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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 283 The Flame Dragon of the Gate of Sorrow

For the rest of the day, Li Lin returned to the cockpit of Gaibojia and entered instructions for it to be sent back to Pi City.

During this period, he also discovered many small fishing boats going out to sea. It seemed that people in Tellishni Harbor were curious about what was going on here.

However, through remote capture and filming by mechanical engineers, combined with various aspects of the brain’s analysis, Li Lin discovered that the group of people were just Noxian soldiers disguised as fishermen, who came to investigate the situation.

Gardes Island is not far from Tellishni. Standing at the port, you can catch a glimpse of the outline of the island on the horizon. The sound of the battle between Gaborga and Malphite can naturally be heard here.

Originally, Shurima was a group of religious fishermen. Who dared to go to sea during this “wrath of the gods”?

When these Noxian spies saw Gaborga, who had not yet returned to Piltover, approaching 200 meters away, and the Piltover airships filling the sky, they didn’t dare to stay any longer.

After they report what they saw and heard today to their superiors, Noxus will definitely send a large number of war masons to sneak into Piltover to collect information.

Li Lin had anticipated this in advance, but he didn’t pay much attention to it.

In any case, once a strategic weapon like Gaboga is built, it cannot be concealed even if it is not exposed for testing.

It would be better to show the power of Gebogar to the outside world, especially Noxus, so that they would not dare to act rashly.

This is one of the main reasons why Li Lin chose Gardes Island as the testing location.

As for the subsequent war masonry issue, Pi City now has thousands of mechanical engineers, all of which have built a unified network that can compare and upgrade the database anytime and anywhere.

The war masons all have a very strong purpose. At that time, they only need to pay more attention to outsiders and those who behave abnormally in their daily lives. It will not be difficult to arrest them.

After Geboga turned into a ball of arcane light and disappeared instantly, the councilors and other families returned to Pi City through the Hex Flying Gate in Bergun.

With everyone’s consent, the aeroboat on which Li Lin, Caitlin and Kasha arrived arrived at Nashrame at dusk, and were warmly received by the port governor Saga.

Half a year ago, Renekton and Nasus encountered and fought a great battle in the Nashrame Library in the west outside the city, almost destroying this holy place that remains to this day.

Fortunately, the emperor’s coat of arms had been retrieved, and the resurrection messenger came to Nashrame in person to show it to Saga, and gained her allegiance.

Now Nasrameh has returned to the territory of the Shurima Empire.

Li Lin thought carefully about the reason why he came to Nashilami.

First of all, Kasha has not seen her father for a year. During this period, she only exchanged letters a few times. She misses him very much and has long wanted to come back here for a visit.

Unfortunately, in order to search for traces of Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void, Kassadin will not stay in a fixed place, and his specific whereabouts have not yet been determined.

Zindaro’s Miniature Rune Land has not yet been completed, and Li Lin has nothing to do about it. He can only comfort Kai’Sa, who is slightly disappointed and worried, but appears to be very strong on the outside.

In addition, he also wanted to meet Sivir and see how she was using the Project Source Tron Armor.

What surprised Li Lin was that Sivir and the mercenary group she rebuilt had already returned to the City of the Sun and began to receive military training.

According to Saga, it seems that fanatical believers who have been blessed by Xerath have been hunting down the mercenaries of the Zhai Haro mercenary group, but they are still unwilling to give up the influence of eradicating the blood of the God Emperor.

In desperation, Sivir could only ask for the protection of his ancestors.

After that, this was the first time Caitlin left the Twin Cities. Karina had not allowed her to go elsewhere before.

It was a rare opportunity, and Li Lin wanted to take her to take this opportunity to go shopping outside.

Everyone had a night of partying in Nasramei and had a good feel of the exotic customs.

Early the next morning, Li Lin personally woke up the drunk Jace with Victor, then called other craftsmen from the Giraman family, boarded the aeroboat, and teleported back to Pi City.

After the battle with Malphite, this was the first time that the congressmen saw the terrifying existence that could easily destroy the Twin Cities. They convened an emergency council early this morning and issued a new emergency policy.

Just one Gaborga alone is not enough to defend the security of Pi City. At present, research that can improve the combat effectiveness of the twin cities needs to increase investment and sponsorship, and the construction of production plants for various new Hex weapons must be put on the agenda.

Even the Piltover Law Enforcement Officers Academy has to expand its enrollment, which is tantamount to expanding its armaments.

In particular, Li Lin proposed that artificial satellites that can be used for reconnaissance in the future should be led by several major congressman families and cooperated by other families to increase investment and accelerate the construction of satellite bases, artificial satellites and launch vehicles.

It was originally expected to launch the first artificial satellite at the end of this year, but with the funding from major families, it was moved forward several months.

If nothing unexpected happens, the exploration satellite Sky Eye is expected to be launched at the end of this month.

The communications satellite named “Morning Star” by Li Lin is also expected to be launched by the end of this year.

