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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 317 New Mission: Defeat the Ascended Ones

What happened to Zeli was beyond Li Lin’s expectation.

After doing a series of physical examinations on her, Li Lin was surprised to find that Zeli’s ability was not just magic.

If I have to say it, there are actually some superpowers at the genetic level, which are somewhat similar to the “Man of Steel” obtained by Li Lin injecting “active enhancers”.

Because even for a talented mage, it is very difficult to absorb magic elements directly from the air, let alone someone like Zeli who can’t even control her own talent, but can release a large amount of electrical energy.

According to her own description, when she occasionally loses control of her abilities, she consumes a lot of energy and needs to eat a lot of high-calorie food.

Combined with the knowledge about genes brought by Li Lin based on the individual enhancement route, it basically proves that her ability to “manipulate electrical energy” is a combination of magic and superpowers.

After discussion between Li Lin and Heimerdinger, they decided to start from the magic level and let this little girl go to the magic academy to learn how to control her talents.

In addition, Li Lin’s experience of watching various movies and novels before traveling through time travel, he feels that this ability can also be stimulated through some kind of media, making it easier to control.

Heimerdinger approved of his not-so-novel idea.

After all, apprentices who learn magic, and even many mages, also use magic staffs as a medium for casting spells.

But in fact, they don’t need a staff at all to perform magic, they just use it to control it more accurately.

Zeli’s matter took them almost an entire afternoon.

Since she had not yet fully mastered her abilities, she skipped the test of the power control level, otherwise it would have been a waste of even more time, and one afternoon was simply not enough.

Bangbao, Ike and Milo didn’t have classes in the afternoon, but in order to wait for Zeli, the three of them followed Li Lin and Heimerdinger, watching them test Zeli’s physical data in the safe room of the laboratory.

However, this process was boring, so much so that Bangbao fell asleep sitting on the stool.

When it was already dusk and the dim sun merged into the sea level in the west, Li Lin woke her up and came to the entrance of the academy, just in time to see Wei and Clegg who had finished their training for the day.

Ike has some important lessons to learn and has been staying at the Gila Mann home these days.

Li Lin took Bao Bao, Wei, Zeli, Clegg and Milo on the elevator and sent them back to Forgan’s Tavern. He had a chat with the enthusiastic Fandel and then returned to his workshop.

The number of heroes who happened to meet Zeli had risen to level 70 and new technologies could be unlocked. He was not in a hurry to make the battlefield mecha Urgot now.

Although Urgot’s range is not as good as that of Kog’Maw, he can still be considered a great weapon in short- and medium-range combat.

It’s just that this thing is so powerful that Li Lin basically can’t use this big thing now, and it takes up too much space.

Unless it is on the eve of a world crisis, or the level is stuck or lacks skill points, he has no intention of building this mecha.

Back at Jiramen’s house, Li Lin and Caitlin had dinner with Kasha and Ike.

And Zoe didn’t know where she had gone, and she couldn’t find anyone at all, so he simply didn’t care about her anymore.

After dinner, Li Lin stayed with Caitlin for a while on the balcony of her room, telling her about how he slayed the dragon in Demacia and fought the Noxian vampires.

Of course, in order to make the story more twists and turns and interesting, he added a lot of things to it.

For example, he drove Geboga and had a “three hundred round battle” with the dragon back and forth, and he also fought against the vampires with the prince of Demacia and drove them all out.

Caitlin was very interested in this kind of story. She lay half in her lover’s arms with a smile on her face almost the whole time, and asked some questions about dragons and vampires from time to time.

When it was almost midnight and it was time to rest, Li Lin accompanied her to sleep again, and then quietly returned to his workshop.

Although Wenrou Township is good, now is not the time to rest.

“Zhi Nao, what’s the situation with Jarvan IV?” Li Lin asked while controlling the clothes on his body to transform into protective clothing.

[Under the escort of the first formation of the air combat machinery Storm, the Prince of Light Shield and his remaining men have safely arrived at the Shining Silver Mountains in the west of the Tranquility Lake Plain. 】

“What about the movements of the Noxian Chapter?”

[The strength of a battle group in Noxus is 2,000 people. Due to the intervention of Miss Zoe and Miss Morgana, the battle group directly lost more than 1,000 people. 】

[Coupled with the annihilation of the Gray Legion, according to the situation reported by the drone, the remaining Noxian troops confronting the Demacia army on the front line have retreated under the cover of night. 】

[You don’t have to worry about the safety of Prince Light Shield. 】

Zhinao explained everything that Li Lin was worried about very accurately, making him feel a little relieved.

“That’s fine. Remember to remind me when Jarvan IV arrives in Renwall Town.”

【Your wishes. 】

After ending his conversation with Zhinao, Li Lin turned his attention to the system panel in his mind.

