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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 182 Three Major Route Branches

Looking at the prompts on the system panel, Li Lin almost jumped up with excitement.

Although this battle is very dangerous, the higher the risk, the greater the reward.

His Blue Essence and Orange Essence rose to 4233 and 2102 respectively.

Not only wealth, as the level increased to level 35, Li Lin’s health and mana increased to 3610 and 1772 respectively, and his individual combat power was as high as 35, which was enough to fight against some well-trained and strong adults.

But these were not the things that excited him the most.

The most important thing is that the word “Mechanic” in the occupation column has been changed to “Heart of Machinery”.

After successfully advancing his career, his [Skill Panel] interface has undergone great changes.

The original “skill tree” is now clearer and more concise, divided into four major categories.

One category corresponds to various miscellaneous skills, and the remaining three categories correspond to the three major development routes of [Heart of Machinery]:

Inventor route, individual enhancement route and combat route.

The inventor route, as the name suggests, is the route that focuses on manufacturing various mechanical creations, focusing on theory, technology and manufacturing.

The prerequisite passive skill for this route is [Mechanical Soul], which can greatly improve your affinity for machinery, greatly improve the speed and quality of manufacturing machinery, and allow you to advance some basic mechanic skills.

The individual enhancement route focuses on the growth and transformation of oneself, which is divided into mechanical level enhancement and genetic level enhancement.

The prerequisite passive skill of this route is [Glorious Evolution], which has special bonuses for mechanical body and physical body strengthening.

The battle route is a more macro-scale battlefield control, controlling the mechanical army to suppress the target with firepower, and unlocking various dangerous technologies for war.

The front-end passive skill of the battle route is [Battlefield Ruler], which can greatly increase the production speed of various heavy industries, and can also increase the radiation control range of mechanical creations. There is no need to transmit signals for control over long distances, and it will also Greatly increases the attack power of the machines that fight with it.

Li Lin discovered that these three routes are not just a choice, but can be developed at the same time!

Only one skill point can be consumed for each skill in the main route he selected for each upgrade.

However, for the secondary route and the last route chosen, learning skills will cost an additional 1 and 2 skill points respectively.

Li Lin is very satisfied with this career advancement.

The previous mechanic profession had few exclusive skills at all, making it extremely weak.

Looking at it now, it’s not that the system gave me a random “machinist” job that is weak, but that I haven’t grown to the extent it should.

Without much hesitation, he quickly decided on his main development path: inventor.

As a machinist, theoretical skills are the most important.

After solving the bad things in Shurima, it will be too early before other major events in the future, so the battle route will not be of much use.

What’s more, I don’t know if the first arsenal that Li Lin commissioned Silko to build has been completed.

Later, he came to Shurima in a hurry, but some details were not done well. Even if it was completed, it could not be put into use immediately.

The development of the mechanical army by explosive troops seems too far away and is not suitable as the main route.

What’s more, the inventor route can also advance some basic mechanic skills.

I’m relatively flush with skill points, now totaling 61, which is more than enough to develop two routes at the same time.

As for the individual enhancement route, the mechanical amplification transformation is relatively simple, but it must replace my flesh and blood.

Powered armor is enough for me, but I don’t want to transform myself into a lump of iron.

Gene amplification also requires “nanotechnology”. My current level is not enough, so I won’t consider it…

Each route’s pre-passive skill must be level 5 to add 1 point, and the initial level is level 15.

Li Lin thought for a while and quickly invested 4 skill points in the [Mechanical Soul] skill.

Then, another series of reminders flashed in his mind.

