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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 184 Resurrection Messenger

Led by the Huangsha soldiers and Nasus, Li Lin and his party bypassed the surrounding gathering areas and entered the City of the Sun from the bridge.

After the experience of Vikora, Nasus has decided to resume his duties and no longer hide himself.

The sun’s rays reflected from the sun’s disk shone on Nasus’ dark body, making him even more divine.

Along the way, many Shurimans lowered their heads spontaneously, knelt down on one knee with their hands folded, and performed the highest Shurima etiquette on Nasus.

Although the armors of Li Lin and Kai’Sa, as well as the remaining 17 floating storm robots behind everyone, are also eye-catching, they are ultimately not as impressive as the well-known Grand Maester.

After crossing the bridge, Li Lin parked the storm robot at the door. The group entered the city through the opposite golden gate. The noisy environment suddenly became much quieter.

Generally speaking, the inner city of City of the Sun is not open to ordinary people.

Only during some grand ceremonies or ascension ceremonies, the Shurima Emperor would order the city gates to be opened to allow ordinary people to enter the inner city.

However, Shurima suffered a once-in-a-century desert storm not long ago. Azir allowed all the people who came to seek refuge to hide in and protected them with a barrier formed by the power of the gods.

This is one of the main reasons why more and more people are coming to seek refuge and praise him.

Everyone was walking on a golden avenue paved entirely with gold, and some people already lived in the golden marble buildings on both sides.

They were young men who had sworn fealty to the Emperor and were training to become Golden Warriors.

Facing the respectful gazes of many people, Li Lin, Kassadin, Kasha and Sivir were filled with emotions.

Li Lin mainly lamented that he had witnessed the re-emergence of an empire, and felt excited and shocked in his heart.

Before the time travel, there was no landscape on earth that could compare with the magnificent scenery in front of us.

Kassadin didn’t care about the country’s problems. He only thought about how to cure his daughter and then seek revenge on Malzahar.

Facing this scene, Kasha was more nervous and uneasy, and endured the pain in various parts of her body, mainly due to the influence of her living skin.

Sivir felt the blood in her body boiling, and an unfounded sense of pride and responsibility filled her heart.

This is the glory that belongs to the ascended bloodline!

With their own thoughts in mind, they remained speechless all the way until they reached the stage of ascension.

A tall woman with dark skin and a strong figure wearing a white robe exclusive to the Shurima royal family happened to slowly walk down the ascension steps, followed by two rows of fully armed yellow sand warriors whose faces could not be seen clearly.

Her long hair was combed into multiple long braids, separated by gold hair accessories, and key parts of her body were wrapped in golden battle armor. From the golden necklace and shoulder pads around her neck, the chain connecting the gold wrist guards hung naturally, and a Azir’s Spear Staff is similar, and the red stone staff symbolizing the emperor is held tightly in his left hand.

The woman stood two meters away from Nasus, slowly lowered her head, made a fist with her right hand and placed it on her left chest, bowed slightly and performed a standard traditional noble etiquette to Nasus.

“In compliance with the orders of the God-Emperor, Dat Paoa is here to welcome you back, Grand Maester.”

Nasus nodded to her and said, “Paoa… I remember this surname. Your ancestors are related by marriage to the royal bloodline.”

“Now, as the resurrected messenger of the God-Emperor, I will promote the name of the great God-Emperor and help the Shurima Empire return to its peak.”

“…Resurrection Messenger?”

“This is a newly created position by the God Emperor. When the empire’s new golden ambassador is confirmed, I will lead the golden warriors to travel across the continent and bring the divided city-states back under the control of the City of the Sun.”

The Golden Light Ambassador is the most powerful envoy of Shurima, and generally assists the emperor in resolving conflicts between various city-states within the empire’s territory.

To be elected as the Golden Light Ambassador, it is not enough to just have a relationship with the royal family. You must have extraordinary intelligence and outstanding magical talent.

Not only that, but it also needs to go through layers of testing under the control of heavenly warriors who are good at spiritual magic.