With the artificial satellite, the Twin Cities will lead the entire Runeterra in terms of communication and information, no matter what field they are in.

In addition to these, after Gai Boga’s performance test, Heimerdinger also discovered that it has subtle problems in some aspects, mainly the launch efficiency of rocket missile slots and the ability to withstand energy attacks, which need further improvement.

Just after returning to Piltover, Li Lin flew to Piltover University and met Heimerdinger, who had been up all night studying mechas last night and had just returned to the college after attending the parliament this morning.

The construction workshop was very empty. Except for the mechanical engineers who were performing routine maintenance and repairs on Gaibojia, there were almost no other people.

Everyone spent too much energy on the first phase of the Gaborga Project. The performance experiment was a success without any surprise, and everyone went back to catch up on their sleep.

Hearing the light knock on the door of the temporary office, Heimerdinger, who was checking the calculations on the draft paper, raised his eyes and said hello to Li Lin: “Oh ho ho~~ Boy, you are here.”

“Professor, you said on the phone that you discovered a problem with Gaboga?” Li Lin got straight to the point.

“Problem? Oh no, no, no, that’s not important. I came to you for something else.”

The white beard at the corner of Heimerdinger’s mouth trembled, he waved his hands casually, and jumped down from his seat.

Li Lin raised his eyebrows lightly, followed Heimerdinger’s footsteps, and walked to the computer console on the side of the room.

He pressed a few buttons on the console, and the image of a crimson dragon was suddenly projected on the display screen in front of him.

“This is?”

“The elemental dragons dominated the continent of Valoran thousands of years ago and were at the top of the food chain. However, with the rise of mankind, the conflict with the elemental dragons gradually became more acute.

“The dragons hunted the livestock raised by humans, destroyed human villages with breaths of flames, storms, and thunder, and regarded humans as their prey.

“Although they are physically inferior to these naturally extraordinary magical species, as time goes by, a group of brave men still appear among humans.

“They hunted around for the dragons that threatened the survival of the human race, made their scales into armor, and their claws and fangs into weapons, and finally drove most of the elemental dragons out of the Valoran continent.

“Today, the dragons in Valoran are almost extinct, and there are only some sub-dragons or other species with sporadic dragon blood left, which are not worth mentioning.”

Heimerdinger moved his fingers quickly on the keys, displaying more than a dozen pictures of giant dragons in different forms. “Later people still refer to this group of people as dragon-slaying warriors in history books.”

Good guy, what are you doing here to travel through parallel universes?

Although he complained like this in his heart, Li Lin had seen most of these pictures in the classics in the college library, and he also understood that they had nothing to do with the “Dragon Slayer Warrior” parallel universe, it was just a name.

“I know about giant dragons. I have read the records in the classics.” Li Lin responded, “But they have disappeared in Valoran for thousands of years. Does this have anything to do with us?”

He knew very well that the mother of Dragon Blood Warrior Shyvana was about to wreak havoc on Demacia’s outpost, and the time was almost up.

However, you still have to pretend to be stupid when it’s time to avoid making yourself look too special.

When he mentioned this, Heimerdinger’s face turned slightly gloomy, “More than ten years ago, a greedy mage stole a dragon egg from the dragon’s lair in Shurima and ran to Piltover.”


Li Lin was surprised. Isn’t this Shyvana’s life experience?

How does Heimerdinger even know this?

“This is the most regretful thing I have ever done.”

He sighed heavily, “At that time, I found that the guy’s dragon egg shattered, and what came out was a baby girl, but she had the characteristics of a giant dragon.

“Giant dragons can sense each other through blood, especially parents towards their children… I was afraid that the mage would bring disaster to Pi City because of the dragon eggs, so I asked him to leave Pi City.”

Speaking of this, Li Lin was shocked. He never thought that Heimerdinger would have contact with Shyvana who had just hatched from the eggshell.

Then, Heimerdinger continued: “A few days ago, news of the flame dragon came from White Cliff City in the southeastern part of Demacia near the Sea of ​​Conquerors, an independent city-state that has business relations with our Pi City.

“The flame dragon seems to be flying towards the direction of the Gate of Sorrow in the Silver Mountains, which is the outpost of Demacia, and it happens to be in the direction that the mage left. I think that should be the dragon looking for his child. “

Li Lin’s expression suddenly changed, his brows furrowed deeply, as if he had guessed Heimerdinger’s intention, “What do you mean?”

“When the dragon appears, life will be ruined and the people will suffer. This is my fault. I only considered Piltover at the beginning and did not consider the people in other places… I must be responsible for this matter.”

Heimerdinger stared at Li Lin, his blue eyes flashing, “So, I would like to implore you to drive Geboga to kill that giant dragon.”

Before Li Lin could reply, he immediately added: “Oh yes~~ It just so happens that there is almost no one living there except for the soldiers at the outpost.

“If possible, when fighting the dragon, try to extend the fighting time and use more kinetic energy weapons and low-power energy weapons. This will help me collect Gaibojia’s combat data.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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