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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 2 Mechanic Panel

“Mr. Li Lin, would you like coffee or tea?”

In the luxuriously decorated living room of Gila Mann’s house, a maid was preparing tea for Li Lin.

“Tea, thank you.”

“You’re too polite. This is my duty.”

The maid placed a cup of tea with a faint fragrance on the table in front of Li Lin.

“Madam will come to you soon after finishing the interview for today’s apprenticeship. If you need anything, just call me. I’ll be outside.” After saying that, the maid bowed to Li Lin and walked out of the living room.

After no one was around, Li Lin, who had been tensed up, finally breathed a sigh of relief and muttered to himself: “Sigh… Sure enough, it’s not easy to come to a different world.”

Li Lin is a time-traveler who not long ago traveled through and replaced the Ionian boy of the same name who worked as a handyman in a compass repair shop at Sun Gate Pier.

Relying on his “experience” in various games, movies and novels, as well as the memory of the original owner of his body, he quickly figured out what kind of world he had come to – Runeterra in League of Legends.

Since his “birthplace” randomly ended up in Piltover, the cultural center of the entire continent of Valoran, which values ​​innovation and has the reputation of “City of Progress”, Li Lin was naturally not willing to be a wage earner and wait to die.

In this city that is full of steampunk and fantasy, and is far from the real historical trend, it is not difficult to reach the top of life as long as you know how to innovate and have dreams.

As the annual Evolution Day approaches, Li Lin, who has a modern mind, quickly made his goal clear:

Copy homework.

At first, he wanted to be a copywriter and bring the novels, comic scripts, etc. he had read into the world.

This is the easiest and easiest way to become famous. Anyway, no one will go to another world to sue you for infringement.

However, when an emotionless and mechanical sound sounded inexplicably in his mind, his thoughts changed…

[Name: Li Lin]

[Occupation: Mechanic]

[Level: Level 1]

[HP: 465/465]

[Mana value: 50/50]

[Combat power: 5]

[Skills to master: basic manufacturing, data-based thinking]

[Wealth: 0 blue essence, 0 orange essence]

[Insufficient level, function not unlocked…]

After Li Lin awakened the golden finger, the system generated a machinist profession for him and “considerately” gave him a [digital thinking] skill.

Digital thinking can temporarily digitize the world in front of him like in the game by consuming mana.

For example, when reading a book, he does not need to read it word for word, but a progress bar will be displayed.

When the progress bar is full, he will know the contents of the book well.

Li Lin came to the Gila Mann family’s “voting certificate” and designed it based on this skill. He learned a lot of mechanical principles in Pi City and combined it with the knowledge he had learned in school.

Since Piltover’s overall technology at this stage is only at the level of steam technology, with some alchemy technology added at most, and has not even had an industrial revolution, devices that require a lot of energy rely on Hex crystals.

But according to Li Lin’s understanding of the background, Hex Crystal technology is monopolized by Camille’s Philos family, and is expensive, polluting, and unstable.

After comprehensive consideration, he decided to bring more economical and practical “electricity” to the world.

Not only can you gain a place in this progressive city as soon as possible, but it is also in line with your professional characteristics as a mechanic.

After a brief daze, Li Lin took a sip of the slightly cooled tea and began to measure the luxuriously decorated living room.

The most eye-catching thing among them is a huge family portrait hanging on the wall of the stairs leading to the second floor next to the sofa.

The Gila Manns also had a little girl armed with a Mauser.

Caitlin Giraman, the daughter of the Giraman family, will become the captain of the Piltover Police in the future.

The reason why Li Lin chose to come to the Gila Mann family was because of her.

As one of the heroes of the League of Legends game, Caitlin can basically be called the protagonist of Piltover in the background.

While Li Lin’s eyes were lingering on the family portrait, he suddenly noticed a figure at the corner of the stairs on the second floor from the corner of his eye.

When he moved his eyes to look, he found that it was a girl who was somewhat similar to the little girl in the family photo, but was much older.

