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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 270 Hongmen Banquet, tense family ties

On the way to the main house, Abiel quickly explained to Li Lin what was going on.

However, Li Lin could see that even though she was born into the Philos family, she was still a little girl who was inexperienced in the world, even simpler than Orianna and Seraphine. She would feel nervous talking to a stranger like him.

After some confusing explanations, Li Lin reluctantly extracted a general context from Abil’s story, and then summarized it based on his own knowledge and understanding:

Before the evolution day, Camille approached Li Lin and returned to Philos’s house. Since she failed, she coerced him into agreeing to make a Hex core for Stevan so that Stevan could perform Hex augmentation transformation surgery.

Stevan did not expect that his sister would miss the ball. He was very angry about this and complained to Camille.

Camille was in a bad mood after being beaten up by Li Lin. Coupled with Stevan’s bad attitude, she couldn’t help but have a quarrel with him on the spot.

Later, Camille basically seemed like a different person. She almost never showed up at home, and she was so mysterious every day that she didn’t know what she was doing.

Stevan did the same, arranging people to follow Li Lin, and tried to send people to sneak into Gila Mann’s house, looking for opportunities to spy on him in the process of making the Hex Core.

It’s a pity that Li Lin was already building the defense system of Gila Mann Manor at that time. Combined with the intelligence and cameras, Agent Philos failed to achieve his goal.

Evolution Day is coming. Stevan witnessed Li Lin’s new technology and enjoyment of the future at the Evolution Day Conference. He felt even more depressed and unsatisfied, and missed the Hex Core even more deeply.

Later, Camille seemed to have discovered something and had a big fight with Stevan. Then she called Abiel into her room every day and asked her to learn some knowledge that she was not supposed to learn.

For example, how to deal with the world, how to arrange family affairs, how to solve various major problems and problems, etc.

Tonight, knowing that Stevan had sent his confidant Bonnar to greet Li Lin and lead him to visit Lanxun Manor, Camille also sent Abiel to send Bonnar away and asked her to take Li Lin with him. Lin went to see himself.

Of course, most of the content here was made up by Li Lin himself.

If we just go by Abiel’s description, it would be that her great-aunt and great-uncle had two quarrels and had conflicts, and then her great-aunt began to ask her to study…

When we arrived at the main house, more servants passed by in the corridor.

Abeer stopped acting like a child and began to imitate the stern face of an adult.

According to her previous statement, Camille taught her to show the seriousness of a “superior” outside.

But according to Li Lin’s observation, these servants seemed not to be surprised.

Maybe in their opinion, Abiel has found something interesting recently.

After all, she is just an innocent girl of fourteen or fifteen years old…

It was less than half an hour before the party started.

Li Lin and Abiel climbed the steps and soon reached the top floor of the main house.

After twisting and turning in the maze-like corridor, the two finally stopped in front of a very ordinary wooden door that didn’t even have carvings or decorations.

Dong dong dong——

Abiel looked nervous, stretched out his little hand and knocked lightly on the door three times, and then turned the handle carefully.

With a soft “squeaking” sound, she slowly pushed the door open.

It was different from Li Lin’s stereotypical expectation of Camille holding tea and sitting in a very dim environment without any lights. The only light source was the blue light of the Hex Core on her body.

The room was extremely bright, with electrified chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and small desk lamps of uniform style and exquisite workmanship placed on the surrounding small tables.

On the wall opposite the door, there were two chairs beside a simple and elegant table. Camille, who was wearing a gray and white tuxedo, was sitting on one of the chairs, holding a teacup in her hand and taking a sip of tea. .

Seeing Li Lin and Abiel entering the room, Camille motioned to her grandniece to lock the door, then asked Li Lin to sit on the chair next to her, picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea, and pushed it opposite her.

“Let’s have a cup of tea first.”


Li Lin thanked her without any courtesy, went straight to Camille and sat down opposite her, picked up the teacup, blew on the hot air, and took a sip.

Abiel, who had just locked the door and turned around, saw the scene in front of him. He couldn’t help but cover his mouth, his eyes widened, and he almost screamed in surprise.

What’s happening here? !

My aunt has such a good relationship with Mr. Li Lin?

I just complained to Mr. Li Lin about my great-aunt forcing me to study…

Oh no, no, no, what should I do now?

Abiel’s little face gradually turned pale, and her heart was pounding so hard that it almost jumped out of her throat.

It’s just that Li Lin and Camille’s attention and topic were not on her at all.

“You’re still here.” Camille’s crystal blue electronic prosthetic eyes looked at Li Lin who was drinking tea, and couldn’t help but sigh.

Li Lin put the delicate tea cup into the snow-white tray and raised his eyebrows in confusion: “Huh? Shouldn’t I come?”

“You really shouldn’t have come…”

Camille seemed hesitant to speak.

“This is the invitation letter signed by your brother and sent to me by the head of the Stevan family. If I don’t come, wouldn’t it be disrespectful to me?”

Li Lin leaned back slightly and leaned on the back of the chair, as if he regarded this place as his own home, looking a little free and relaxed.

Moreover, Camille didn’t care about his behavior.

Abiel on the side felt like he was “petrified” and his mind went blank.

“This is a conspiracy.”

Li Lin was not too surprised by Camille’s words, and still had an indifferent expression.

He had long expected that this party might be a Hongmen Banquet. After all, he had refused Camille to make the Hex Core for Stevan.

“You’re not surprised?”

“Nothing surprising.” Li Lin shook his head and turned his gaze to the sluggish Abiel, “But I am quite curious about one thing. Is it really okay for you to say this in front of her?”

