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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 225 The Third and Fourth Generations of Infinite Armor

It is getting late, and half of the sun in the west has merged into the sea level.

Since the law enforcement officials don’t pay much attention to Zu’an’s affairs, the security of the border market at night still needs to be improved. There is no shortage of brainless people in this world.

Li Lin didn’t want to cause trouble, so he took Kasha back home.

The hands of the clock in the corner of the room had reached eight o’clock.

Kasha has recently fallen in love with the feeling of taking a hot bath. Soaking in hot water can relax her second skin and relieve the stinging sensation, so she went upstairs and returned to her room early.

Li Lin took off his armor and sat on the sofa in the living room of the main house wearing the new casual clothes he had made in a hurry. He made a pot of tea, asked the servant to serve a plate of Caitlin’s favorite pastries, and then waited quietly.

More than ten minutes later, the door of the living room rang softly, and a familiar sound of footsteps reached his ears.

Caitlin, who looked a little tired, had just arrived home after finishing her afternoon work.

As soon as she stepped into the door, a faint scent of tea penetrated into her nose, making her feel a little relaxed.

Caitlin raised her pretty eyebrows and noticed Li Lin sitting on the sofa, and asked curiously: “Huh? Are you waiting for me?”

“Who else can I wait for besides my dear wife?”

Caitlin, who was walking towards Li Lin, had goosebumps all over her body and couldn’t help but poke him out. “Are you okay today? Why are you so numb? Why don’t you be normal?”

She sat down next to Li Lin elegantly, and he put his arm around his shoulders, “Why am I abnormal?”

“Don’t make trouble… Mom, Dad, and Kasha are still at home.”

This kind of intimate behavior no longer makes Caitlin feel shy. In fact, she also enjoys this feeling.

She just felt a little uncomfortable because she was worried about being seen by her parents, especially Karina.

Caitlin wanted to pull Li Lin’s hand away, but his body had strengthened so much that she couldn’t move his vise-like fingers.

“Don’t worry. The housekeeper said that mom and dad will be having dinner tonight and won’t be back until very late. Kasha has already gone back to her room to take a hot bath. I also told the housekeeper and servants that no one will disturb us.”

“You’re so good at planning…” Caitlin picked up the slightly cooled tea and took a sip. “Tell me, you are so attentive tonight. Do you have something to do with me?”

Hearing what she said, Li Lin suddenly became unhappy, “Why can’t I come to you if I have nothing to do? We haven’t been able to get along well for a long time.”

He didn’t leave Caitlin time to answer, so he leaned into her ear and whispered, “I miss you.”

Feeling the hot air blowing by her ears, Caitlin’s delicate cheeks showed a slight blush.

When those four words were spoken, her body instantly softened, and her face rested lightly on Li Lin’s shoulder, “You are really…”

Li Lin smiled and kissed her forehead gently, “Actually, I’m waiting for you tonight because I want to measure your measurements…”

Feeling the flesh on his waist being pinched by his thumb and forefinger, he quickly explained: “What I mean is, I want to measure your body data. In a few days, I have a gift I want to give you.”

“Huh?” Caitlin raised her face and looked at Li Lin with her sapphire-like eyes. “What kind of gift requires using my body’s data… Wait, you can’t do it?”

She suddenly thought of something, and her tone was full of surprise.

“I want to tailor-make a suit of armor for you.” Li Lin chuckled, “I have had this idea for a long time, but it has never been realized.”

Caitlin was very moved, but soon showed a hesitant look, “But I don’t have any dangerous cases on weekdays. Isn’t wearing power armor a bit too high-profile?”

Li Lin reached out and scratched her nose, “What’s so high-profile? I don’t wear power armor every day and go out?”

“We are different. I have a gun, and I know how to fight. If I beat you ten times…” Caitlin caught a glimpse of the bulging muscles on Li Lin’s arms from the corner of her eye, “Forget it, just pretend I didn’t say anything.”

“Just in case, don’t you occasionally take on some dangerous cases from Piltover police? I’m worried about you…and the armor I develop for you will be different from the one I’m wearing now.”

Caitlin’s heart felt slightly warm, but her attention was more attracted by the difference in his mouth: “A very special kind?”

“Of course the gift I give you must be special.”

“Can you reveal a little information first?”

“Well…kiss me first.”

Caitlin frowned and quickly pecked the corner of his lips.

“That’s it?” Li Lin shook his head dissatisfied, “Not enough.”

“But you said kiss me, and I did it.” Caitlin raised her index finger and raised an arc at the corner of her lips.

“Hey, so cunning.”

Li Lin stared at her for a moment, then suddenly held her back with one hand, passed under her legs with the other hand, and picked her up in a “princess hug” position.

“Yeah! What are you doing?” Caitlin lightly hammered his chest with her right hand, “Stop making trouble, put me down quickly… What if someone sees me?”

Li Lin walked straight towards the stairs, “It doesn’t matter, I don’t care.”

Caitlin was stunned for a moment, “Wait a minute, where are you going to take me?”

“Where else can we go?” Li Lin lowered his head and stared at Caitlin’s slightly panicked face, raising his eyebrows lightly. “Go to your room. I want to measure the precise data of your body so that I can make a armor for you.”

