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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 287 The person favored by the world

At this moment, Li Lin couldn’t care about other issues, he just wanted to know what happened in his original world.

“Yeah~~Being eaten by a bunch of dirty and disgusting bugs, it’s that simple.”

Zoe pondered for a moment, unfolded her legs from the cross-legged position, and sat on the air out of thin air, her two little feet dangling, as if the death of a world could not resonate with her at all.

“I was watching from the sidelines. The end of the world and stuff like that are one of my favorite shows! As for the other ones…well, there are also fireworks explosions in the depths of the universe!”


Li Lin opened his mouth, but his mind went blank and he couldn’t say anything.

Eaten by bugs?

Combined with what Zoe just said, it seems that the earth was wiped out by the void?

But why?

Why does such a thing as void exist in my own world…

As if she had seen through Li Lin’s thoughts, Zoe looked nonchalant, opened a portal at will with her left hand, licked her lips with half of her tongue, found a stack of cream cakes from somewhere, and ate it happily, dipping it in A face of cream.

“Where there is sunshine, there must be darkness. Where there is existence, there must be nothingness. Everything is relative.”

She was eating and talking, and her voice was very unclear because she was chewing the cake. It took a lot of effort for Li Lin to understand what she was saying.

Moreover, it was hard for him to imagine that such a “great truth” could be heard from Zoe’s mouth.

“Every universe has a corresponding side of nothingness. When the time comes and existence disturbs the nothingness, the nothingness will differentiate, and those little bugs that make me feel sick will wake up…”

Zoe sucked the cream on her fingers and paused for a few seconds, “Then the end of the world will come~~ It’s a normal thing that happens in every universe.”

Then she thought for a moment and continued: “In an edge universe I have been to, gods were born out of nothingness there, and they tried to break the barriers of the universe and swallow everything~~ They succeeded half way, and sent a companion to a nearby universe.

“That universe is amazing! Human beings have established a galactic empire…”


Listening to Zoe’s chirping narration, Li Lin continued to remain silent, feeling blocked in his heart and feeling unspeakable.

He originally dreamed that one day after defeating the Monitor, he would develop a device that could break the barriers of the universe, explore parallel universes, and perhaps return to his original world.

But now it seems that this idea is completely in vain.

The earth he is on has been wiped out by nothingness. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot find his own world…

“You… witnessed the destruction of that world with your own eyes, right?” Li Lin sniffed, his voice very hoarse.

“Are you sad?” Zoe tilted her head, looking puzzled, and did not answer his question directly.

In her world, emotions such as sadness and sadness do not exist at all.

Not only herself, but others should not have this “boring” emotion.

At least that’s what she thought.

Li Lin’s sadness undoubtedly affected Zoe, “Although your world is destroyed, you are the hope of your world, the one who is favored by the world, otherwise you would not be here… Isn’t this something to be happy about? ?”

“It seems that expecting you to understand this is completely pretentious on my part.”

Hearing the sadness and a little loneliness in Li Lin’s voice, Zoe panicked and really didn’t want to get into trouble with her new friend.

“Well, we are friends, right? Friends should solve problems…” She rolled her eyes, as if she thought of something, and suddenly they lit up, “Actually, you don’t need to care about your world at all!”

Feeling that Li Lin’s negative emotions had risen again, Zoe hurriedly explained: “Actually, the real world is just an illusion, but it’s not realistic enough. Do you understand? Sometimes, this illusion will swing left and right, in and out, and never There is no perfect fit…”

As she spoke, Zoe’s words stalled, and she found that the more she spoke, the more confused she became. Even she didn’t know what she was talking about, or maybe what she said should not be leaked to a mortal like Li Lin, so she simply gave up explaining and muttered He lowered his head with his mouth closed.

“Well…don’t worry, I’m joking, really.”

Silence fell between the two of them, and the atmosphere was very dull.

Zoe didn’t like this feeling, but she didn’t know how to comfort Li Lin.

After all, she is a little girl who has maintained the purest nature. She is also the only person in thousands of years who has the highest affinity with the Twilight Star Spirit and obtained the power of the Star Spirit through the back door.

She doesn’t know how to put herself in someone else’s shoes, nor how to comfort or take care of others’ emotions.

In other words, after gaining divine power, Zoe’s “innocence” has actually evolved into “bad” for ordinary humans.

The words that hurt people’s hearts can only be considered the mildest…

Think of a way, Zoe!

This is a friend you made with great difficulty, and he’s still a boy!

You can’t let him escape from your grasp!

Zoe stared at Li Lin, who was silent and didn’t know what he was thinking, thinking for a long time. Finally, his face straightened, and he seemed to have made up his mind.

Then, she licked half of her tongue at the corner of her mouth, opened a portal and went in to fumble for something.

Not long after, her expression lit up, she stretched out her little hand, and handed a bright, colorful ball in her palm, like a glass bead, to Li Lin.

