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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 262

After Li Lin said “the meeting begins”, the room fell into silence.

All the alchemy barons were not fools. They all saw that Hilko seemed to be vaguely headed by Li Lin, and this meeting would also be held around him.

Especially Middenstock, Spender, and Adrian, who had only seen Li Lin in the newspaper and didn’t know much about him, were even more surprised by this.

The atmosphere was anxious for a long time. In the whole room, only Li Lin reached out and knocked on the long conference table, as if hitting everyone’s hearts with heavy blows.

Except for Hilko and Lannar, everyone else became anxious.

Since you convened a meeting of the Alchemist Barons and waited for us to arrive without saying anything, are you trying to make fun of us?

This was the thought that came to the minds of the grumpy Spender and Adrian.

Just when Spender couldn’t help but want to have an attack, Eni sitting opposite him broke the silence first: “Where is Bonnie? Why hasn’t she come yet?”

She raised her head and glanced at Li Lin and Hilko, her tone tinged with trembling.

The people of Zaun would never have dreamed that the Alchemist Baron, who was usually very prosperous and showed off his power in front of them, would have such a frightening side.

“Yes, Bonnie is very punctual on weekdays, she shouldn’t be late.” Longfellow also said worriedly.

“Is there any accident? I heard that there was an explosion at the junction of the middle square and the ditch last night. Many refugees poured into the dance corridor last night.”

Barrit, the yodel, raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the side of the long table, “Silko…”

Barritt had just pronounced Hilko’s name when he interrupted him, “Bonnie can’t come.”

Hilko’s tone was very cold.

When he mentioned Bonnie, it was as if he had never known this person before.

Eni, Longfellow and Barritt couldn’t help but frown at the same time, not understanding what Hilko wanted to express.

“Has something happened to her?” Compared to Longfellow and Barritt, Eine had the best relationship with Bonnie and asked anxiously.

“Oh~~ maybe you haven’t heard about it, right?” Hilko sounded surprised, as if they should have known about it.

Immediately, he leaned forward, put his elbows on the table, and stretched out his hands to drag his face.

“That traitor should be put on a flight to the Sea of ​​Watch by my men now… maybe tonight, she can go say hello to the manta ray.”

Hearing this, Eni, Longfellow, and Barritt were stunned, and even Spender and Adrian had expressions of astonishment.

No matter how weak he is, he is still an alchemist baron!

She still has some strength in Zaun, that’s all…

Was it dealt with by Hilko?

Middenstock seemed to realize something, and his expression suddenly changed.

Fortunately, Rini’s next question attracted the attention of all the alchemy barons, and no one paid attention to him.

“Why… I don’t understand, Hilko, Bonnie always listens to you so much. We are still brothers and sisters who have gone through life and death. Why do you…”

Being questioned like this by Rini, Hilko’s face turned cold, and he laughed and said: “Brothers and sisters who have been through life and death? And then betrayed me and took refuge in Gorask?”


The conference room fell into silence again.

Everyone knows the tit-for-tat confrontation between Hilko and Lenata.

But now that they have taken refuge in Silko, even if they are dissatisfied with his actions in some aspects, they have never thought of teaming up with Lenata.

Moreover, Hilko once released news to them that he already had evidence of Lenata’s crime and would be able to send her to Stillwater Prison soon.

Although several months have passed, Hilko has not yet fulfilled his promise.

But none of them were stupid enough to surrender to Lenata, except Baron Middenstock.

Bonnie’s sudden rebellion was unexpected by everyone.

“This is impossible…” After hearing that her friend had betrayed her, Eni muttered in a daze.

“Bonnie has never met Lenata… Are you mistaken, are you Hilko?” Barritt said sharply.

Longfellow remained silent, with a serious look on his face, as if he had expected this.

“Let Li Lin answer this question for you.”

After all, it involved sisters with whom he had fought together, and Hilko didn’t want to explain too much.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Li Lin, who was eating melon and watching a show.

“Ahem…” Li Lin cleared his throat, “Today, I found Lenata hiding in Bonnie’s dance hall. I called the law enforcement officer to arrest her.”


Li Lin’s words caused the conference hall to fall into silence three times.

