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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 289 Soft, sweet and glutinous cake

Zoe’s confession came unexpectedly, and Li Lin was not mentally prepared for it.

After a whole night of counseling, he failed to get this little girl’s emotions back on track.

Because Zoe refused to take the hard way, she still firmly believed that she really liked Li Lin, and she also said that she would use time to prove it.

For the next few weeks, Zoe basically stayed at Giraman’s house.

Except for occasionally slipping into the portal and running away to nowhere, she stayed with Li Lin most of the time, which made him unable to be intimate with Caitlin for a period of time. He was very annoyed, but helpless.

Even in the development of new technologies, she has to take part.

Li Lin’s posture for enchanting the armor was wrong, but as soon as Zoe got started, he turned the third-generation armor that had been with him for a long time into countless star butterflies, flying into the spiritual realm with wings as brilliant as stars.

If it was just like this, forget it, anyway, as long as he has the materials, he can create a new armor.

But when Zoe heard that Li Lin needed materials, she didn’t even give him a chance to ask. She reached out and opened a portal, summoning the star iron that the protoss had used to build weapons for the Shurima warriors.

Although Star Iron is extremely precious, not much of it can be found throughout Runeterra.

But what Zoe found for Li Lin was as big as a two-story building, smashing his workshop into rubble and almost crushing him underneath…

Fortunately, these are just foreign objects, and the mechanical engineers can completely restore the ruins to their original appearance in a few hours.

While Li Lin felt angry, he couldn’t help but feel a little lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, he made an agreement with this naughty little girl before Zoe followed him back to Gila Mann’s house.

No matter what, you are not allowed to use magic pranks on everyone in the Giraman family, you are not allowed to exclude Caitlin, and you are not allowed to play tricks on Kaisha who lives in symbiosis with the void, including the living skin on her body.

What’s commendable is that Zoe really abides by these agreements in order to express herself to Li Lin.

As for those things that she helped out of good intentions but turned out to be big mistakes, she also changed her mind after Li Lin’s criticism and persuasion.

This greatly exceeded Li Lin’s expectation…

In the next few days, Zoe listened to Li Lin’s words and rarely used magic anymore, appearing to be more peaceful.

She gets up, eats, and sleeps like an ordinary girl every day, and occasionally runs out with Kai’Sa to play with Orianna and Seraphine.

Not only that, she actually went to Piltover College and met Bao Bao and Milo, who were already studying there, and also met Wei and Clegg through them.

During this period, Li Lin always sent mechanical engineers to follow her and record at any time.

Even if Zoe followed the troublemaking quartet, she didn’t cause any trouble in the Twin Cities.

In addition to learning fighting skills from Wei and beating up a few gangsters who were looking for trouble…

The bell in the Zodiac basement rang, it was already one o’clock in the afternoon, and it was soon time to go to work.

Zoe followed Kasha to find Seraphine again today.

She likes to sing very much. Li Lin heard Kasha say that she wanted to learn the more popular songs in the Shuang Cities and sing them to him.

In the newly built workshop, Li Lin is controlling the robotic arm to cut materials from pure star iron that is half the size of a room, preparing to manufacture the sixth-generation Source Project Infinite Armor.

This was only a very small part of what Zoe summoned through the portal. The other part was cut into multiple parts by Li Lin and locked into a newly built underground warehouse by the mechanical engineers.

Dong dong dong…

Caitlin knocked on the outermost door of the workshop.

After being reminded by Zhinao, Li Lin temporarily stopped what he was doing, took off his protective equipment, and went out to greet Caitlin who came in.

Today, she was wearing a pink and purple dress with a waist and a short skirt. The white frills of the skirt reached the top of her thighs. Her perfectly proportioned slender legs were covered with a pair of black tights that facilitate movement.

She wore a custom-made gold-edged texture, a top hat that matched her hair color, and a simple aristocratic bow tie tied around her slender white neck. Looking down, she saw a tan knee-length trousers on her small feet. Leg-length boots.

This is Caitlin’s most traditional outfit. She went out in casual clothes, and even the captain who later became the Piltover police chief was accustomed to wearing this outfit.

It is also a costume that Li Lin likes very much.

Although she is still under 20 years old, she does not quite fit the image of a mature lady in Li Lin’s impression.

But now Caitlin seems to have more vitality of a young girl, and has a different kind of charm that is not inferior to her maturity and stability in the future.

“Can I help you?”

Li Lin stepped forward and gently hugged her into his arms.

Caitlin didn’t resist, or she liked Li Lin’s affectionate behavior toward her.

Besides, since Zoe lived at home, she hadn’t been close to Li Lin for a long time, and such time alone was precious.

“Can’t I come to you when nothing happens?” Caitlin raised her head and glanced at Li Lin, humming softly: “That star spirit sticks to you every day, how long have we not…”

As she spoke, her face blushed slightly.

In fact, this is not the first time this has happened. Compared to the beginning, Caitlin has been able to let go much earlier, and even often “turns over and becomes the master” and takes the dominant position.

But this kind of discussion is limited to the room. Outside, she is still a little embarrassed to talk about this kind of thing.

Li Lin looked at Caitlin’s shy look and couldn’t help but want to tease her. He stretched out his finger and crossed her delicate and hot face, and chuckled: “Are you… jealous of Zoe?”

“Who… who is jealous?” She softly hammered Li Lin on the chest, “I’m just a kid, how could I be jealous of her?”

