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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 250 Where are you doing with this Yodel bond?

Li Lin ran to the restaurant to explain to Caitlin, then immediately returned to the workshop, put on his armor and flew to the academy.

Although Caitlin was dissatisfied with his life of not eating on time and staying up late every day, thinking that he was ruining his body.

But today it was Heimerdinger who made the call in person, so there must be something important. She still didn’t stop Li Lin after all.

In just two or three minutes, Li Lin flew directly to the Yodel Academy of Piltover University.

After more than two weeks of renovation, the scientific research workshop in Yodel College has been transformed into a semi-underground construction factory. The height above the ground is nearly two hundred meters high, and the internal space is even more vast.

Even if the altitude where the college is built is no higher than the Piltover Parliament Building, the highest point in Piltover, this construction plant is higher than that building.

Outside the gate of the construction factory, Heimerdinger was dancing and describing something with several other different-looking Yodel construction team captains.

When he saw Li Lin descending from the sky, he waved them away to go about their own business.

“Oh ho ho~~ kid, come here quickly!” Heimerdinger waved to Li Lin excitedly, “You must have guessed the reason why I came to you today, right?”

“Has Gai Bojia’s weapon system been upgraded?” Li Lin said with a smile.

“That’s right! But…” Heimerdinger pondered for a moment, “There are other things to do today. Our research team needs two more candidates.”

“Huh?” Li Lin made a confused nasal sound, “But aren’t all the professors from the entire college who are qualified and capable of participating in this project here?”

“No, no, no, kid, they are not professors from the academy, but scientists from Bandle City…you know them.”

I know a lot of yordles.

Hammer-shaped cannon, cannon-shaped Poppy, late-night Poppy, airplane Poppy, purple-skinned garlic Poppy…

They can all be bonded by Yodel.

Li Lin knew what Heimerdinger meant, but a strange thought came to his mind.

“If it’s a scientist, or someone I know…are you referring to Giggs and Rambo?”

Li Lin can understand Rambo.

After all, they had made an agreement before in Shurima. Rambo was going back to Bandle City to find special materials that could withstand nuclear fusion reactions for him. It was only a matter of time before he came to Pi City.

But Giggs…

Li Lin always felt that this guy who only knew how to make bombs and made explosions his art was unreliable at all.

“Oh yes, with their participation, our process of building Gaboga Mecha will definitely…”

Before Heimerdinger finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Lin: “Professor, I can still understand Rambo. Are you sure… you want Giggs to participate?”

he asked cautiously.

You know, Heimerdinger drove Giggs back to Bandle City more than half a year ago. At that time, he even took a bomb and almost blew up the office building.

Heimerdinger blew his beard, lowered his head and looked thoughtful, “But Giggs told me that he has changed his ways, and he will do his best to help us build mechas.”

Li Lin: “…”

He felt very speechless. You really just believe whatever others say…

I’m afraid that Ziggs will make some tricks on the mecha, add a bomb module, and accidentally blow up the academy or the city of Piltover.

Then you might as well add your focused flamethrower.

“Come on kids, let’s go meet them.”

Heimerdinger put his hands behind his back, turned around and walked into the construction plant.

Along the way, Li Lin asked Rambo and Giggs how they came to Piltover.

Because the college was short of manpower, Heimerdinger sent people back to Bandle City two weeks ago to call in several construction teams.

It was then that Ziggs heard about the construction of mechas, and he quietly followed the construction team back to Pi City two days ago.

But Ziggs’ appearance could only be described as “conspicuous” compared to other yordles, and he was quickly caught by Heimerdinger.

Afterwards, he begged Heimerdinger for mercy and vowed never to touch a bomb again, and devoted himself to helping build mechas.

After comprehensive consideration, Heimerdinger agreed to let Giggs stay.

Rambo, on the other hand, just arrived in Piltover today.

He drove the tattered mecha Tristy, which was upgraded to rare quality by Li Lin, to pull several tons of ore that did not exist in Runeterra, and came to the academy from the portal of the Yodel Academy of Piltover University.

Heimerdinger heard about Tristy’s mecha and without even thinking about it, he invited Rambo to join Project Gaborga.

Originally, Rambo had a unilateral estrangement from Heimerdinger and did not want to participate in his troubles for Piltover and mankind.

In addition, he came today to deliver ore to Li Lin, and asked him when he would build a new mecha for him.

But when Heimerdinger said that Geboga was the giant mecha designed by Li Lin, which was hundreds of meters high, Rambo immediately became excited and wanted to wait for Li Lin to ask about the details.

Of course, according to his temperament, participating in the Geboga plan is basically a certainty.

The two walked outside the door of Heimerdinger’s temporary office in the construction plant. Tristy stopped not far away, surrounded by a group of Yodel construction teams and professors from the college.

Tristy is surrounded by a fence, which is why Rambo feels safe letting others get close to her.

After entering the office door, Li Lin saw Rambo sitting on Heimerdinger’s office chair, his short legs tapping on the table, and looking through the notes he had previously placed on the table.

Giggs was sitting bored on the sofa on one side of the room, throwing a round red ball into the sky.

Hearing the knock on the door, Giggs hurriedly stuffed the ball into his mouth, and then let out a smoky belch.

Li Lin had a black line on his head and knew it was a bomb.

However, Heimerdinger didn’t notice this. His attention was completely attracted by Rambo: “Oh Rambo! How can you look through my notes at will?!”

He angrily walked up to Rambo and snatched the small notebook from his hand.

“Tch, stingy, look how messy your notes are, could you remember to be more organized when taking notes next time?”

“What do you know!”

Rambo frowned and jumped out of his chair, resisting the urge to scold Heimerdinger.

His eyes stayed on Li Lin at the door, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Ignoring Heimerdinger, who was checking his precious notebook for any damage, Rambo walked straight to Li Lin and reached out to pat the armor on his body.

“Your armor looks very different from half a year ago.”

“Machines always need to be upgraded.” Li Lin responded with a smile.

“I transported the ore you asked for, and it is currently stored in the college’s warehouse. I drove Tristy to dig it for two weeks!”

Rambo pinched his waist and complained, looking dissatisfied, “Where is the large mecha you promised me? Could it be this one?”

How could Gaboga open it for you…

“Of course… not anymore.” Li Lin said in a long voice, “Do you still remember the name of the mecha I mentioned to you at that time?”

“Uh…” Rambo scratched the hair on his face, “What kind of mecha is called Silver?”

“It’s the Galaxy Magic Machine God.”

Li Lin said in a very serious tone and began to draw the pie:

“The mecha I promised to build for you can fly out of Runeterra, but this Gaiborg can only move within Runeterra… Are you sure you want this one?”

Rambo hesitated for a few seconds, but he could still understand what Li Lin said about the strength between the two mechas.

If you can only choose one…

“Okay, okay, then I will wait for your Galaxy Magic Robot God.” He nodded, “But the life span of you humans is too short compared to us Yodels. I can afford to wait for decades, but you can’t wait rise.”

Rambo’s meaning was very clear. He didn’t want Li Lin to drag on for decades until he died.

“Don’t worry, I always do what I say. Besides, Gaibojia can also allow us to accumulate experience in building large-scale mechas.”

What’s more, with the “genetic ascension” of the individual enhancement route, lifespan is not a problem at all for me.

Li Lin added in his heart.

At this time, Heimerdinger also checked the integrity of his notes, carefully put them into his arms, turned to Li Lin, Rambo and Giggs and said:

“Okay, okay, kids, let’s go show off the plasma cannon now.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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