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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 207 Oswald Asylum

Passing by the door of Gila Mann’s house, Li Lin and Caitlin both wanted to let Kasha go back first.

However, she believed that there would be fighting on their trip to Zaun, insisted that she could help, and begged to go with them.

After comprehensive consideration, Li Lin agreed to Kasha’s request.

By the way, he gave Chen Guang, who was filled with Shurima specialties, an order to switch it to follow mode before he could take it out.

If Bao Bao doesn’t run out to play at this time, these gifts will come in handy.

Li Lin, Caitlin and Kasha, who put on their breathing filters, took the elevator down to the dark alley and soon arrived at Forgan’s Tavern.

It’s still early, the tavern hasn’t opened for business yet, and Fandel is carrying the newly delivered supplies from the supplier.

Seeing a familiar person out of the corner of his eye, he immediately put down the wooden box in his hand and wiped the sweat off his hands and forehead with the towel on his shoulder.

“May the haze not enter your home! Li Lin, Miss Gila Mann, you haven’t been here for a while.” Fandel came up to him with a smile, and looked at Li Lin who unfolded his mask, “Explosion I’m talking about you every day.”

Li Lin unfolded the armor on his right hand and punched him lightly as a greeting after not seeing him for a long time.

“I hope the haze doesn’t enter your home. Isn’t she here today?”

“I ran out with Wei, Clegg and Milo early in the morning. Ike has returned home recently. They should be looking for him.”

Li Lin nodded, feeling a little relieved.

They hadn’t seen each other for so long, and there were important things to do now. Even if he brought a gift, he probably wouldn’t be able to stop the clingy little girl’s “offensive.”

Fandel noticed that Kai’Sa, who was wearing a purple carapace, also thought her living skin was Hex technology. “Huh? This child is…”

“Her name is Kasha, Kassadin’s daughter.”

“Is that the Shuriman who was drinking in my tavern before?” Fandel’s mind showed Kassadin’s decadent appearance, “But didn’t he mean that his wife and daughter… uh.”

He hesitated and glanced at Kasha who was looking around.

As if aware of someone staring at her, Kaisha turned around and looked at Fander.

Those deep purple eyes that seemed to sparkle with a strange light made his heart tremble slightly for no reason.

That’s the look in the hunter’s eyes.


Why do I feel scared?

This is just a little girl, even though she is wearing a set of Hex powered armor.

It shouldn’t be…

Fandel withdrew his gaze and stroked his beard in confusion.

“Kassa doesn’t understand Piltover Common, so don’t worry.” Li Lin stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her hair. “She was lucky not to be swallowed up by that disaster. I only found him when I returned to his hometown with Kassadin.” of her.”

It’s okay that he didn’t explain. But when he said this, Fandel’s confusion deepened.

It was just that Li Lin didn’t seem to want to disclose more details. He guessed that it belonged to Kassadin and Kasha’s privacy, so he didn’t ask any more questions.

“You seem to have changed a lot during this trip to Shurima.” Fander said with a smile.

“I hope you don’t mean that I’m tanned.” Li Lin joked a little, “I agreed to Jace’s request and worked with him to build the Hex Flying Gate.”

Hearing what Li Lin said, Caitlin on the side couldn’t help but look away, glanced at Kasha, and shook her head helplessly.

Building a Hex Flygate?

It’s like you really made a difference.

Fandel didn’t understand this and was surprised: “Oh? You’re talking about the towers being built in the upper city in the past few months. What about something that can span the entire Runeterra in a few seconds? I thought that thing was a lie. of.”

Li Lin smiled and explained: “The Hex Flying Gate was invented by Jace. The teleportation technology that uses technology to control magic has passed various tests. Even the parliament specifically ordered to invest in its construction.”

“Technology controls magic?! Has Hex technology developed to this extent?” Fandel was shocked.

In fact, the crystal used by Hex Technology has always been technology control magic, but Jace and I stabilized it.

Li Lin kept a polite smile and added in his heart.

Fandel took a deep breath and quickly calmed down his emotions, “Looking at the way you are today, something must have happened, right?”

Li Lin turned to look at Caitlin.

This kind of thing still needs professionals like her to do it.

“Yes, there is one or some alchemist barons who have been bribed by a certain family in the upper city. They have been harassing a professor at Piltover University for the past few months. They have even used hallucinogenic drugs that have irreversible effects on the nerves. An alchemical potion of influence.”

After receiving Li Lin’s look, Caitlin said sternly, “The alchemist baron violated the “Artisan Protection Law” in the upper city. I think we need to arrest him and send him to the court for trial.”

“That professor is our friend.” After Caitlin finished speaking, Li Lin added.

Fandel’s thick eyebrows knitted together, his left arm crossed in front of him, dragging his right elbow, and his right hand rubbed his face.

