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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 314 What is justice? What is fall?


Not only Li Lin, but also Zoe was confused when hearing Morgana’s request.

Li Lin knew that Morgana hated her power.

On the one hand, it is because her mother’s divinity is increasingly overshadowing her human form, and her father Ziram does not want their sisters to be harmed, so he leads them to escape from Mihira, thus suffering the pain of betraying the one they love.

This also made Morgana heartbroken. She believed that her father’s grief was all because of her mother’s fault, because of the divine power blessed by the stars.

On the other hand, the long-standing estrangement and conflicts between her and her sister Kyle completely broke out. The aftermath of the battle spread to their father, leading to his death.

Morgana cursed her own power. She believed that her wings were the mark of pain that she could not escape. She desperately wanted to find a magic weapon to cut them off, so as to completely separate herself from her sister Kyle.

What Li Lin didn’t expect was that she would come to him because of this.

“How beautiful these wings are! Why did you cut them off?”

Zoe used her mind to condense the portal and shuttled behind Morgana. While rubbing her wings covered with purple-black feathers that were harder than any known material, she muttered:

“I also want wings, just like unicorns and star crystal butterflies… Unfortunately, even if I use magic to create wings, they are not part of my body.”

Morgana felt very uncomfortable under Zoe’s caress, and she fled to the other side, away from this little girl who seemed to have “some mental problems.”

Although she did not completely inherit the knowledge from the Celestial Spirits, she still had some understanding of the Twilight Celestial Spirits.

He is truly worthy of being the host chosen by the Twilight Stars…

Morgana glanced at Zoe who was frozen in mid-air with lingering fear, and thought secretly in her heart.

“It’s boring, it’s boring, it’s really boring, huh~~!”

Zoe stuck out her tongue at Morgana, teleported back to Li Lin, continued to wander in front of his eyes, and decided never to pay attention to this guy who was more annoying than the two protoss hosts on Mount Targon.

“Let’s not talk about whether my weapon can cut off the body of the ‘god’… Why are you not obsessed with cutting off your own wings?”

Morgana lowered her eyes and fell into silence.

I don’t know how long it took for her to raise her face slightly, and lift the veil that covered her face to the side of her elf-like pointed ears, revealing a face that could make countless weak-willed men dream about, but it also couldn’t give them any thought. The perfect face of a blasphemous heart.

Li Lin was very surprised.

Comparing this real person to the illustrations in the game, there is a huge difference!

“Because this power is completely a curse to me.”

Morgana’s expression looked particularly melancholy, “God… is nothing more than a title imposed by the world on the powerful and transcendent. Gods also have desires. Compared to humans who still have flaws, I don’t want to get along with those treacherous and cunning gods. “

She raised her eyes, and the purple light in her unusually weird eyes became even brighter, staring closely at Li Lin’s dark brown pupils.

“I use my own feet to measure this unchanging land. I know the shortcomings of mortals. No one is perfect, and no one can completely avoid all mistakes.

“Kyle’s justice and judgment are nothing more than proof of her corruption and abandonment of humanity step by step… She is accepting the inheritance of the righteous star spirit. Once she returns, the world will welcome the flames of judgment brought by false justice.

“No one can resist Kyle, and no one can survive in her inhumane and heartless kingdom for long.

“I want to completely draw a clear line with Kyle. I will represent mankind and lead mankind to resist her cruel and cruel tyranny…”

Morgana pursed her lips and hesitated for a moment, “She is no longer my sister. Ever since my father died in my arms, she left us and her family behind without looking back, and went to Mount Targon to pursue… That unnecessary inheritance of the stars.”

But have you ever thought that maybe your sister Kyle is not one extreme, but you are also another extreme?

If the two of you can connect with each other and understand each other thoroughly, then you can integrate with each other and alleviate the extremes shown by each inheriting half of the power of the righteous star spirit.

Li Lin sighed inaudibly.

Kyle is a person who judges all evils and never tolerates them, representing one end of the scale of justice.

And Morgana accepts the confession of all guilty people. No matter what crimes they commit or what unscrupulous things they do, as long as they are repentant, they can be forgiven by her.

She represents the other end of the scale of justice.

No matter which side of this scale of justice is lost, it is impossible to achieve justice and fairness in the true sense.

“Let’s not talk about whether our ‘mortal’ weapons can cut off your wings…Morgana, I understand the legend between you and your sister Kyle.”

Morgana raised her eyebrows, a look of surprise appeared on her face, and she was very curious about what kind of truth this young man who had only lived for less than 20 summers could say.

“Your pain actually comes from your guilt, the heartbreak and grief of your beloved relatives betraying you, not your own ability.

“I can understand your desire to draw a clear line with Kyle, but have you ever thought that your sister is one extreme and you are actually the other extreme?”

