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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 284 The launch vehicle is ignited and launched!

Li Lin looked at Heimerdinger in silence for a long time, until he looked away with a guilty conscience, and then sighed silently in his heart.

It wasn’t until today that Li Lin discovered that Heimerdinger was actually quite a thief, not as “innocent” as he appeared to be.

Not to mention that Shyvana’s mother passed over White Cliff City, but did not harm anyone in the city at all. There are very few people living in the Shining Silver Mountains, and it is basically difficult for the dragon to hurt ordinary civilians. .

It just relied on its bloodline perception to find its own daughter…or maybe it was hunting Shyvana, a descendant whose bloodline was contaminated.

Heimerdinger obviously wanted to use Shyvana’s mother to allow Gaborga to engage in a real battle.

After all, when fighting against Malphite, Li Lin didn’t use all his strength at all. He only used the fist of Gaboga, rocket missiles and defensive methods, not even the “Gathered Particle Light Spear”.

Heimerdinger was obviously not very satisfied with this performance test, so he set his sights on the elemental dragon.

It just so happens that, in addition to Targon and Ionia, Ixtal and the remaining elemental dragons in Shurima are all extremely malicious and threatening to humans. Using Gaborga to eliminate the dragons will be of little benefit. One harm.

Moreover, the Gate of Sorrow is an outpost used by Demacia to monitor the movements of the Noxian army in the southern part of the Silver Mountains. It is located on the front line of military friction between the two countries and is not at all within the borders of Demacia.

Even if Geboga suddenly appeared there, Piltover had reason to say that he had discovered a giant dragon that threatened mankind, so he sent a mechanical giant to eradicate it, and the German royal family and nobles could not say anything.

Although they have their own Silver Wings flying regiment aerial troops, the brave and skilled Silver Wings cavalry wearing rune steel plate armor and the Silver Wings vultures cooperate, killing a giant dragon is not a problem at all.

Li Lin was very moved by Heimerdinger’s proposal, but the concerns that followed made him hold back the idea of ​​agreeing immediately.

“But… didn’t the council say that the move of Gaboga must be approved by them?”

“Oh ho ho~~ You don’t have to worry about that. Even if they have funding for the Gaborga project, Gaborga is the property of Piltover University. Generally speaking, it’s up to me to arrange its use.”

Heimerdinger breathed, waved his hands and chuckled: “As long as we don’t bring disaster to the twin cities, and we use the excuse of slaying the dragon and eliminating harm for the people, they won’t say anything… uh, At least Councilmen Gila Mann and Councilor Myrdalda won’t say anything more.”

Li Lin couldn’t help but hold his forehead and sigh.

Feelings, you secretly asked me to drive Gaborga to fight the dragon behind the back of the council so that you could collect battle data, right?

Seemingly sensing his doubts, Heimerdinger reached out and patted his calf, “Don’t worry kid, I will be responsible for anything.”

After comprehensive consideration, Li Lin agreed to Heimerdinger’s proposal.

Originally, he thought that he could defeat Shyvana’s mother and save the Demacia prince Jarvan IV by relying only on the Source Project Infinity Armor and his own mechanical troops.

But thinking about it carefully, when he piloted the mecha to defeat the dragon, and talked with Jarvan IV and his father III, and said that this mecha was designed by himself, it was enough to gain their attention.

By the way, it is not impossible to ask Jarvan III to give him some forbidden magic stones.

Afterwards, Li Lin discussed the plan with Heimerdinger and decided to send mechanical engineers to investigate the situation first.

The Silver Mountains are so big. The small section of the mountain range from the Gate of Sorrow to the Demacia border is almost a thousand kilometers long. Shyvana’s mother could be anywhere.

It is impractical to drive Gaiboga to search for a giant dragon that is tens of meters long in an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers.

It’s possible that the dragon hasn’t been found yet, but instead it attracted Demacia’s Dauntless Vanguard and the Silver Wings Flying Group first…

Since Demacia does not allow official trade, Piltover was unable to build the Hexgate in Demacia and could only build it in the nearby White Cliffs City.

Li Lin dispatched two hundred mechanical engineers and sent them to White Cliff City through the Hex Flying Gate, and then entered the Shining Silver Mountains to look for traces of Shyvana’s mother.

As for Jarvan IV, Li Lin knew that he decided to go there because the Gate of Mourn was captured by Noxus.

But for now, Noxus’s army in the southern part of the Silver Mountains, Trivel, has not invaded Demacia for the time being.

He was prepared to wait until the young and energetic prince was trapped in the siege of Noxus, and then prepare a hero to come on stage to turn the tide.

Although there is some suspicion of taking advantage of Jarvan IV’s safety to make good friends with Demacia, this is the best way Li Lin can think of to obtain the Forbidden Demon Stone at present, and he can only do this.

Time passed, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Midsummer has arrived and Piltover has entered the rainy season.

