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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 248 Gaboga Plan

The Evolution Day Conference finally ended successfully with Li Lin’s speech. Karina’s original plan of arranging for Jess to introduce Hex Flying Gate failed to come true.

But that doesn’t hurt.

After all, after people listened to Li Lin’s plan for the future, they probably couldn’t listen to a device like the Hex Flying Gate that had just been built and had not yet begun to show results.

Under the arrangements of the host and security personnel, most of the guests exited the venue in an orderly manner, leaving only a few extended family members and congressmen, who boarded the booth and headed straight to the waiting lounge.

Caitlin knew that the congressmen would discuss serious matters later, so she simply took Kaisha out of the auditorium with the crowd and went to find Orianna.

Anyway, it was a dinner party at her house, and Li Lin and the congressmen were going there. She was going to go home first instead of waiting here for him to come out.

In the lounge, Li Lin, who had taken off his armor, was talking to Jace and Victor about what he had just said, when he heard a knock on the door.

“Please come in.”

“Boy, that was a beautiful speech!”

The door had just opened, and no one had seen it yet, when Heimerdinger’s highly recognizable excited voice came in.

Then, he rushed to Li Lin with small steps before the other members.

“Thank you very much, Professor Heimerdinger.” Li Lin lowered his head and looked at Heimerdinger, and said humbly with a smile.

“Congressman Heimerdinger is nothing short of award-winning. Your speech and demonstration this time really exceeded all of our expectations.”

Following Heimerdinger was Mel.

She first glanced at Jace with a smile, and then spoke after Li Lin finished speaking.

“Mildda is right. Even I didn’t expect you to have a new invention that you haven’t come up with yet.”

Karina had a delighted smile on her face. Li Lin represented the Gila Mann family. Today’s speech made her twice as proud, and by the way, it also invisibly elevated the status of the Gila Mann family.

Now, whenever people talk about the Gilaman family, they are no longer comparing it to the lower-ranked families, but to the Myrdalda and Philos families in the T1 echelon.

“By the way, Li Lin, what you just said on stage is to vigorously develop basic electric appliances…is it true?” Mel asked curiously.

“Of course, it’s just like what I showed with the holographic projection on the stage.” Li Lin responded with a polite smile, “But for the details, you can ask about the details after I hand over the specific design drawings to Councilor Gila Mann. she.”

The three councilors Salo, Hoskal, Polpok and Voslaton looked at each other.

Among them, except for Polpok, whose face was expressionless, the other three congressmen looked a little embarrassed.

Since they made things difficult for Li Lin in parliament a year ago and forced Karina to come forward to vouch for him.

Later, apart from the thermal power plant, the Gila Mann family gradually reduced their cooperation with their family in other aspects.

Especially after obtaining the design of Li Lin’s new Hex energy weapon, the Gila Mann family entered the military industry, and the conflict with the Polpok and Voslaton families became increasingly acute.

Karina and the four other congressmen just smiled and laughed on the surface, but secretly they were intrigues and suppressed each other without showing any mercy.

A new invention like this that can enter the homes of civilians will definitely bring extremely huge profits to the Gila Mann family and its collaborators.

It’s a pity that the four councilor families can’t get a share of this pie.

“Oh ho ho~~ Now that everyone is here, it’s time for me to talk about my new plans for the future.”

Victor reacted immediately and tugged on Jace beside him, “Then Jace and I will leave, professor.”

“No, no need.” Heimerdinger stopped the two people who were about to leave, “You also need to participate in the next plan.”

Jace looked a little surprised, “We?”

“To be precise, professors from the entire University of Piltover are participating!”

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room, including Li Lin, was stunned.

“This is what I was inspired by the mecha Li Lin showed today, and it will also be a great invention that I have devoted my whole life to…”

Li Lin’s heart skipped a beat.

Will Heimerdinger be influenced by me and build Tyrannical Mecha like in the parallel universe…

However, what he said next dispelled Li Lin’s fantasy: “I want to develop a giant armor, a… uh, how should I put it? Oh~~ yes, a mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex!”

The room suddenly fell silent.

Giant mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex…

How much does this cost?

What’s the use of making this thing?

Are you sure you’re not kidding?

This is the thought that all MPs have in mind.

After a few seconds, Li Lin broke the silence and asked: “Is this your new idea, Professor Heimerdinger?”

“Oh yes~~ Like I just said, I came up with it on a whim after seeing your small transformable mecha tonight.”

There are no design drawings yet…

Li Lin thought in his heart.

After a moment of pause, he shook his head and said, “I don’t think it’s appropriate, Professor.”

The eyes of all the congressmen, including Karina and Mel, were all focused on Li Lin.

Among them, both Salo and Hoskal winked at him, hoping that he could convince Heimerdinger to abandon the idea.

Of course Li Lin would not do this and chose to ignore them.