“Are you interceding for Kyle?” After hearing this, Morgana suddenly became unhappy and sneered: “I can feel that your hands are stained with blood. Have you ever thought that just by doing this? A few points is enough for Kyle to ‘purify’ your sins with holy flames.”

“You misunderstood me, Morgana.” Li Lin shook his head, “Let’s not mention Kyle for now, let’s just talk about you. Have you ever thought about your own behavior?”

“Oh~~? Then I just want to hear what you have to say.”

Morgana’s brows furrowed even tighter, and even her arrogance was rising. It seemed that if Li Lin couldn’t come up with words to persuade him, she would get angry and take action.

Even Zoe was touched by her arrogance and didn’t care to enjoy the cake she just took out from the portal. She immediately teleported to Li Lin and stared at the opposite side with her big eyes that she thought were the most “cruel” and “cold”. The same kind that shows hostility towards the people they like.

However, Li Lin did not panic at all because of the hostility she showed, and still said calmly: “What is justice? What is depravity? This is the first question we must think about.

“A person who has never done any bad things in his life and has accumulated good deeds, due to some reasons… such as the war, has not eaten for several days and is about to starve to death. Just because he stole an apple from a farmer, he was judged and had his hands cut off. punishment.

“But without this apple, he will die… Is it justice to let a person who has been doing good deeds for the first half of his life end up dying like this?

“Could it be that he spent the first half of his life helping others and doing all the good deeds, but he couldn’t outweigh the evil caused by this apple?”

“This is the extreme point of Kyle.” Morgana snorted coldly, and the anger that had just risen in her heart subsided a little.

“Then let’s change the angle.” Li Lin continued.

“The villain who did many evil things in the first half of his life, bullied men and dominated women, destroyed countless families, and killed countless people. Because he was afraid of death when facing the trial, he woke up and was exempted from the death penalty…”

Morgana opened her mouth to express her opinion, but Li Lin didn’t give her the chance at all.

“I know what you want to say, because he has awakened and understood the meaning of life, so you think he is still a person who can be saved.

“But have you ever considered that this villain is just repenting for the fear of death, and what should the innocent people harmed by this villain, and those whose families have been torn apart by him, think about this decision?

“Just because he said, ‘I have completely woken up, I sincerely confess my guilt, and I ask the winged protector Morgana to exempt me from the death penalty,’ can his sinful past be cut off?”

Morgana’s expression changed.

What will those who are hurt by the disciples they protect think…

In the past, she really hadn’t thought much about this issue.

But soon, she reaffirmed her determination, “I can see through people’s hearts. This comes from the power of the righteous star spirit that I inherited.”

Morgana said, “I can see if they are sincere and repentant. For those who are lucky, my cold dark flames will burn them to ashes as a punishment for them.”

“But… what if those gangsters killed your father?”

Noticing the sudden change in Morgana’s face, Li Lin quickly added: “This is just a metaphor. I will undoubtedly offend your father… I just want to ask, if your father is still alive, a group of robbers burst into your home to rob property and Kill it without exposing yourself…

“If you catch those gangsters, and they sincerely repent and realize their mistakes when facing death, will you still forgive them? Forgive this gang of penitents who have a grudge against you for killing your father?

“Don’t rush to answer me, ask your heart Morgana, I think it will tell you the answer.”

Morgana’s purple-black lips parted slightly. She wanted to refute Li Lin, but she didn’t know where to start.

Because this is her personal experience.

She had always hated the power she inherited, but when faced with the bandits who broke into her home and wanted to harm her father, she still used her power to turn them into ashes.

If the father did not die because of the fight between the sisters, but was injured by a group of gangsters…

Even if the gangsters sincerely repent, she can’t guarantee that she can really suppress the anger in her heart and forgive them like she forgives other criminals.

What is justice? What is depravity?

Morgana couldn’t help but ask herself.

What her sister Kyle did was not considered justice, but were her past actions truly depraved as the world calls them?

Morgana was silent for a long time, “You are very talented in debating, child.”

She shook her head and chuckled, then slowly said, “But if you just rely on these to convince me, then I can only say that you have made a wrong calculation.”


This kind of extreme brought about by the power of the protoss cannot be achieved by talking alone.

Li Lin couldn’t help but frown.

“No matter what, I have completely abandoned the past code of conduct.” Morgana said, “Justice is just a high-sounding word, and I will smash this false shield full of cracks, even if I stand against the world. one side.”

She was filled with arrogance, but it was not directed at Li Lin.

Morgana’s purple eyes looked toward the southwest with a stern expression on her face. She seemed to have sensed something. She pinched out a cold, dark flame with her raised hands, and then extinguished it.

“Every step I take is the path I choose in the flames of pain.”

She said coldly, “If people need a villain, then let me be the villain!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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