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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 205 The Alchemist Baron is causing trouble again

In the living room, Valentina made a pot of tea for Li Lin and Kasha.

It would take some time for Caitlin to get from Greville Street to the college.

During this period, Li Lin asked about Valentina’s current situation.

Since she introduced her invention to people in Agnostic Square a few months ago, many families have become interested in the project and are discussing investment.

However, Valentina always believed that this kind of dangerous technology could not be applied to ordinary life and was mastered by those Piltover families.

She is only prepared to cooperate with the Piltover police, and her use must have the tacit approval of the Council.

The first time she was harassed was more than three months ago.

At that time, several Zaan gangsters equipped with alchemical technology-enhancing prosthetics came to the door and said they wanted to borrow some money to spend.

But not long after, the law enforcement officer who patrolled at night happened to arrive at her house. The gangsters heard the sound and ran away without daring to stay any longer.

Valentina thought they were just ordinary robbers, but they were a little too blatant, so she didn’t take it to heart.

It was over the next few weeks that she began to realize something was wrong.

Every day, animals of various ways appear in her yard, from ordinary cats and dogs, to shadow rabbits, plague rats, and even stone beetles and swamp frog babies.

Valentina called the police, but when the law enforcement officers came to see what was going on, they only concluded that it was a prank by some gutter boy.

It wasn’t until the first death threat letter arrived that she finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Because she didn’t often interact with people and her family was not alive, Valentina chose to ask Heimerdinger for help and applied to live in the college.

But things didn’t stop there.

She still felt that the world felt unreal, and that there was always some kind of terrifying existence staring at her in the dark corners.

In the following weeks, the situation became more and more intense. She began to feel that someone was whispering threats in her ears every day, and there was always an inexplicable ringing sound in her ears…

Valentina became more and more excited as she spoke, as if these memories aroused the fear deep in her heart, and her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably again.

“This is just an illusion, Valentina, calm down!” Li Lin quickly comforted her.

Then, he stood up, opened the window, and let the five storm robots that had just arrived fly into the house.

Valentina was stunned, “…is this?”

“The combat robot I developed is called Air Combat Machine Storm. They have semi-intelligent auxiliary chips that can automatically identify enemies.

“Wait until Caitlin comes to find out the clues, and we will help you deal with the people behind the threat. You don’t have to worry when we leave, they will protect your safety.”

As soon as Li Lin finished speaking, there was a “dong dong” knock on the door of the apartment. It was Caitlin.

He stood up and opened the door. Wearing a tight-fitting suit suitable for combat and a brown-red beret, Caitlin stood in the corridor holding a suitcase containing a Predator sniper.

She heard a familiar sound, and her attention was attracted by the storm robot floating in the room. She frowned slightly, “It looks like the matter is serious?”

“Well… let’s talk inside.”

Li Lin turned sideways first, leaving enough space for Caitlin to enter the house.

Then he stood by the door and looked left and right into the corridor.

The law enforcement officers still stood at their posts and seemed to have nothing unusual.

Li Lin did not take it lightly. He controlled a storm robot to guard the door, and then locked the door.

Among these law enforcement officers, there may be undercover agents sent by the mastermind family behind the scenes, and the following conversation must not be known to them.

Looking back, Caitlin had already taken out her notebook and was asking various detailed questions, even as specific as what she ate for three meals a day, who she had met recently, whether she had received any new threatening letters, etc.

He couldn’t understand what he said on the phone, and it might be monitored by someone behind the scenes, so Li Lin didn’t say much.

After Caitlin finished asking the questions, she began to carefully check inside and outside each room, and finally stopped at the trash can in the living room and knelt down on one knee.

“Did you find anything?”

Li Lin stepped forward and saw her digging out a few scraps of paper from the full trash can, and was stunned.

The [Digital Thinking] panel in his mind showed that there were residues of the “Mental Confusion Potion” on these scraps of paper.

“Trash can…why didn’t I think of that? Those guys actually put the potion on the letter.”

Caitlin turned around in surprise, “Potion?”

Valentina mentioned this just now, but her thoughts were confused and she couldn’t explain clearly.

“It is an alchemical potion that can cause hallucinations. If taken in excess, it will cause irreversible damage to the human spirit and even death.” Li Lin explained.

“The fact that it can be applied to letters means that this agent can affect people through the gas produced by volatilization. Valentina said that she has read every threatening letter.”

Caitlin lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment, “Her condition is very serious now. She should have started inhaling the medicine you mentioned when she received the first threatening letter…”

She took out a transparent evidence bag from her small satchel, put all the torn threatening pieces of paper in it, and carefully put them back into her satchel.

These scraps of paper stained with the remnants of alchemy potions are evidence and must be kept well.

Then, Caitlin stood up and looked at Li Lin, “According to the current clues, this matter should be related to a certain alchemist baron in the bottom city.”

Today’s alchemy barons, except Lenata, all surrender to Silko, but this does not mean that they will listen to him in everything.

They are the rulers of Zaun, and it is only natural that they collude with the Piltover family to do some shady things.

What’s more, Valentina doesn’t have the support of her family, so the alchemy barons are not afraid.

Li Lin thought for a moment and added: “But he or they are not the mastermind behind this. They were just bribed by a certain family in Pi City like those law enforcement officers.”

“Smart!” Caitlin raised a slight smile on her lips, “You know Fander, maybe we can ask for his help.”

“Fander… Speaking of which, I haven’t seen them for a long time.”

Li Lin couldn’t help but picture the faces of Bao Bao, Wei, and Ike in his mind.

He went to Shurima in a hurry and didn’t have time to go to the dark alley to talk to Bakuba.

Although he later wrote several letters to Bao Bao while traveling in Shurima, he didn’t know if she received them.

But even if she received it, according to her little temper, she would definitely complain when she saw her, and she might even be scolded by Wei, saying that she left without saying goodbye and made Bao Bao sad.

Fortunately, he bought a lot of souvenirs when he came back from Shurima, which Bakuba would like…

A flash of helplessness flashed in Li Lin’s eyes, which quickly calmed down and turned serious.

Quite a few of the Alchemy Barons are still a threat. Even with Silko to control them and the previous killing of chickens to scare the monkeys, they can only be stabilized for a while.

He felt that this time was just an opportunity to bring down those alchemy barons with different intentions and unify the power of Zaun.

Of course, centralized power cannot be handed over to Hilko, nor can it be left to the family, otherwise it will easily cause misunderstandings and arouse Hilko’s suspicion…

Various thoughts flashed through Li Lin’s mind.

He took a deep breath, waved to Kasha, indicating that he was ready to leave, and turned his eyes to Caitlin again.

“Without further ado, let’s go to Zaun first.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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