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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 241 Have you heard its singing?

Most of the blocks in Piltover are about the same width as two-way two-way lanes on Earth, and the tanks transformed by the Tyrant warriors are wide enough to travel.

However, the Evolution Day was approaching and there were many people playing on the street. Li Lin simply started the plasma engine and drove it in mid-air.

Caitlin sat in the passenger seat, and Kaisha sat in the back seat, overlooking the entire spacious north and south urban areas of the upper city and the southernmost Sun Gate Sea Gate.

This is the first time they have truly overlooked the entire Piltover City, and it is also the first time they have “traveled” in the sky.

Kasha was very excited, her little face pressed against the special explosion-proof glass window, and she exclaimed from time to time.

Caitlin was also very excited, but due to her aristocratic accomplishments and her own reserve, she didn’t make as much of a fuss as Kasha.

It took more than an hour for Li Lin to drive the Warrior around Pi City in a complete circle, attracting enough attention, and then returned to Gila Mann’s mansion.

Of course, this is all part of Li Lin’s plan.

Two days ago, Hilko sent him a sound transmission tube, saying that Alchemy Baron Adrian’s people had dug out new oil in the trench mine and discovered a new oil field, which made Lenata make a lot of money. Raw materials required by oil refineries.

Other alchemy barons with mines have been exploring this resource in their own territories. Among them, Baron Voss also discovered this resource and sent professionals to survey the reserves.

Li Lin had some ideas about this.

The action against Lenata Gorask took place just after the day of evolution. Lilinda Hilko submitted various criminal evidence of Lenata to the Piltover police, which attracted the attention of Sheriff Grayson.

Especially after learning that Lenata possesses a decanter weapon that uses a defective shimmer agent and can even fire missiles.

Grayson plans to invite Li Lin and Caitlin to participate in the arrest of Gorask, but he must first apply to his superiors and congressmen.

After sending Lenata to jail, Li Lin can apply to acquire her refinery.

Oil, a strategic resource, cannot be left to the alchemy barons. Moreover, they do not know the importance of oil, and it is likely to cause a lot of waste.

Once the refinery is established and the mines from Alchemy Baron are acquired, the Twin Cities will be able to get rid of their dependence on Hex at least to some extent, and the problem of rocket fuel for satellites in the future can also be solved.

Even in the future war against the void, which requires mobilizing everyone in the world, not only intelligent battlefield mechas and Tyrant mechas, but ordinary people flying aircraft, tanks, and battleships can also defend their homes.

In addition, today Li Lin showed people the warrior’s chariot form, and a considerable number of people will definitely be interested in it.

At least if fuel cars and motorcycles are invented in the future, the number of people buying them will increase significantly.

After landing, Kasha was obviously still unsatisfied with the feeling of flying in the sky, but the time was getting late and it was time to rest. She was sensible and didn’t say anything more, and went back to her room obediently.

Li Lin and Caitlin were affectionate for a while, and he wanted to make an appointment with her to go to her room, but he didn’t expect that a call from Piltover University interrupted his plan.

“Li Lin, I’m sorry to bother you at this time, but… I’m really in a hurry.” Victor spoke on the other side in a very urgent tone.

“Don’t be anxious, speak slowly.”

“I really can’t explain it over the phone. If possible, could I invite you to come to the academy?”

Li Lin and Caitlin looked at each other, and then said to Victor on the other end of the phone: “No problem, wait for me for 5 minutes… no, 3 minutes, I will be there soon.”

After hanging up the phone, Li Lin smiled awkwardly at Caitlin.

He’s been busy almost around the clock lately and doesn’t have much time to look for Caitlin, and he’s a little afraid that she’ll be unhappy.

But before Li Lin could say anything, his lips were touched by Caitlin’s slender, slightly cold fingers.

“There’s no need to apologize. Evolution Day is coming soon. Business is more important.”

She immediately saw through Li Lin’s thoughts.

“Victor is calling you at this time. The matter must be very important. Besides, he has helped you before. Shouldn’t friends help each other?”

Hearing what Caitlin said, Li Lin couldn’t help but put his arms around her waist, hugged her, and touched her pink lips.

“You are so considerate, honey. I will definitely make it up to you when the evolution day is over.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” Caitlin winked at Li Lin playfully, then changed the subject, “You only have two minutes left now~~”

Li Lin put on his battle armor, picked up three bottles of genetic enhancement potion, and arrived at Victor’s office at the academy at the last second.

As soon as he entered the door, Victor, wearing goggles and protective clothing, limped over quickly with a cane.

“I’m so sorry for asking you to come at this time…”

“You don’t need to be so polite to me Victor, and with this suit of armor, it won’t take long to get back and forth.”

Li Lin unfolded his armor and put his hand lightly on Victor’s shoulder, “What’s going on?”

