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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 231 Our goal is the sea of ​​stars!

All major families in mobile phones, communication base stations, computers and Internet technologies are very interested, especially after seeing Yabus play Minesweeper, their interest became even stronger.

Before Li Lin talked about artificial satellites, each of them sat in front of two computers and played for a long time.

Even Caitlin and Elro got started.

Mrs. Karina, on the other hand, out of dignity as a member of parliament, although she was itching to see it, she was not embarrassed to play with it herself.

Of course, among the many people, Caitlin is undoubtedly the fastest to pass the level.

She had already found the pattern through the game played by Yabus and other family representatives just now, and it only took two or three minutes to completely clear the level.

This was not her most satisfying time.

Seeing how happily they were playing, Li Lin originally wanted to introduce the “Spider Card” to them.

But when he looked at the time, it turned out that almost two hours had passed. Before the business was finished, he gave up the idea.

At this moment, a maid hurried over and whispered a few words in Karina’s ear.

Immediately, Karina said to everyone in the room: “Everyone, I think we will stop here today… Senator Heimerdinger is here.”

After turning off the computer, the representatives still had a lot to say, but they didn’t have any complaints.

As the honorary councilman of Piltover and the president of the college, Heimerdinger’s status is naturally not low.

Even if he no longer has the power at hand, other members of Congress will still give him a little favor, let alone representatives of their families.

Yabus also became serious, “Then let’s go meet Senator Heimerdinger first.”

A few minutes later, everyone returned to the living room along the corridor.

As soon as he stepped into the side door of the hall, Heimerdinger’s sharp voice came first: “Oh ho ho~ Li Lin! You actually invented a single-soldier flying device!”

Heimerdinger trotted up to Li Lin with small steps, reached out and patted his leg twice with an excited expression.

Following Heimerdinger were Jace, Victor, and Skye, as well as several college professors who were relatively well-known throughout Uptown.

Von Yip, Corwin Levick, Baido Vaelant…

To Li Lin’s surprise, Valentina Zindero was also on the list, and judging from her complexion, she had recovered very well.

Unlike Heimerdinger, who didn’t pay much attention to status and etiquette, he was so excited when science was mentioned that he couldn’t listen to anything else.

Jess, Victor, Skye and other professors first said hello to Karina, then said hello to Yabus, and then their eyes fell on Li Lin.

“I heard the news about you and originally wanted to come to you as soon as possible, but other professors who came to me were also very interested in this matter, so they delayed a little time.”

“You are too polite, Professor Heimerdinger.” Li Lin responded softly while maintaining a polite smile.

“Where is your flying device? Can you let us take a look? Why don’t you just show it to us.”

“Professor…” Victor, who was behind Heimerdinger, said hesitantly, “Everyone should have something else to do.”

Although Victor has changed his status from assistant to the dean to a lecturer in the college, due to his inconvenient legs and feet and his outstanding contribution, the college rarely assigns him the task of teaching students.

Most of the time, in addition to doing research independently, Victor still stayed with Heimerdinger and worked with him on some difficult technologies, but he no longer had to do chores like before.

“Oh yes, yes, it seems that I was too rash.” Heimerdinger blew his beard and immediately waved to everyone, “You don’t need to pay attention to us, you can talk about whatever you need to talk about… If not If it’s convenient, we can avoid it for a while.”

“No, actually you came just in time, professor.” Li Lin said, “We are about to discuss a technology I mentioned to you before.”

“Oh?” Heimerdinger raised his eyebrows, “Is it a computer… a computer?”

“No, we have already discussed cooperation and investment related matters.”

Li Lin invited him to sit on the single sofa nearby. The others followed closely, and everyone returned to their previous positions.

Elro, who had occupied his seat, stood behind Li Lin and Karina, side by side with Caitlin.

“It’s another…achievement that belongs to all mankind in Rune Land.”

“Cough cough cough…” Yabus, who was drinking tea to soothe his throat, almost spit it out.

He poked his ears, thinking he heard wrongly.

Of the technologies Li Lin mentioned before, the only ones left are artificial satellites.

Yabus originally thought he was joking.

The concept of satellite. Astronomers from the academy have long proposed that the moon is the satellite of Runeterra.

But this young guy actually proposed to build an artificial satellite like the moon? !

Isn’t this whimsical?

Yabus obviously misunderstood something.

Caitlin, Jess, Victor, Skye, and Gila Mann did not react at all. They had all heard Li Lin mention this before.

Several professors from the college looked incredulous and were curious about what Li Lin was referring to.

The other family representatives looked at each other with astonished expressions, but also mixed with a little numbness.

After all, Li Lin is capable of going to heaven and can even develop things like computers. Is there anything else that he can’t do?

“You mean the artificial satellite?”

Heimerdinger stroked his beard and was silent for a few seconds before continuing: “I thought… you were joking.”

Li Lin didn’t expect that Heimerdinger didn’t take his idea seriously at all, and said solemnly: “How is that possible? I even showed you the drawings and asked you to help with investment.”

Heimerdinger seemed a little hesitant, “I have seen the drawings, and it is indeed feasible in theory, but…”

“Professor, what exactly do you mean by artificial satellite? Are you trying to build a mechanical moon? This is too ridiculous.”

The speaker was Corwin Levick, who was hailed as the “King of Inventions” in Piltover, and his former student, Baido Vaelant, was standing next to him.