[You have chosen the “Inventor” route as the main route. Upgrading skills only requires 1 skill point each time, the secondary route requires 2 skill points each time, and the third route requires 3 skill points each time. 】

[You have mastered the “Mechanical Soul” skill and unlock subsequent related skills. 】

[Your “Advanced Manufacturing”, “Machinist Introduction”, and “Mechanical Improvement” skills are upgraded to “Master Manufacturing”, “Mechanical Proficiency”, and “Mechanical Fine Decoration”. 】

[Master Manufacturing: Mechanical production speed is increased by 100%. 】

[Mechanical Proficiency lv7: The speed of learning mechanical knowledge is increased by 205%, and there is a 7% probability of learning artifact blueprints. 】

[Each skill level is improved by 1 level, the speed of learning mechanical knowledge is increased by 15%, and the probability of learning artifact blueprints is increased by 1%. 】

[Mechanical hardcover lv7: Spend mana and mechanical materials to improve and upgrade the mechanical device, which will inevitably produce rare-grade items (31% probability of rare upgrade artifacts). 】

[Each skill level is improved by 1 level, increasing the probability of rare upgrade artifact quality by 3%. 】

Li Lin was a little surprised that the [Advanced Manufacturing] skill, which originally belonged to the miscellaneous category, was also classified into this category after choosing the inventor route, and was upgraded to [Master Manufacturing].

Although [Machine Affinity] has not advanced, the basic machine manufacturing speed is increased from the original 25% to 50%.

In other words, the current mechanical affinity of lv7 has been increased from the original 55% production speed to 80%.

In addition to these original mechanic-specific skills, Li Lin’s current level 35 has also unlocked multiple inventor route skills.

[Extremely fast assembly: consume mana to quickly assemble mechanical parts into specific mechanical devices (the assembly speed depends on the skill level and the mana consumed, prerequisite: level 15). 】

[LAN Communication: Master computer and network base station technology (prerequisite: Level 15). 】

[Mechanical principle analysis: Master advanced mechanical technology (prerequisite: level 20). 】

[Intelligent AI: Master artificial intelligence technology (prerequisite: level 25). 】

[Smart chip: can make smart chips (prerequisite: auxiliary chip lv10, level 25)]

[Electromagnetism: Master the theory of electromagnetic and magnetic field technology (prerequisite level: level 35)]

Most of the skills in the inventor route are related to theory and technology, which makes up for a considerable part of Li Lin’s knowledge gaps that he could not learn from Piltover.

In the future, there will be more theories and technologies that are more advanced than earth technology, such as laser technology, material compression technology, nanotechnology, hot/cold nuclear fusion technology, and even anti-gravity technology, hyperspace technology, etc.

Of course, in addition to the dazzling variety of knowledge, Li Lin also discovered that the three major routes were actually connected to each other.

In the individual enhancement route, “nanotechnology” that can modify genes needs to be learned from the inventor route.

The basis for controlling mechanical creations in the battle route is the theory of “LAN connectivity” and “mechanical principles”.

In other words, “inventor” is actually the cornerstone of “individual strengthening” and “combat”.

Without it, the development of the other two routes will only be difficult.

Li Lin was glad that he had chosen the right path.

As the ground trembled under his feet and there was a loud “bang”, Li Lin’s thoughts temporarily converged and returned to reality.

Nasus had thrown Rek’Sai’s body aside and returned to his normal form.

He walked up to Kasha and said: “Kasha, maybe you can absorb its corpse and evolve new abilities… This time, I tried to keep its core intact.”

Kai’Sa bowed to Nasus very excitedly, “Thank you so much, Grand Maester!”

“If anything unexpected happens during the devouring process, call me as soon as possible and I will help you.”

Kai’Sa said hello to Li Lin and Sivir, trotted over to Rek’Sai’s body, stretched out her hand to let the skin armor sense the parts of its body that allowed it to evolve.

Kassadin turned around and nodded to Li Lin, then followed closely beside his daughter.

With nothing to do, Sivir also followed their father and daughter to Rek’Sai’s body, ready to see how Kai’Sa devoured this void monster.

Only Li Lin and Nasus were left here.

Nasus’s pulsing red eyes looked around, taking in the distant post-war situation.

“It seems that the battle on your side was quite fierce. I sensed the aura of a powerful and special void creature. Did you kill it?”

“It’s all thanks to Kassadin. If it weren’t for his bravery, we might not be able to defeat that monster.” Li Lin said modestly.

Nasus chuckled, his eyes resting on Li Lin, “I can feel that you have become stronger.”

Third update today, please recommend and vote for me (ˊωˋ*)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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