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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 233 Piltover Supergirl Caitlin

More than an hour ago, the Gila Mann Mansion.

After the contract was negotiated, the representatives of several families all said goodbye and left to return to their families.

They were persuaded by Li Lin about the artificial satellite, and Heimerdinger also decided to support it.

But their family is not necessarily sure, they have to go back and discuss this matter carefully.

Later, Li Lin discussed matters related to the launch of artificial satellites and rockets with several professors from the college, including Jess, Victor, and Skye.

However, launch vehicles and artificial satellites are easy to build. After all, Li Lin already has the drawings.

How to control them to take off, reach the predetermined orbit and operate normally requires computers and artificial intelligence.

But currently the only two “big ass” computers are in Li Lin’s workshop, waiting for the college to build a batch of machines for an unknown amount of time.

Li Lin immediately decided to wait for his machine factory in Zu’an to produce a batch of intelligent engineering troops, and then make a batch of computers to donate to the college.

Before that, Heimerdinger was responsible for the construction of rocket launch sites.

According to Li Lin’s idea, the most suitable place is Mangkugra, which happens to be on the “equator line”.

However, Karina said that the people in the city-state of Mangkugla were too fickle and had to change governors almost every month, so they were not suitable for cooperation.

In desperation, they chose the southern end of the Twin Cities, a flat wasteland beyond the Piltover Canal.

At Karina’s warm invitation, they had dinner together again and then left.

The night is already dark.

Karina was no better than Elro who drank the strengthening potion. She was already exhausted after entertaining guests all afternoon and went back to her room to rest.

Caitlin also yawned and went back to the room because she didn’t have a good rest last night and was tired from the whole afternoon.

Before leaving, he secretly warned Li Lin that he had locked the door and would not allow him to come in.

But she also understands that things like machine locks are designed to protect against gentlemen rather than villains. They are like toys to master craftsmen like Li Lin.

Fortunately, Li Lin also felt sorry for Caitlin, and he did have important things to do, including arranging biological battle armor and improved genetic enhancement potions, and he was not going to disturb her.

After the physical strengthening of the medicine, Li Lin’s mental aspect has also been greatly improved. Not sleeping for several days is only a small problem for him now.

At this point, Kasha has already fallen asleep, and no one will really disturb her anymore.

Li Lin returned to the workshop and spent almost a night finally making the infinite fourth-generation battle armor and the improved genetic enhancement potion.

The biological armor is a new invention and is of artifact quality. Li Lin’s level was raised to level 47 and he gained a total of 6 skill points.

It was almost half past seven, and Caitlin got up early and was having breakfast in the dining room.

Because the parliamentary meetings of the previous two days failed to resolve the issue regarding the Shurima Empire, Karina and Elro went out early in the morning and continued to discuss with other parliamentarians.

Seeing Li Lin enter, Caitlin waved to him and asked him to sit next to her. At the same time, she ordered the maid next to her to serve another breakfast.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, Kate, how are you?”

“After a night’s rest, I’m almost recovered.”

“Where’s Kasha?”

“She has already finished breakfast and gone to language class.”

Caitlin answered, then cut off a piece of sandwich with a knife and fork, put it into her mouth, and chewed it slowly.

“It’s only been a few days, but she can basically communicate with people fluently on a daily basis. I really admire her learning ability.”

When the maid brought breakfast to Li Lin, he asked them to leave first, and then asked in a low voice: “Are you really okay? I think you don’t look very good.”

“Hmph, thanks to you, I’m just a little tired.” Caitlin rolled her eyes at him, then whispered, “At least it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“It’s my fault, I didn’t expect that after strengthening my body…”

Caitlin’s delicate cheeks showed a slight blush, “Shut up! Don’t say any more.”

As long as the topic came to this aspect, she couldn’t help but recall the scenes from the night before yesterday.

Li Lin saw Caitlin’s embarrassment and quickly explained: “You misunderstood, I didn’t mean that.”

He showed the genetic enhancement potion bottle filled with gray-white liquid in his hand, “After last night, I have improved it.”

“Have you been up all night again?” Caitlin didn’t pay much attention to the potion. She focused on Li Lin’s body. “Stop staying up late every day.”

Where is this? I have to go home for a few days after going to school…

Li Lin shook his head, put one hand on the back of her smooth hand and gently rubbed it twice, and said comfortingly: “Don’t worry, my body has strengthened and my spirit has also improved. It won’t be a problem if I don’t sleep for a few days.”

“That’s what I’m saying…” Kate looked at the potion bottle in Li Lin’s hand and hesitated, “Does this stuff taste bad?”

“It has no taste, just like water.”

“Don’t lie to me.” Caitlin glared at him and snorted: “You said the same thing the night before yesterday!”

Li Lin smiled awkwardly, “I really didn’t lie to you this time. Didn’t our dad say nothing?”

“Whoever calls you father-in-law should be called father-in-law.” Caitlin said this, but the joyful smile on her lips betrayed her thoughts.

“Okay, I will trust you again this time, but if you dare to lie to me again…” Caitlin raised her pretty eyebrows lightly, “You will never be able to enter my room again.”

Then why don’t you just come to my room…

Li Lin didn’t dare to say this.

“It’s a little sticky at best, but it really doesn’t smell at all.” He uncorked the bottle and waved the bottle under Caitlin’s sharp nose. “You smell it, it doesn’t even smell.”

Caitlin took the small bottle with a slight hesitation, put it in front of her eyes for inspection, and asked, “I really won’t grow a few centimeters taller and become a muscular woman like you?”