“Don’t be sad~~How about I give you a gift first? It won’t be included in the gifts exchanged by our good friends~~”

Li Lin recovered slightly from his sadness and stared at the “glass ball” in Zoe’s hand, feeling puzzled.

Until he randomly turned on his “data-based thinking” and took a look, he was suddenly horrified, and even the sadness in his heart was instantly washed away by the panic.

[Beautiful Glass Ball (Star): Created by the Star-casting Dragon King Aurelion Sol, it was stolen by Zoe and made into a glass ball for use in marbles games. 】

“What the hell…”

Li Lin quickly activated the “flash” function and stayed hundreds of meters away from Zoe.

“Eh? You actually know how to teleport?” She was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she was doing, and her expression changed slightly, “No… why are you running away, Li Lin?”

She exclaimed towards Li Lin, a golden halo of light appeared behind her, and she fell into the transmission channel.

At the same time, Zoe appeared behind him, “A beautiful glass ball, don’t you like it?”

Li Lin was troubled by this naughty little girl and wanted to say, “Can you go find Ezreal and stop pestering me?”

But Zoe, who had just returned to Runeterra, had obviously never seen Xiao Huangmao, and he was afraid that saying this would hurt the little girl’s feelings, causing her to do some irrational behavior…

Just like in the original world line, she was treated as a ghost because she wanted to make friends, and was attacked by the guards. She casually summoned a meteor to blow up the village, and also intentionally let others discover the world runes near the village. .

What’s more, her launch vehicle and satellite are still controlled by her!

What if I offend her and launch a rocket or satellite in the future, and she summons meteors to shoot them down?

Li Lin took several deep breaths, his heart was beating steadily, almost beating out of his chest, and he tried his best to say in a gentle tone: “Is this your thing?”

“of course……”

Zoe was about to answer when the image of a certain star dragon suddenly appeared in her mind, and the smile suddenly froze on her little face.

“Hehe~~ I mean, I borrowed this thing…but I’m sure he won’t mind!”

This is what you take for granted!

The Star Casting Dragon King cares most about his creations, but you stole them and made them into glass beads and used them in pinball games? !

You still want to give it to me because you think that I and the troubled Runeterra are not destroyed fast enough?

Li Lin complained crazily in his heart.

“I’m not sad anymore. You can keep this gift for yourself.”


A brilliant smile bloomed on Zoe’s little face, she summoned a portal and threw the “glass ball” in. Li Lin was shocked to see it.

Throw stars at will…

I’m afraid that among the many star spirit hosts, only you can do it.

“Hehe, it seems that I am quite good at comforting people~~”

Li Lin felt helpless about Zoe’s “feeling good about herself” behavior.

He looked at the time and found that more than ten minutes had passed since he came here to see Zoe.

Ever since he started talking to the Twilight Star Spirits, Intelligent Brain automatically cut off the connection between the armor and the ground.

They should be worried after losing contact for so long.

Li Lin was not going to waste any more time and looked hesitantly at the little girl who was immersed in her own world and humming a brisk melody, “Zoe…”

“I’m here!” Zoe smiled and floated in front of Li Lin, “How about it? Are we going to get the gift now? It’s on the island continent to the east!”

“Uh… let’s put the matter of world runes aside for now. When I go back and customize a suit of armor for you, how about we exchange gifts?”

I don’t want to be visited by Ryze at this time. The old mage has zero tolerance for holding world runes.

Even if you say I won’t be affected by the world runes…

“Yeah! Of course! Zoe likes gifts!” She nodded excitedly, “If possible, I hope you can make the armor into the colors of the rainbow!”

“If you like, I can also set it to change colors.” Li Lin paused deliberately, “But…”

“But? No, no, there is no but!” As soon as Zoe heard this word, her expression suddenly dropped, “Oh, this is not great.”

Li Lin had a dark streak in his head, and he was confused and didn’t know how to express his feelings.

I haven’t said anything yet, why are you reacting so loudly?

“Ahem… I just want to say, can you let go of my launch vehicle?”

He pointed to the launch vehicle in the distance.

“Oh~~ So it’s called Rocket? No problem!”

Zoe casually snapped her fingers, and the surrounding rules that she had distorted instantly returned to their original state.

The launch vehicle’s engine and power, which had been stationary in the sky for a long time, returned to their original state, and it continued to fly to the outer space according to the original plan as if nothing had happened.

“You can actually make something that can fly to heaven without using any magic!” Zoe’s eyes flickered with stars as she stared at the rocket intently, “What is it used for?”

“The launch vehicle is responsible for transportation. After reaching the predetermined position, it separates the fuselage and then releases the artificial satellite…” Li Lin quickly explained the functions of the rocket and satellite.

Zoe nodded thoughtfully, but he knew very well that the little girl’s attention was entirely on the rocket flying to space, and she did not listen to his words at all.

Li Lin sighed helplessly, “Forget it, I’m going back, let’s just stay here…”

Before he finished speaking, Zoe immediately came back to her senses, stared at him and exclaimed: “I want to go too!”



Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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