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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 299 Flame Dragon Iva and Gaboga attack

Li Lin did not expect that Heathlia, who would grow up to be a guard of the Fearless Pioneers in the future, would have such a “naughty” side when she was a child.

But when he thought about Galen’s past, he felt relieved.

Each one of them is a Demacian force who says “for Demacia” and “defend the family and the country, and justice will prevail”, but they have a dark history of wetting the bed as a child, and blaming their sister Lux for the incident…

Gee, it seems that many heroes had really naughty tempers when they were young.

Li Lin sighed in his heart.

It was not easy to coax the little girl Xisilia back home.

After that, he first checked the movements of Prince Jarvan IV and his bodyguards, and determined that they had passed the ambush set by the Noxian war group and headed straight for the Gate of Sorrow.

According to their marching speed, it would have taken at least a week to reach the Gate of Sorrows if Noxus had not sent troops to harass them along the way in order not to reveal any flaws.

However, Li Lin predicted that with his little episode, the Noxian Gray Warband on the other side of the Gate of Sorrow would no longer “wait in wait” and wait for the Demacia prince to go there, but would take the initiative to attack.

Maybe, in just four or five days, they will clash at the foot of the Gate of Sorrow Mountain.

Due to the changes in the world line, the battle took place in the upper reaches of another section of the River of Tranquility, and there were basically no hiding woods around it.

However, without Li Lin’s help, he might not have been able to resist the enemy at the Gate of Sorrow like he did in the original world line. Then, with the support and desperate cover of Sona’s adoptive father, Barrett Bouvier, he escaped into the forest, and finally encountered Shyvana, the half-dragon.

However, this happened to be in line with Li Lin’s plan.

“Alas, I still live a life that I hate.” He sighed.

[Why do you say that? Is it because of the use of the Light Shield Prince? 】

Li Lin said nothing.

But Zhinao roughly judged what he was thinking by observing his facial expressions.

[You don’t have to do this, Master. 】

Zhinao comforted.

[Everything you do is to cope with the coming disaster in the future. If you do not use the Light Shield Prince, the probability of obtaining the Demacia Forbidden Demon Stone is as low as 0.0235%, which is almost zero. 】

[According to my calculations, if you can take advantage of this incident and reach an agreement with the Demacia royal family, the probability of obtaining the Forbidden Magic Stone will reach 88.67%. 】

[Your behavior is for the sake of Runeterra and the common people in the world. This behavior is legitimate. You should not have this kind of self-blame. 】


After Zhinao’s guidance, the congestion in Li Lin’s chest eased a little, but the pressure on his shoulders became a little heavier.

The function of the forbidden magic stone is to absorb magic, but it also has its own upper limit.

And when faced with some extremely powerful and pure magic, even in Demacia’s Forbidden Stone Forest, there is actually no way to completely restrict it.

For example, the rune mage Ryze sealed the world’s runes underground in the Forbidden Stone Forest, and he could use the “Warping Realm Jump” ultimate move at any time to perform arcane teleportation in a place surrounded by layers of Forbidden Stone.

What’s more, the forbidden magic stone has never been used to deal with void creatures. Is it useful against monsters that use void energy instead of magic…

Li Lin has not conducted experiments yet and does not know what the results will be.

For the first and only time in nearly two years since he came to Runeterra, he was shaken by his thoughts and actions.

It’s a good thing to predict the future, but can what you do really be effective?

[Master, are we going to Eternal Peak next? 】

Zhinao’s inquiry brought Li Lin back to reality from his chaotic thoughts.

He took a deep breath and put all the messy thoughts behind him, “Let’s confirm the coordinates. Let’s go meet Shyvana’s mother.”

After setting the coordinates on the map, a bright blue-white light flashed on the armor.

In just a few seconds, Li Lin regained his composure and arrived at a secluded corner east of Eternal Peak.

A small border town of Demacia is located between the Eternal Peak and the Green Teeth Peak in the north. Heavy metal sluices control this small section of the border from Ben Galaxy into Demacia.

Not only that, Demacia also has a dragon bird troop stationed here, and its base nest is on Green Teeth Peak.

But unlike the silver-winged vulture, the dragon bird is just a hybrid sub-dragon species. It is very small and can only carry one knight.

