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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 271 It’s time for the Philos family to change its head

As soon as Camille finished speaking, the room fell into silence.

Abiel stared at Li Lin and his great-aunt with wide eyes, thinking that he had heard wrongly.

Clean the portal…

My aunt is the chief spy of the family. If I understood correctly, that’s what she meant, right?

Kill my great-uncle, and then make myself the head of the family…

Let’s not talk about whether I can do it or not, but my great-aunt and great-uncle are siblings!

How could she? !

Abiel was very puzzled. They obviously only had two quarrels, but did it get to this point?

She did not dare to ask Camille, but silently bit her white lower lip, her face pale and bloodless.

On the other side, Li Lin and Camille looked at each other for a long time, raising their brows slightly, “Since we have to clean up the house… then why delay it until now?”

Camille hesitated slightly, “I…”

“You still have illusions about Stevan.” Li Lin shook his head and sighed, “I thought you would do anything for the Philos family after living for seventy or eighty years.”

“I don’t need you to teach me a lesson.” Camille narrowed her eyes slightly and said coldly, “I have my own rules.”

“Self-controlled? Do you mean raising a tiger to cause trouble, or dragging down other families because of your own family affairs, dragging down an outstanding talent who can promote the twin cities to transcend the era?”

Li Lin didn’t blush when he spoke, and it wasn’t a big lie. He basically did what he said.

Camille was silent again.

“Camille, since you already know that Stevan has completely deviated from the friendship between your siblings, why do you defend him in every aspect?

“For the Hex core, he doesn’t even want to let go of your ex-boyfriend Hakim… Stevan has completely lost his bottom line. You should have known it when you interrogated Afye, but you delayed it until now. .”

Li Lin picked up the tea cup on the tray, drank the cold tea in one gulp, and then walked past Abiel, who was stunned, and walked to the door of the house.

Camille cast a puzzled look at him, “What are you…”

As soon as she finished speaking, there were three hurried knocks on the wooden door.

“Your brother is here.”

In Camille’s stunned eyes, Li Lin opened the door.

Standing outside the house was an old man with white sideburns, wearing an extremely gorgeous male evening gown, with the crest of the Philos family sewn on his chest. He was holding a spring-folding crutch in his hand, which looked like dry tree bark attached to the skeleton. .

Behind the old man, in addition to Bonnard, who had just greeted Li Lin and took him around Lanxun Manor for more than ten minutes, there were two very strong men, more than two meters tall.

The two of them were wearing security guards’ clothes. Perhaps the size was inappropriate, and their bulging muscles were about to burst the clothes and expose them to the air.

Not only that, even though they were covered by clothes, Li Lin could still see their bodies that had been strengthened by Hex amplification under their fine fabrics.

Coupled with the scans and reminders from Zhi Nao, Li Lin also knew that there were at least a dozen people hiding on both sides of the corridor outside.

As soon as he steps out of the house, he can see them immediately.

Good guy, are you unable to sit still and plan to force me to have a baby?

Just out of respect, he didn’t expose Stevan’s plan for the time being and wanted to wait for Camille to make a decision.

Li Lin’s expression remained unchanged, with a calm and polite smile on his face.

But just after letting his men knock on the door, the door opened. There was a little surprise on Stevan’s face, which was crisscrossed with ravines and marked by time.

“You must be the head of the Stevan family, right?” Before they could react, Li Lin spoke first, “May the gears turn in the right direction. I am Li Lin, a craftsman from the Gila Mann family.”

“…May the gears turn in the right direction.”

Stevan’s expression was a little stiff. After responding to Li Lin quickly, his blue eyes that were not cloudy at all narrowed slightly and looked at Camille in the room.

“Sister, the dinner is about to begin, how can you let our distinguished guests come here?”

His tone of voice was very normal, but Li Lin couldn’t hear any emotion contained in it, and there was a distant coldness in it.

Camille stood up from the chair, her sharp feet digging into the precious carpet on the marble floor.

“Li Lin and I haven’t seen each other for a long time since we last said goodbye. I want to meet him in private.”

She pinched her waist with her right hand, walked elegantly to Abiel, who was still in a daze, and gently put her hands on her shoulders.

“This is not in line with etiquette, sister.” Stevan had no intention of entering the room. “If you want to communicate with Li Lin, our reception hall is enough.”

As he spoke, Camille tilted her ears slightly, as if she heard something unusual, and her face became a little sad.

“Sure enough… you are right, I shouldn’t have mercy.”

“Huh?” Stevan hummed in question in his hoarse voice, as if he had a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his throat.

He was stunned for a moment before he realized that this was what Camille said to Li Lin, “Pity? I thought you had abandoned it since you became a secret agent, Camille.”

This time, Stevan chose to call his sister by her first name.

