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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 280 Geboga vs. Lava Behemoth


Heimerdinger, Jace, Viktor, and Skye who stood on one side without interrupting were all shocked.

“Excellent experimental subject? Who in the Twin Cities can compete with Gaborga?” A look of astonishment appeared on Jace’s face, “Could it be Janna, the Goddess of Wind? But I feel like she… uh.”

He didn’t finish what he said, but everyone could understand what he wanted to express.

Ordinary humans can’t compete with Gai Bojia at all, not even the sect-level mage who is proficient in arcane magic.

It is estimated that only the giant dragon from ancient times could defeat Gai Bo in two moves.

But let’s not mention that there are almost no traces of the ancient dragons now. Even if there are, it is only a matter of time before Gaibojia kills them, as long as Gaibojia has enough ammunition.

The ancient dragon is an existence that is far from being comparable to the ordinary elemental dragons of Ixtar today.

According to the classic records of the Piltover Great Library, in terms of size alone, the ancient dragon is 3 to 5 times larger than the ordinary elemental dragon. The power of the dragon’s breath and the defensive power of the scales also far exceed the elemental dragon. .

In other words, an ancient dragon is considered the king of elemental dragons and can command the existence of many ordinary dragons.

The 100,000 rounds of ammunition and 2,000 rockets currently equipped by Geboga are definitely not enough to kill the ancient dragon.

Therefore, when they talked about experimental subjects who could test Gaborga’s performance, the first thing they thought of was Janna, the patron saint of the Twin Cities.

It just so happened that Li Lin had helped her before, founded a church for her, and organized a congregation. Everyone knew this.

But in their view, Janna actually had no actual combat effectiveness, and was only said to have saved thousands of people during the “Great Collapse” incident.

Not to mention, thousands of people died in that man-made disaster.

If it were just to control the storm and set off a tsunami…

Gaibojia is not afraid of this, unless she can directly penetrate into the cockpit and kill the person driving the mecha.

After thinking about it carefully, Victor answered: “I don’t think it’s the Goddess of Wind.”

He crossed his left arm across his chest and held his right elbow, and rubbed his bare chin with his right hand. He turned his eyes to Li Lin and raised his eyebrows slightly, “If my guess is good… do you want to find a warrior of the gods to experiment?”

Rambo, who had just walked up to a few people with Giggs, exclaimed, “God Warrior?!”

“Yes, the god warrior Nasus is also called the Grand Bachelor by the Shurima people.” Victor lowered his gaze and looked at Rambo, “Mr. Rambo, I remember you said before that you were in Nasramei Do you know Li Lin?”

“That’s true, but do you have any misunderstandings about the God Warriors?!”

Rambo’s eyes widened, and his two short arms were waving in the air, “That’s a demigod! The lost legend of Shurima! How can you just say it?”

“You may have left early and didn’t hear about it, but then I saw Nasus. He is almost half a height taller than me.”

Jace said with his arms crossed, but that somewhat arrogant tone made Rambo feel a little unhappy.

In order to prevent Rambo, a yordle with a bad temper, from quarreling with Jace, Li Lin immediately said: “When I traveled in the desert, I was indeed with Nasus.”

Without giving Rambo a chance to speak, he continued to add: “Sivir, you know, right?”

“The leader of the Zhai Haro mercenary group, everyone in Nashrame knows about it.” Rambo frowned, “I remember you hired her to go into the desert with a group of Noxians. What does this have to do with her? ?”

“She is of Shurima royal blood! You don’t even know this.” Jace laughed. “You haven’t seen that even Nasus respects her.”

Rambo was stunned, and even Jace’s tone didn’t pay much attention to it. He couldn’t help but murmured: “Shurima has been destroyed for so long, why did a royal bloodline suddenly appear?”

“Sivir is the only royal descendant, and it was she who awakened Azir, whose soul had been sleeping for a long time… But this is not the focus of today.”

Li Lin didn’t explain too much to Rambo, “The experimental subject I’m looking for who can compete with Gebojia is not Janna, nor a god warrior.”

“Then who else can test Geboga’s performance?”

Even Heimerdinger was puzzled, “You don’t know the demigods of the Freljord, do you? Or the natural spirits of Ionia? But I don’t think Gaborga can talk to them. Rival strength.”

Li Lin smiled mysteriously, “You will know when the time comes.”

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Li Lin ran to the ditch and went down to the mine to find Malphite.

Fortunately, this big guy is still digesting the void in Zu’an after clearing it, and has not left Zu’an to return to Ixtal for the time being, otherwise it would be difficult for him.

Li Lin discussed with Malphite a “friendly competition” with Geboga. When he heard that there was a fight to be had, he almost collapsed the mine in excitement.

Since the birth of his own consciousness and his activities in the world for hundreds of years, there are not many beings that can allow Malphite to “flex his muscles”.

It does not dare to go deep into the corrupted land of the void, Icasia, where there are still a few void creations that are no less powerful than demigods.

Due to lack of consciousness, or the Void Watcher is still gathering strength to prevent them from doing whatever they want, these huge “disaster beasts” have never left Icathia for thousands of years.

Malphite actually bullies the weak void creatures that invade other areas and the void vines underground.

Now that there is an existence that seems to be evenly matched with itself, it is extremely happy.

Li Lin and Malphite hit it off immediately, agreed on a time, and set the battle location in the sea between the Valoran continent and the Shurima continent, on an uninhabited island near the Shurima Talishni Harbor.

