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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 303 Jarvan IV, the advancing Noxian warband

There is a 3% probability of awakening a superpower immediately, which is really Tianhu.

But he was at his peak at the beginning, and in the subsequent injections, Li Lin failed to have such good luck.

However, he feels that not unlocking superpowers is actually a good thing for him.

After testing, Li Lin discovered that the “Man of Steel” was not as powerful as he imagined. He was really as invulnerable as Superman, and nothing except kryptonite could harm him.

In fact, this superpower of skin hardening is only limited to resisting physical damage such as sharp swords and Hex kinetic energy weapons.

For example, more powerful energy weapons, such as the “death ray” previously developed by Victor, can still cause some damage to him, let alone higher-power energy weapons.

What’s more, according to the original physical strengthening, Li Lin’s body has become so strong that ordinary pistols cannot penetrate it.

Now he has a nano-armor that is always ready and can wrap himself up in a second or two at any time. This kind of super power that consumes a lot of his own energy is useless.

Body of Steel, just like the name of the skill, it can only make the body as hard as “steel”…

Realizing that the superpower he had unlocked was not of much help at all, Li Lin instantly lost interest in this thing.

Anyway, there is only one level left to reach level 70, and then you can directly perform targeted genetic enhancement surgery.

This kind of ultra-low probability of instant awakening and not necessarily strong superpower is not worth the trouble of trying the 3% chance of luck.

In the next few hours, Li Lin made more than 20 bottles of new activity enhancers, preparing for use by Caitlin and Gila Mann.

With new biotechnologies in hand, Kai’Sa’s problem is expected to be solved, but it will take some time to study.

Now that the “Hex Teleportation” technology is available, it is also time to contact Kassadin and let the father and daughter, who have not seen each other for a long time, have a good reunion.

By the way, I can catch a few more void creatures for study.

After making a decision, before Li Lin had time to go to Caitlin in person and ask her to come to the workshop with Kasha, Zhinao’s alarm sounded throughout the room:

[Master, Prince Lightshield’s personal bodyguards have already fought with the Noxian Gray Legion at the southern end of the Silent Lake Plain. 】

“What?” Li Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise, “So fast? Didn’t even leave the Serenity Lake Plain?”

[According to the footage returned by the drone, the day you went to the Gate of Sorrow and was discovered by a vampire, they left the outpost overnight and went to meet the Light Shield Prince. 】

While Zhinao reported the situation to Li Lin, he projected the image transmitted back by the drone in front of him.

Although the “Sky Eye” satellite launched previously was a survey satellite, Li Lin installed communication signal reception and transmission facilities on it for convenience.

This was also the main reason why he dared to return to Pi City, which was thousands of miles away, without fear of news delays.

On the screen, a tall and sturdy man holding a special retractable symmetrical hooked spear, wearing silver and yellow armor, and a group of soldiers also holding spears were surrounded by layers of Noxian battle groups.

The man’s wrist and shoulder armors each have three spiked protrusions. The wings symbolizing the Demacia symbol are engraved on his chest. The helmet on his head is also inlaid with a flawless blue crystal representing the royal family. .

The strength of the Demacian army is impressive, especially for being able to serve as the personal guard of the only Prince of the Light Shield Royal Family.

Even if the per capita strength is not as good as that of the “Little Superboy” Dauntless Vanguard, with only a few dozen people, they can block more than ten times their own number of Noxian soldiers from the defensive circle, which is enough to show their combat level. .

Seemingly noticing Li Lin’s surprise at the combat effectiveness of the Demacia army, Zhinao immediately explained:

[They were an elite vanguard force led by Prince Lightshield. After being lured deep into the encirclement by Noxus, they were cut off from the main force. 】

[After my analysis and calculation, Prince Lightshield’s personal guards are quite strong per person, but they can only resist the Noxian war group for another 5 to 8 hours at most. 】

[Even though they are powerful now and have basically no casualties, they can’t stand up to the large number of Noxians and can’t stop their wheel battle. 】

[What’s more, Noxus also has a vampire troop that comes specifically for the prince. 】

“Hmm…” Li Lin rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment.

Immediately, he immediately urged the clothes on his body to transform into the form of a battle armor, then determined the location of the battle between Demacia and Noxus on the map of the holographic display screen, and selected a closer teleportation coordinate.

“In order to avoid accidents, I’d better go directly to the scene.”

Dusk fades and the sun sets.

An hour ago on the border of Demacia, the Quiet Lake Plain in the northwest of the Silver Mountains.

The battle between Jarvan IV’s bodyguard and the Noxian warband was tense.

They have been trapped in this place since they were suddenly surrounded by a group of soldiers who came out of nowhere and were cut off from the main follow-up force.