Early the next morning, before it was even bright, Li Lin got up refreshed.

After drinking two gene-enhancing potions, his body was strengthened in all aspects.

Whether it was physical or mental, Li Lin didn’t feel the slightest bit tired or sleepy even though he barely slept at all last night.

On the contrary, Caitlin, who exercised every day but did not drink the gene-enhancing potion, was different.

Li Lin put on his clothes without making any sound, then opened the door gently and took a quick glance at both sides of the corridor.

After making sure no one was there, he walked out and quickly returned to his studio on the top floor.

Originally, Caitlin was afraid of being discovered by her mother, Karina, and had long asked him to leave.

But after discussing how to make the armor, and having an in-depth exchange, plus the fatigue of a day’s work on the case, she fell into a deep sleep and had no time to care about Li Lin.

Back in the studio, Li Lin immediately took out two blank drawings and began to conceive and perfect the design ideas for the new generation of armor.

First of all, with the “electromagnetism”, “particle control” and “thermodynamic equivalent control” technologies, plasma thrusters can be produced and can be applied to the infinite battle armor.

In addition, Storm and Dawn can also be upgraded, breaking away from the most basic energy thrusters and equipped with intelligent systems, thereby greatly improving mobility.

The “Plasma Cannon” can also be used as an upgraded replacement weapon for the “Electric Shock Cannon”.

Although in terms of safety, plasma cannons add a bit more instability risk than electric energy concussion cannons.

But with the “high compression material” and the “crystal armor coating” of the armor, the danger of the plasma cannon is almost negligible.

Not only that, “particle manipulation” and “thermodynamic equivalent control” gave Li Lin new ideas:

The high-energy death rays of the armor are infrared rays and have limited power.

If coupled with electromagnetic theory, he is fully capable of further upgrading the rays into ultraviolet laser rays, which can greatly increase the power of the rays.

Waiting until later to unlock higher-level technical theories, upgrading to X-laser rays, even gamma laser rays, and particle lances is not a problem.

In addition, the “optical camouflage” function will also be installed on the armor, which will greatly enhance Li Lin’s stealth ability.

Although he has always believed that “stealth” can be equated with “unparalleled”, as long as the enemies are dead, no one will know that I have been here.

However, if you have too many skills, this function will always come in handy…

In terms of kinetic weapons.

If the second-generation Infinity Armor can be loaded with 1,000 rounds of projectiles and 20 mini rockets.

So with “high-density compressed ammunition” and “ammunition loading efficiency”, the third-generation infinite armor can load 2500 energy projectiles and 45 mini rockets!

Combined with “electromagnetic weapons” and “ammunition improvement” technologies, a compressed projectile can be launched at an initial speed of almost four or five times supersonic speed, and can penetrate almost anything.

The upgrade concept for the third generation Source Project Infinite Armor was quickly completed.

Li Lin still does not plan to change its appearance, but only adjusts its functionality.

It was still early, and he began to continue designing the fourth generation of infinite armor, also known as “biological armor”.

Coupled with the characteristics of Zach cells, the biological armor has strong environmental adaptability and can be transformed into any style of ordinary clothing and worn on the body.

The premise is that a template is required for scanning and recording, and depending on the quality of the clothing production materials, only 3-5 sets of clothing can be recorded at most.

In times of crisis, only one command is needed to activate it, and it only takes three or four seconds to form full-coverage armor.

In terms of look and feel, it will be no different from ordinary clothes.

The armor Li Lin plans to tailor-make for Caitlin is also based on the Source Project Infinity IV.

With the fourth generation of armor, you no longer need to wear a suit of iron to go out on the street.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Because it has not yet reached nanotechnology, the fourth-generation Infinity Armor is not light in weight, and it is more troublesome to wear on a daily basis. It cannot completely take off a certain piece of clothing alone.

Although it weighs less than a quarter of the third-generation armor, it does not have any power support when it is inactive, and it weighs at least close to 100 kilograms.

With Caitlin’s small body, she probably couldn’t even walk a few steps wearing it.

Of course, this set of fourth-generation armor should be used with genetic enhancement potions, so that there will be no burden.

Li Lin planned to give the improved potion and armor to Caitlin in a few days.

In addition, the fourth-generation armor is also far inferior to the second-generation armor in terms of defensive performance and attack methods.

First, convenience needs to be considered.

Since the crystal armor plating cannot be changed, only compressed materials can be used on its defensive armor.

As a result, less than fully stable plasma cannons, plasma thrusters, Gauss machine guns, mini rockets, and folding high-frequency vibrating knives cannot be applied to this suit of armor.

Fortunately, the electric energy concussion palm cannon, shoulder cannon, high-energy ultraviolet laser rays, and functional and defensive modules can still be used, which is much better than the Source Project·Infinite Generation.

At least suitcase-folding power armor could be completely eliminated.

After completing the design drawing, Li Lin rushed to his workshop without stopping.

He first went to the biochemistry laboratory and drank the third bottle of gene-enhancing potion in one gulp, then controlled the second-generation Infinity Armor and returned to the large workshop outside to start the upgrade work.

After completion, a series of testing work is required to ensure that it operates normally and does not go wrong at critical moments.

Today will be another busy day.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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