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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 282 The heavy burden on shoulders

After this battle, Li Lin roughly judged the current strength of Gaibojia and Malphite.

If the magic power in Malphite’s body is enough, it may have the strength of a demigod, but it is completely inferior to Nasus in the form of a god, and at most it is at the level of Rek’Sai.

Li Lin’s previous judgment was slightly wrong. Malphite, who was not lacking in energy, could only barely touch the threshold of a demigod, and he was still the weakest demigod.

But such a comparison obviously lacks basis.

After all, some celestial warriors or demigods are not known for their physical strength, but rely on various types of elements or trick magic to make them difficult to guard against.

In other words, with Gaibojia’s current strength, if he uses up the capacity of millions of reloadable bullets and tens of thousands of rocket missiles, and fights a physically powerful, not proficient in magic, and relatively weak god warrior, The chances of winning are quite high.

Of course, this is only an extremely ideal state.

Li Lin didn’t take into account various enchantments such as the sun disk, the amulet of the ascendant, the posture of the gods, and the attributes of Gaibo’s magic and resistance to high magic and low resistance.

However, this is only the first phase of the mecha that has just been completed. There are still many aspects that need to be improved. As the level increases, more powerful technologies can be unlocked.

What’s more, he also plans to use Demacia’s forbidden magic stone materials in it.

If it is the final stage, not only Gaibojia, but also all subsequent large-scale mechas will be able to match or even exceed the strength of demigods.

At that time, it is time to consider how to face the void and defeat the void monitor.

After the battle with Gaborga, Malphite’s magic power bottomed out, and he was extremely sleepy. He chose to dig a hole and go underground to sleep, and then left after recovering his magic power.

Li Lin came out of the cockpit of Gaibojia and flew directly to the aerospace vehicle of Jiraman’s family.

As soon as he regained his footing, a very excited Kaisha ran forward and exclaimed: “Li Lin! You can even defeat the giant lava beast! That’s amazing!”

“Huh?” Li Lin looked a little surprised, “You actually know about the giant lava beast?”

“Of course, this is a legend that my father told me. Besides, someone in our village has seen the giant lava beast with his own eyes…it’s near the Kohalise Mountains.”

As Kasha was talking, Caitlin, Jace, Victor, Skye and several guests sponsored by the Gila Mann family gathered around, looking extremely shocked.

Although the battle just below was all shrouded in scattered dust and gray smoke, the mechanical engineers had infrared heat scanning capabilities. Gaboga and Malphite were both hot furnaces like the sun, and the thermal imaging was extremely clear.

In other words, the colors of the environment were only gray and dark red, and the look and feel was not as good as the original colors, but it did not affect their ability to watch this thrilling battle for hegemony between giants.

The rest of the people stopped a few steps away from Li Lin and formed a circle, while Caitlin walked straight forward and threw herself into his arms.

Fortunately, Li Lin reacted in time and contracted the armor on his chest and arms, preventing her from hitting the cold and hard armor.

Feeling the warmth in his arms, Li Lin’s heart felt warm. He put one arm around Caitlin’s shoulders, the other hand gently hugged her slender waist, and kissed the top of her head.

“Don’t worry Kate, I’m fine.” He heard Caitlin’s slightly rapid and nervous breathing, and comforted him with a soft smile.

Jace couldn’t help but joked: “Caitlin just saw that you were unprepared to be hit by that monster’s lightning, but she was very worried about you.”

“Shut up!”

Caitlin turned around and glared at him with dissatisfaction, then continued to bury her face into Li Lin’s chest.

Victor and Skye looked at each other and smiled, and the other Gilaman craftsmen also showed knowing smiles.

“Hey, Kate doesn’t know Gaborga very well, so you should be worried… This is my fault. I should have explained it to you before the battle.”

Li Lin’s eyes stayed on Jace, and he patted Caitlin’s shoulder with his left hand to ease her worries.

“Don’t worry. In fact, Gaboga has only used half of his strength. Besides, Malphite is our friend. We are just having a friendly discussion and have never made a killing move.”

“Is that big guy called Malphite?” asked a man who looked to be in his forties and wore the exclusive brown, red and white uniform of the Gila Mann family.

“I seem to have seen records of lava monsters in the classics… It seems to be Mount Targon?” Another old man responded.

Immediately afterwards, a female craftsman who has studied history said: “To be precise, Malphite should be wandering throughout Runeterra, right? Didn’t some workers report before that giant beasts appeared in the mines of the ditch?”

“Well, that mine is under Li Lin’s name, and the information has been blocked…”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Li Lin, wanting to hear his explanation.

“Ahem, actually Malphite has a deep connection with the former Shurima Empire…”

In the next ten minutes or so, Li Lin quickly told in detail Malphite’s life experience, the monolith created by the Celestial Warriors, and the Shurima Void War thousands of years ago.

As he spoke, Kasha supplemented the information based on the legend told by her father Kassadin.

These matters were only recorded sparsely in the “History of the Ascended Warriors” by a Shurima minister who was originally an imperial scribe.

After all, Nezuk, as a traitor to the empire, is not qualified to be included in the history books. He only mentioned the final fate of a few monoliths.

They, who were born and raised in the twin cities, had never traveled far, and they had never heard of craftsmen who went to other countries.

In the void war thousands of years ago, intelligence was born from the remains of the monolithic fragments, transformed into a lava beast, and there was also the threat of the void returning…

Not to mention other families, the craftsmen of the Guangji Laman family all looked in disbelief.

Li Lin silently shook his head and sighed.

Fortunately, Murphy was pulled out and had a fight today, which made these people realize that even with Gaibojia, there are still existences in this world that are more powerful and threatening than this mecha.

In this way, the resistance to continue research and construction of new mechas and create mechanical troops will be reduced.

While Li Lin was talking to others, Caitlin raised her eyes slightly, pursed her lips and stared at his face, her sapphire blue eyes sparkling in the depths of her eyes.

For some reason, she always felt like there was a weight of tens of millions of kilograms on Li Lin’s shoulders, forcing him to keep moving forward.

At the same time, Caitlin still had an illusion, or maybe it was a real feeling.

That is, no matter how in-depth the communication is, your lover is still covered with a hazy and mysterious veil, making it difficult for you to see his true appearance…

Even though she was well versed in criminal investigation and good at grasping various details, she still couldn’t see what was going on in Li Lin’s mind.

Caitlin didn’t like this feeling, but there was nothing she could do about it.

She knew from the beginning that Li Lin was not a caged bird that would be restricted by the birdcage of Shuang Cities.

But she didn’t expect that this time would come so early…

What is it that urges you to keep moving forward without even wanting to stop for a moment?

Is this the emptiness in your mouth?


What else?

Caitlin’s eyes were blank, deep in chaotic thoughts.

Until Li Lin noticed her silence, lowered his head and asked worriedly: “Kate, are you okay?”

“…Well, it’s just that my head is a little messed up.” Caitlin shook her head slightly, with a slightly forced smile on her lips.

“Didn’t you get some rest? What about me? After drinking the gene-enhancing potion, didn’t you go out early and come back late every day? It’s time for you to take a good rest and relax.”

Li Lin paused for a moment, and as if he had guessed her thoughts, he reached out and gently scratched her nose, “No matter what, I will always be by your side.”

Caitlin’s heart warmed up, her expression changed quickly, and she smiled as sweetly as a cake: “I know~~”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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