At the beginning, the Noxian warband’s offensive was fierce, coupled with the sudden attack, it seemed that they wanted to take down the Demacia prince in one fell swoop, causing the loss of 6 soldiers of his elite bodyguard, and 8 more were slightly wounded.

However, the team that reacted immediately set up a defensive circle. Shield soldiers and spearmen combined to surround Jarvan IV in the center, forming a tight defensive array imitating the Dauntless Vanguard.

After more than 20 minutes of encounter, they finally repelled the vanguard of the first wave of the most violent offensive, killing more than 80 people without any losses themselves.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, the Noxian commander immediately gathered his troops into position and issued an order for a second all-out attack.

But it is a pity that the Demacia Prince’s Guards are all soldiers who were selected but failed to win the fearless vanguard, so their combat effectiveness is naturally good.

In addition to a few more soldiers who suffered minor injuries, they killed more than 50 people and forced the Noxian army back again.

As the saying goes, one can make great progress, then it will fade, and three times it will be exhausted.

This sentence also applies to battles in other worlds.

Seeing that the Demacia prince’s troops failed to do anything twice, the morale of this Noxian warband was severely damaged.

The reason why he was able to follow orders and launch several subsequent charges was simply due to Noxus’ generous reward system.

If you can kill the only prince of Demacia or capture him alive, being promoted to an official or a noble title is not a big deal. The most important thing is to be promoted by the new commander of Noxus, or Darius, the Hand of Noxus.

Of course, they didn’t know that this invasion war was actually an order issued by the Black Rose Society. Even if the goal was achieved, they would be liquidated by Swain.

Several waves of charges were fruitless and suffered heavy losses. The Noxian commander gritted his teeth and ordered his men to take a temporary rest about a hundred meters away from the German army, preparing to wait for the arrival of the Black Rose Gray Chapter.

The captain of Jarvan IV’s guard, who was also his adjutant, looked at the situation in the distance through the gap next to the shield soldiers, with a rather solemn expression.

“Your Highness, continuing like this is not an option… These Noxians are obviously well prepared. We are surrounded this time.”

Jarvan IV sat cross-legged in the center, with the Demacia royal family’s heirloom weapon, the Dragon Splitter, on his right, his face as gloomy as ink.

After a long pause, he exhaled heavily and said in a hoarse voice: “I’m sorry, if I hadn’t insisted on coming to the Gate of Sorrow, I wouldn’t have…this time it’s me who will cause trouble to everyone.”

“What are you talking about, Your Highness?”

Upon hearing these words, the guard captain walked back to him and scolded: “As the crown prince of Demacia, when encountering this kind of situation, it is not the time to blame yourself, but to find a way to solve the current predicament!”

Jarvan IV hammered the ground hard with his right hand, then grabbed the dragon gun and stood up, saying to the guard captain: “You are right, now is not the time to reflect on my own mistakes. We have to break out first.”

As he spoke, he walked up to the shield soldiers, observed the surrounding situation through the shield array, and couldn’t help but frown.

“With their military strength, it is actually very easy to capture us. Do they not want to lose too many troops and fight a protracted war with us until our water and food are exhausted, so that we can destroy ourselves without attacking?”

“Your analysis is reasonable, but…” the guard captain hesitated for a moment, “I feel like they are waiting for something.”

“Wait?” Jarvan IV was silent for a while, then turned to look at the burly man next to him, “Why do you have such an idea?”

“Over there, the Noxian commander showed up before.”

The guard captain called him to the other side and pointed in the direction where there were many soldiers and more heavily defended areas, which was obviously where the officers were.

“We blocked several attacks from this gang of bastards before. The guy stopped and told the people around him to do something. I just happened to see him.”

“Could it be that they are mobilizing a large force, or that they have dragon dogs or heavily armed mammoths in their army, to break up our formation?”

The guard captain hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, “I don’t think so… It’s difficult for this special type of troops to hide their traces. It’s impossible to travel over tens of thousands of kilometers to get here without being discovered by the scouts we sent out.”

After hearing the adjutant’s analysis, Jarvan IV was startled. A bad idea suddenly appeared in his mind, and his expression suddenly changed, “Could it be…”

“Did you also think about it?” The guard captain’s voice was serious, not hiding the disgust in his tone. “The Mage Troop, these Noxians will do anything to win.”

“Then it will be difficult to deal with now. No matter what it is, we can’t wait any longer… We must break out as soon as possible.”

Jarvan IV immediately walked back to his original position, “That is the direction to the Gate of Sorrow, and it is also the weakest defense point in the entire Noxus encirclement.

“Although going that way will take us further away from Demacia, the Silver Mountains are full of evergreen shrubs and trees and are close to us, making it perfect for us to hide and fight guerrilla warfare.

“Once we get there, we’ll be able to get out easier than we are now.”

The guard captain thought for a moment and nodded heavily: “You are right, Your Highness, this is our only chance.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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