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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 313 Darkness is never just evil

The pale, cloudless sky was filled with white snow as big as goose feathers.

Due to Piltover’s geographical location and climate, in winter, if the weather is good, you can still wear thin clothes to go out.

In the past two years, Li Lin has never seen snow there.

Following Zoe’s guidance, the two of them first entered the forest near the east, and then continued deeper.

In the end, they even arrived at the Silent Forest, which was inhabited by various magical creatures and ferocious beasts, and was already considered dangerous to ordinary people.

But fortunately, with Zoe by his side, just the aura from the “god” scared away many creatures.

Li Lin wouldn’t be attacked by some bloodthirsty, ferocious, and basically devoid of intelligence giant beasts after just a few steps.

After about five minutes, they finally arrived at the northwest corner of the Forest of Silence.

The lush green trees with a touch of magic tower into the clouds, and the treetops and branches spread like umbrellas in the sky, blocking the sky and blocking the falling snow from the outside.

Under the trees are shrubs full of colorful luminous fruits, adding a unique charm like a fairyland to this slightly dark forest.

If you ignore the fatal dangers that can be seen everywhere in the deep forest, this is really a good place for sightseeing or living in seclusion like a paradise.

Li Lin and Zoe walked through rows of waist-high bushes. He continuously used “data-based thinking” to check the properties of all objects around him.

If it was not in Zhi Nao’s database, he would take the initiative to upload the data to War Armor’s system and synchronize it to Pi City’s server terminal via satellite.

However, Zoe’s actions made him anxious again and again.

“Don’t touch that fruit Zoe, it’s poisonous.”

“That’s not a squirrel, don’t touch it! It’s a predator and can swallow prey dozens of times larger than itself!”

“Come down quickly. These vines are meant to lure prey to the bait. Be careful not to be eaten by the dryads wandering among the trees.”

“Oh my god, this is the mouth of death, a giant piranha, one bite for a child, not cute at all.”

“Don’t bring those iron-eating bees over here!”


Before finally reaching what Zoe called the “Broken Altar”, Li Lin was heartbroken by this curious and naughty child.

Although with her strength, she is not afraid of these at all…

After finally crossing an extremely dangerous journey, Li Lin and Zoe finally reached the end of the forest and entered a circular open area.

In the center of this area, a mossy boulder occupied most of the clearing in front of them.

“This is the Broken Altar.”

Zoe sat in the air out of thin air, her white feet dangling in front of Li Lin rhythmically accompanying the melody she hummed softly in her mouth.

“This is…an altar?”

Li Lin raised his eyebrows and carefully observed the boulder in front of him, and then he could vaguely make out its vaguely humanoid shape.

After years of erosion, it has become weather-beaten and almost out of shape.

The clothes carved on the statue have been fused with the body, and the style cannot be seen. The broken arms have gone to unknown places. Dark green moss covers its body, and its head, which has been corroded to the point of being almost unrecognizable, is entangled in vines as thick as a finger.

It lowered its eyes slightly. At first glance, it looked like it was praying or cursing something. There were two damaged bumps on the shoulder blades behind its back facing the forest. It was dilapidated and withered, and it was impossible to tell what its original appearance was.

Li Lin walked around the statue. Even without using “digital thinking”, he could probably tell that the owner of the statue was actually Morgana.

But how did her statue end up like this?

Before he could think about it for a moment, a slightly deep and sad mature female voice suddenly sounded behind him: “You must be wondering why it turned out like this, right?”

Li Lin was startled by the sudden sound, because the intelligent system of the infinite armor did not send any reminder at all.

As soon as he turned his head to look in the direction of the source of the sound, he found that Zoe had already moved forward curiously: “Hi~~! You are Morgana, right? My name is Zoe, and she is also the Twilight Star. But I prefer to be called by my name!”

Li Lin’s eyes stayed on Zoe briefly, and then he was quickly spotted by a person next to her who was wearing a dark purple dress, with her face mostly covered by a black headscarf, and a pair of people behind her who were locked by thick iron chains, exuding an odor. The huge wings of evil purple light.

This woman, who showed a mature and sad temperament, had a pair of strange eyes that were covered in purple light and captured people’s hearts. Her pleated skirt that reached her ankles dragged on the ground, but it was not stained by any dust of the world.

A pair of slender, fair and perfectly proportioned legs are occasionally exposed through the skirt crotch on one side of the dress that almost reaches the root. Her slender feet, which are not wearing shoes but are as dust-free as the skirt, step on the moist and cold soil. .

Li Lin stared at Morgana, the second star spirit host he had seen with his own eyes, who had a completely different temperament from Zoe, and felt a little nervous in his heart.

“Twilight… Celestial Spirit?”

Seeing Morgana looking at her, Zoe nodded excitedly, “Yes! Can we be friends?”


Morgana hesitated for a moment, but finally did not answer Zoe’s question. She sighed and shook her head, turning her gaze back to Li Lin.

“Tch, why are you like those guys from Mount Targon? It’s so boring.”

Realizing that the other party didn’t want to pay attention to her at all, Zoe stuck out her tongue at Morgana and fell to the ground with her upper body behind her.

