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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 237 Mecha Performance Test

Tyrant Alien still needs to do final debugging work, but first it has to be functionally tested.

Because of its large size, the elevators or corridors leading underground cannot accommodate the aliens passing by.

Even if you can use “Flicker” to directly reach the underground explosion-proof room, the place is relatively small and the aliens can’t use their hands and feet at all.

Li Lin thought for a while and decided to go to the mountainous area north of Pi City to test the performance of the Tyrant Alien.

The Piart Mountains cut off the land connection between the twin cities and the interior of Valoran.

It was precisely because of this mountain range that it served as the main barrier that prevented Noxus from annexing Zaun, which had long since escaped the control of the fallen Shurima Empire, after it became an empire more than 600 years ago.

However, in fact, even without this barrier, Noxus had to weigh its own level if it wanted to occupy Zaun at that time.

From 600 to 300 years ago, it was when Janna, the Goddess of Wind, had many followers, which was almost the peak of her power.

It was not until the early alchemy technology and various precision clockwork technologies began to develop that she gradually lost her faith, became weak and almost disappeared…

The Piart Mountains have an average altitude of more than 2,000 meters and are almost entirely composed of marble or basalt. There are many boulders and very few vegetation types and coverage.

Although this mountain range is not as good as the long and narrow mountain range further north known as the “Magnificent Barrier”, it is rich in mineral resources and does not contain any threatening creatures.

The big families of Piltover or some of the alchemy barons of Zaun also have mining operations here, and most of them are shipped by sea to nearby city-states occupied by Noxus for sale.

Li Lin wore the Infinity III armor, proactively switched the alien’s action mode to follow mode, and then soared into the sky from the unfolded skylight.

In just a few minutes, he took the alien mecha to the flatter top of the mountain range.

Li Lin looked around, sent a drone to quickly scan the surrounding terrain, and generated a map to record in the database.

The top of the main peak of Peart is very desolate, with almost no trace of strangers setting foot here.

Coupled with the sparse vegetation, there are also very few animals here. Occasionally, you can see a few small rock-eating beasts that feed on rocks and are lazy and non-aggressive.

After driving the drone to drive away the nearby rock-eating beasts, Li Lin moved three loose marble rocks from other places and placed them in different positions of the alien.

The scope of this performance test includes melee attack power, long-range firepower, agility, stealth ability, and the degree of artificial intelligence self-evolution.

Li Lin had an idea and gave the alien mecha a combat order: destroy the three marble rocks in front of him in close combat.

The moment he received the order, the alien did not hesitate at all. The gaps in the mechanical gears were filled with blue light, and the entire body suddenly disappeared. In less than a heartbeat, it flashed to the first rock more than 30 meters away.

The mantis claws of scorching particles were generated from its arms, slashing forward vertically at a speed that was difficult for the human eye to see, instantly melting the marble into three pieces. The entire attack process did not take more than 2 seconds.

The next moment, the alien disappeared again and appeared at the “flickering” limit distance of about 50 meters away. At the same time, it vibrated the light wings made of particles, and the plasma thruster behind it spewed out flames.

In just two breaths, it rushed to two adjacent marble rocks more than 200 meters away, spread out its arms, and passed its entire body through the gap between the rocks. The mantis blade was ready to cut it. For two paragraphs.

This is not over yet. After passing through the rock for more than one meter, the alien immediately used the plasma in front of him to push forward to stop the inertia of the forward movement. He rotated his upper body 180°, turned around and slashed at the rock again, cutting it into dozens of pieces. .

“Damn it, if I encounter Big Mouth in Calixay now, I can get the full reward for killing it just by relying on the Tyrant Alien…”

Li Lin was very satisfied with the melee capabilities of the alien mecha, and took it to a valley in the mountains that ordinary people basically couldn’t set foot on.

“Conversion mode.”