Yabus agreed very much with Kerwin’s words, twirling the ends of his beard and nodding, his face almost twisted together.

“Of course it’s not about building a moon, it’s just about building an unmanned spacecraft that can be launched into outer space via a rocket and then orbit around Runeterra.” Li Lin shook his head and explained.

“Then… what use does this device have for us?” A middle-aged man with a bald head and gold-rimmed eyes asked doubtfully.

He is Professor von Yipp.

“Man-made satellites have multiple uses. They can not only be used as scientific satellites to assist us in physical experiments such as studying the atmosphere and astronomy, but they can also be used as relay stations for communications, or to explore the resources of Runeterra. They can even be used to explore outer space. It’s what we call the ‘outer world’.”

After listening to Li Lin’s description, several professors fell into deep thought.

Yabus and other family representatives on the other side frowned deeply.

They think this kind of thing is completely unrealistic.

Even if it is possible to launch an artificial satellite into the sky, the value it brings will definitely be far less than the funds invested in it.

At least that’s the case for them.

Li Lin understood their capitalistic thinking, so he could not persuade them by himself alone and could only rely on Heimerdinger.

But Heimerdinger’s next words undoubtedly poured cold water on him: “Child, have you ever thought about the problem of those giant gods and stars in the sky?”

Li Lin was stunned for a moment, and then his heart trembled.

He really didn’t pay much attention to this problem.

Runeterra is a planet that the Titans value highly. No matter what their purpose is, they will most likely not let human development go beyond their control.

The man-made satellite may not even be able to get out of Runeterra, or it will be destroyed by some protoss like an ant…

“Runeterra is a place favored by the gods…well, to be precise, the word ‘favored’ may not be appropriate, but it doesn’t matter.”

“Titans? Star spirits? Isn’t that the legend of Mount Targon?” Kewald said in a disdainful tone, “Whether those gods exist or not is a question…”

“This is an ignorant statement!” Heimerdinger glared at her with a rare serious tone.

“Bander City began to look up at the stars thousands of years ago, and it’s not like there are no Yodles who have climbed Mount Targon… What’s more, the scenes seen in the spiritual realm are very different from the material realm. Our research on the heavens far exceeds yours. Humanity!

“The giant gods and stars were born from the original heaven. The constellations that you believe in are themselves…the war constellation, the twilight constellation, the blazing sun constellation and the bright moon constellation are the most familiar to people and the ones they believe in the most. gods.

“And other races, such as us Yodles, some non-human races from Mount Targon, Vastaya’s branch, or the Tauren race, believe in the constellations of Weasel, Canis, or Rhinoceros.

“But in my personal opinion, these constellations are very different from the giant gods and stars. I prefer to call them ‘starry sky beasts’…”

Heimerdinger trailed off and the room fell into silence.

Li Lin was shocked that Heimerdinger could understand so many secrets of the heavens, even the giant god, star spirit, and starry sky beasts.

Others are shocked that there are “celestial gods” more powerful than demigods in this world, and doubt whether they really exist.

“So… kid, are you sure you still want to launch a man-made satellite?” Heimerdinger’s eyes flashed with solemnity, “Even if you don’t hesitate to offend the Titans?”

Li Lin was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head, “No, I don’t think this will offend them.”

He raised his head and looked into the eyes of the surprised Heimerdinger, “They value Runeterra very much, and we ourselves are far more valued by them than we imagined.

“Otherwise, why would they teach the Shuriman people thousands of years ago how to build a sun disk and ascend into demigods, so that human civilization could prosper? How could they choose human hosts, give them power, or use them to descend? Mortal world?

“The technology of man-made gods is far beyond what we can match when we launch artificial satellites.”

“This…” Heimerdinger was speechless. He didn’t think about it at all.

Seeing that Heimerdinger was wavering, Li Lin immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued it: “Besides, if you don’t try, how will you know whether they agree or not?”

“you mean……”

“Let’s launch a satellite first. If the protoss destroys it, we will know their attitude and we will not develop it into the sky in the future.”

Li Lin became more and more excited as he spoke, “But if they don’t destroy the satellites, we can vigorously develop aerospace technology. By then, not only artificial satellites… but also space stations that can be used for human habitation, and exploring other planets outside of Runeterra will not be a problem!”

Li Lin stood up from the sofa and looked around passionately, taking in all the faces of everyone.

“Everyone, are you limited to just one planet? Do you really want to be the natives of the planet? There are still vast areas of unknown territory for us to explore. Even if our generation cannot wait, we still have descendants, our descendants. There are also future generations, we can definitely lay the foundation for them!

“Our goal should be the sea of ​​stars outside the world!”

At this point, everyone present, including Caitlin, Jess and others who knew Li Lin’s artificial satellite theory, were stunned.

His bold ideas were beyond their current understanding of the world.

However, their views of Li Lin were limited to the surface. Li Lin thought much more than them.

Exploring outer space?

Thinking too far, Li Lin just used it to draw a pie.

This is not his main purpose.


Another plane of the universe, another latitude.

The monitor in the void has awakened, and is salivating over Runeterra, a planet with many overlapping planes.

This place is special enough and is the gateway for them to fully invade the material universe.

If you don’t have power beyond the planet, you want to deal with the Void Monitor…

After giving everyone time to buffer, Li Lin looked at Heimerdinger with a serious expression: “Professor, I think we have to try.”

Thanks to Star Blind Man for the tip


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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