, so he gave up the idea.

“Okay, okay, stop crying, you’re still like a little girl who hasn’t grown up.”

“I, I have grown up! You said it before!” Kasha let go of Kassadin, holding back her sobs, and said in a nonchalant tone.

Li Lin and Sivir laughed softly beside them.

Kassadin said helplessly, “Okay, okay, my girl has grown up…”

Then, he reached out and pulled off the mask on his face, narrowed his eyes slightly to protect himself from sand and turned to Li Lin, “I’m very sorry, I damaged your power armor.”

“I should be the one to say thank you…and since this set of power armor is tailor-made for you, it belongs to you.”

With that said, Li Lin helped Kassadin take off the scrap metal.

Fortunately, the three energy crystals inside were not corrupted by Kog’Maw’s slime, and Li Lin recycled them.

They stayed away from this place where the dust would not disperse for a short time, and stood on a small sand dune to look into the distance.

The very conspicuous Nasus, which was hundreds of meters tall, had already killed Rek’Sai and was dragging its huge body back from a few kilometers away. It might take a few minutes to return.

Taking advantage of this gap, Li Lin opened the system panel and checked a series of prompts that he had not had time to read:

[You killed the void burrower Axe (calling) for the first time and received 2 skill points and 200 blue essence. 】

[You killed 246 Axels, gained 3 skill points, and 788 blue essence. 】

[You killed 39 Axels (elites) and obtained 6 skill points, 1245 blue essence, and 68 orange essence. 】

[You help kill the Abyss Maw Kog’Maw (hero), increase your level by 3 levels, and gain 10 skill points, 2000 blue essence, and 1000 orange essence. 】

【Congratulations! You level up to level 35 and gain 8 skill points. 】

【Congratulations! Your “Machine Affinity” has reached the standard, and the prerequisites for professional advancement have been completed. 】

[Your “Machinist” career advancement is: Mechanical Heart! 】


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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