This is related to the construction of giant mechas in the future. If Heimerdinger’s idea cannot be passed, how can the Tyrant Mecha be supported?

“Oh~~?” Heimerdinger raised his eyebrows and blew his beard. “If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to ask. After all, you are the pioneer of this technology.”

“I think… you are too hasty in making a mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex.” Li Lin shook his head, “Without design drawings and without a construction base, you can’t just suddenly think about building a Tyrannosaurus rex with your head hot and your butt slapped, right?”

Salo and Hoskal cast approving glances at Li Lin.

Heimerdinger frowned, showing a thoughtful expression.

After more than ten seconds, he raised his head and looked at Li Lin, “Child, what do you think?”

Just waiting for you to ask this!

“If you just want to build a technological device, the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus is definitely not appropriate…except for bringing pressure to Noxus on the battlefield, it has almost no other role.”

“That’s right, what we want is peace, but we can’t have conflicts with other countries.” Salo rubbed his hands and said with a smile, but no one paid him any attention.

“So… I should focus on practicality most? What about a shape-shifting Tyrannosaurus rex?”

Why are you always thinking about your Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Li Lin felt helpless to complain.

But if you think about it carefully, a shape-shifting Tyrannosaurus Rex is actually pretty good…

“Forget about the Tyrannosaurus rex, Professor, why not build a humanoid mecha?”

Salo and Hoskal’s smiles froze, and they suddenly realized something was wrong.

Replace the T-Rex with a giant humanoid mecha…

Isn’t there no difference at all?

Just as Salo was about to open his mouth to refute, Mel glared at him, forcing him to hold back the words that came to his mouth.

“Humanoid mecha…humanoid mecha…” Heimerdinger stretched out his hand to touch his furry chin, and kept chanting these four words.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and his gaze returned to Li Lin, “Yes, why don’t I build a humanoid mecha! Your proposal is really good, kid.”

“Just one mecha is not enough. It’s such a waste of resources.” Li Lin smiled slightly and added, “Since we want to do it, we have to do it to the extreme. We have to build a mecha that can reach the peak of Rune Land’s combat power. A mecha that rivals celestial warriors and demigods!”

At this time, even Karina, Mel, Jess and Victor were shocked by Li Lin’s thoughts.

A mecha that rivals gods and demigods…

Can technology really achieve this?

Before anyone could question, Li Lin continued: “I heard that the seal of the Pallas Temple in Ionia’s Yuanlin Province that sealed the ancient dark descendants has been lifted. Freljord also has a hobby recently. The blood monster, who is also rumored to be a darkspawn, has arrived in Valoran.

“They are corrupted warriors of the gods. Now they intend to destroy mankind and the entire world. We have to take corresponding precautions.”

Li Lin’s eyes swept over the faces of Salo, Hoskar and Voslaton, whose faces were obviously dissatisfied.

“I believe you all know that during the Darkin War thousands of years ago, many Darkin crossed the isthmus of Oshla and Varzuan and came to the continent of Valoran. They ruled almost half of the world, and we are no exception.

“Now that the dark descendants have gradually awakened, even if their strength is no more than one-tenth of what it was a thousand years ago, if we have no countermeasures, if there is a dark descendant who returns to Piltover, claiming that this is his territory, and demanding our surrender. .

“I think you should have heard the legend of the dark descendants, and know how they treat their human subordinates… to be more precise, they enslave human slaves.”

Even Salo and Hoskal, who were secretly considered fools and sissies by Caitlin, were frowning in thought at this time, showing uneasy expressions.

The major families have never paid attention to the city-state’s defense strength. If such a thing really happens and a dark descendant returns to Piltover…

Even if the power and technology of the Twin Cities are poured into it, I’m afraid…

No, it’s not that I’m afraid, it should be absolutely impossible to resist their power.

That is a demigod-level existence!

“I think Li Lin’s idea is indeed good. We should assist Professor Heimerdinger in building a city-state defense force.” Polpok’s deep mechanical voice sounded.

Voslaton also raised his hand, “I agree too.”

“Although it is not discussed in the parliament…but this kind of matter related to the safety of the twin cities has nothing to do with the occasion, I agree.” Mel nodded in agreement.

“As a member of the Gila Mann family, Li Lin supports him unconditionally.”

Karina also voted in favor.

Salo and Hoskal did not take a stand, but with the voting ratio now 5:2, their opinions no longer mattered.

“Oh yes, yes~~That’s it!” Heimerdinger chuckled, “Kid, just do as you say.”

Li Lin felt a little relieved.

Fortunately, Heimerdinger first proposed the idea of ​​building a mecha, otherwise the members of the other families would not have agreed.

“Since it was you who proposed the construction of humanoid mecha…son, you have the right to name this project.”

Li Lin thought for a moment, “Then let’s call it Project Gaboga.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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