Victor smiled bitterly, “You’ll know when you come and take a look.”

After saying that, he led the way and led Li Lin out of the office area and to the small experimental room that was standard in the college next door.

On the power supply base of the workbench, a device similar to the Hex core was fixed by a mechanical arm, emitting crystal blue light and beating a rhythm like a heart beating.

Li Lin recognized at a glance that this device was made of original crystal, but something went wrong.

Before he could open the “digital thinking” to check the situation, Victor on the side pointed at it, “Have you heard… it singing?”

“Huh?!” Li Lin glanced at Victor in surprise, “Singing?”

Hearing what he said, Victor seemed to feel a little disappointed, “Didn’t you hear that too?”

“No…wait a minute, did you hear it singing? When did it start?”

It is not unusual to hear the song of the original crystal. After all, it is the place where the souls of the Shell people of all generations reside.

Li Lin still remembered that in the original world line, Seraphine was not the only one who heard the original crystal singing. Jace also had a similar experience when he was studying the original crystal.

But unlike Seraphine who chose to listen carefully, Jace didn’t take it seriously at all.

Unable to extract energy from the crystal, he directly chose to cut off a small piece for research, and discovered the astonishing energy contained within the crystal.

Later, the mechanically ascended Victor snatched away the original crystal. Jace used the cut-off piece as the power supply core of the “Mercury Hammer” and went down to the bottom of the city to fight Victor and his army, and was finally forced to crush it. crystal.

This is also the beginning of Ike picking up crystal fragments in the main universe and inventing the “Z-drive” time travel device.

Li Lin was not surprised that Victor heard the original crystal singing.

“This afternoon…” Victor hesitated for a moment, “According to the plan, after we finish making the core power supply device, we will go to the laboratory to install it on the abandoned robot I picked up in the ditch before.”

He sat on the chair next to him and dragged his face with his hands, “But as soon as this was finished, I heard inexplicable singing. I felt very strange and asked Skye, but she heard nothing.

“Finally, I discovered that the sound was coming from this original crystal.”

Li Lin was silent for a moment, “Can you describe its singing?”

“It’s a language I’ve never heard of before, and I can’t express it in detail. I just think it’s full of an epic and tragic feeling…”

Victor hummed the melody he heard for Li Lin. It was slightly similar to what he had heard in Naslamy before, but the difference in tune was quite big.

“Since I heard it singing, I asked Professor Heimerdinger first, but he said that this kind of thing is normal and there is no need to pay too much attention…

“After that, I went to the library to look through a few materials, and found that it turned out to be something from a race called the ‘Shell Tribe’ in Shurima.”

Victor’s tone was full of entanglement, “I suspect that this crystal is probably a very important thing for the Shell people.”

Your guess is correct.

Li Lin answered in his mind, and at the same time turned on “digital thinking” to check the status of the device in front of him.

Fortunately, this crystal was not dug directly from a certain shell tribe, which proves that it currently has no owner.

“I seem to have discovered a secret that no one has discovered. I think… we shouldn’t use it anymore.”

“Can you change the minds of legislators?”

When asked by Li Lin, Victor was stunned for a moment, “What do you mean…”

“Now, even Professor Heimerdinger advocates the use of Primordial Crystals, although I prefer that he doesn’t understand the Shell people and Primordial Crystals.

“The original crystal has greatly promoted the development of Piltover. With our current voice, there is no way we can sway the minds of the congressmen, right?”

“But…” Victor wanted to refute something, but what Li Lin said was indeed true.

He fell silent, looking tangled in thought.

After a while, he asked: “What if we find an alternative energy source?”

“Oil was first discovered by Gorask Industries. Recently, the Alchemy Barons have found new oil fields.”

“Maybe we can…”

Li Lin shook his head and interrupted Victor directly: “But have you ever thought that the energy provided by a primitive crystal is far beyond that of oil. What qualifications do you have to ask the councilors to give up such a precious resource?”

Victor fell silent again, with a thoughtful look on his face, “I seem to understand what you mean.”

He stood up from the chair with a cane, walked to the workbench, turned off the device, and held the core device that beats the heart rate in his hand.

“Professor Heimerdinger does not understand politics and has almost no voice among the parliamentarians, but what is needed most to ban the use of the original crystal is the voice.

“We must first have tangible achievements so that the congressmen will pay enough attention to our opinions… Only in this way can we help the magical race that has existed since ancient times.”

Li Lin nodded, with a smile on his face, “That’s what I thought when Shurima saw these primitive crystals.”

“Then let’s install the core on the machine first…”

“Wait a moment.”

Li Lin stopped the eager Victor and took out three bottles of genetic enhancement potion from the folding groove of the armor.

“Drink this first.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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