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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 236 Unit No. 1—Batian Mecha·Alien

For more than two hours, Li Lin took Bangbao and the others to visit his workshop and laboratory, and introduced many cutting-edge equipment and his new inventions.

Bao Bao liked Li Lin’s armor very much and wanted to experience the feeling of flying in the sky, so he begged him to give him one.

After all, she was just an 11-year-old girl. Li Lin used her age as an excuse and said that he would give her this gift when she got married. She happily agreed.

Clegg and Milo cast envious glances at Bao Bao and hoped that Li Lin would give them a set.

However, he only said that they should learn mechanical knowledge, so that they can build it by themselves in the future, which will give them a greater sense of accomplishment.

Although Clegg and Milo always felt that something was not right, seeing Li Lin’s sincere tone and even sending them a copy of “Mechanical Principles” that he had summarized and printed out by himself, they suppressed their doubts.

It’s getting late and it’s time for the children to go home.

Li Lin confiscated the flying boards of Bakuo, Clegg and Milo, warned them not to do such dangerous things again, and personally sent them to the screamer before returning to Gila Mann Mansion.

Ike stayed. Since arriving at Giraman’s house, he has always gone to the city to stay for a few days, and then ran home to stay for a few days.

When the Gila Manns returned home, Li Lin took him to show the fly board to Mrs. Karina, which really made their view of Ike’s talent even higher.

Because Li Lin’s armor does not cooperate with external parties, the flying board is a good substitute.

However, according to Ike, the flying board can fly up to a height of several hundred meters, similar to an aerostat.

Karina considers safety issues. Even if it is mass-produced, not everyone can use it. Otherwise, law enforcement officers will probably have to deal with accidents caused by flying boards every day.

Li Lin has his own opinion on this: the flying board can be used as a controlled item.

If you want to buy a flyboard, you must pass numerous tests and sign an agreement. The daily flight limit cannot exceed a safe range of 5 meters, and you must wear a full set of protective equipment.

Li Lin’s idea is strict and may affect the sales of flyboards, but Karina and Elro both support him.

Unlike some families, they are not responsible for their own goods once they are sold. They still value the reputation of the Gila Mann family.

If there is a problem with product quality within the limits, they will be responsible to the end.

But if the user violates the scope of the agreement, the Gila Mann family should not be responsible for problems.

During dinner, Li Lin introduced Kaisha to Ike.

It’s just that Ka’sa is not proficient in the common language of the two cities, and she is more clingy to Li Lin and more afraid of strangers, so she doesn’t communicate much with Ike.

After a busy day’s work, Li Lin returned to the workshop and began to build the first Tyrant mecha, the Alien.

Although it is called a mecha, the alien is actually more like a fully intelligent combat robot. There is no control cabin in its body for a driver to drive.

Moreover, in terms of its shape, even if there is a driver inside, it cannot maintain the weird posture of an arthropod insect.

Li Lin currently only has 2338 blue essences left. In the [Essence Store], even the non-concentrated unconscious primitive crystal costs 875 blue essences, which is completely insufficient.

In desperation, he planned to make some artifacts and sell them in the store in exchange for some essence.

Li Lin quickly found the most suitable and most cost-effective item for sale at the moment – the air combat machine Storm.

An artifact-quality weapon that uses the latest technology, without energy cores and ammunition, is priced at 300 blue essence in the Storm Store and sold for 100 blue essence.

There are 15 rare-quality Storms left in the workshop. They can be upgraded immediately. There is no need to build new ones.

Li Lin used the “Mechanical Fine Decoration” skill to transform 5 Storms into artifact quality, and replaced their old weapons, reaching the price standard of 100 essences in the [Essence Store], in exchange for 500 blue essences.

Anyway, they are both unconscious primitive crystals, and the price difference is not big, but the energy supply effect of the concentrated type is more than one level higher than the ordinary one.