“This couldn’t have been done by Silko, right? The alchemist Singed is his subordinate, and he may be studying this potion.”

Since taking charge of the border market, Hilko has not taken action against the black alley, but instead intends to reconcile with Fandel.

Fandel missed his old relationship, but he also needed to assess the emotions of his subordinates, but the relationship with Hilko was not as tense as before.

However, the relationship between the two of them can no longer go back to before the “Ashes Day” incident a few years ago.

“I have negotiated with Hilko before and asked Singed to improve the shimmering potion. The results have only been achieved recently. He has no time to study hallucinogenic potions that affect the mind.”

Li Lin paused for a moment, “Besides, Silko has made an agreement with me and will never take the initiative to attack Pi City again. I think he won’t be stupid enough to do such a thing that violates the agreement.”

“It’s just that there is no reason in theory, but Hilko still has the motive to do this. I don’t trust that guy.” Caitlin interjected.

“I understand.” Fandel looked solemn, “Even if Silko is in charge, those alchemist barons will still have different intentions… You came here this time to ask which people are more suspicious, right?”

Li Lin nodded lightly in affirmation.

In fact, to deal with the Alchemist Baron, it would be better to find Silko, but Caitlin didn’t want to have contact with that guy, so Li Lin had no choice but to give up.

“Well, if there are alchemists under his command, there are a few alchemy barons who are dissatisfied with Hilko’s command…”

Fandel thought for a moment and read out a few names: “Middenstock, Spender, Adrian and Raymond Keane.”

Middenstock knew Li Lin. He was forced into desperation by Lenata and had no choice but to cede his own interests in exchange to obtain Hilko’s protection.

He had only heard about Adrian and Raymond Keane, but didn’t know much about them.

As for Spender, he had never heard of him. He should be the newly promoted Alchemy Baron.

“Spender…I’ve heard of that name.”

Li Lin looked at Caitlin who was speaking in surprise.

“He is a Vastayan who is accustomed to using a pair of stun clubs. He killed his boss, Baron Leanne Nickover, two months ago and took over his business empire.”

“Good guy, then he doesn’t have much to do with the Valentina incident, so we can rule it out.”

Emotions You have forgotten all the detective thinking patterns I taught you before.

Caitlin glanced at Li Lin, “To be precise, the priority is not as high as the other alchemy barons. He is still a suspect until the murderer is completely found.”

Then, she asked Fander: “Can you tell us about the other three alchemy barons?”

“Middenstock, who had a business dispute with Gorask before, turned to Silko, but he was just a faggot, wavering, and now he has renewed his relationship with Gorask.

“Adrian is an all-round alchemy technology transformer. He transplanted his head into a mechanical body. Perhaps under the influence of alchemical potions, he became very cruel… He sponsored the research and development of many alchemical potions, which may have Research into what you call hallucinogens.

“And Raymond Keane, to be honest, this guy is a complete scum!”

It was rare for Li Lin to see the good-tempered Fandel showing such an angry look.

“He sponsored more than ten alchemy workshops, and he also funded the establishment of the Oswald Lunatic Asylum on the lower half floor of the middle square.”

“Bedlam? Oswald?”

Li Lin inexplicably thought of Arkham Asylum in Gotham City, a city with simple folk customs.

Moreover, this name felt very familiar to him, as if he had seen it somewhere before… he couldn’t remember exactly.

“Oswelle Asylum, a place where treatment methods were inhumane, prescription drugs were questioned, and there was speculation that alchemical drugs were abused for human experimentation.”

Caitlin’s expression turned gloomy, and she seemed to have a deep resentment towards this lunatic asylum.

“The Piltover police have received reports from the residents of the Mid-rise Plaza more than once, but every time they conducted raids, they could not find any evidence that could be used to accuse Dean Oswald. They could only continue to let this lunatic asylum continue to operate. .”

“Yes, my subordinates told me so.” Fandel clenched his fists. “Raymond Keane is too low-key. All the rumors are just rumors and there is no evidence. Otherwise, I would not have let them in.” Mix in the middle square.”

He stared at Li Lin and Caitlin, with anger in his eyes, “Actually, some of the patients in the lunatic asylum had no mental problems at all before, but then they suddenly went crazy… He is the one most suspected of making hallucinogenic drugs. No one else.”

“I think so,” Caitlin agreed.

She looked sideways at Li Lin and said, “I think we can start at Oswald Asylum first. We can sneak in secretly and see what’s going on inside.

“Even if he has nothing to do with hallucinogens, and he is not the murderer of Valentina, at least we have to find evidence that they tortured patients in the lunatic asylum. We must not let this scourge slip through the law.”

“You’re right, let’s start with Raymond Keane.”

Li Lin closed his mask again and glanced at the two standby “mini unmanned reconnaissance levitation balls” on the right side of the holographic display.

“Just in time, my new invention will come in handy.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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