There was a blush on Caitlin’s face. It was obvious that Li Lin had grabbed her by the tail, which made him smile even more: “Why are you so worried?”

“I, I didn’t…ah! Where are you touching? This is outside…”

“It’s okay, the door has been locked, don’t worry…” Li Lin chuckled, “You are getting softer and softer, my little cake.”

Caitlin’s beautiful eyes widened with a surprised expression, “…small cake?”

“A soft, sweet and glutinous little cake. I really want to eat you in one bite.”

“Uh-don’t call me that…”

“Do you not like it?”

“It’s not that I don’t like it, it just feels a little weird.”

“Then I’ll call you Little Cake from now on?”

“You hate~~!”

Feeling Li Lin’s increasing presumptuousness and the mature breath blowing on her face, Caitlin retained her last shred of reason and finally pushed him away.

“Stop making trouble, I have more to do later and have to go to work.” She breathed slightly and straightened her face, “Also, there is one more thing you asked me to do before.”

When he got down to business, Li Lin stopped playing around and said, “Is there any result?”

The only thing he asked Caitlin to do recently was to use the family’s power to investigate the news about the Noxian army in the Trivel city-state in the south of the Silver Mountains closest to Demacia.

Because the town has been very tightly defended recently, with soldiers patrolling all day long, Li Lin was unable to send mechanical engineers to sneak in to investigate the situation.

In addition, Zoe’s recent clinginess has caused Li Lin a lot of trouble. He has no time to monitor the movements in Noxus, so he has to ask Caitlin to help.

It happened that the Gila Mann family had business dealings with Noxus, and it was normal for the caravan to settle in Trivel, which could serve as a “spy” for Li Lin.

But he never revealed to Catelyn what his purpose was, nor did he say that Noxus was about to break out into a small battle with Demacia.

Out of trust in her lover, Caitlin did not ask for too many details. She just sent a caravan of several people in the name of her mother.

In order to enter the city smoothly, this caravan carried some Hex equipment products that use Hex square batteries and are used in daily life.

It is also the mechanical device that Noxus most urgently needs, but Piltover restricts its export.

“Currently, Trevel Town is only allowed in and out, and even letters are not allowed to be sent out… If it weren’t for your wireless phone, this news wouldn’t have come out.”

Caitlin straightened her clothes a little, walked to the workbench, and asked her brain to project a map of Valoran.

Then, she zoomed in on Trevel in the southwest corner of the Silver Mountains, frowned slightly and said: “I heard from the caravan that Noxus is preparing an army recently. In the middle of the night last night, an elite team came from the northwest. The gate on the side is out.”

Caitlin stretched out her hand and circled the 3D projection map, and quickly analyzed: “But from there, apart from entering the mountains, we can only go to White Cliff City in the west along the coastline of the Sea of ​​Conquerors, but White Cliff City No Noxians have ever been allowed to enter.

“If Noxus’ goal is not here, then…”

She tapped her finger on the map projection and followed the mountain path generated by the mechanical engineer’s scan and marked by the brain all the way up to Demacia’s border outpost – the Gate of Sorrow.

“Their target is actually Demacia’s outpost?!”

Caitlin looked shocked and suddenly turned her head to look at Li Lin.

“No wonder you have been monitoring the movements of Noxus. It turned out that you had expected that they would not take advantage of the war between Ionia and the Freljord, and turned your attention to Demacia?”

I’m not, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense, I just know the script…

Li Lin looked serious and remained silent, and Caitlin took it as his acquiescence.

Her face turned solemn, she clenched her fist and hammered on the workbench, and couldn’t help but curse: “Damn it! Can’t these Noxians stop one day?”

Then, Caitlin continued to look at the map and marked the Gate of Sorrow, “This outpost is built on the top of the mountain. If we attack from the Silver Mountain, it is barely easy to defend but difficult to attack.

“But I heard that Demacia only has a sentry team stationed here, and they have to guard against harassment by bandits wandering nearby, so they are unable to do anything at the same time.

“But Trivel is stationed with a battle group of two thousand people… If we attack by force, the Gate of Sorrow will not be able to defend it at all.”

Caitlin took a deep breath and turned her gaze back to Li Lin, “We can’t let war break out again, but we in Pi City have always remained neutral… We have to find a way.”

“My mechanical engineers have sent news that the Demacia border is under the influence of bandits and warlike tribes. Prince Jarvan IV has arrived at Renwall, a border town in the east of Demacia, trying to manage the border.”

When Li Lin said this, Caitlin’s face changed in shock, “Did Noxus hear about Prince Lightshield and prepare to…”

“I also have this conjecture.” Following her words, Li Lin continued: “Jiavan IV is the only son of the Demacia royal family. If he is captured or killed by Noxus…”

Li Lin didn’t finish what he said, but the smart Caitlin could easily understand what he wanted to express.

Demacia has been established on the west side of Valoran since ancient times and has never made any move to expand outward.

But this does not mean that they are weak and unable to fight.

On the contrary, they have the smallest number of people, but their per capita physical fitness is comparable to that of “Captain America”. Even the Noxian battle group has to retreat three points when fighting with them head-on.

Once the Lightshield Prince is captured or killed by Noxus, the entire continent of Valoran will once again fall into endless war like it did a hundred years ago, with unimaginable consequences.

“What are you going to do?” Caitlin asked, “I know you already have a plan.”

Li Lin turned and looked directly into her sapphire eyes, “I want to go to the Gate of Sorrow myself.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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