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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 306 The hero appears

“Dirty? What you said is too rude, Prince Jiawen.” The white-haired middle-aged woman chuckled.

Although Demacia and Noxus are located at the western end and eastern end of the Valoran continent respectively, they are far apart.

However, due to the expansion of Noxus, the two countries have had constant wars in the past few hundred years, and the nobles and royal families basically have to learn each other’s language.

The white-haired Noxian woman spoke Demacian, and Jarvan IV naturally understood it.

“The Vampire Clan is great, and blood magic is a precious magic in this world.”

The white-haired woman spoke indifferently, “If I were your mother, I would definitely be ashamed of your remarks today because I failed to teach you the proper etiquette…

“Oh~~Sorry, I seem to have forgotten something.”

She smiled happily and said, “You don’t have a mother, so I can understand this kind of disrespect and I forgive you.”

Jarvan IV looked at the middle-aged woman not far away, his eyes narrowed slightly, his teeth clenched, the veins on his forehead popped out, and his pupils were burning with anger.

His mother died in childbirth, and he grew up in a palace without the memory of his mother.

However, Jarvan III often told the young him about the story of the queen with whom they had a very good relationship, Catherine, even though they were married.

Through his father’s narration, even though Jarvan IV has never met his mother, he still admires and respects her.

Now, someone actually uses this method to humiliate him with his dead mother…

No, calm down Jiawen, this woman is obviously trying to irritate you, you must not be fooled!

Jarvan IV took deep breaths continuously, the cold air cutting through his thirsty throat and lungs like a knife, trying to calm down his anger as much as possible.

“You are facing Demacia’s model—Prince Jarvan Lightshield IV, General of the Royal Guard!”

He gritted his teeth and said in a calm tone, “Tell me your name, Noxian woman.”

“If I can make you understand.” The middle-aged woman smiled lightly, “Faris Noradi, the head of the Noradi family and the general of the Gray Legion, if you can, please call me the Bloody Lady. .”

“Bloody Lady Noradi, Gray Chapter…”

Hearing this name, coupled with the blood magic she had just cast, Alberk’s pupils next to Jarvan IV shrank slightly, and he quickly said in his ear: “I have heard of this name…”

Albuquerque did not dare to hesitate and quickly told the prince about the experience of a former spy in the army who infiltrated Noxus.

This happened a few years ago, when Grand Marshal Tiana Crownguard was still the Sword Captain of the Dauntless Vanguard.

While Noxus was invading Ionia, she discussed with the former Grand Marshal and the King and sent several spies to sneak into Noxus to gather information.

The result was obvious. Only one spy returned to Demacia alive, but his mind was completely insane and he died in the basement of his home within a few days.

According to the demon searcher who discovered him, there were items used for sacrifices on the floor of the room at that time, and there were also magic circles painted with blood on the ground.

The former scout opened his own abdominal cavity, took out all the internal organs, and placed them in the corners of the formation, as if preparing to summon some kind of evil existence.

It’s a pity that almost all the buildings in Xiongdu are made of forbidden magic stone, so he didn’t succeed.

According to later readings and comparisons by members of the Illuminati and the Demon Seekers Association, the symbols on the magic circle correspond to a family in Noxus that has not declined for hundreds of years, and it is Noradi.

The scout was transformed into a blood slave using blood magic, hoping to use him to cause chaos in the capital of Demacia.

“I heard that this family is related to the mysterious black rose… Looking at it now, this rumor is definitely true.” Albuquerque said.

“Oh? You actually just knew that we are members of the Black Rose?” There was obvious contempt in Faris’s eyes, “I am so disappointed in you.”

Perhaps she felt that she was able to kill the Demacian prince, or perhaps she was stalling for time, hoping to wait for the large army to arrive so that she would be willing to “chat” with them here.

No matter which level it is, the situation is not optimistic.

Jarvan IV raised the dragon gun, pointed the tip of the gun at Falis, and said angrily: “Stop talking nonsense! Call out all the people you are ambushing around!”

“Tsk, tsk, I advise you to surrender, Prince of Light Shield.” Faris smacked her lips and shook her head slightly, “In this case, at least you don’t have to suffer so much, and you can still enjoy the normal treatment of defeated prisoners.”

Jarvan IV was not prepared to talk too much nonsense to this cold woman and immediately ordered his personal guards to charge towards her.

The soldiers wore rune steel plate armor that was blended with forbidden magic stone material and had a certain immunity to magic.

And he controls the “spiritual power” taught by Xin Zhao, and can raise the “Golden Holy Shield” for defense when necessary.

This is also the main reason why he is not afraid of Falis’s blood magic.

To prepare for battle, Jarvan IV did not remind his men, but the tacit understanding of fighting side by side for a long time had allowed them to judge what the other party wanted to do without speaking, only by body language.

Seeing that the prince was the first to break out of the shield formation and sprint towards Faris, the remaining 19 soldiers immediately followed his pace. Using Demacia’s unique lineup to deal with lone powerful enemies, they formed a semi-encirclement and quickly approached the self-proclaimed “Bloody Lady” “woman.

Unfortunately, although Jarvan IV had good ideas and strong combat intuition and fighting skills, facing such a being who had lived for hundreds of years and was proficient in intermediate blood magic, they could not be an opponent no matter how brave they were.

Faris curled her lips, raised her right hand, and a ball of blood condensed in her palm.

When more than a dozen soldiers led by Jarvan IV were only a few meters away from her, she squeezed out the blood balls in her hands.

A dark red shock wave centered on the blood ball she crushed in her hand, turning into a new blood star and spreading to the surroundings in an instant.

“not good!”

Jarvan IV reacted the fastest and hurriedly propped up the thick golden holy shield.

However, although he barely blocked this powerful blood magic, because he was the closest, his body could not block the strong impact, and he flew backwards more than 20 meters away and hit the ground heavily.

Because the blood shock wave spread too fast, five soldiers had no time to react and failed to protect their faces with shields. They were hit in the face by the blood shock wave, which instantly burned their faces and eyes, and let out miserable wails.

The other soldiers rushed forward and approached Falis, but she was turned into blood mist and evaded all attacks, and instantly released the blood nova to knock everyone away at close range.

The soldiers who were seriously injured flew backwards to varying distances in all directions, fell to the ground and lost their voices. Their life or death was unknown.

Jarvan IV felt that several ribs in his body were broken, piercing deeply into his flesh and blood. Severe pain washed over his nerves over and over again, making him almost unable to move.

He spit out blood, grabbed the dragon gun and forced himself to stand up.

Looking at his subordinates who fell to the ground in pieces, Jiawen’s eyes were splitting with anger, and he staggered towards Faris who was a few steps away from him and regained her figure.

“It’s so pitiful. If you had agreed to surrender earlier, how could you have ended up in this situation?”

Faris easily pushed away the dragon-slinger that Jarvan IV raised to stab her with her bare hands, and kicked him to the ground.

Just as Jarvan IV fell into despair, a strange young man’s voice gave him a glimmer of hope: “Hi, everyone! I shouldn’t be late, right?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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