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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 296 I’ll blanch it! Protagonist halo? !

Ballant’s home is in the center of the village.

Generally speaking, villages in Demacia implement a village elders council discussion system similar to that in Ionia, on the premise of abiding by the laws of the country.

The village chiefs of most villages are recommended by respected people and elected by the villagers. In many cases, they only represent a village to receive foreign travelers and entertain senior officials and soldiers, and do not have much authority.

The same is true for the village chief of Yuncong Village.

Balant’s home is not much different from the wooden houses of other villagers, except that a new, more spacious meeting hall was built next to the main house, which can also be used to entertain guests.

The two guards returned to their posts. As soon as Balant entered his yard, he shouted to the kitchen at the top of his voice: “Hey! Nicola, we have a guest, please make us two dishes to go with the wine.”

Li Lin originally thought about calling out Balant, who wanted to entertain him warmly, but after thinking about it for a moment, he kept his mouth shut.

The common people of Demacia are actually not much different from the people of Ionia. Most people are very hospitable, especially to those capable warriors.

But there are still some differences. For example, Demacians are straightforward and bold, while Ionians are reserved and reserved.

If a Demacian treats you warmly, try not to shirk their enthusiasm, otherwise they will consider it as disrespectful to you.

Another point is that Ionia is very tolerant of magic from top to bottom. The upper echelons of Demacia are disgusted and repelled by magic, while the common people are afraid of magic.

Coming to the territory of Demacia, it was naturally impossible for Li Lin to use the function of the infinite armor openly, otherwise he would be disgusted and ostracized by these people who had been taught that “magic is harmful” since childhood, and even called in Demacia’s officers and soldiers and specialized personnel. Demon seekers who arrest mages and search for magic items.

I just don’t know if the nano-energy core I made using concentrated primordial crystals can still function normally in the capital city of Demacia, which is entirely built with forbidden magic stones…

With confused thoughts, Li Lin followed Balant into the guest room. After Balant brought a jar of home-brewed beer and two wooden cups from somewhere and filled them respectively, the two began to talk.

“Chief Balant, have other people looking for dragons come to the village in recent days?” Li Lin asked.

“Hey, don’t mention it!”

Balant put on a helpless expression, raised his glass and took a deep sip, then wiped away the wine that flowed from the corner of his mouth to his chin beard.

“Since a village on the border was destroyed by the breath of the flaming dragon a few days ago, our Yuncong Village has received many refugees who fled here…”

He paused, glanced outside the door, then withdrew his gaze and lowered his voice: “Even the troops stationed on the front line fled, and they didn’t have the courage to face that giant dragon.”

“I’ve heard about this, but if it’s the Fearless Vanguard or the Silver Wings Flying Group, it should be quite easy to kill that dragon.”

“Hey, what you said is certainly true, but the Fearless Vanguard only has more than 2,000 people in total. Their main job is to guard the Capital City and Dawn Castle and protect the safety of King Jarvan III.”

Balant shook his head, “As for the Silver Wings, they are even more precious. There are only a few hundred Silver Wings in the entire Demacia that can go on the battlefield.

“Besides, the giant dragon only burned down one village, and it was still on the border, so only a few people were injured, and the Silver Wings Flight Group had not yet appeared.

“Also, didn’t the prince go to the border to inspect the situation recently? I heard that the prince’s personal guards were invincible, suppressing the rogue bandits raging on the border, and even fought against the Noxian army…”


I actually think he went to give someone away.

Li Lin took a sip of beer and listened silently as Balant continued to talk about the recent rumors in Demacia.

While the two were talking, a woman in her thirties, with a rather delicate appearance who looked familiar to Li Lin, walked into the house carrying a tray.

She put down a plate of peeled boiled peanuts and a plate of boiled soybeans, then greeted Li Lin with a polite smile: “May the Winged Protector God bless you.”

“This is my wife Nicola.” Balant introduced Li Lin with a smile.

Li Lin returned the favor with the same smile: “May the Winged Protector God bless you, madam.”

Then, Balant pointed at Li Lin and said to his wife: “Nicola, this is a warrior who is going to follow the traces of the dragon!”

For some reason, Nicola’s expression suddenly changed when she heard the topic of dragons. She snorted coldly at her husband and walked out of the meeting hall without looking back.