Leveling up to level 70, he unlocked quite a few new technologies.

[Principles of Nanomachinery: Master more comprehensive nanomachinery technology. 】

[Quantum theory: Exploring the mechanism of fundamental forces through subatomic particles. 】

[Gene editing: Precisely modify specific target genes in the genome of an organism. 】

[Gene-directed expression: Based on gene editing, the basic genetic structure of an organism is rewritten to a certain extent. 】

[Directed Evolution (Mechanical God of War): Natural evolution can only be described with a simple and crude word: failure. But today, we will define success! 】

In addition to the new technology of individual enhancement route that makes Li Lin very excited, the inventor family also has further “nanomechanical technology principles” and preliminary “quantum theory doctrine”, which once again raises the level of his current technology tree by a large amount.

It’s just that the technology of “Directed Evolution” can only be learned after the career is advanced to “Mechanical God of War”, which makes him feel a little disappointed.

If he could master this ability, Li Lin could allow a species to directly evolve to the next stage across tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of evolution.

And this process is still controllable and changes with his will.

Although this technology can currently only change organisms other than humans.

After reaching level 75 and further unlocking the “Secret of Evolution”, he will have the ability to evolve humans again, which can be regarded as a small “genetic ascension”.

Not only that, Li Lin can also learn new technologies in the combat department: “Zero Element Synthetic Materials”, “Battlefield Mecha·Zerath” and “Batian Mecha·Sword Demon”.

[Zero-element synthetic materials: By changing the special preparation of some basic materials, they are compressed and fused into a new material that is the strongest, best energy conductive, and lightest currently known. 】

Zero-element synthetic materials are not nanomaterials, but if Li Lin is willing, he can also use “nano-mechanical principles” to make them into nano-materials and apply them to his own nano-infinity armor.

In terms of defensive power, the new generation of Infinity Armor using “zero synthetic materials” is at least several times higher than the current Infinity Armor using basic nanotechnology, and the efficiency of energy utilization can also be improved a lot.

It can even directly withstand the huge pressure brought by nuclear fusion reactions.

In this way, if Li Lin wants to popularize and develop nuclear fusion technology, he will no longer need to use the very rare magic substances outside Bandel City.

Moreover, zero-element synthetic materials use some very common basic materials, change some of their properties, and are compressed and synthesized.

Compared with its superior features in all aspects, its cost is not expensive.

But Li Lin felt very troubled by the two drawings of “Battlefield Mecha·Zerath” and “Batian Mecha·Sword Demon”.

Battlefield mech Xerath is a large mech and requires 1000 orange essence and 10 skill points.

The Tyrant Mecha·Sword Demon is even more outrageous, requiring 1500 orange essence and 15 skill points.

Not only that, there is also a very stringent prerequisite to unlock them:

Defeated “Xerath the Ascended” and “Darkspawn Aatrox” respectively.

“Holy shit! You’re so cute. It doesn’t matter if you spend a lot of money and skill points, but now you have to defeat the gods to unlock it?”

Li Lin was stunned.

It was easier to defeat Aatrox. As early as the end of the Darkin War, he was secretly plotted by the previous Pantheon and the Twilight Star Spirit Maisha, and sealed in his own weapon.

In other words, his body is the sword, and he only needs to cut off the connection between the body he reshaped using blood magic and the giant sword to return it to the seal.

The strength of the sealed sword demon is far less than when he was at his peak as an ascended person.

In addition, he is in close combat. If we can lock his position, we can directly use the “giga-class cannon” to strike at an extremely long distance.

If nothing else works, it shouldn’t be a problem to build a fusion missile and throw it directly into Aatrox’s face, knocking him back to the sword.

But regarding the ancient wizard spirit Zerath, Li Lin had no idea.

Although he is not recognized by the Sun Disk, Xerath is still an out-and-out warrior of the gods, and he is still considered to be the pinnacle level among the Ascended Ones.

Thousands of years ago, even Nasus and the Renekton brothers at their peak were unable to kill him and could only seal him reluctantly, at the expense of Renekton.

What’s more, after being sealed in the emperor’s tomb for so long, his strength has been increasing.

At that time, outside the city of Vicora, they were severely beaten and driven back by the combined forces of God-Emperor Azir and the seriously injured Nasus.

Li Lin was not at the scene at the time, so he didn’t know how badly this so-called “serious injury” had injured Xerath, and there was no way to estimate his magnitude.

If he really had to fight Xerath or even defeat him, Li Lin estimated that he would have to at least build the Tyrant Mecha Behemoth, or even the Tyrant Mecha Sword Demon, and team up with Azir to do it.

But before that, he must at least advance to the “Mechanical God of War” first.

“Sigh… there is still a long way to go.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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