Following Li Lin’s order, the alien’s orange-red mechanical eyes were suddenly covered in red light, and all the weapons on his body were deployed.

[Instruction received. 】

[Mode switch to: full firepower. 】

[Goal: Level everything. 】

【Mission in progress! 】

In an instant, the energy index detected on the holographic display of Li Lin’s infinite armor increased exponentially.

Before he could react, the foggy valley in front of him was completely covered in blue light, and there was even a huge rumbling sound from the peaks on both sides, and even the earth trembled faintly.

This is the destructive power caused by the plasma energy weapon alone since the compression missile has not yet been produced.

Li Lin was startled. The power of the alien mecha was beyond his expectation, and he quickly ordered the termination of its mission.

[The order has been cancelled. 】

The alien armor closed all the weapon ports, emerged from the blue light, and returned to Li Lin’s side.

After waiting for a few seconds, the energy just released by the alien gradually dissipated.

Li Lin looked intently, and saw that the mountains within a radius of at least one kilometer in front of him collapsed, and the boulders were annihilated. It was completely transformed into a desolate land with crisscrossed ravines, no longer the same scene as when he first arrived.

It can even be said that if he didn’t know that the situation in front of him was caused by the alien mecha, he wouldn’t be sure that this was the valley he just saw.

“—Hiss! Fortunately, I didn’t test it at home. Isn’t this power too abnormal? Are the deep-sea behemoths of Tyrant Universe so outrageous?”

Li Lin couldn’t help but gasp, but he quickly reacted.

The original alien mecha didn’t have so many fancy functions. These were all newly added by myself, especially the plasma weapons, which were far more powerful than ordinary energy weapons.

Coupled with the magical energy blessing of 3 Hex cores, having such destructive power does not seem outrageous.

You know, just a piece of world rune fragment is more powerful than a tactical nuclear missile, and it directly sank a piece of land in the eastern part of Noxus…

“If I unlock the rune technology, combine it with the principles of rune magic I learned from the original crystal, and engrave the rune mark on the mecha for enchantment, how much destructive power will I get…”

Li Lin felt his heart pounding.

The Tyrant Mecha is a product of the purely technological world of the parallel universe. Even if a mecha that is twice as big as the Celestial Warriors is built, it is almost impossible to defeat the demigods.

After all, in that world, the Tyrant Mecha Behemoth couldn’t even kill Urgot, the behemoth of the deep sea, and could only throw it back into the deep sea.

But this is not a parallel world that relies solely on technology.

With the blessing of magic, Li Lin is confident that one day in the future he can drive a mecha to defeat the dark descendants and rival the gods and demigods.

There is no need to think about the giant gods, stars, spirits and starry beasts in the sky. They are all constellations. You must at least have the strength to destroy dozens of galaxies at will to even have a chance to compete with them.

Not to mention that there are people like Bard who are accompanied by a group of wood spirits formed by the will of the world, as well as the star-casting dragon king Aurelion Sol, who is a single universe-level strength.

But it’s not a big problem to hang out in Runeterra…

Later, Li Lin focused on testing the agility and stealth capabilities of the alien mecha.

He was surprised to find that the radar on his Infinity Armor could not detect the alien that entered the “invisible” state at all, and could only guess its location based on the energy index fluctuations.

It is similar to the Void Rift Guardian underground in Shurima Song Valley, who can only escape into the secondary dimension and cannot even be sensed by Nasus.

A Tyrant Mecha Alien gave Li Lin too many surprises, and he had begun to look forward to how far the Tyrant warriors behind him could reach.

After all, this is a mecha that he wants to drive himself and use as a nesting doll, just like Iron Man’s “whatever he opposes will be defeated by the armor”.

“Let’s stay here for today.”

Li Lin recalled the scene when he attended the council meeting, with a smile on his face.

“When my research results are presented at the Evolution Day Conference, the congressmen from several other families will definitely be shocked…”

Thanks to Jumo for the tip!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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