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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 274 The world of two people with Caitlin

In the blink of an eye, another three or four months have passed, and it is almost midsummer.

Li Lin finished his busy morning and returned home from the college.

A month ago, the Gaibojia’s Fist, which was almost the same height as the mecha, was built. It is also the most violent ultimate weapon of the Gaibojia mecha.

Contrary to common perceptions, Gaibuga’s Fist is actually a long-range weapon. Through the “dimensional transmission device”, it can directly “send” the full-power punch that gathers the energy of the whole body to the enemy’s face.

According to Li Lin’s vague impression, in the original world view of Arad, because Geboga was not completed and could not find a suitable energy source, its full power punch required 70% of the body’s energy.

But if this “mechanical giant” is completely perfected, even the gods will not be able to resist its full blow head-on against the apostle’s weapon.

Of course, this is something that the Gaboga prototype based on Arad’s worldview can only do.

As for Gaiborga, which was developed by Piltover University, it might not even be useful against a god warrior or a demigod.

But if Li Lin can further study the theory of rune technology and attach various rune magic to this mecha, he may be qualified to fight against demigods.

After data testing by the Intelligent Brain, coupled with the Gaborga’s Fist equipped with a nuclear fusion reactor, it is not a problem to punch through the cliff where Piltover stands, and make this city-state and Zaun disappear in the long river of history.

This greatly exceeded the expectations of Li Lin, Heimerdinger and others, and also made them excited.

It’s just that these data are only theoretical. The Gaibojia body has not yet been built, and there is no way to conduct specific experiments for the time being…

Of course, the experiment is not about punching Piltover to pieces.

As of today, the entire Gaibojia has been almost completed, leaving only the assembly work of the fuselage.

It won’t be long before Piltover’s first mecha, the Mechanical Giant Gaborga, will be completely completed.

It’s almost noon.

Li Lin took off his armor, came out of the workshop, and went all the way to the dining room of the main house.

Lunch is almost ready, and Caitlin is already waiting here, drinking tea and reading the newspaper.

Li Lin sat next to Caitlin and pecked her on the cheek in front of the servant, causing her to raise her eyebrows and look dissatisfied.

However, she only said so openly, and actually didn’t resist much.

The servants also looked unsurprised, pretending not to see what had just happened.

“There are still people here, don’t make trouble.”

“It’s okay, they won’t care.” Li Lin raised his lips slightly and immediately changed the subject without giving Caitlin a chance to speak, “Aren’t Mrs. Karina and Mr. Elro not here?”

“They have a business today and are discussing refrigerator production cooperation with the Tolek family. They used to mainly produce Hex refrigerators.”

Caitlin had a hint of helplessness on her face. She looked away from the newspaper and rested on Li Lin’s face, “Are you done with your work today?”

“That’s right. Gaborga has reached the final assembly stage. Just Jace and Victor are here. I can relax a bit.”

Li Lin held Caitlin’s well-maintained smooth and white hands.

Even though she touched the gun every day, her hands didn’t even have rough, thick calluses.

“I can spend the afternoon with you.”

“Who wants you to accompany me?”

Although she said this, the curve of the corner of Caitlin’s mouth betrayed what she was thinking.

Today, Kasha made an appointment with Orianna and Seraphine to go to the southern suburbs to practice singing and won’t be back until evening.

It was some time ago that Seraphine showed them her natural voice and what she had learned in the academy. On a whim, the two little girls took the initiative to ask Seraphine to teach them how to sing.

With the previous experience of going to Zaun, and Orianna’s father Colin knew that Kaisha would wear “power armor” every day when going out.

Therefore, as long as she was with him, Colin relaxed his requirements and allowed his daughter to go to more remote places in Piltover, but the condition was that she could not move alone.

In other words, Li Lin and Caitlin rarely had time alone today.

“I heard that the Piltover Theater is showing a silent comedy called The General, which is a satire on Brown Darkwill, this afternoon. Do you want to go and see it?”

“Mime?” Caitlin was slightly surprised, “What is mime?”

She has been busy working on cases recently, which are related to the smuggling of Hex technology, which may involve the war masons of Noxus, so she has not paid much attention to the news in recent days.

That’s why today she read the Piltover Daily News to learn about the current situation, instead of reading her favorite crime-related books.

“You know the TV I invented some time ago? Oh yes, there is also a video camera.”