“She will be the next head of the family, and it’s time for her to understand some of the dark side of the family.”

“Oh, I get it.”

Li Lin knew that after killing his brother, Camille would support a new puppet head of the family, who seemed to be his own relative.

It’s just that it’s been too long since he traveled through time, and he had a lot of things to do during that time, so he forgot a lot about some details and background.

When Camille said this, Li Lin remembered that the puppet head of the family she was supporting was her grandniece.

What he didn’t expect was that Abiel would be such an innocent little girl.

But thinking about it carefully, Li Lin suddenly understood.

After what happened with Stevan, it would be easier to control everything by choosing a little girl who is not familiar with the world.

Camille looked at his plain expression and wondered, “Aren’t you surprised by this?”

“It’s normal. You came to me before the banquet. You must have discovered your brother’s secret…”

At this moment, Abiel, who had just reacted, let out an exclamation of unknown meaning: “Um – great-aunt, grandma, you just said, you want me to be, be the head of the family?!”

“Yes, I originally wanted to tell you about this later… Well, to be precise, after tonight.”

After saying that, Camille ignored Abiel, and the blue light of Hexyi’s eyes flashed, staring at Li Lin’s eyes very seriously.

“You’re right, I discovered Stevan’s dirty little secret.” She almost said every word, with a slightly sad look on her face, “He has always kept a backup of the Hex core blueprints, and there is no such thing as Destroy it as we originally agreed.”

Li Lin did not interrupt and gave Camille enough time to tell what happened since the day of evolution to now.

“I confronted Stevan with the blueprint, but he said he found it from a certain alchemist baron in Zaun. I saw that he was lying and I didn’t expose him at the time.

“Later, I found out that he had secretly met with a girl who was not yet underage but very athletic, without telling me. Stevan gave her a fortune, ordered her to customize a good weapon for herself, and then went to …”

Just as she was speaking, Camille’s words stopped suddenly, and the operation of the Hex core in her chest made an inaudible noise.

She took a deep breath and continued: “Go to Hakeem…Stevan already knows where Hakeem has lived in seclusion for decades.”

When he heard that the family was so secretive, Abiel’s breathing gradually became rapid, and he couldn’t hold his breath. He stammered: “Aunt, great aunt, why don’t I, I, I better go out…”

When she was a child, she heard her father tell about Camille’s former lovers, but there weren’t many.

Later, she asked her eldest brother Yabus, who had always loved her, but was sternly warned by him not to talk about such things.

The young Abiel had never seen Yabus show such an expression, and he had a shadow on Camille in his heart.

But later on, Camille loved her great-niece very much, and her behavior in all aspects was not as terrifying as Yabus said. This shadow was deeply buried in her heart.

But now…

Yabus’s warning brought Abil’s long-forgotten memories to mind again.

Why do I always encounter this kind of thing!

Abir wanted to cry but had no tears.

“Don’t be nervous Abiel, this is something you should know.” Camille tried to comfort her in a calm tone.

Then, she continued to tell what happened next; “Before the girl left Piltover, I found her and tortured her. I found out that her name was Afye, and that Hadri had actually returned to his home after so many years. My hometown of Shurima is in Kenese.”

Camille was a little absent-minded and murmured in a low voice: “I should have known better…Besides here, the only place he can go is his former home…”

After pausing for a few seconds, she took a few deep breaths, suppressed the sadness that surged into her heart, and returned to her expressionless state, “Sorry, I lost my composure.”

“That girl, you…”

“I killed her, it was obvious.” Camille replied before Li Lin could finish, “Since she chose this path, she knew her possible end.”

“I thought you would let the tiger go home.” Li Lin chuckled, “So…does Stevan know about this?”

Camille hesitated for a moment, “I am the top spy in the family. I trained all the spies in the Philos family. As far as I know, no one can surpass me in ability.”

This means that Stevan does not know about his planned bankruptcy.

Li Lin nodded, “As for tonight’s Hongmen Banquet, do you know Stevan’s specific arrangements?”

“Hongmen Banquet?”

“Well, it’s his plot… I mean, the plan.”

“There’s nothing wrong with talking about conspiracy.”

After understanding what Li Lin meant, Camille’s expression gradually darkened.

“He thought he had hidden it from me and had done it perfectly, but little did he know that I was the person who understood him best than himself.

“He wanted to use a special magic toxin, which is similar to the sleeping flower used by Verizon who kidnapped the congressman a year ago, but it can also have an effect on me.

“Stevan wants to force you to make the Hex Core for him. If you don’t agree, he will kill you, and then…”

Before Camille finished speaking, Li Lin naturally knew what she wanted to express.

If he doesn’t agree, Camille’s Hex Core will be a backup, just like the one in the original world line.

“But…but…aunt, haven’t you and your great-uncle always had a good relationship?” Abiel finally couldn’t help it and mustered up the courage to interject.

“Everything will change, children, especially the human heart… This is the thing that is least able to withstand the test of time among all things in the world.”

Camille said a piece of philosophy that Li Lin had never heard in the game.

“Remember my words, Abil, no matter what time, you can never completely trust a person…even if he is your favorite relative.”

I think this thing can’t be killed with a stick. In fact, it has something to do with the individual.

Li Lin had a different view in his mind.

But he is not an atmosphere and topic-killer, and he said such words in such an inappropriate occasion.

He was silent for a long time, then raised his eyes to look at Camille, “What are you going to do?”

And she only said four words: “Clean the door.”

Thanks for the tip from Jianlengi


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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