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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 220 Gene Enhancement Potion

November is here and Piltover is about to celebrate its annual Evolution Days.

The narrow streets are full of festive joy, and the people coming and going have already put on the latest fashionable clothes, pushing bicycles, and rolling up their cuffs to proudly reveal the watches on their wrists.

The closer the festival gets, the orphans from the ditch will compete with law enforcement officers in the north and south cities. Taking advantage of the crowded crowd, they will use the knives they carry to cut off people’s satchels containing wallets.

Not only has the Piltover police case surged recently, with no fewer than a hundred reports being received every day, but Caitlin is also extremely busy and has basically no free time.

Kasha, on the other hand, follows her tutor every day to learn the lingua franca of the two cities, and along the way, she learns the basic knowledge and etiquette that children of Piltover nobles must learn.

Not only that, Li Lin also asked Caitlin to invite a retired elite law enforcement officer who had previously taught her fighting skills to train Kaisha’s fighting skills. Her daily life was quite fulfilling.

During these days, Li Lin first applied for patents on smart chips, computers and other technologies, and then asked Mrs. Karina to arrange to add new cutting-edge instruments and production lines to the auxiliary chip manufacturing factory to produce smart chips.

He didn’t forget Zaun’s arsenal either.

After all the materials prepared by Hilco were ready and shipped to the factory, Li Lin spent two days and immediately started upgrading all the equipment.

Since the assembly plant has not yet started construction, he can only temporarily change some of the production equipment to equipment used for assembly.

Now, we only need to put materials into the machine, and we will soon be able to produce a large number of intelligent mechanical engineering robots, laying the foundation for future development.

Mundo is currently in charge of this arsenal, and he assured Li Lin that he will do his best to maintain normal operations here.

In addition, Li Lin obtained the ownership of Oswald Asylum through the relationship between the Gila Mann family and Grayson.

He has arranged for manpower to transform it into a mechanical parts production factory.

Li Lin normally reported to the Piltover Law Enforcement Department and passed the approval, naming it “Oswelde Machinery Factory” and not intending to hide anything from the outside world.

He wanted to produce parts normally there, sell most of the common parts to external parties, and use a small number of precision parts for his own use.

In this way, it will not only bring him income in addition to the Gila Mann family’s patents and sales profit dividends, but also create employment for Zaun citizens.

The owners of the old cannery on the edge of Black Lane Pier and the Wells Distillery on the northwest side of the mid-level square have both passed away and lost their ownership.

As long as the alchemist baron who controls this area agrees and pays a sum of money, anyone can take it as their own.

The old canning factory is under the jurisdiction of Black Lane Fander, and the Wells Distillery happens to belong to the territory of the alchemist baron Ranner.

Li Lin didn’t even spend a penny. He just told Fandel and sent Lanner a sound transmission tube. After receiving a positive reply, he obtained the ownership of these two abandoned factories.

He renamed the Wells Distillery “Wells Mechanical Parts Processing and Assembly Plant” and reached a cooperation with Lanner.

Half of the factory’s production lines are used to produce mechanical parts, and the other part is used to assemble robots, which has been approved by the Piltover Department of Law Enforcement.

However, this is where Li Linming ostensibly uses to deal with the source of his engineer robots. He will also recruit some workers to work here.

The old cannery in Black Alley is another place Li Lin plans to build as a black arsenal.

There are also two production lines arranged here, one part of which can be used for ammunition and micro-missiles required by Infinity Armor, Air Combat Machine Storm, and UAV groups.

The other part is the module assembly line, which is mainly used to assemble storm robots and combat drones using parts produced by other factories.

After arranging the Zuan matter, Li Lin has been spending time in his workshop.

The housekeeper had already purchased all the necessary cutting-edge equipment according to his requirements, added several new workshops to the workshop, and prepared the experimental materials he needed.

The new generation of flying Yuan Project·Infinite Armor, Biological Armor and Tyrant Mecha are not in a hurry.

Li Lin wanted to show off his new achievements at the Evolution Day Conference, and there were still two weeks left on Evolution Day, which was enough time.

His first task is to develop a “gene enhancement potion”.

It is not a reliable thing to rely only on the armor. Coupled with the weak body, learning some advanced techniques will have a great impact.

The formula of genetic enhancement potions is complex, but the materials are very common, except for a few rare materials that are controlled by the Department of Law Enforcement.

However, with the help of the power of the Gila Mann family, these scarce control materials were prepared in less than half a day.

In the chemical and biological laboratory of the workshop, Li Lin looked at the 10 glass medicine bottles that were well sealed on the small shelf on the workbench and fell into deep thought.

Gene enhancement potions can only be used three times per person, and the fourth time will have no effect.