“I know this, a device similar to a computer? As for the camera, as far as I know, it should be somewhat similar to the Hex camera, but it can capture continuous images instead of one photo.”

Caitlin paused for two seconds, “But I don’t understand what the purpose of your TV is, and you have been so mysterious that you didn’t tell me.”

There was a hint of complaint in her tone.

Li Lin smiled slightly, “Actually, mime is also called a movie. The dynamic images of the actors’ performances are captured by a camera, and then played in a loop on the theater or TV screen.

“It’s somewhat similar to the previous live drama performances at the Grand Theater, except that the format has been changed from live performances to behind-the-scenes filming and recording, so there is more room for maneuver… I wanted to give you a surprise.”

Caitlin blinked her beautiful sapphire eyes, a strange light flashed deep in her eyes, and her expression was very moving.

“I’m very interested…” As she said that, Caitlin suddenly realized something, “But this show should be the premiere, right? Can you buy a ticket?”

Just kidding, I invented the movie screen in the theater, I wrote the script, and I invested in the crew. How could I not have a ticket for the premiere?

“Since I said I was going to surprise you, how could I not prepare it in advance?” Li Lin shook his head and chuckled, “Don’t worry, you will definitely be satisfied.”

The movie premiere is at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Piltover Grand Theater is just off Agnostic Square and just a few blocks from Giraman Estate, so it doesn’t take long to get there.

Since it was the premiere of the first movie in Piltover’s history, it was also a date for Li Lin and Caitlin. After dinner, the two went back to their respective rooms to prepare carefully.

When the time approached one forty, they walked out of the house hand in hand and arrived at the Piltover Theater in the envious eyes of passers-by.

Li Lin and Caitlin, led by the manager in charge of the Grand Theater, went directly to the private room on the third floor dedicated to the Gila Mann family.

In addition, Li Lin also asked the manager to provide Caitlin’s favorite desserts, small cakes and milk tea in advance, which made her quite happy.

The stage of the Grand Theater has been renovated, and a rolling-screen projection screen has been installed on the rearmost wall. The audience below who came to attend the premiere ceremony were all talking about it. They will be the first witnesses of Piltover Film and Television.

Not only that, even Salo and Hoskal MPs came to participate in the premiere.

Not long after, when the bell in the Zodiac basement rang, the spotlights in the entire theater were turned off, and everything fell silent.

“The General” is a satirical film adapted by Li Lin based on his favorite movie “The Great Dictator” starring Chaplin.

It mainly depicts the various absurd behaviors of the previous emperor of Noxus, Darkwill, in a humorous way, and directly shows the fact that he launched the invasion of Ionia, the Freljord and the Shurima War. .

From an outsider’s perspective, this movie is not actually a smear campaign against Noxus. After all, they have actually done this kind of thing.

But if the Noxians came to see it, that would not necessarily be the case.

No matter how incompetent Darkwill is, he is still the emperor of Noxus, and mocking him is tantamount to mocking Noxus.

But with Li Lin’s current strength, he is not afraid of Noxus’ revenge.

Moreover, Noxus is currently busy quelling civil strife. Even if there is no civil strife, according to Swain’s character, he would just laugh it off and not take it to heart at all.

As long as he can make the Noxus Empire strong enough to cope with the return of Mordekaiser in the future, he doesn’t care about anything else.

The movie usually lasts less than an hour, but the laughter and applause in the theater never stop.

When the last subtitles of the film’s credits disappeared, the whole theater was filled with excitement and an overwhelming sound.

In order to avoid trouble, Li Lin dragged Caitlin, who was still laughing, out of the theater early and went to the most luxurious Ionian-style teahouse in the northern city to taste the mellow aroma that can only be cultivated by the magical soil of the Land of the First. Tea.

For more than two hours, Caitlin sat in Li Lin’s arms, listening to him tell some anecdotes that actually happened on Earth in “Ionia” and were adapted by him to be more in line with local characteristics.

The world between the two of them ended when the sun merged into the sea level and dusk arrived.

Li Lin originally planned to have a “candlelight dinner” with Caitlin to end today’s date successfully.

The news from the Zuan trench conveyed by Ke Zhi Nao forced him to pay attention to it——

In a mine that can produce oil, granite was found that moved like a living body. It was very strange and frightened the workers.

Caitlin knew that the mine in Digou was very important to Li Lin and even the Giraman family, and there were many miners there.

Therefore, she canceled her dinner plan and asked Li Lin to go to the ditch to check the situation.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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