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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 3 Interest Negotiation

“We are interested in your design, but you should know exactly what the impact of your invention will be.

“In other words, your design can almost subvert Piltover’s current industrial system that relies on Hextech crystal energy.”

Karina had no doubt that these were not Li Lin’s designs, or she was not worried about this at all.

She was an excellent Hextech craftsman before she became a member of Parliament, so she could naturally tell whether Li Lin’s drawings with strange design ideas were true or false.

If these drawings were designed by Li Lin, then the Gila Mann family would have gained a talented inventor who could rival Jace.

If Li Lin stole these drawings from a certain family, his subsequent inventions would naturally be exposed. At that time, all he needs to do is contact the Piltover Law Enforcement Department to arrest him. Not only will the Gila Mann family not suffer, but You can harvest a batch of scientific and technological drawings that can usher in a new era.

The same is true for Li Lin. The Gila Mann family has a good reputation and will not steal his design results just because of short-sightedness and small profits in front of them.

Moreover, even if Li Lin really misjudged the Gila Mann family and the design drawings were snatched away, he still has the mechanic system. There are still so many technologies on the earth that Runeterra does not have. It is impossible to imitate a few higher-tech inventions. question.

Both parties have their own thoughts and negotiations on these invention patents are continuing.

“We can try our best to provide you with sponsorship. All you have to do is to make these technological devices and make them as perfect as possible in the future to ensure that they can be put into normal use.

“You don’t have to worry about anything else. Our Giraman family will not snatch your patent ownership rights. We just have to add the name of our Giraman family to your name. Can you accept it?”

Li Lin nodded, understanding that Karina was just asking symbolically. It didn’t matter whether he agreed or not, “Of course, no problem.”

“Very good, then let’s talk about the income and proportion of the patent, and bring out your design drawings.”

Karina has talked about many such student-worker sponsorship contracts and is familiar with this part of the content.

“Let’s talk about the first drawing first… The bicycle, um, has a very peculiar name. It uses pedals to turn gears and chains as power, and the design is very novel…”

Karina paused, and Li Lin knew that the next step was a turning point. It was time for her to lower the price on behalf of the Gila Mann family.

“But you also know that Piltover already has bicycles and Hex two-wheeled vehicles. Compared with them, your bicycle has no obvious advantages, and the young masters and daughters of big families don’t know how to do it. I’m attracted to your crude invention…”

“You are wrong, and very wrong, Mrs. Karina.” Li Lin retorted not to be outdone.

The Gilla Manns’ brows wrinkled slightly in unison.

“First of all, although my bicycle cannot match the speed and distance of the Hex Ring bicycle and the two-wheeled motor vehicle, it does not require Hex Technology crystal as a power source, and its structure is simple. Have you ever thought about the cost? Woolen cloth?”

Both Karina and Elro were stunned for a moment, their expressions clearly showing that they were thinking.

Li Lin paused for a moment and curled his lips slightly, “Besides, who said my bicycle was designed for my family?”

“If this kind of thing is not designed for the family, how can… wait!” Erro suddenly figured it out, his eyes lit up, “You want to apply bicycles to ordinary citizens?”

“Yes, my original intention of designing bicycles is for the common people. Not only can they be used as a means of transportation in daily life, but they can also be used to travel by bicycle during leisure time, and they can also exercise.

“Moreover, the cost of bicycles is low. I think we should take the low-end route. The price does not need to be too expensive. Small profits but quick turnover make it affordable for ordinary citizens. I believe it will definitely become a popular product.”

Li Lin spoke out the advantages and sales ideas of the bicycle without reservation, even if Karina wanted to squeeze the value of this product, she would not be able to do it.

“I think this idea is very good, my dear, other families rarely take care of ordinary citizens. If we can start from this aspect, we can at least stabilize the bastards of the Antoine family…”

You idiot, why do you still speak for outsiders?

Karina glared at her husband, but what he and Li Lin said were very reasonable, and she couldn’t refute it. She couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged, so she could only compromise: “Tell me, how much do you want?”

However, to her surprise, Li Lin did not open his mouth loudly, but only stretched out three fingers, “Thirty percent, I want 30% of the sales profit is enough.”

Piltover is an independent parliamentary city-state, but it is understandable to say that it is a small country.

As a trading port that connects the east-west waterways of Runeterra, the things produced by Piltover are not only sold locally, but also exported to various regions of the world.

In other words, the wealth brought by just the invention of the bicycle is enough for Li Lin to squander it throughout his life, and he can even join the upper class of Pi City and create a new family.

But he gave up this easy opportunity?

Karina couldn’t understand.

But before she could ask why, Li Lin immediately continued: “But I have conditions.”

“Say.” Karina sat up straight.

“First, I will try to invent more things in the future. No matter how difficult to understand these things, or even if you think it is impossible to succeed, you still have to support me unconditionally.”

You little guy, how many cards do you still have that you haven’t revealed? !

Karina only felt that she could no longer see through this Ionian boy who was shrouded in mystery.

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, trying to maintain a calm attitude, “Yes, I agree, but the main premise is that the interests of the family cannot be touched…what else?”

“Second, I can share with you the core technologies of some inventions, but some of the more dangerous technologies must be fully mastered by me, and you must not force me to hand them over.”

“Dangerous technology…” Karina almost lost her cool. “How dangerous is your so-called ‘dangerous technology’? If it violates Piltover’s laws and affects the stability of the city and its citizens, we will not be able to protect it.” …”

Karina was poked by her husband and her words stopped abruptly.

Although she didn’t finish speaking, Li Lin knew what she was referring to.

Isn’t it Qinggangying, the man behind Pi City…

But now that it’s that time, maybe I’ve grown up, so I won’t be afraid of her anymore, right?

Li Lin comforted himself for a moment and explained: “Well…it’s hard to say at the moment, but don’t worry, there will be no problem.”

“Then… okay, I agree, is there anything else?”

“Last point, I hope that some of my more complex invention patents can account for a larger proportion, such as generators…

“Of course, for some inventions with low technical content, I can ask for a lower ratio, ranging from 10% to 30%. How about that?”


At this point in the negotiation, Karina felt a little numb. She didn’t know if Li Lin was being mysterious or if he was really a genius.

She glanced at Li Lin’s eyes wordlessly, but there was no other emotion except full confidence.

Forget it, just take a gamble, you won’t suffer any loss anyway.

Karina sighed silently in her heart, “Okay, I agree. You can designate part of the invention later, and I will give you 50% of the patent profit.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Karina.” A bright smile appeared on Li Lin’s face.

Then, he and the Gila Manns stood up at the same time.

As Li Lin’s dark brown and Karina’s azure eyes looked at each other, they reached out and held hands at the same time.

“Happy to work with!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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