Azir has ascended, and he can do this himself.

However, the descendants of many nobles who were once worthy of his trust have been lost in the long river of history, and their bloodline has withered.

The rest are either without magical talent, or are illiterate with no knowledge and know nothing, and there are even guys with evil intentions who want to make a fortune by using the identity of their ancestors…

Finally, there was a Dat Paoa, but she had no magical talent and was not qualified for this responsibility.

In desperation, Azir established a new position under the Golden Ambassador – the Resurrection Messenger.

It just happened to be in line with his return and the re-emergence of the empire.

In addition, he personally awarded Dart the magic scepter that symbolized the royal family. No matter where she went, she was like an ambassador of golden light, symbolizing the face of the empire.

It’s normal for Azir to create new positions around him. When he was still a normal person, he did it often to exclude dissidents.

Nasus didn’t pay much attention, “Yeah, I understand.”

Dart smiled slightly, “The God-Emperor has been waiting for you for a long time.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she moved sideways to make way for Nasus.

Only when Nasus passed by him and climbed up the stairs did Dart return to his original position.

With a gentle smile on her face, her green eyes quickly swept across several people, and finally settled on Sivir, “I will give you water and shade, Princess Sivir.”

Hearing this title, Sivir couldn’t help but shudder, and waved his hand with a look of disgust, “Well, just call me Sivir…just forget about the princess suffix.”

“I can understand.” Dart suppressed his smile slightly, showing a heroic spirit, “I heard from the God Emperor that you were a mercenary before you knew about your royal bloodline.”

Sivir looked away and curled his lips, but did not respond to her.

Mercenaries can only be regarded as a lowly occupation in Shurima, similar to desert guides, slightly better than miserable scavengers and despised bandits.

Although Sivir was not ashamed of her profession, hearing this from Dart always made her feel uncomfortable.

As if he understood what Sivir was thinking, Dart sighed softly, “Actually, your fate and mine are the same.”


Sivir raised his eyebrows and returned his gaze to the so-called “Resurrection Messenger”.

“The Paoa family has long since declined…Before the return of the God-Emperor, I was just a treasure hunter who made a living by hunting for treasures, often risking my life by wandering around Soangsa Sand Falls.

“I heard that the sun disk was rising again in the middle of the desert. I originally wanted to try my luck and went to the City of the Sun. As a result, the God Emperor personally accepted me and gave me the scepter of resurrection.”

Sivir, the Soang Sasha waterfall, has heard about it. It is located in the southwest corner of the City of the Sun, close to the Garden City that was once destroyed by the World Rune.

Many people will throw their beloved items off the cliff of the sand waterfall as tribute to the Ascended Ones, so this place has become a paradise for treasure hunters.

Sivir did not deny Dart’s self-described experience.

The temperament she displays is different from ordinary people. At first glance, she has experienced hardships and knows the hardships of life, but she has not forgotten the teachings of her ancestors and has received a good education.

The so-called Azir behind Kodakt personally accepted her and let her serve as the messenger of resurrection is too “simple” and is completely exaggerated.

Without extraordinary intelligence and selection, how could she become Azir’s confidant and even climb the steps to ascension at will?

Sivir knew that she was trying to get close to him, so he simply stopped talking and chose to ignore her.

What the God-Emperor said was indeed true. The princess’s character really hasn’t left the rebellious period…

A glimmer of light flashed in Dart’s eyes, and then he looked at Li Lin, Kassadin and Kasha, with a warm smile reappearing on his face.

“You must be Li Lin and Kassadin, right? I have also heard the God Emperor mention you. You fought for Shurima and the void in Songsing Valley. He already knows everything through the Yellow Sand Warriors.”

“You are exaggerating. In fact, this is all the credit of the bachelor.” Li Lin said modestly.

Then, Dart’s eyes turned to Kai’Sa, and he noticed that the armor on her body seemed to be different from the Hex technology on Li Lin’s body.

“……Who is this?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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