“Relax, don’t you still believe in my skills?” Li Lin tapped the tip of her nose, “Drink quickly, I will show you something new later.”

Hearing what he said, Caitlin didn’t hesitate anymore, raised her head and drank the potion in one gulp, then smacked her lips, “Well…it really doesn’t taste good.”

“Then can I go to your room from now on?”

“Bah, you are not serious!”

“Just kidding.” Li Lin grabbed Caitlin’s little hand, “Quick, come with me.”

“What’s the rush? We haven’t finished breakfast yet.”

“It’s almost eight o’clock. Aren’t you going to work today?”

Caitlin looked at Li Lin as if she were an idiot, “Today is Saturday, a day off.”

“Zhuo, I forgot about this.”

Li Lin patted his head, sat back, picked up the sandwich on the plate and took a few bites.

“The people who have been looking for you to investigate the case in the past two days are probably very anxious.”

“Can we ask our Mr. Li Lin to comment on whose problem this is?”

Feeling Caitlin’s dangerous eyes sweeping over him, Li Lin got goosebumps, “Uh… after drinking the strengthening potion, I won’t have similar problems in the future.”

Caitlin was stunned for a moment and then immediately realized, “No wonder you always want me to drink the strengthening potion. It turns out you have such little thoughts!”

Li Lin was also stunned. How could she think of this no matter what?

“I am a good citizen! How can you slander my innocence out of thin air!”


Breakfast time ended with Li Lin and Caitlin laughing and playing.

When it was about eight o’clock, Caitlin followed Li Lin to his workshop, and the strengthening potion almost started to take effect.

Caitlin felt a tinge of heat coming from her body, followed by her whole body being filled with strength. At the same time, she felt refreshed, and even her thinking, reaction and perception increased a lot.

“Phew – this feeling… is so amazing!” She looked surprised, staring at her little hand that clenched her fist, “I have a feeling that I can kill a cow with one punch now!”

“This is an illusion of rapid increase in strength in a short period of time.” Li Lin explained to her with a smile, “However, if you drink three bottles of potion, you can kill a Scarash with one punch.”

Although Caitlin has never seen Sklash, there are pictures of them in books about Shurima in Piltover.

“real or fake?”

“How about you move my infinite third-generation armor? It weighs four to five hundred kilograms.”

Li Lin took Caitlin into the room where the armor was parked. The room was only separated from the storm and morning light by a wall.

“Let’s test our strength first.”

Caitlin’s eyes stayed on the armor for a moment, then she shook her face and said, “More than four hundred pounds, I’m definitely not going to be able to do it…”

“How will you know if it works if you don’t try? My father-in-law used to lift the storm so easily.”

“So how much does it weigh? It can’t be compared to the size of light, right?”

Caitlin was speechless when she thought about the storm, which was only over one meter high.

“Come and give it a try, I’ll be watching.”

She took a deep breath, unable to resist Li Lin’s repeated persuasion, and walked to the unactivated armor, stretched out her hands to hold on both sides, and then applied a little force.

Caitlin originally thought of just giving it a try and giving up if it didn’t work.

But as the strength of her arms gradually increased, she gradually noticed something abnormal.

Even without exerting much force, the four to five hundred kilogram armor was already shaken.

In the end, she didn’t even use all her strength to lift the armor.

“This…” Caitlin’s eyes widened with an expression of astonishment.

“Let me tell you! You can definitely do it…but you have to pay attention. You should take some time to adapt to your current power.”

Li Lin helped Caitlin put down the armor, then took down a set of “clothes” from another shelf and showed it to her who was still confused.

“Put it on again, and you will be Piltover Supergirl! Except that your profession is not a newspaper reporter but a detective… Well, it’s more or less the same.”

“This again?”

“It’s something I told you to show you over breakfast.”

Li Lin turned around and locked the door, then took off his clothes.

“Hey! What…what are you doing!” Caitlin turned away from her rosy face and said angrily.

“We are already an old married couple…what’s there to be ashamed of?” Li Lin said helplessly, “I haven’t finished taking off my clothes, I’m just showing it to you.”

It took a full three or four minutes before he walked up to Caitlin, stretched out his hands and turned her face towards her, “I’m dressed.”

Caitlin looked Li Lin up and down, her shyness gradually faded away, and she said in surprise: “Aren’t you still in the same outfit as before… eh?”

She was stunned for a moment, and suddenly noticed the coat and pants that Li Lin had just taken off on the workbench.

“The clothes you are wearing are exactly the same…the ones you just showed me? Why did they suddenly change?” Caitlin reached out and touched him twice, “It feels almost the same…”

Li Lin smiled slightly, “This is the gift I said I would give you the day before yesterday.”

Then, he took a step back, his thoughts suddenly changed, and his clothes immediately changed significantly.

In just three or four seconds, Li Lin was covered by a suit that looked similar to the Infinity III, except that it was made of non-metallic armor.

Caitlin was dumbfounded. This thing was completely beyond her scope of cognition.

“The Source Project Infinite Fourth Generation War Armor uses biotechnology. Although it is lacking in defense and attack, its advantage is its simulation ability and convenience…”

Li Lin quickly introduced all the functions and basic attributes of the fourth generation to Caitlin.

“Simulation ability…wait!”

Caitlin suddenly realized a problem, and her blue eyes revealed a dangerous look.

“According to you, since it can scan clothes and change forms, why did you measure my body data before?!”

Thanks to reader 1363071040408494080 for the tip


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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