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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 223 The Blessing of the Illuminati

More than ten minutes ago, it was on the second floor of the Hex Technology audio store on a commercial street in the southern city of Piltover.

Seraphine was sitting in front of the window of her room, with her arms on the window sill and her hands on her cheeks. She had a slight smile on her delicate little face. From time to time, her pair of blue eyes swept across the street as she passed by the door of her store. person, humming softly the beautiful tune she composed.

As a Zaunite born in Piltover, she has had a special ability since she was a child – listening to other people’s voices.

The sailor’s call of the Sun Gate, the whistle of the apprentice, and the melody of people’s conversations on the street are the best accompaniments for her daily singing.

Seraphine’s parents knew about her ability and wanted her to study at the School of Magic at Piltover University.

However, due to family constraints, they worked hard all their lives. They moved from Zaun to the upper city before Seraphine was born, and opened a Hex audio repair shop. They didn’t have much money left.

The tuition at Piltover University is beyond the reach of an ordinary family like theirs.

Unless Seraphine reaches the age of 16 and applies for the college’s exam, which will exempt most of the tuition and fees, or a family must sponsor her so that she can study as a child.

However, they don’t want their innocent and innocent daughter to become a “weapon” in the hands of those dirty nobles to make money, and then lose themselves.

Therefore, they have never sent a transmission tube to any family or written a sponsorship application letter.

But as Seraphine grows older, her abilities become more and more effective. What she can hear is not only the singing in people’s hearts, but also everyone’s soul——

Whether it’s kindness or cruelty, all kinds of incongruous noises and secrets have an increasingly obvious impact on her.

Several children with slightly shabby clothes and dirty clothes ran past on the street downstairs. The strongest boy headed by them was waving a delicate small bag with the strap cut off in his hand, and he would turn around from time to time and say something to the law enforcement officer who was chasing them. Make faces.

The smile on Seraphine’s face disappeared instantly, and the extremely inconsistent and chaotic sound lingered in her ears again.

She sighed slightly, stood up and closed the window, then glanced at the small alarm clock on her bedside table, her face changed slightly.

“Oops! It’s almost four o’clock, I almost forgot to chat with Granny Yiai…”

Seraphine hurriedly grabbed the powder blue coat on the hanger at the door, spoke to her parents who were busy repairing the stereo downstairs, and ran out of the store.

As the Evolution Day approaches, the celebration of joy and laughter has dispersed most of the negative emotions in the city.

In addition, in the past year or so, a young craftsman from the Gila Mann family has emerged. He not only improved the Hex Crystal, but also brought cheap and affordable basic electricity and many convenient daily necessities.

With the improvement of the quality of life, the hostility in people’s hearts has decreased a lot. Seraphine, who was once deeply affected by her own abilities and stayed behind closed doors every day, has recently come out to listen to the harmonious tunes in people’s hearts like she did when she was a child.

Although occasionally there will still be uncoordinated and messy sounds like just now…

Seraphine admired Li Lin very much and had read various reports and magazines about him. She had always wanted to meet this genius among his peers. What kind of young man was he who ranked among the top few in Pi City’s personal wealth list at such a young age? What kind of person.

Only in the past few months, she heard that Li Lin was sent by the family to Shurima to build the Hex Flying Gate, and he would not come until recently.


I have to find an opportunity to walk around the northern city and see if I can meet him.

Otherwise, I have to wait until the Evolution Day. Maybe I can squeeze in and see him among the crowd outside.

Seraphine made up her mind.

Accompanying people’s voices, she hummed all the way, and when the mechanical clock in the Zodiac basement was ringing, she arrived at No. 6 Street where Granny Yiai’s stall was located.

But before she had taken a few steps, a murmur that was more disorganized than what she had heard before reached her ears, piercing her spirit.

“What on earth is going on with this sound?”

Seraphine’s expression was slightly painful, and she subconsciously stopped and looked in the direction of the source of the sound, which happened to be Grandma Yiai’s stall.

There stood two figures wearing power armor, one tall and one low.

She recognized the person wearing the black streamlined armor at a glance as Li Lin. As for the little girl beside him who was probably a few years older than herself…

This sudden discordant sound, which could even be described as a mental pollution sound, came from her heart…

No, it came from the “power armor” on her body.

Seraphine’s pretty eyebrows were furrowed deeply, and the inexplicable murmur in her ears seemed to be swallowing her up.

She covered her ears, but she couldn’t block the sound that penetrated directly into her body and reached deep into her soul.

Suddenly, Seraphine’s sapphire blue pupils shrank slightly, and she realized the problem: “No, that’s not right… That’s not a powered armor, that’s… living!”

She wanted to escape from this place, but her thin body was shaking uncontrollably and she couldn’t move at all.

“How could…” Seraphine was so anxious that she almost shed tears.

She was afraid that if she didn’t leave, she would be affected by the magic sound and lose herself completely.

However, this feeling was barely suppressed until a strange young male voice sounded: “Are you okay?”

With tears in her eyes, Seraphine looked up and saw a familiar face that she had often seen in newspapers and magazines and that she had always wanted to see in person.

“Mr. Li Lin?”

“It’s me, this beautiful and lovely lady. Happy Evolution Day.”

Li Lin noticed Seraphine’s abnormality from afar, and immediately used “digital thinking” to check her situation, and found that her mind was affected by the “Whisper of the Void”.

He knew Seraphine’s ability and immediately realized that this might be the influence of Kaisha’s living skin armor.

So Kai’Sa stayed there for the time being and ate sweet cakes while he spent 875 blue essences from the [Essence Store] to buy a cross pendant called “Illuminati’s Sanctuary”.

The Illuminati is a secret sect in Demacia that has the tacit approval of the government and the Demon Searchers organization. They only accept members who can use magic, and most of them are children of nobles, which is equivalent to protecting them in disguise.

This pendant is made of rune iron made of forbidden magic stone, which can significantly reduce the effect of magic. By absorbing the wearer’s magic power, it can reduce the impact of magic talents on them.

“Happy Evolution Day… I’m sorry, Mr. Li Lin, I’m feeling a little unwell right now and want to go home…” Seraphine almost finished the sentence through clenched teeth.

She was happy to see Li Lin and be able to talk to him.

But now is not the time to talk to someone you admire.

“I can see that you are being negatively affected by your magical talents.”

Li Lin ignored Seraphine’s astonished expression and handed the pendant in his hand to her, “It’s called the ‘Illuminator’s Asylum’. It can suppress your magic talent and make you feel better.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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