With the intention of doing the best he could, Li Lin spent 2,775 blue essences to directly purchase 3 concentrated primitive crystals.

In less than three hours, he successfully crafted three Hex cores, and then came the crafting of the mecha itself.

Artificial intelligence technology is easy to talk about, and it only needs a smart chip to solve it.

There is no shortage of materials and equipment in the current workshop. Li Lin can make it by himself, and there is no need to buy it from the store.

“Thermal Cutting Mantis Claw” and “Particle Light Wing” require particle control, thermodynamic equivalent control and compressed material technology.

“Mini compression missile” requires compressed material technology, but Li Lin slightly modified the design drawing and also used high-density compressed ammunition classified as combat type, ammunition loading efficiency and ammunition improvement technology, which greatly improved the power and coverage of the missile scope.

In addition, he also added plasma propulsion devices, plasma cannons, mini plasma cannon groups and high-energy ultraviolet laser ray modules to the Tyrant aliens.

It not only stabilizes the alien’s flying ability, but also greatly increases its combat effectiveness.

As for the “stealth and stealth” function, with the energy supply and energy recovery speed of three Hex cores, the Tyrant Alien does not need to consider energy consumption at all.

It can maintain the stealth state all the time and does not even need to be divided into land and flight modes like the Infinity III.

Unless there is an instrument like the “Hex detector” to capture the energy index and determine its location, it is completely invisible to the naked eye.

In addition, Li Lin also produced some auxiliary modules for the Infinite Armor, such as “overload charging”, “adaptive defense”, “force field shield”, etc., and prepared to install them on the mecha.

One night flies by.

Li Lin completed all the modules of the Tyrant Alien, and then controlled the robotic arm to quickly assemble them together.

In less than an hour, a Tyrant Alien Unit No. 1, which was fully 4.2 meters tall and quite different from the original design, was completely completed.

It is based on the shape of a mantis. There are two signal and network transmission devices on the top of the head. The whole body is dark blue, and the heat-cut mantis claws and particle light wings are orange-red.

【Congratulations! You have made the Tyrant Mecha·Alien (artifact), upgraded it by 1 level, and gained 5 skill points. 】

[Your level has been raised to level 47 and you have gained 1 skill point. 】

[Batian Mecha·Alien (Artifact)]

[No.: K-XZ]

【functional module】

[3 power supply Hex core, fully intelligent system, artificial AI self-evolution logic, mechanical hardcover, crystal armor coating, perfect energy conductor, blinking, stealth and stealth, synchronized fire mode, ammunition loading efficiency, plasma thruster, particle light wing , adaptive defense, force field shield, thermal cutting mantis claw, mini compression missile, mini electromagnetic machine gun, plasma cannon, mini plasma cannon group, high-energy ultraviolet laser ray, overload operation. 】

[Total attributes (mechanical):? ? ? life value,? ? ? Energy value,? ? ? Combat power, 45% damage reduction, 50% maximum energy recovery per second. 】

Li Lin took off his goggles and protective gloves and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

The combat power of a Tyrant alien is enough to crush the abyssal maw Kog’Maw he met in Shurima.

With its excellent agility and firepower, even a fully-charged alien can still compete with Rek’Sai.

However, the cost of building a Tyrant mecha at this stage is still too high.

If you don’t use the original crystal with the soul of the Shell Human, you can only buy it from the system store by spending blue essence. The cost of materials and time is too expensive.

“Once Shurima’s materials are in place, its Hex core can be replaced with a miniature nuclear fusion reactor.

“If I wait until I introduce nuclear fusion technology and extract elements directly from the sea for fusion reactions, then we will truly have inexhaustible energy.”

Thinking of this, Li Lin quickly calmed down and rubbed his chin in deep thought.

“The Tyrant Mecha, the Battlefield Mecha, the Kingdom Mecha, and the Galaxy Magic Mecha…well, there is still a lot of work to be done.”

Thanks to Kawazui Xingzhi for the reward!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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