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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 23 My name is not Jinx, my name is Blast

After Wei talked a lot with Li Lin, and then told him some things that needed attention and caution, she, Craig and Milo climbed up the wall from the balcony and left.

Now, only Li Lin, who was breathing a little relieved, was left in the room, and Wei carried him to a chair and sat down, his eyes wide open with some nervousness.

There was silence in the air.

In order to ease the slightly dull atmosphere, Li Lin took the lead to break the silence: “Your name is…Jinx, right?”

“Jinx?” Bakubo’s eyes flashed with a blank look, “My name is not Jinx, my name is Bakubo.”


Li Lin choked on her words, and suddenly thought that the fat boy just called her that.

It turns out that Jinx called Blast before she went crazy.

“Sorry, I confused you with a little girl in my memory.”

Li Lin found a reason to turn over this topic and looked down at his watch.

“It’s half past six now. Dinner at the Gila Mann family starts at seven o’clock on time. I guess we have to wait for dozens of minutes. It’s safest to wait for everyone to eat.”

“I, I’m fine.” Baobao huddled in his chair, his voice sounded unnatural.

Li Lin glanced at her swollen ankle and sighed slightly, “Your foot is badly injured, but there should be no fractures… I’ll ask the servant for a bottle of medicinal wine and ice cubes. Do you need anything else?” “

Baobao shook his face and said, “No, no…”

This was the first time she was alone with an unfamiliar adult without Wei present, so she was inevitably a little nervous.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, an uncoordinated “gurgling” sound came from her stomach.


Bao Bao couldn’t help but blush, and buried his little face in his arms in shame.

Li Lin asked with a smile on his face: “Do you want to eat something?”

“No, there’s really no need for that…” said the explosive voice.

“Tonight’s dinner should be a bacon omelette sandwich made with Shurima Sun Bread, and there should be Bilgewater-style boneless grilled fish and sweet cakes.

“The Gila Mann family is very wealthy, and even the chefs hire the best local people, ensuring that they can perfectly restore the different characteristics of each place…”

Listening to Li Lin’s description, Bang Bang’s throat moved subconsciously and he swallowed.

“By the way, there is also yak milk specially shipped from Freljord and fermented through a special process. Do you want to try it?”


Li Lin chuckled, “Okay, wait for me for a while, I’ll be right back.”

Watching this young and even somewhat handsome elder brother walk out of the room, Bao Bao finally relaxed a lot.

“Is this the life of a rich person…” Her eyes were a little dazed, and she whispered to herself.

But this state did not last long, and she soon had a new idea.

“One day, I will also become a rich man, and let Wei, Fandel, Clegg and Milo live such a life with me…”

“What kind of life?”

A sudden sound startled Bakuba.

She hurriedly looked towards the balcony where the sound came from, and a familiar face appeared again to her surprise, “Wei? You scared me to death, didn’t you leave?”

“I asked Craig and Milo to leave first. They will wait for us nearby.”

Wei walked up to Bao Bao and rubbed her hair lovingly, “Fool, how can I safely leave you to a stranger and go on your own?”

Bao Bao heard the distrust of Li Lin in his sister’s words and couldn’t help but ask: “But didn’t this eldest brother say that he is Fandel’s friend?”

“Do you really believe what he said?” Wei bent down and rubbed his hands on Bao Bao’s face a few times, “Fander has been nagging you not to trust others easily and you just forget about it? You must be on guard against others.”

“You hate it, stop rubbing my face~~” Babao muttered incoherently, “But he also said he would bring me food. I don’t think he is a bad person…”

Hearing her sister say such words, Wei couldn’t help but hold her forehead and sigh, “Oh my God, Blast, this guy actually bribed you with just one meal?”

“No, there’s no such thing as…” A blush appeared on Baobao’s little face.

“That’s all. From the looks of it, he’s quite sincere.” Wei stood up straight again, “I’m just outside. If anything happens, just remember to shout and I’ll come in right away to help you.”

“Okay, I get it.”

He said this, but in his heart, Bao Bao didn’t take Wei’s advice seriously.

This eldest brother is definitely not a bad person, at least not as bad as his sister thinks.

Bao Bao was thinking in his mind while waving to Wei who left the room and jumped back from the balcony to the roof.

A few minutes later, the door lock of the room rang softly, and Li Lin walked in with a tray in his hand.

There are two metal round cups on the tray, a golden bread that is at least the size of a palm and exuding heat, a bacon and fried egg, a burnt red and oozing grilled fish, and two pieces of cream cake dotted with a cherry. .

Suddenly, the rich aroma of bread and grilled fish filled the whole room.

“It smells so good!”

Bao Bao’s blue eyes widened slightly, his appetite suddenly increased, and saliva almost flowed from the corners of his mouth.

She had never smelled anything so good.

Li Lin placed the plate on the workbench, cut the fragrant and soft sun-baked bread into two slices with a fruit knife, then placed bacon fried eggs and boneless grilled fish on one slice, and then covered it with another slice of bread.

This is how a common Piltover sandwich is made.

It would be even better with lettuce leaves and tomato sauce.

While thinking about it, Li Lin handed the sandwich to Bao Bao.

Bao Bao was so excited that he even forgot to say thank you. He couldn’t wait to open his mouth and took a bite.

The aromas of sun bread, bacon, fried eggs and grilled fish exploded on her taste buds, filling her entire mouth with aromatic aromas.

Tears of happiness filled her eyes. She had never eaten such delicious food.

“Eat slowly and don’t choke. No one will compete with you. There is still cake and milk.”

Seeing that Baobao had no intention of paying attention to him, Li Lin smiled helplessly and took out a small bottle from his pocket.

This is the best bruise medicine in Piltover. It is very effective, but it is not cheap and the average person cannot afford it.

He unscrewed the mouth of the bottle, poured some potion into his left hand, and then squatted in front of Blast.

“I’m going to apply medicine to you. Remember to tell me if it hurts.”

Seeing Baobao nodded, Li Lin held her arch with his right hand and gently pressed the red and swollen area of ​​her ankle with his left hand.

“Hmm…” He burst out with a muffled groan of unknown meaning.

He relaxed his grip and did not dare to make any more moves. He raised his head and looked at the little girl who was looking at him, “Does it hurt?”

With her mouth full of food and bulging cheeks, Babao shook her head, but all she could see in her eyes was Li Lin’s figure.

“Then I’ll continue.”

Li Lin spread the potion on his palms evenly, then kneaded it gently.

After completing almost all the steps as described on the bottle label, he wrapped all the ice cubes in a cup on the tray in a towel, and then placed it on her injured area.

After more than ten minutes, the ice cubes had almost melted.

Noticing that the redness and swelling on Baobao’s feet had faded a little, he breathed a sigh of relief, “Are you feeling better?”

“Well, I feel much better than before, thank you.” Bao Bao pursed his lips and thanked softly.

“That’s good.”

Li Lin wiped the water stains on her feet with a towel, then put her shoes and socks back on, and checked the time again.

“It’s almost time, let me take you out.”

His left hand passed over Baobao’s shoulder, and his right hand dragged on the crook of her leg, picking her up like a princess.


At this moment, Bao Bao blinked and suddenly thought of something, “I, I don’t know your name yet.”

“Really?” Li Lin was stunned for a moment.

Under the expectant eyes, he slowly said his name: “My name is Li Lin.”

“Li Lin…?”

Blast nodded thoughtfully and immediately showed a bright smile.

“If you want to go to Fulgen’s Tavern again in the future, you must come and play with me!”

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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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