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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 211 Are you interested in working for me?

Li Lin helped Dorian forcefully remove the shackles, and introduced Caitlin and Kaisha to him.

The name of the Gila Mann family is quite resounding. In addition, many facilities that improve people’s livelihood in Di City are sponsored by Gila Mann. The people of Di City still have a good impression of them.

The first thing Dorian did when he got up was to pat Li Lin on the back, which was a gesture of friendship from him.

Caitlin and Ka’Sa didn’t understand the purpose of his move, so they declined him.

After checking the secret room, they violently knocked on several other locked blast-proof doors.

The situation inside made Dolain, who was still defending Raymond Keane, silent.

In the huge room, several huge transparent glass tanks were filled with formalin liquid, and there were several disemboweled naked people floating in them.

The dilapidated operating table and the ground were stained with blood. Various organs and limbs that did not belong to the same person were randomly discarded everywhere and allowed to rot and become covered with maggots.

The shelves and tables in the corner of the room were filled with alchemy potions of various strange colors and supplies that were completely torture tools, and the surface was also covered with dim red patches.

The pungent smell of disinfectant and formalin mixed with the stench of rotting corpses in the air.

There was no breathing filter, and even Dorian, who had been hanging out in the lower level of the middle-level square and in the ditch area all year round, couldn’t help but feel nauseous and vomiting.

There is even a first-generation version of the shimmering potion among these alchemical potions.

Caitlin suppressed the feeling of nausea, took out the Hex camera from her bag, and recorded all the crimes in Oswald Asylum.

Piltover rarely carries out executions, except for prisoners who were shot dead during arrests. There was one case in a few years that was quite extraordinary.

This incident was too bad, and she wanted to report it to her mother.

Not to mention others, Baron Raymond Keene and Dean Oswald must be sentenced to death!

On the way from the basement back to the ground, all the way to the east main entrance of the asylum, Dorian kept his face downcast, feeling very depressed.

With Li Lin’s intentional guidance, he realized that Baron Raymond Keen had sent him to such a ghost place as a material for human experiments just because he stepped on his toes.

In Dorian’s mind, the “good image” of the accomplished Raymond Keane had been shattered.

Of course, this is actually just his wishful thinking…

The battle at the front door has ended. Except for a few guards who were killed by Severka and another thug and failed to survive, the rest, including Raymond Keane and Osweld, were all lying in a mess. In the front yard.

Not only that, the law enforcement officers who received the report acted very quickly.

Because it was transferred to Sheriff Grayson’s office in the name of Caitlin, she personally led two teams of elite law enforcement officers wearing charged armor and fully armed to take a private Hex pressure transport aircraft down to the middle square and arrived. madhouse.

Severka, Cord, and another thug have left. Fander has 4 suitcases placed next to him and is talking to Grayson.

Seeing Li Lin and Caitlin, Grayson immediately came up to them, “Caitlin, Li Lin, how did you end up in this lunatic asylum?”

Caitlin didn’t talk too much and took out the photo she just took out of her bag and handed it to her.

“Chief Grayson, look at this.”

“……This is?”

Grayson took the photo in confusion, looked down at it, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

As the heart-wrenching photos came into view, her face became increasingly gloomy.


Her angry voice attracted the attention of all the elite law enforcement officers present.

A man with a mustache and not a tall figure ran over. He was Grayson’s adjutant.

Marcus saluted Grayson, “Sheriff!”

“You lead a team of people to handcuff all these people and put them in prison. The others will follow me to the basement!”

“The way to the basement is a bit complicated, I’ll take you there.”

Caitlin gave Li Lin a look, and then led Grayson to the sinful place of the lunatic asylum as a guide.

After they left, Fandel walked up and said, “Thank you for the power armor. It helped us a lot.”

“This is what it should be.” Li Lin looked in the direction of Caitlin, then looked back at Fandel: “I didn’t expect you to know Chief Grayson.”

Fandel recalled the verbal non-aggression contract he made with her, and shook his head, “It’s just a matter of the past.”

After a pause for two seconds, he changed the subject: “Have you found any evidence? I think Chief Grayson seems very angry.”

“Yes, the underground operating room has conclusive evidence.”

Li Lin pointed at Dolain, who was standing not far away, staring blankly at Baron Raymond Keane who had just been handcuffed by Marcus.

“The man we heard those two crazy doctors talking about before was the man sent by Baron Raymond Keene. We rushed to save him before those two doctors performed surgery on him.”

Fandel casually took out the cigarette pouch from his pocket and lit a cigarette, nodding thoughtfully, “Well… that big guy looks a little dull, maybe he offended Raymond Keane.

“But at least we have solved the problem of a mid-level plaza. Everyone doesn’t have to worry about being caught as mentally ill when they go out on weekdays…

“By the way, what are you going to do with the other patients in this mental hospital?”

“They were originally normal people, but many of them were tortured and went crazy.” Li Lin sighed, “I am going to ask the law enforcement officer to send them to a normal lunatic asylum. If they can be cured, they will be okay, but if they cannot be cured…”

His words stopped abruptly.

But even if Li Lin didn’t say it, Fandel understood what he meant.

In fact, except for the lucky ones like Dolain who have not been transformed or completely crazy, most of the patients are hopeless and can only live in such a muddle for the rest of their lives.

However, Li Lin still had an idea in his heart that he didn’t tell Fandel.

If you master the technique of strengthening individual branch routes, curing these people should not be a problem.

“I’ll try my best.”

The arrest went smoothly.

Caitlin took Sheriff Grayson to investigate the crime scene and collected a lot of new evidence, which was enough to sentence all the attending doctors of this insane asylum to death, and the medical staff and thugs to life imprisonment.

When Adjutant Marcos called for 3 additional teams of ordinary law enforcement officers, they captured all the suspects and took them back to the Piltover police station. They then transferred the mental patients to another guaranteed mental hospital in Zaun at the expense of Gila. The Mann family is responsible.

After eliminating a threat in the lower half of the middle-level square, the names of Li Lin and the Gila Mann family were mentioned again. Many citizens even came to Fander with gifts and asked him to transfer the gifts to Li Lin and Caitlin. .

Of course, this is all a story for later.

All suspects have been arrested and no one has escaped the net.

The law enforcement officers sealed Oswald Asylum, and they will then inspect and confiscate the property inside, and then auction the land.

But through his relationship with Grayson, Li Lin made an unofficial reservation here at a price slightly higher than the market price.

He changed his original plan and planned to transform it into a special mechanical parts manufacturing factory to produce materials needed to assemble intelligent chemical engineering troops.

It is then shipped to another location for assembly, such as the arsenal Silko built at his own request.

Later, Kasha followed Caitlin back to Piltover. Fander was no longer needed for matters here, and he also returned to the tavern.

Outside the lunatic asylum, Li Lin walked up to the disappointed Dolain and patted his shoulder gently, “What are you going to do next?”

“I… don’t know.” Dorian’s voice was filled with sadness.

“Before she died, my mother hoped that I could make a difference, and I joined Baron Raymond Keane’s staff in order to one day be able to fulfill my mother’s wish.

“What a pity…sigh.”

He sighed heavily, “I have nothing left Iron Man. I’m afraid I will never be able to become as great a person as you in this life.”

“Who said that? Your character and dreams are your wealth.” Li Lin smiled, “Are you interested in working for me?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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