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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 251 Terrifying Power

The plasma cannon is the main weapon installed on Geboga’s arms. It is equivalent to the main cannon. Naturally, its manufacturing cannot be careless.

Under the leadership of Heimerdinger, they first built a small plasma cannon for experimentation. After the entire Gaiboga was basically completed, the large cannon was assembled directly on Gaiboga.

On the way to the underground explosion-proof experimental room, Heimerdinger kept muttering professional terms such as “sequential entropy value”, “cyclic sequence”, and “Wallner inner ring”.

After taking the elevator down to the bottom floor, an energy turret with a caliber of three meters was placed on the central construction platform, being debugged by several humans and Professor Yoder.

In the explosion-proof room, a huge energy-supply mechanical device more than ten meters high is equipped with hundreds of energy crystals, which are providing energy through thick lines connected to the plasma cannon.

Li Lin opened “Data Thinking” and checked its properties.

[Plasma Cannon (semi-finished product, artifact): The most advanced plasma weapon, this artillery is the result of a completely upgraded version of the previous plasma cannon. Their plasma projectiles are even more deadly. 】

[Attributes: 5000 health, 60000 energy, 98 combat power. 】

[Ability Effect]

[Advanced confinement field: Confines high-energy plasma and reduces the energy dissipation of plasma projectiles when they fly towards the target. 】

[Armor Incinerator: Plasma projectiles are particularly effective against various types of armor, but will be blocked by energy shields. 】

[Instability: The plasma cannon is still in an unstable stage, and charging energy for more than 5 seconds has a 2%-10% probability of causing unpredictable consequences (extremely dangerous). 】

[Charged Cannon: After 3-10 seconds of charging, it will cause an annihilating blow to the target. 】

It is only a semi-finished product that can reach the level of an artifact, with combat power comparable to the ordinary posture of a god warrior, and it has not been upgraded with its own “mechanical fine decoration” skills.

If it were completely completed, this cannon alone would have to be at least epic level equipment.

“Has the debugging work been completed?” Heimerdinger asked an old man wearing monolithic Hex detection glasses and research clothes with gray hair who looked to be nearly fifty years old.

“It’s almost done, you can start the experiment.” The old professor replied.

“Very good, are the experimental materials ready?”

The old professor asked the assistant beside him and nodded to Heimerdinger, “The marble with Hex compression coating is ready.”

“Hmm~~Where are Jace and Victor? Call them here and get ready to start the experiment.”

Heimerdinger, Rambo and Giggs took the goggles and protective clothing handed by the old professor’s assistant and quickly put them on with the help of several other Yodel assistants.

Li Lin politely declined these things and directly chose to close the mask of the armor, which also allowed Zhi Nao to measure the energy index of the cannon.

The old professor quickly introduced the various attributes of the cannon to Li Lin, Heimerdinger and others.

According to their research and testing, charging the cannon for 3 to 4 seconds is the most reasonable and safe interval, which is consistent with the display on the Li Lin system panel.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Jace and Victor arrived belatedly.

In addition to supervising the work, the two of them were also responsible for leading the team to build Gaboga’s two most important arms, so they also had to participate in the development and manufacturing of the plasma cannon.

After saying hello to each other, they didn’t hesitate to talk nonsense. They immediately put on their goggles and protective measures, and walked with everyone to the explosion-proof room with huge explosion-proof glass not far away.

Following the signal from Heimerdinger standing on the stage, a Yodel assistant pressed the remote control button on the console, and a marble that was five or six meters high and completely covered with compressed Hex metal plating slowly rose from the ground. rise.

When the lifting platform came to a complete stop, Heimerdinger personally pressed the start button of the power supply device of the central plasma cannon.

“The energy supply equipment has been started and is operating in good condition.”

“The energy crystal energy continues to increase…it has currently reached 57%.”

“The plasma cannon has been activated and is supplying energy.”

“The energy supply is normal and there are no abnormalities in the plasma cannon.”

“Accessibility calibration…completed.”

“Plasma Cannon sets safe recharge limit: 3 seconds.”

“The energy supply equipment is ready, and the energy of the plasma cannon has reached the normal charging level.”

“Professor, do you want to start charging?”

Heimerdinger paused briefly and solemnly gave the order: “Let’s begin.”

“Plasma cannon aimed, target: Hex-coated marble.”

“Charging countdown: 3, 2, 1…”

For just 3 seconds, the plasma cannon’s muzzle flashed with dark blue light, almost covering up the lighting in the underground space.