In the rainy early morning, Li Lin climbed out of bed and woke up Caitlin.

Even though it was the weekend, normally neither of them had anything important to do.

But today is an important day. The artificial satellite Sky Eye is about to be launched at night. This is not the time to stay in bed.

After hurriedly washing up and getting dressed, Li Lin and Caitlin went downstairs one after another and had breakfast with Karina, Erro and Kasha.

Afterwards, when the clock hands pointed to half past seven, Li Lin put on his armor and drove the soldiers to take them to the Piltover Canal, a satellite base located in the southern plains.

Both Karina and Elro drank the genetic enhancement potion, which greatly improved their body’s endurance, so Li Lin didn’t worry about their motion sickness.

In addition, in this different world of Runeterra, there was no traffic control in the sky. His car flew up at a high speed and landed at the satellite base in only half an hour.

It is completely different from the endless grassland when we come to explore the terrain in the future. In the established rocket launch site, relevant scientific researchers come and go, handing over tasks and work to the mechanical engineers from time to time.

A number of important scientists from Piltover University, including Heimerdinger, Jess, and Victor, were already in place, and several other council members and members of the extended family also arrived one after another.

Even Camille did not miss this satellite launch…

Of course, no one dared to go to her side except Li Lin, her grand-niece Abiel and the bodyguards of the Philos family, including the congressmen.

After greeting everyone, Li Lin accompanied Heimerdinger, Jess and Victor, who had put on protective clothing, to the rocket launch area and quickly checked the conditions of the launch vehicle and satellite to ensure nothing went wrong.

For the remaining ten hours, they stayed in the general command room and continued to calculate data, until the sun finally set and night fell, making the atmosphere on the scene even more intense.

Heimerdinger stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the rocket illuminated by the lights outside, with Victor and Skye standing behind him.

The atmosphere in the general command room was too oppressive, and his “old bones” couldn’t bear it, so he came out for some air.

He didn’t know how long it took, but he looked at Victor through the reflection of the glass and asked without looking back, “What time is it now?”

Victor glanced at his watch, “9:55, Professor, we should go in.”

“Huh – yes, we have finally reached this moment.” Heimerdinger took a deep breath, turned around and passed through the gap between Victor and Skye, “Do you think we can succeed this time?”

Victor and Skye looked at each other and followed Heimerdinger.

“I think we can trust Li Lin.”

Taking over what Skye said, Victor added: “Yes, this satellite belongs to… uh, a low-Earth orbit satellite. According to the definition proposed by Li Lin, it is about 700 kilometers above the ground and has not flown away from Runeterra.

“With intelligent brain-assisted calculations, our data will not be wrong.”

“That’s true, kid, but you know that this is not what I’m worried about.” Heimerdinger shook his head.

“God…?” Skye pushed up her glasses and couldn’t help but murmured.

“The giant gods, their attitude towards human beings is very vague. I don’t know if they will let us master this kind of technology that can leave our home planet.”

After Heimerdinger finished speaking, he walked all the way to the door of the general command room before Victor spoke: “I think we should do what Li Lin said before.”

Heimerdinger stood still, and the mechanical engineer guard at the door opened the door for the three of them, but he did not walk in.

He looked back at Victor in surprise.

“No matter what, we have to try, right?” Victor put a smile on his face.

“Yeah… gotta try.”

With a slight sigh, Heimerdinger nodded, walked into the general command room, and walked straight to Li Lin and Jace at the front.

The time was already 9:58, less than two minutes before the expected launch of 10:00.

Everyone present had sweaty palms.

“Are you ready, kid?” Heimerdinger asked, his eyes fixed on the screen.

Li Lin took a deep breath and nodded, “Ready.”

Although all the preparations are done, it is almost impossible to make any mistakes.

But no matter what, I once only watched the launch of a carrier rocket on TV, but now I personally preside over the launch of a satellite. It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous.

“Don’t worry, we will definitely succeed.” Jess on the side patted Li Lin on the shoulder and said a word of encouragement without ruining the atmosphere.

One minute passed very quickly, and it immediately entered the most critical stage.

At this time, Zhinao’s mechanically neutral voice sounded throughout the command room:

[The rocket launch enters the countdown stage…]

【10, 9, 8, 7…】

Each number is like a heavy hammer hitting everyone’s hearts.

Until the last “1” resounded through the space, Zhinao said the words that made everyone’s breath stop:

[The launch vehicle ignites and launches! 】

At the same time, on the large display screen, displayed through the monitoring facility, the launch vehicle spewed out hot flames that illuminated the night sky, and came into contact with the water used for cooling below, causing a large amount of water vapor to rise.

Immediately afterwards, with an earth-shaking roar, the rocket carrying the man-made exploration satellite Sky Eye rose from the ground and slowly lifted into the sky.

Thanks to qzb233 for the tip


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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