An alchemist baron who was so powerful in Zaun was arrested…

Middenstock pinched himself secretly and grinned in pain.

It seems that this is not a dream.

Eni pursed her lips, hesitated for a long time, and said without confidence: “But this doesn’t mean that Bonnie has rebelled…”

Before she could finish her words, she was poked hard by Longfellow beside her and warned with a serious look.

Hilko has been looking for traces of Lenata recently, and finally found her in Bonny’s Cabaret.

In any case, the charge of rebellion has been confirmed and cannot be reversed.

Rini has been helping Bonnie at this juncture. Regardless of their relationship, it is certain that it will arouse Hilko’s dissatisfaction and even suspicion.

To be able to rule Zaun, Silko relies not only on his wisdom, but also on his cold-blooded iron fist.

Even if they are brothers and sisters, as long as he thinks they have betrayed him, even Fander, who was once a brother and sister, he will dare to take action.

What’s more, a man who once worked hard behind them is now just a little alchemist baron?

Eni didn’t dare to speak anymore.

Middenstock lowered his head and broke out in cold sweat. He even breathed very slowly, for fear that Hilko would notice him.

“You summoned us here today. Is this the main thing you’re talking about?” Spender’s voice was hoarse and low, revealing a sinister coldness. “Once Mrs. Gorask’s problem is solved, there will be no one left in the lower city to follow.” We are the ones to contend with.”

“Oh, don’t forget, there is a Gray Lady above us. Do you want to attract her attention?” Adrian sneered, with a disdainful expression.

Not only for Spender, but also for the families in the upper city.

Although Spender was dissatisfied with his tone, he had nothing to say.

Even Silko is afraid of the Gray Lady, let alone the Alchemy Barons like them.

“After Gorask is solved, what about Gorask Industry? Hilko, you should have a solution, right?”

At this time, Lannar, who had remained silent, asked, and then glanced at Li Lin, “If this problem cannot be solved, Krasko Industries will collapse, but thousands of people will be unemployed.”

“I will take over.” Li Lin’s words surprised the alchemist barons, “But this is not an issue you should consider.”

He paused for a few seconds and said words that confused everyone: “After all… you don’t have to worry about Zu An anymore.”

Adrian frowned, with a questioning tone in his tone, “We don’t have to worry about Zaun anymore?”

“What do you mean by that?” Spender blew on the long white beard beside his mouth, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Eni, Longfellow and Barritt glanced at each other without saying anything. Hilko, who seemed to agree with Li Lin’s remarks, couldn’t help but feel helpless.

It seems that after solving Lenata and betraying Bonnie, the two of them are ready to join forces to break up with the Alchemy Baron Alliance.

Voss still looked as absent-minded as before, and was not too touched by this.

Lannar’s shock turned into indifferent. She didn’t have much real power in Zaun.

She was able to become the Alchemist Baron only because she had a robot manufacturing factory on hand and cooperated with some big families in the upper city to gain their support.

Moreover, since the last meeting of the Alchemist Barons, Lannar has been paying close attention to Li Lin, knows him well, and knows that he will not be a person who kills the donkey.

Power doesn’t matter to her, so let it go.

“I think my meaning has been made very clear, everyone.” Li Lin said with a smile, “Literally, you don’t need to worry about Zu An’s affairs anymore.”

“In other words, you plan to disband the Alchemy Baron Alliance?” Adrian asked sternly.

“Who does this mean? You? Hilko?” Spender’s golden vertical pupils glanced at Li Lin and Hilko, and his hands had already touched his waist, “Or do you mean… those Shangcheng families?” ?”

“To be precise, it’s what Hilko and I mean.”

In fact, this idea was entirely proposed by Li Lin. He did not want Zu An to continue to be in the current situation, which would be very detrimental to his future development.

Before fighting against the outside world, one must first settle the inside. The Alchemy Barons are an uncontrollable factor.

Especially Adrian, Spender, Middenstock and Voss.

Li Lin doesn’t want to have one or more “lead leaders” in his family when facing a world crisis in the future, leading the crisis to the base camp.

However, Hilko just glanced at him lightly, acquiescing to his words.

This time, Spender was furious.

He was born in Zu’an, and his parents died, but it was not easy for him to get to where he is today.

