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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 300 The imminent war

As a magic circle engraved with various mysterious runes appeared in mid-air, in just two breaths, the mechanical giant Gaibojia, which was almost a hill high, appeared in Li Lin’s field of vision.

At the same time, a dull dragon roar came from the south side of Eternal Peak, startling a flock of birds in the jungle on the top of the mountain.

The dragon wakes up.

Li Lin, who had already flown into the air, looked back.

Even from a distance, he could feel the uneasiness and anger contained in the dragon’s roar, and seemed to be aware of the approaching danger.

Li Lin sped up and entered Gaibojia’s cockpit, allowing the brain to assist and automatically connect the neural connection devices of the infinite battle armor and the mecha.

[The Mechanical Giant Gaboga system is online. 】

[Identity verification passed. 】

[Welcome, Creator Li Lin. 】

[Checking various data of the mecha…]

[Data is normal! 】

[Weapon systems are in place, defense systems are in place! 】


With a series of normal reports, Gebojia got into action.

Li Lin moved his right hand first. Through the auxiliary calculations of the neural connection system and the intelligent brain, Gabojia’s right fist moved along with his movements, with almost no delay.

But before he could prepare for the pre-driving test and completely connect the systems of the Infinite Armor and the Gaiborga Mecha, the emergency reminder from the Intelligent Brain whistled in the cockpit:

[The approach of high-energy magic energy is detected! 】

[Determine the magic source target: the flame element dragon Iva! 】

“Hey, I haven’t come to find you yet, but you come to see me?” Li Lin raised his eyebrows, with a cold look on his face.

Real dragons fly very fast, but with their pair of flesh and blood wings, it is actually difficult to support such a huge and heavy body.

Therefore, even flying dragons that generally cannot breathe and have extremely low magic talent can use the magic in the air to lift themselves up and fly.

In just three kilometers, it took Iva just a few seconds to reach where Li Lin was.

It was a giant dragon with wings fully extended for more than twenty meters and four thick claws. Its whole body was burning with eternal and blazing flames, and the blazing fire dyed the night sky red.

Seeing such a giant humanoid steel hunk in front of him that was as big as a hill, the flames in Ivar’s eyes flickered, as if he was wondering why this guy posed such a strong threat to him.

Especially the position on its chest reveals an energy aura that is far more powerful than its own magic.

Iva couldn’t help but his heart trembled, “Ancient dragon…”

It spit out obscure words that seemed to be inhuman and inhuman, and the eyes that stared at Gaboga were even colder.

Noticed that the mecha’s head turned slightly, seeming to lock onto itself.

Ivar did not dare to hesitate any longer and immediately opened his huge mouth that could easily swallow an adult. He continued the majestic energy from his throat and gathered a ball of elemental flames that could easily melt steel.

However, in the few seconds it hesitated before, Li Lin’s armor had completely connected with the mecha system.

[High-energy flame element magic breath detected! 】

“Activate the force shield.”

Li Lin calmly activated the defense function, and at the same time controlled the strong pulse thrusters on the back and legs of the mecha to fly away from the place.


Ivar let out a deafening dragon roar, and the sound waves that spread to the surroundings seemed to be able to shatter the space. Under the illumination of the flames, transparent sound waves were visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon’s elemental breath was fully charged, and it sprayed a pillar of fire forward, incinerating everything in its path and turning the ground into scorched earth.

However, Gaibojia, who activated the force field shield and turned on the “invincible mode” for one minute, was not afraid of this magical breath at all.

Ivar’s flame breath rose from the ground, but when it immediately approached the shell of Gaboga, it was completely blocked by a translucent barrier.

“Ho ho ho!”

Ivar widened his eyes burning with flames and let out an even more intense roar. At the same time, the scales on his body absorbed the elemental particles in the air and gathered them all in his mouth, increasing the power of the flames and blowing the nearly two hundred meters high. Geboga was completely covered in flames.

This is its most powerful breath, and it is also its trump card: Fire Storm.

In the hundreds of years that Ivar has lived, no creature, not even another elemental dragon, has ever been able to survive such a violent breath.

But as it exhausted its strength, the perceived threat in front of it did not diminish at all.

As time passed, Ivar finally couldn’t hold on any longer and slowed down the power of his breath.

But at this moment, a strange human voice suddenly sounded from its flames: “Have you had enough?”

Ivar’s eyes widened, and he saw that Gaboga had broken through its flame wall, and the square bullet groove armor on both shoulders had been deployed.

“It’s my turn.”

The next second, dozens of compressed mini-rocket missiles were ignited and launched from the missile launch slots on both shoulders, rushing towards the flame dragon at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye.

“This is…not good!”

Ivar let out an angry roar and immediately set off a flame barrier in front of him, enveloping all the rocket missiles in flames.

Unfortunately, this compression rocket missile is specially made.

According to intelligent brain operation, it will explode before being damaged by external force.

The flame barrier erected by Ivar was very hasty, only more than ten meters away from it, just within the explosion range of the rocket missile.

In an instant, more than a dozen high-compression, powerful Mystery rockets set off a fire explosion that was even more powerful than its breath, blowing away the scarred flame dragon that was covered in scales.

At this time, the flames in Iva’s eyes had dimmed, and he looked at Gaboga with horror in his eyes, “Are you… a god?!”

However, Li Lin couldn’t understand the dragon’s language, so he naturally didn’t understand what the elemental dragon was talking about.

After collecting the combat data of the missile, Li Lin once again unfolded the multiple parts of the armor on Gai Bojia’s body, revealing the material projection cannon to lock onto Ivar, using electromagnetic ejection to fire compressed bullets together.

Countless specially made compressed bullets formed a barrage that filled the sky with nowhere to hide. The seriously injured Ivar once again activated the flames to cover his body, forming a set of flame armor with less powerful fire than before, in an attempt to block these bullets.

It knew that the strength of the steel giant in front of it was comparable to the ancient dragon, the king of elemental dragons. It deeply regretted the behavior of its just attack and had the idea of ​​​​escape.

But in less than two heartbeats, it felt a tearing pain in its wings and body.

The dense compressed bullets have shattered its flame armor, penetrated through its almost indestructible dragon scale wounds and slowly expanded, penetrating from its body.


The increased caliber and power of material projection cannons are actually enough to be used on ships in space wars. The power can be imagined.

His whole body was basically beaten into a sieve, and Ivar, who was left with only one breath, was like a kite with a broken string, turning into a red “meteor” and falling straight down, hitting the plain southeast of the Eternal Peak, close to the guardian of the Demacia border. The Great Wall is only a few kilometers away.

Li Lin drove Gaibojia to quickly approach the elemental dragon whose life was rapidly passing away. The dragon’s blood dripped from its countless wounds on the ground, burning out deep pits, making sizzling sounds and choking sounds. White smoke.

Ivar raised his head and took one last look at Gaboga, who had raised his left arm, and three thick holes were emitting blue-white dazzling light.


As soon as it spoke its words, the focused particle light spear sprayed out from the energy transmission tube, directly penetrating the dragon’s head and annihilating it instantly.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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