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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 234 Flying Skateboard, Attacking Four

Knowing that Li Lin actually had a small plan, Caitlin became angry again.

But this time her way of dealing with it was different from before, and she no longer relied on the “cold war” to ignore people.

She drank two other bottles of gene-enhancing potion at two times. After the potion took effect, she asked Li Lin to take off his armor and pulled him to the underground training ground, saying that she wanted to “train” him.

It just so happened that she didn’t have to work today and had plenty of time.

After three bottles of potion, Caitlin’s physique was almost the same as that of Li Lin, and she understood that they were now very “resistant to beatings”.

Li Lin’s fighting skills are only at the “basic” level, while Caitlin has reached the “advanced” level and is moving towards the “master” level.

Without the protection of the armor, the two men’s combat training was almost one-sided.

In one afternoon, Li Lin received countless punches and whips from Caitlin.

She had a good understanding of the human body and deliberately avoided the face and vital parts. She almost only hit areas with rough skin and thick flesh that could cause pain but not cause much damage.

In the end, it was basically a situation where Li Lin ran away and Caitlin chased him, and if he was caught up, he would get a beating.

When Kai’Sa, who was about to take a fighting class, arrived, since the venue was basically “covered” by Li Lin and Caitlin, she and her teacher Vigiya stood aside to watch the fight, cheering Li Lin on from time to time.

It was not until dinner time that Caitlin had almost adapted to her current strength, and then she clapped her hands with satisfaction and pulled Li Lin up from lying on the ground, telling him that she had calmed down.

Li Lin, who was in pain all over, glanced at his system panel.

In this fighting training, Caitlin upgraded his “basic fighting” to “elementary fighting”…

After dinner, Kasha secretly came to ask Li Lin how he provoked Caitlin.

But how can you talk about that kind of thing to a child?

After finding an excuse to deal with her, Li Lin changed the subject and took her into the workshop, hoping that she would also try the genetic enhancement potion.

It’s a pity that Kai’Sa’s physique has been strengthened by the void. Previously in Shurima, she swallowed a guardian of the void rift and Rek’Sai. The evolution of her skin and armor is far beyond what she could before when she was still underground. Compare.

The genetic enhancement potion has basically no effect on Kaisha, it just increases her strength a little bit, which can be ignored.

It was getting late, and Kasha went back to her room to sleep.

Li Lin couldn’t swallow the anger of being beaten by Caitlin all afternoon, so he quietly went to her room.

The door was locked, but that wasn’t a problem for him.

Caitlin was taking a shower, and Li Lin gently locked the door.

Tonight is another sleepless night.

It was still dark the next day before Li Lin returned to his workshop.

While it was still early, he built a set of fourth-generation biological armor so that Caitlin could rely on her when handling cases on a daily basis.

Although after her body was strengthened, there were basically few people in the Shuang Cities who could threaten her, but she was still a mortal body, so she was still afraid of hot weapons.

With the biological armor, combined with herself, Li Lin no longer has to worry about Caitlin’s safety in the future.

Li Lin pinched it carefully, waited until Caitlin set the alarm clock to wake up, sent the biological armor to her room, and helped her scan and record four sets of clothes.

They are one set of tight-fitting “combat” clothes, two sets of daily casual clothes and one set of family formal clothes.

After finishing breakfast, Li Lin got back into his workshop.

Evolution Day is less than 10 days away.

According to the plan, the third and fourth generations of Infinite Armor and the genetic enhancement potions are all completed. In addition to the engineering troops, there are only two sets of Tyrant mechas – aliens and warriors.

As the first- and second-generation mass-produced Tyrant mechas used in urban combat, although the construction of aliens and warriors is easier than that of large-scale Tyrant mechas, the difficulty is far beyond that of the Infinite third- and fourth-generation warframes.

Take the Alien Unit No. 1 as an example. Although the introduction to the drawings states that it is the smallest in the Tyrant series, it is at least close to 4 meters tall when fully upright.

The technical difficulties of the alien are mainly “micro fusion reactor”, “thermal energy cutting mantis claw”, loading and launching of “mini compression missile”, flight of “particle light wing”, “stealth and stealth” and “artificial intelligence” .

In comparison, a warrior who is a full five or six meters tall is not as technically complex as an alien, but the technological difficulty is much higher.

For example, the “short-distance jump” that is labeled as dangerous technology, and the transformation function that transforms into a single-pilot armored vehicle.

“Sigh, in the current workshop, aliens and warriors can barely be made using modular production and assembly methods, but in the future, the giant beasts, sword demons, Type Zero and even the Dragon King… are completely insufficient.”