Balant looked at his wife’s leaving back, his expression seemed a little embarrassed, and he quickly turned around and apologized to Li Lin: “I’m sorry, my family has been very worried recently because of the dragon incident…”

“Oh?” Li Lin asked in surprise, “Can you tell me the specific reason?”

“Well, it’s not like I can’t say it…”

He scratched his head, sighed heavily, drank the beer in one gulp, and then filled himself up again.

“Mainly because of my little girl Xisilia…”


Li Lin was shocked when he heard the name.

The main reason he came to Yuncong Village this time was for this girl named Xisilia.

Although she is not a hero in the League of Legends game, she is a proper protagonist in Demacia’s background story!

Unexpectedly, he happened to arrive at her house by accident?

Fortunately, Balant lowered his face, his expression full of pain, otherwise he would definitely have seen Li Lin’s fleeting surprise.

Just listen to Balant continue: “Heathlia has dreamed of becoming a brave warrior since she was a child. She dreams of joining the Fearless Pioneers when she grows up and requires herself to undergo strict training.

“But since she heard the legend of the dragon from the refugees and soldiers we rescued a few days ago, and the warriors who occasionally came to Yuncong to rest during this period, she has been clamoring to go to the border to look for traces of the dragon.

“But where is the border? Bandits, bandits, and tribes that kidnap women! Not to mention that Demacia and the Noxian gang have recently started fighting again. She is a little girl, and she has to go find her at this time. Dragon, isn’t that causing trouble?

“Not to mention that her training is still a few years away from completion. Her current level is only half-assed… Sigh!”

He sighed heavily again, raised his head and poured all the wine in the glass down his throat.

Hearing what Balant said, Li Lin suddenly felt enlightened.

After all, the story that can be shown in the background text is a very small part of the real world.

Before Xisilia was trained and went to Demacia to apply for the Dauntless Vanguard, there was such a small episode.

“You are right. The border is very chaotic at this time. I can understand how you and your wife feel.”

As soon as Li Lin finished speaking, he heard Balant murmuring in a low voice: “Hey, I don’t know what that woman has to complain about me. She is obviously the one who talks about the great heroes of Demacia every time before Heathlia goes to bed. The story made her have this fantasy…”

At this moment, the clear and sweet voice of a young girl who sounded energetic suddenly came from the yard: “——Father!”

Immediately afterwards, an energetic girl with long brown hair and braided hair rushed into the meeting hall with an excited expression.

Her upper body is lined with bird feathers, and she wears a brown linen hooded coat. Her slender legs with perfect muscle lines are covered with a pair of brown and black tight trousers specially designed for training, and her feet are covered with deerskin seams. Made, suitable for training and warm boots.

“I heard that a new dragon-slaying warrior has arrived in the village?!”

Heathlia’s eyes first stayed on Balant’s face, and then immediately moved to Li Lin across the table, looking at him curiously.

“Is that you?!”

Balant couldn’t help but put his hand on his forehead and sighed, “Heathlia, please be polite!”

“Oh…oh! Yes, polite!” She took a deep breath, “May the Winged Protector bless you, dragon-slaying warrior!”

“To be precise, I am not a dragon-slaying warrior, because I have never even seen the face of a giant dragon.”

Li Lin spread his hands and shrugged in a self-deprecating tone, and at the same time turned on his “data-based thinking” and casually glanced at Heathlia’s personal data.

But it didn’t matter if he didn’t look at it. When all the girl’s data were displayed in his mind, he couldn’t help but shrink his pupils and suddenly took a breath of air.

[Name: Heathlia Crowfield]

[Age: 14 years old]

[Race: Demacian]

[Abilities: strong physique, warrior blood, perseverance, bravery, weakness hunting, morale boosting, reckless swings, protagonist aura…]

Galen is truly worthy of being called Little Heathlia, a warrior who can tie him in the Dauntless Vanguard’s record of Demacia’s power.

Li Lin’s throat couldn’t help but squirm, and he couldn’t help but complain wildly in his heart:

I understand the truth, but what the hell is your “protagonist halo”? !

Little knowledge: Xisilia is the protagonist template in both Demacian background and Lor’s setting. Lor is even more inspiring, growing from a little country girl to a brave and fearless vanguard guard. In the parallel universe of the main universe of the if line, Xisilia became the Baroness of the Clouds early and the leader of the Silver Wings Flying Group. She saved the prince Jarvan IV and avoided the fate of Qin’s adoptive father who died in battle.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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