Just when her body was about to approach the ground, a golden portal appeared behind her and Li Lin at the same time, and they returned to him through the magic channel.

The next second, she took out a skipping rope that emitted blue-white light from somewhere and had many bright nodes composed of rays of light, which were galaxies composed of stars. She jumped up and down in the air. .

Li Lin glanced at Zoe helplessly, and then his eyes met with Morgana, who was dozens of steps away.

“Because its owner was later discovered to be a corrupt person who protected the guilty, all the statues involved were destroyed.”

Before Li Lin could respond, Morgana said in shock: “A very strange armor, paired with arcane magic, actually contains such majestic energy… This should be yours too, right?”

She waved her hand casually, and something completely wrapped in purple light appeared out of thin air and landed gently at Li Lin’s feet.

It was the drone he couldn’t find in the Noxian military camp.

Li Lin glanced at the drone that had been disfigured by the black flames, then took a step forward and touched its surface with his feet.

A scene that surprised Morgana appeared.

The scrapped drone that had become “scrap iron” started to move as if it had life again, but it became smaller and smaller, and was quickly swallowed into the body by Li Lin’s infinite armor.

Because they are both made of nanomaterials and enchanted with “self-healing” rune magic, they have extremely strong repair capabilities.

As long as this drone is recycled, even if part of it is irreparable, it is better than discarding it directly, which pollutes the environment and wastes resources.

“Is this Hex Technology?” Morgana asked a question that surprised Li Lin.

As if sensing the change in his mood, Morgana gently placed her right hand, which seemed to be painted with black nail polish, to her mouth covered by the scarf and veil, and chuckled.

“Don’t be so surprised. Although I have lived far away from human civilization for a long time, I am not an antique out of touch with the times.”

“Are you Morgana, one of the Winged Protector Sisters?” Li Lin pretended to ask.

“Sister…sister?” Morgana murmured and repeated, her violet eyes pulsing slightly absent-mindedly, “It’s been a long time since anyone could reveal my true identity.”

There seemed to be a hint of loneliness in her tone that had been forgotten by the world, and then she laughed self-deprecatingly, “In their eyes, I have already become a new legend, the masked man in the dark forest.”

Morgana took a few more steps toward Li Lin until she was three or four meters away from him. She raised her chin slightly and said, “Since you know that I am Morgana, are you not afraid of me?”

“Afraid? Why are you afraid?”

“Because I am corrupt, depraved, and shelter evil…”

Li Lin unfolded his helmet and showed a very serious expression, “Darkness is never just evil.”

Hearing this, Morgana’s eyes widened slightly, her heart beat suddenly, and she couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

Finally, is there anyone other than followers who can understand me…

Morgana remained silent for a while, quickly calming down her excitement.

She could see that although the Ionian in front of her had human flesh and blood, even the bravest and most devout followers she had ever had could not match his strong physique.

Moreover, he obviously did not use magic to temper his body, otherwise it would definitely leave traces, so it was not the help of the Twilight Stars.

The physical body is part of the reason why Morgana thinks Li Lin is unusual, and another part of the reason is that his whole body is protected by the wind magic.

He is also the patron of an ancient god.

In other words, this young man is not an ordinary human being at all.

Through her own observations and conjectures, there was no doubt that Morgana had misunderstood something.

She caught a glimpse of Zoe out of the corner of her eye, and suddenly reacted, dumbfounded and enlightened, “Oh, since you can be valued by the Twilight Stars, and you are also cared for by a god, it also means that you are not an ordinary person at all.”

I’m just an ordinary mechanic, just a little “meaty”.

The reason why she was protected by the Goddess of Wind was that I helped her regain her faith, establish a church and organize the congregation, which allowed her strength to reach the peak of history.

As for Zoe…

Li Lin’s mouth twitched, not wanting to make too many comments.

Just as he was about to consider how to answer the call, Morgana added: “The giant dragon that ravaged the border and the giant steel giant with the power of the sun that killed it were also your masterpieces, right?”

A keyword regained Zoe’s attention, “Dragon? Where are the dragons? Are you talking about space dogs?”

“Don’t cause trouble.”

Li Lin pushed back her little head that suddenly emerged from the portal, causing her to purse her lips and hum softly, feeling dissatisfied.

Then, he and Morgana looked at each other and replied: “Yes, that is the large mecha I designed… What you call ‘solar power’ is a new energy device we have developed.”

“very nice.”

Li Lin heard a bit of joy from Morgana’s tone.

Then, she took a deep breath and continued: “If possible…can I ask you to use your weapon to help me cut off my wings?”

Little knowledge: I’m eating a book with my fists clenched again! Demigods specifically refer to the powerful spirits believed in by the Freljord people. The gods in other regions, such as Janna, Naga Kabolos, and the powerful spirits in Ionia are called ancient gods or spiritual gods, Shurima The ascended ones are called gods. . . Star spirits are not gods because they have created nothing. Although their bodies are constellations, they only call themselves giant gods. Moreover, there is no official concept of a true god or a creator god. The Dragon King is set to be omniscient and omnipotent, but he is not a god.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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