Zaun is no better than Ionia. He is a vastaya who is covered in hair and looks like a Pekingese. He suffers from discrimination and insults.

If he hadn’t taken advantage of Vastaya’s physical strength and longevity, combined with his own ruthlessness, he would have climbed to his current position step by step.

Otherwise, he would have died in the stinking ditch long ago.

“Damn! You can’t do this!”

Spender stood up abruptly and pulled out the electric shock baton from his waist almost in the blink of an eye.

He didn’t dare to kidnap Hilko because the other party was far away from him, and he still had a little fear of the leader of the alchemy barons.

Therefore, Li Lin, the “boyfriend” closest to him and the “Zi Li” of the Shangcheng family, became Spender’s primary target.

Unfortunately, he didn’t realize that he was looking for the wrong person.

After being strengthened by the genetic potion and Janna’s blessing, he was just a strong vastaya, and he was not the best at fighting.

Even if Li Lin didn’t switch his clothes into armor form, Spender, who was a great threat to ordinary people, would be vulnerable to him.

This was also the reason why he didn’t wear the third-generation armor to the meeting, just to attract someone who thought he was “poor and weak” and dared to take action, so that he could scare the monkeys.

Just like the last meeting of the Alchemy Barons that killed the arrogant and domineering Finn.

Spender’s speed was so fast that he left the afterimage. The electric shock stick in his hand “sizzled”, and a strong current as thick as his finger was wrapped around him, and he slammed Li Lin on the head.

Unfortunately, with the blessing of “Janna’s blessing” and the ability to “walk with the wind”, Li Lin was much faster than him.

In the blink of an eye, Li Lin had already grabbed Spender’s wrist with both hands, squeezed hard, and crushed his rock-hard bones.


Spender screamed, and the electric shock baton in both hands fell to the ground, almost hitting Adrian next to him.

Immediately afterwards, Li Lin kicked his kneecap mercilessly, breaking one of his legs. The dense white bones pierced the flesh and blood, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

Before Spender could make his final struggle and resistance, Li Lin held down his head with his left hand and slammed it onto the conference table, smashing a huge hole in the table made of fine wood.

Spender could not get up again.

Because Li Lin didn’t hold back, a wooden thorn that shattered the conference table penetrated into his head, and blood mixed with red and white blood flowed out. It was obvious that he was about to die soon.

Li Lin bent down, wiped his hands on Spender’s body in disgust, and then sat back down in his seat as if nothing had happened.

He looked around, taking in the shocked expressions of the Alchemy Barons, including Silko.

“Why are you looking at me? If you have any opinions, please raise them immediately. It’s too late.”

This horse riding…

Who dares to give an opinion?

Adrian, who originally wanted to take action, couldn’t help but complain in his heart. He glanced at Spender’s body and felt a little lucky at the same time.

If I had moved faster just now, I’m afraid there would be more than one vastaya corpse lying on the ground now…

At the same time, Hilko, Eni, Longfellow, Barritt, Voss and Lanner were all extremely shocked by Li Lin’s strength.

Compared to a few months ago, he had to rely on power armor to kill Finn, who was just an ordinary person.

But now, he has reached the point where he killed a strong vastaya with his bare hands…

In fact, the battle was over before they even saw his movements clearly.

What has this guy been through? !

There was a strong smell of rust in the air, and there was silence.

Li Lin gave them a few minutes to think about it, and then said with a smile: “It seems that everyone has no objection…”

He stood up slowly, startling Adrian and Middenstock.

However, Li Lin ignored them. Instead, he walked to the side of the conference hall and took out a bottle of whiskey from the Hex refrigerator in the corner.

Footsteps echoed through the house.

Li Lin set the tumblers for everyone, poured half a glass of wine for them, and then returned to his seat.

“In that case, I declare that you will take back your control of Zaun City.”

With a polite smile, he raised his glass and signaled to the alchemist barons.

They stretched out their trembling hands to hold the wine glass, as if they had used all their strength to lift it, and forced a forced smile on their faces.

Li Lin glanced at everyone and clinked glasses with them separately.

“Then… let us drink to Zaun’s future!”

Today is close to 8,000 words, please give me monthly votes and recommendations.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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