There is no doubt that subcutaneous injection has the best effect. It only takes 3 times, and it should not be a problem to surpass Marvel’s strongest “50-50” American captain Steve Rogers.

Suffering a little pain is nothing, but the problem is what percentage of the probability it will cause the genetic sequence to collapse.

The effect of taking it is less than half of that of subcutaneous injection. Three pills can only strengthen the physique of an ordinary adult 5-8 times at most.

Li Lin thought for a long time and still decided not to take the risk.

Anyway, there are so many ways to increase the strength of the physical body as the level increases, and maybe you can even “match the gods with a mortal body.”

It’s not worth risking your own life for the maximum effect of three bottles of strengthening potions.

After thinking about it, Li Lin picked up a bottle of gray-white potion, pulled out the cork, and drank it in one gulp.

Different from the elegant and sweet taste of Dawn Oasis’ water of life, the genetic enhancement potion has no taste, but unlike plain water, it has a sticky feel.

The cool liquid slid down his throat and into his stomach. Li Lin sat on the chair and waited quietly for a while, “Huh? Why don’t you feel anything?”

He scratched his head, looking a little confused, “It shouldn’t be…or am I already strengthened?”

Li Lin opened the system panel and looked at his data. There was no change in health, mana and combat effectiveness.

He didn’t believe in evil, so he ran to the experimental room next door, controlled a storm robot to fall on the table, and then tried to lift it.


Can’t lift it.

“It doesn’t work on me? It’s impossible… My physique is not even comparable to that of Jace. This shouldn’t be the case.

“Or is the potion ineffective because it failed to be made?”

Li Lin went back and picked up a bottle of potion, turned on “digital thinking” and took a look at its properties.

“That’s okay? What’s going on?”

He did not believe in evil, so he uncorked the bottle and drank the gray-white liquid in the bottle.

After more than ten minutes, I still didn’t feel anything at all.

“I’m sorry! Is there something wrong with the way I take it? But the introduction just mentioned taking it and subcutaneous injection? Is it possible that taking it orally won’t work with my body type? Shouldn’t it?”

Li Lin frowned tightly and picked up another bottle of potion, preparing to conduct another experiment and test.

But as soon as he put on the protective clothing, there was a “dong dong” knock on the door of the workshop.

This rhythm of knocking on the door is Kasha’s habit.

Li Lin put down the potion in his hand, walked outside and looked at the clock on the wall, “It’s already past 12 o’clock. Time flies so fast.”

He shook his head helplessly and opened the door for Kasha.

The little girl with her hair tied into a ponytail was standing at the door. When she saw Li Lin, her moist eyes narrowed slightly and an excited smile appeared on her face.

“Ling Ling!” Kaisha shouted in Piltover Common, which she had learned for several days.

But her accent was several times heavier than her father Kassadin’s, and Li Lin almost didn’t realize that she was calling him.

“It’s Li Lin.” He corrected softly.

“Hmm…” Ka’Sa lowered her eyes, blushed slightly, and switched back to Shurima: “Sorry, Common Language is a bit difficult to learn.”

“There is nothing to apologize for, your pronunciation is just not very standard, not to mention you have only learned it for a few days.

“I was learning a second language, but I didn’t learn it after more than ten years.”

Li Lin smiled, gently rubbed Kasha’s little head, and comforted her with his own experience of learning English before traveling through time.


Kasha looked like “I don’t believe it”, “But the pronunciation of your common language is basically the same as that of sister Caitlin?”

“I’m not talking about common language.” Li Lin changed the subject, “By the way, have you finished your morning class?”

Kasha pouted, seeming to express her dissatisfaction with Li Lin’s unwillingness to answer her question.

However, she did not dwell too much on this issue: “The language class in the morning is over. Teacher Weijia is busy today, so she shouldn’t be able to teach me fighting skills in the afternoon.”

A flash of light flashed in Kasha’s purple eyes without any concealment, and was easily caught by Li Lin.

“Then, I’ll take you out for a walk this afternoon. Piltover’s Evolution Day is the busiest day of the year.”

“That’s so kind of you!”

After all, Kasha was still a child, so she was a little curious about class at first.

As the boring and tedious knowledge increased, her playfulness gradually returned as she no longer had to fight.

“But we have to eat first…” Li Lin’s words stopped abruptly.

Kasha noticed something strange about Li Lin, “Li Lin, are you okay?”

In just a few seconds, he who was originally normal felt as if he had been exposed to the sun for dozens of minutes in the Great Wall of Shurima. The skin all over his body seemed to be cooked, and heat was radiating visible to the naked eye.

“I’m so… so hot, the medicine is taking effect!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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