She has blue eyes, dark purple hair tied into a short ponytail hanging behind her head, and she is dressed in a brown hunter uniform, with a Bilgewater-style Mauser rifle on her back.

How come I was just thinking about Caitlin when she came…

After seeing the figure clearly, Li Lin immediately put down the cup and stood up, “May the gears turn in the right direction, Miss Gila Mann.”

“May the gears turn in the right direction, sir.”

Caitlin nodded slightly, came down the stairs, walked to Li Lin and stopped, curiously looking at the boy who was about her own age.

The workmanship of the clothes on his body is very rough, and the fabric is the cheapest on the market. He should not be a member of a certain family.

The man is a little thin and looks malnourished. He doesn’t look like a Piltover or Zaun person. He’s quite attractive. He should come from the East.

It just so happens that the evolution day is coming soon, and the family is recruiting student workers these days, and he should be the student worker here for the interview.

But the interview should be in the interview room. If you can be invited to the living room and there is tea, you must have some special talent that has attracted the attention of your mother…

Caitlin quickly analyzed the information she had just observed, and then quickly looked away.

“Congratulations. It’s rare for my mother to value someone so highly. The last one was Jace. You should have met him just now.”

“Uh…thank you.”

Li Lin scratched his head, wondering for a moment how Caitlin knew this since she was not at the scene.

But I felt relieved after thinking that Caitlin was one of the top crime-solving experts in Piltover.

“Miss Gila Mann is going out hunting?”

“Yes, I like to track wild deer in the mud of the forest, or practice my gun skills with hares.” Caitlin smiled, “This is one of the few recreational activities that my mother allows.”

As soon as Caitlin finished speaking, the side of the living room leading to the corridor, the door that Li Lin passed by when he came, made a creaking sound, and the Gila Manns walked in.

As soon as she saw her parents, a sweet smile appeared on Caitlin’s face, “Mom, Dad, did the interview go well today?”

“Oh, the gears are turning. Except for the first young man from Ionia, the inventions of the later apprentices are simply a mess. No one can pass the test…”

Caitlin’s father noticed Li Lin standing next to the sofa. His somewhat depressed expression suddenly changed and he laughed.

“Yes, he’s this pretty nice young man. It seems you already know him. His intelligence is as good as Jess’s!”

“Really…” Caitlin looked at Li Lin again, with a strange look in her eyes.

This was the first time she heard her father praise someone so much. Even Jace didn’t receive this kind of treatment when he first entered their home.

Moreover, Jess was considered by many tutors at Piltover University to be a genius inventor, and he would definitely achieve great results in the future.

What kind of work did this Ionian boy design to win such favor from his father? Are you even comparing it to Jace?

Caitlin had doubts in her heart and became very interested in Li Lin.

“Okay Kate, if you’re going to the outskirts, go quickly. We still have business to talk about.” Caitlin’s mother arranged her clothes, “Remember not to come back too late.”

“Got it, Mom.”

Caitlin waved to her parents, turned to Li Lin and nodded, and walked out of the house without looking back.

Next, only Li Lin and Gila Mann were left in the living room.

“Li Lin, can I call you that? After all, we will spend a lot of time together in the future, and I don’t like overly polite names.

“At home, you can call me Lady Karina and my husband Mr. Elroy, but outside you have to call me Senator Gila Mann.”

Karina and Elro came to sit opposite Li Lin one after another.

“Your wish, Mrs. Karina.” Li Lin said respectfully.

“Please sit down, don’t be too restrained, our family is different from the Myrdalda family, we don’t have too strict family rules.”

Karina lightly crossed her right leg over her left leg, crossed her hands on her lower abdomen, and leaned half-reclining on the back of the sofa.

When Li Lin sat down again, her expression was serious, but the corners of her mouth curved slightly, and she slowly said:

“I think Mr. Li Lin is a smart man, so let’s not talk nonsense and get straight to the point…”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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