Li Lin raised his head and glanced at the ceiling, thinking about building a base for research and construction of large-scale mechas somewhere on the outskirts of Piltover.

“Well… Let’s wait for now. The Tyrant Behemoth is over 220 meters long, the Tyrant Sword Demon is over 200 meters long, the Zero is over 250 meters long, and the Dragon God is even over a thousand meters long.

“With my own strength and financial resources, even if I have the blueprints, I can’t even build a large mecha now. What’s more, there is no world crisis, and other families will never agree to build such a war machine.”

After careful consideration, Li Lin planned to wait for the satellite base to be built first and then see the situation.

Large mechas are a must-have technology for dealing with corrupted darkspawn, demigods, and large void monsters.

However, from the current stage, small mass-produced mechanical units such as cheap and flexible drones, air combat machinery Storm for fire coverage, and Tyrant Aliens are sufficient.

As for the Tyrant Warrior, Li Lin built a small mecha for him to wear. He can store it in the morning light on weekdays and wait for remote support in critical moments.

“Wear the fourth-generation battle armor in your daily clothes, put on the third-generation battle armor outside, then control the warrior mecha, and then pilot the large Tyrant mecha later… Good guy, where am I leaving this nest of dolls?”

When he thought of this, Li Lin couldn’t help but get excited and became very energetic.

Due to the temporary lack of materials, the price of a miniature nuclear fusion reactor in the store is much more expensive than a Hex core. He plans to replace the alien and warrior power supply cores with three Hex cores.

Just as Li Lin was about to buy three concentrated primitive crystals from the store and start working, the commotion outside attracted his attention.

“Zhinao, what’s going on?”

The artificial intelligence system in the workshop called up the surveillance system recently installed by Li Lin in Gila Mann’s yard and projected the scene of what was currently happening for him.

Three little boys, one fat and two thin, with a little girl by their side, were wandering outside the Gila Mann mansion on flying skateboards. There were also several law enforcement officers chasing them on the street.

Li Lin raised his eyebrows and recognized them at a glance: “Bangbao, Ike, Clegg and Milo? Hey…where did this flying skateboard come from?”

In order to prevent the children from clashing with the law enforcement officers, and to prevent them from having any accidents, Li Lin immediately put on his battle armor and flew out from the specially built fully automatic skylight on the top of the workshop.

On the street in front of Gila Mann.

Bao Bao glanced worriedly behind him and down below, then turned back and shouted to the two people in front of him: “Craig, Milo, there are more and more law enforcement officers below!”

After hearing what Baobao said, Milo also looked back, with an expression that he thought he was unlucky, “Damn it! Why do these law enforcement officers keep chasing us? We didn’t break the law!”

“The craftsmen of the Giraman family have taught me that uncertified Hex devices cannot be used in public areas.” Ike, who was flying aside, frowned, “I told you this a long time ago!”

“We thought you didn’t want us to play flyboard and deliberately lied to us, little one!” Milo was shocked, “So it’s true?”

“Why did I lie to you?” Ike sighed, “I was going to ask Mrs. Karina to send the flyboard for certification and then apply for a patent today. This is great.”

“Then what should we do now?” Bao Bao cried sadly, “It would be great if Wei were here…she will definitely find a way.”

“How about… let’s fly in directly to find Li Lin?” As the oldest of the four children, Clegg hesitated for a moment and suggested.

Bao Bao refused without even thinking: “No, this will cause him more trouble!”

“I think we have caused him more trouble now…” Ike said weakly, but no one paid him any attention.

“Let me tell you, let’s just go back to the bottom city.” Milo looked like he was giving up on himself. “The most we can do is be locked up by Fandel, just like Wei.”

“Are you crazy, Milo!? Provoking the law enforcement officer is much more serious than what Vi did!” Clegg shouted, “Fander will ground us for at least half a year!”

Just as several children were struggling with what to do next, a familiar figure covered in black metal quickly fell from the sky and hovered not far in front of them.

Bao Bao was the first to notice it, and immediately recognized it was Li Lin. Excitement suddenly appeared in his blue eyes, “Hey! Craig, Milo, stop it!”

With a perfect mid-air drift, the four children stopped and hovered in front of Li Lin on their flying boards.

Baobao waved to him with joy on his face, “Li Lin!”

Li Lin unfolded his mask with a surprised look on his face, “What’s going on with you guys…and where is Wei?”

Immediately, his eyes rested on Ike, who had grown taller and stronger. “Did you invent this flying skateboard?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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