Therefore, dragon birds are generally only used to detect enemy situations and disrupt enemy lines.

On the other hand, regardless of whether Demacia knew that the flame dragon lived in the Eternal Peak, even if it knew, the royal family would not order the dragon bird troops to fight the dragon.

These troops, who were of widely different sizes and did not yet know magic, encountered a giant dragon, which was no different than delivering rations.

Not long after Li Linggang arrived at Eternal Peak, a mechanical engineer who had been waiting nearby after receiving orders from Zhinao flew down from the mountain peak and stopped in front of him.

[Mechanical Engineer, No. 4949 reports to you, my creator. 】

Li Lin nodded, “How is the flame dragon doing?”

[It is sleeping on our southern peak, 3.67 kilometers away. 】

“The south side? Are you aware that there are Demacia dragon birds in the Green Teeth Peak in the north, and you don’t want to provoke them?”

Hearing Li Lin’s muttering, Zhinao explained:

[The elemental dragon’s wisdom is not inferior to that of humans. It must have seen the threat of Demacia and does not want to conflict with this country. 】

[After all, this giant dragon named Ivar has a terrible reputation in the mountains bordering Ixtar in the east of Shurima. 】

In order to better collect Gaibojia’s battle information, he would not misjudge its strength and accidentally kill it instantly with one punch.

After all, using Gaibo to defeat the elemental dragon is almost equivalent to killing a chicken with a knife.

Li Lin deliberately collected all aspects of information about Shyvana’s mother, the dragon named Iva by the Shuriman people.

The growth cycle of an elemental dragon is very long, and it takes nearly ten years just to hatch in a dragon egg.

Normally, it takes 10 to 15 years from when a baby dragon hatches out of its shell to fluttering its wings for the first time.

Although the magical talents of elemental dragons are innate, they also need to be taught by the mother dragon to learn elemental breath and further teach them to hunt.

This time is usually one to two years after the young dragons master the flying skills, and it will take several decades for them to completely master the breathing skills.

If the young dragons grow up smoothly and do not die in infancy, it will take even longer for them to reach adulthood.

According to human definition, an elemental dragon reaches adulthood when it lives alone without its mother, which takes at least 100 to 150 years, depending on the personality of different dragons.

And because an elemental female dragon will only start mating and reproducing when it reaches adulthood, it will only choose a nest to lay 1 to 8 dragon eggs in a few decades.

Such a long cycle of reproduction and growth, coupled with the fact that the dragon-slaying warriors in the past few hundred years have hunted down the dragons that have brought disaster to the continent of Valloland, there are many elemental dragons among them.

Therefore, today’s elemental dragons are not common in the entire Runeterra, and most of them live in the tropical rain forests and mountains of Kumanggu in the north of Ixtar.

Ivar is an outlier among this group of elemental dragons.

According to the earliest recorded legend, Iva appeared in the ancient books of Eastern Shurima more than 400 years ago and is now well preserved in the Great Library of Kenesir.

According to classic legends, Ivar seems to have just come of age at that time.

In search of food, it ravaged several small towns living in the eastern mountains of Shurima, on the borders of Ixtar.

In the following hundreds of years, it still hunted the nomadic tribes in Shurima from time to time. It was only in recent decades that it settled down and built nests to hatch young dragons.

In other words, despite being as intelligent as humans, to humans, bloodthirsty beasts are still just beasts.

What’s more, the two are still at the upper and lower levels of the food chain.

It was just a matter of killing a giant dragon. Even if he was wise, he would not feel any burden to Li Lin.

[There are currently 79 mechanical engineers on standby near the dragon. Do you need us to wake them up and lead them here? 】

Zhinao suggested.

“There is no need to damage the mechanical engineer anymore. You can use my authority to remotely control the Gaborga of Piltover University and teleport it over.”

Li Lin glanced in the direction where the flame dragon was still sleeping, “I will go find it myself.”

The plain where Jarvan IV is stationed is the Silent Lake Plain, and the river is called the Silent River. The previous article was written as the Silver River and the Silver River Plain. This is actually another river in the north. The errors have been corrected.

Also, Demacia’s etiquette is similar to Shurima’s. They make fists with both hands crossed on the chest. Noxus’s is to beat the left chest with the right fist. I made a mistake. . .


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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