【warn! warn! If it is detected that certain annihilating energy is accumulating, should any countermeasures be taken? 】

The brain does not record the plasma cannon’s data and therefore reacts to its charge.

“Only measuring, collecting and analyzing energy data, no response required.”

Li Lin quickly gave instructions to Zhinao.

As the research staff read out the countdown, everyone in the explosion-proof room couldn’t help but hold their breath, staring through the glass in front of them at the plasma cannon in the distance.


When the cannon’s charge reached the set safety upper limit, an even more dazzling light suddenly burst out, followed by a deafening sound.

At the same time, the cannon’s muzzle fired a hot wave of energy, which covered the Hex-coated marble hundreds of meters away in less than a heartbeat, annihilating it instantly, leaving no trace behind.

But it’s not over yet. Although the plasma cannon has only been charged for 3 seconds, a Hex-coated marble cannot offset its energy at all.

The remaining plasma projectiles continued to sweep forward, engulfing everything along the way and the high-power energy shields set up just in case, making it impossible to stop them.

It was only one breath away from its launch, and even Li Lin didn’t react. The plasma projectile bombarded the steel explosion-proof wall more than two hundred meters away, incinerating it and creating a huge dark hole.

The energy shock wave it generated covered a radius of hundreds of meters, and no experimental machinery was spared. It even shook the entire construction plant, and even the ground was faintly shaken.

Everyone in the explosion-proof room gasped, and then cheered with joy: “We succeeded!”

Unlike other research staff, Li Lin, Jace, Victor and Heimerdinger, who were already sweating, breathed a sigh of relief.

Even Giggs was shocked. This was even more astonishing than the cutting-edge technology he had been studying in Bandle City in recent months, which he named the “Scientific Hell Cannon” compression bomb.

The terrifying power of the plasma cannon was far beyond their imagination, and this was only the result of the cannon being charged for 3 seconds at its lowest power.

If it reaches full charging in 10 seconds, the energy that can be exploded will increase exponentially.

According to the estimates given by Zhinao, let alone Piltover University, at least one blow would be enough to destroy half of the northern city.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Rambo’s legs were still trembling slightly.

He turned to look at Heimerdinger, who also looked slightly solemn, and said in a trembling voice: “Heimerdinger, it seems that you are much crazier than me.”

“This… is just a small accident.” Heimerdinger exhaled heavily.

Jace on the side swallowed his saliva and suggested: “I think we need to put the plasma cannon on the list of extremely dangerous controlled devices and send people to guard it 24 hours a day.”

“I agree.” Victor also hurriedly said, “Not only that, before it is completely completed, we have to lock it at 3 seconds of energy storage, and it can only be unlocked with a key.”

After saying this, Jace and Victor looked at Li Lin at the same time.

Because he didn’t unfold his mask and hadn’t said anything yet, they didn’t know what Li Lin was thinking.

As everyone knows, Li Lin is letting his brain analyze the current data of the plasma cannon to think about how to continue to improve its power.

An energy cannon of this level, completely installed on Gai Bo plus with a caliber of at least ten meters, would be possible to completely destroy the Twin Cities in one blow.

But compared to the ascended celestial warriors, and even the demigods incarnating natural elements and rules, they are far inferior, let alone dealing with the void in the future.

The plasma cannon is not up to par, the electromagnetic coil gun is okay for killing mobs, but it can only scratch the itch against demigods, so we have to find a way to continue upgrading…

Li Lin opened the system panel and took a look at the weapons that could be unlocked later in the combat system.

The electromagnetic matter projection cannon and shaped arc laser unlocked when reaching level 50, the mega-class cannon and shaped particle light spear unlocked when reaching level 55, the giga-class cannon and matter cracking cannon unlocked when reaching level 60…

As well as quantum bombs after mastering quantum mechanics, proton energy cannons, neutron energy cannons, and even space-based weapons and satellite rays that can only be learned at extremely high levels…

After reaching this level, Li Lin had some confidence to compete with the demigod.

But his current level is only level 47, which is still too far away from these. He has not even unlocked the first large-scale Tyrant mecha or the mass-produced battlefield mecha…

Li Lin quickly calmed down his chaotic thoughts, unfolded his mask and looked at Heimerdinger, and said something that shocked everyone in the room:

“Professor, I think we need to further upgrade Geboga’s weapon system.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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