That small island is a place where sailors or fishermen who go out to sea take temporary refuge when encountering ocean storms. It is called “Gardes” island by the residents of Telishni and Bergün.

It means “shelter” in Shurima.

Gardes Island is divided into two parts, one large and one small. The smaller part in the northwest is less than half the size of the rugged mountains in the southeast, but it is basically a plain with gentle terrain.

However, due to the lack of supplies and the lack of fresh water resources, no one, including the former Shurima governors of Tellishni and Belgun, and today’s Noxian service officers, was willing to go there to build towns.

It’s close to noon.

The congressmen rode in the airship and teleported to Berguen through the Hex Flying Gate, and then flew from Berguen to Gardes Island in the northwest.

Other big families who wanted to watch the fun also took their own aerospace boats in twos and threes and followed the congressman’s aerospace boat to fly to the uninhabited island.

After determining the coordinates through his brain, Gaibojia had already arrived at Gardes Island in the morning.

What makes Li Lin quite happy is that even if Gaibojia is the property of Piltover University, almost everyone agrees that he is the mecha pilot, and he will test Gaibojia’s performance.

This is very much in line with Li Lin’s wishes.

Even if the “time and space teleportation device” of Arad’s world view cannot be developed in the future, he cannot summon the fist of Gaboga from a super long distance to help him strike the target.

With the approval of Heimerdinger and other congressmen, there is a high possibility that he would like to drive Gaeborga against the enemy.

Of course, before the Void War, Li Lin’s infinite armor and mechanical troops were sufficient unless he faced dark descendants, Xerath or demigods in the future.

In order to prevent the aftermath of the battle between Gaibojia and Malphite from affecting everyone, Li Lin thoughtfully dispatched hundreds of mechanical engineers to take pictures from all angles, and transmitted them to the display screen he specially installed for the aerospace vehicle through a real-time connection.

Not only that, the footage shot by the mechanical engineers can be edited and screened in the theater, and then played on a loop on TV.

Not long after, everyone had a brief lunch on the aeroboat. Everyone’s attention was attracted by the nearly two hundred-meter-tall mechanical giant on the screen.

Before everyone could get enough of watching the mecha, the screen suddenly changed, and a huge wave suddenly stirred up in the ocean approached Gardes Island. It seemed that some sea monster was moving quickly on the sea.

In the cockpit of Gaibojia’s head, Li Lin, wearing an infinite armor, was connected to various exquisite and complex devices, and was connected to the machines in the cockpit through wires.

As the footage shot by the mechanical engineer was transmitted, Li Lin turned slightly and looked east-north of himself.

“Are you coming…” he murmured.

It took more than ten minutes to reach the small plain island northwest of Gardes Island after a wave of five to six meters high. The watch’s case was covered with hard granite, and many spikes on the top of its head bulged high. Malphite’s body was like a hill. Go to the island.

Feeling the majestic surge of energy, Malphite was stunned for a moment, and looked intently at the big steel guy standing in the far direction. He couldn’t help but stretched out a hand several times larger than his own head and scratched his forehead, which seemed a little bit… Confuse.

“What is this?”

After four to five seconds of guidance, Gaboga flashed and teleported from a few kilometers away to a few hundred meters in front of Malphite.

Comparing the height and size, Gebojia is actually half a length taller than this giant lava beast!

At this time, the aerostat suspended in the sky had already exploded.

They were all born in Piltover and grew up in Piltover. They looked a bit “monstrous and terrifying”, and they all shouted words like monsters and demons.

In contrast, the Giraman family’s aerospace boat, with Caitlin, Kasha, Jess, Victor, Skye and others on board, was much quieter.

Originally, Caitlin was a little worried about Li Lin, but judging from his height and appearance, all he had to face was a giant monster transformed from rock. It seemed that there was nothing to worry about.

Li Lin and Malphite below could not hear the discussions of the people on the aeroplane, and in fact they did not care about them. They focused on each other.

“Hello, Malphite!”

In order to take care of Malphite’s brain capacity, Li Lin specially processed Gaibojia’s speakers, trying to make his voice not have a mechanical quality, so as not to be audible.

“Li Lin…are you actually inside this big guy?”

Malphite looked shocked, obviously confused as to what was going on.

“That’s right, it’s just like the power armor I wore when I met you before. To put it simply, this mecha is an enlarged version.” Li Lin briefly explained it.

“This guy has more energy in his body than me. It’s incredible!”

Hearing Malphite’s emotion, Li Lin roughly understood the magnitude of the energy provided by the large-scale nuclear fusion reactor in Gebogan.

“This is energy technology provided by us… to be precise, a yordle inventor.”

“Yes, Yodel, they are smaller than you humans… little people. I like to call them, little people.”

Malphite spoke very slowly, almost one word at a time.

What originally only took about ten or twenty seconds to finish, it took almost a minute for him to say it.

However, Li Lin said it was understandable. After all, Malphite’s independent consciousness was born from the monolith fragments and only inherited a very small part of the wisdom and memory of the original living floating fortress.

It’s good enough that it can communicate normally, so you can’t ask for too much.

It seemed that the long-lost fighting spirit was flowing through Malphite’s core again. It slammed into his fist, causing a shock wave in the air that was visible to the naked eye and resounded throughout the sky.

“Let’s… fight!”

Thanks for the tip!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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