“My pity will only be for those who are truly in need.” Camille’s tone became colder, “You have crossed the line, Stevan.”

“Me? Crossed the line? Hahahaha…” Stevan threw his head back and laughed, and the hand holding the crutch trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Li Lin had an inexplicable worry in his heart: Will he just die laughing like this?

“You have forgotten your duty, Camille.”

“I think you, as the head of the family, should be more clear about my responsibilities.”

The two of them were talking like the Riddler, leaving Abiel completely confused about the situation.

She didn’t want to be caught between her aunt and uncle, as if she were the focus of a quarrel between them.

But Camille’s hands were as strong as a vise, holding her firmly in place, not giving her a chance to step aside.

“You have to be responsible for me, just like you are responsible for your father!” Upon hearing what Camille said, Stevan let out a low growl, “Your purpose is to serve me!”

The look of disappointment on Camille’s face became even stronger.

Father, responsibility…

Stevan had used these two words to suppress her countless times.

“You are wrong. My purpose is not to serve you or the head of the Feros family, but the entire Feros family.”

Camille scolded sternly and said the Philos family oath engraved in the depths of her mind word for word: “The family comes first, I will serve you faithfully, and will not lie or hide anything. For this oath, I will give up everything.” Preserve, with spirit, body, and heart.

“To be precise, I have actually reneged on this oath, because I have allowed you to stay in the position of the head of the family for too long. You are no longer suitable to lead the Philos family forward, but I did it for the sake of family ties and for our sister. The affection between brothers allowed you to stay in this position for decades more.”

“Camille, what you said is bullshit! The responsibility of the secret agent should have been borne by me!”

Stevan’s knuckles turned pale as he held the crutch with almost all his strength. He finally couldn’t bear it anymore and roared loudly: “You also swore to our father, but if you think about it carefully, Camille, as a spy, you are more protective.” What?

“It’s because you weren’t strong enough that you didn’t save your father from the gangsters at the critical moment. Even your mother became ill and died soon after because of this!

“Later, what did you do?! You almost destroyed this family, just because of your damn love and your damn Hakim Nedry! Don’t tell me that you never had the idea of ​​running away with him , where did your sense of honor and sense of responsibility go at that time?”

Stevan’s eyes were red and he burst into tears.

If Li Lin hadn’t known Camille very well, he would have thought that these were indeed her mistakes.

Abil and Bonnar, who were in front of Camille and next to Stevan respectively, were stunned.

This is the first time they have heard about this, which is something that the Philos family is forbidden to discuss.

Camille pursed her lips and breathed very heavily. The crystal blue light shining through the clothes from the Hex core on her chest was no longer as steady as before.

“Stevan, I gave up my heart for this family and for you. Isn’t that enough?”

Stevan’s words were like sharp blades piercing Camille’s chest, cutting her Hex core to pieces.

She had never felt like she did today. She had never felt that her brother, Stevan, was so strange.

Even if they had a fight and started a cold war a while ago, the strange feeling has never been as strong as it is today.

Camille felt her eyes were burning, and it seemed as if warm tears were welling up in her eyes along the electronic veins.

But she knew very well that this was just an illusion.

After undergoing human transformation, she has completely lost the ability to cry.

Camille took a deep breath and said, “You think I don’t know that the incident when you were attacked was completely directed and planned by you, so that I could give up Hakeem and serve the family and you wholeheartedly.

“I did it, Stevan, I abandoned my love, I let Hakim down, isn’t it enough that I have carried out your dark and vicious plans for decades and killed so many people? ?

“Everything I have done for my family over the years, ask yourself, have you done it too?!”

Camille’s questioning caused Stevan’s expression to change a bit, but the next second, his expression was once again filled with disgust.

“My father gave you the responsibility of protecting the family, but I spent my whole life just to prove to him that I am more suitable for this position than you! Although he can no longer see it.”

Stevan’s words were full of anger and malice, as if he was not facing his own sister, but the gang of gangsters who had killed his father and mother.

“You may think that I am a traitor, sister, but have you ever thought that the culprit of all this is you!

“If you were a suitable decision-maker and a suitable spy, I wouldn’t need to interfere in so many things!”

Camille took a breath of air, feeling self-blame and guilt welling up in her heart…

But it’s not like what Stevan said.

She regretted that she did not cut off the piece of rotten flesh when Stevan began to decay, but instead allowed it to spread and multiply like cancer cells, and it had even taken root in the roots of the Philos family.

Her brother had completely changed, and he was completely different from the image in her mind.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this…

“If that’s how you see me, I can only say that I’m disappointed, brother.”

Camille gently pushed Abiel to Li Lin and walked slowly towards Stevan.

The two thugs beside him who had been transformed by Hex’s amplification saw that the situation was not good and immediately protected him behind them.

“It’s time for the Philos family to change its head, Stevan.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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