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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 320 Kasha: I heard that I thank you

In the blink of an eye, it’s already lunch time.

Li Lin and Caitlin walked directly to the restaurant.

Along the way, because the blush on her face had not gone away, Caitlin kept hiding behind Li Lin, deliberately avoiding some of the servants who seemed to know something and greeted them with smiles in their eyes.

When they arrived at the door of the restaurant, they happened to meet Kasha who was about to come to eat.

With her keen attention, she noticed something strange about Caitlin and asked rather strangely: “Sister Caitlin, are you feeling uncomfortable?”


Caitlin looked panicked and noticed Li Lin’s snickering. She glanced at him and pinched the flesh of his waist.

But she didn’t know that Li Lin had awakened the “Steel Body” superpower and his body was already as hard as steel.

This time, instead of pinching the soft flesh of Li Lin’s waist, her fingers were extremely painful from the forceful twisting.

Kasha’s expression looked even more confused.

What are Li Lin and Sister Caitlin doing?

In order to prevent Caitlin from being further embarrassed, or from being discovered by Kasha, who had already taken a physiology class, Li Lin quickly changed the subject: “Ahem… let’s go eat first.”

As he spoke, he focused his eyes on Kasha and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, “Come to the underground laboratory with me later. I have a surprise for you.”

“Surprise?” Kasha said with a surprised expression, “What kind of surprise is it?”

“It won’t be a surprise if you say it.” Li Lin gave up and strode into the restaurant.

Kasha pursed her purple-black lips, raised her eyes to look at Caitlin, and asked quietly: “Sister Caitlin, can you secretly reveal some content to me?”

“Of course… no~~” Caitlin smiled, “Li Lin also specifically asked me not to tell you.”

“Well…” Kasha’s little face narrowed, she let out a sob of unknown meaning, and made a “fingertip universe” gesture.

“Not even a little bit?”

“It’s just a meal anyway. You’ll know later.”

For Caitlin, if this so-called “surprise” with a location was given, she would be able to figure out what it was at once.

However, Kasha is only good at fighting and knows nothing about “criminal investigation” and “reasoning” fields. Naturally, she can’t figure out what Li Lin wants to give her.

Being “tortured” by the two of them, Kasha was so depressed that she couldn’t even eat lunch well, and ate more than ten plates of food less than before.

After eating and drinking, she hurriedly found Li Lin, and followed him and Caitlin to take the elevator down to the huge underground space.

Since she started working as a detective, Caitlin has rarely been to the underground training ground.

After all, she usually receives some dangerous cases, or is commissioned by the Piltover police led by Chief Grayson, and some of them are prisoners for her to “train”.

Of course, unless it was absolutely necessary, Caitlin would usually only use “shock bombs” and try to let the law judge the prisoner.

Therefore, she was quite surprised by the huge changes in the underground space in front of her, “How did you transform this place into this?”

“I got Mrs. Karina’s permission.”

Li Lin explained confidently, “The materials Zoe brought came from heaven and must be stored properly, and the warehouse on the ground will definitely not work.

“That’s why I transformed most of the explosion-proof space into a storage room for storing precious materials, and then transformed another part into a ‘biological sterile laboratory’ for related research.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t touched your training ground much. I just helped you upgrade the facilities.”

Li Lin chuckled lightly, “Now, you can receive combat training in some specific scenarios there, but due to the venue, it’s a bit difficult to use.”

After hearing what he said, Caitlin’s eyes lit up and she couldn’t help but peck him on the face, “You are so great! I have had this idea for a long time, but my mother refused to do it.”

Caitlin was interested in the new training ground, while Kai’Sa raised her eyebrows, feeling quite sensitive to one word.

“Biology laboratory?”

Because the living skin on her body is the ethereal insect born by the void using the materials of Rune Land to infect creatures in the material realm.

If it is a laboratory related to biology…

Could this be a surprise? !

Only then did Kasha react, her breathing stagnant, and her heart beating rapidly in her chest, almost jumping out of her throat.

Li Lin looked back and smiled at the astonished Kasha, “That’s what the surprise I gave you has to do with it.”

The three of them walked into the transition area of ​​the laboratory, and with the help of mechanical engineers, they disinfected the whole body and put a layer of protective clothing on Caitlin.

Li Lin manipulated his clothes to transform, and today’s protagonist was Kai’Sa, so the two of them didn’t have to put in so much effort.

As soon as she entered the laboratory, Caitlin was once again shocked by the scene in front of her.

Although she is not interested in her father’s craftsman profession, a considerable number of the various cases she comes into contact with in daily life are related to Hex Technology and Alchemy Technology, and she is relatively familiar with this.

But there is a very obvious difference between these more technological and professional equipment in front of us and Hex Technology, which has a unique appearance and structure.

“Wow, did you invent all the equipment in your laboratory yourself?” Caitlin couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Of course, even though my laboratory is small, it is the future of mankind!”

Li Lin praised himself a little, but he was not bragging, what he said was true.

This small laboratory, which specializes in genetic research, will be able to transform human genes on a large scale when its level rises, and it will eventually lead the people of Runeterra to undergo a “genetic ascension”.

It’s just that as a mechanic, I don’t lead people to “mechanical ascension”, but “genetic ascension”. I always feel that something is strange…

Of course Caitlin did not doubt Li Lin’s words. Now she basically trusted her lover unconditionally.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes quickly glanced around the not-too-large space, and then stopped at a mass of dark green tissue in the nutrient solution culture chamber on the workbench in the room.

“Is that Zach’s body tissue?”

“Yes, they were cultured from a part of the body that he previously donated to me and the college. I am using these cells for research these days.”

While Li Lin was talking to Caitlin, Kasha, who had already taken off her outer clothes, leaving only her living skin that faintly exuded an evil purple light, walked to the side of the workbench and stretched out her hand on a table where people could lie down. Rub on top.

Noticing her movements, Li Lin walked up to her and explained: “This is the operating table. You should have seen it in books, right?”

Kasha nodded slightly, and for some reason, a strong tension suddenly emerged in her heart.

Being able to get rid of this living skin of her own void has been her long-cherished wish ever since she was swallowed by the void and became symbiotic with this layer of skin.

This kind of thing should make you happy.

But why…

Kasha pursed her purple-black lips affected by the void, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Li Lin noticed her nervousness and stretched out his hand to gently press her shoulder, “You must have guessed what the ‘surprise’ I have prepared for you is?”

“Yeah.” She hummed softly, looking up at Li Lin with her purple eyes, feeling quite nervous, “Can you… really help me remove this layer of skin?”

When she said these words, she seemed to feel threatened. The skin on Kasha’s body suddenly shrank, and the pain of sharp thorns inserted into her pores suddenly spread throughout her body.

“Are you okay?” Caitlin walked up and asked worriedly, “Is it your skin?”

Kasha gritted her teeth, “Well… this little pain is nothing.”

She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, trying to ease the pain caused by her living skin.

Immediately, Kasha looked at Li Lin again, with a rather troubled expression.

“Are you worried that without this layer of skin, how will you fight against the void later?”

Li Lin dispelled Kasha’s worries because she had asked this question before.

At that time, Li Lin’s original idea was not to completely remove the void from Kai’Sa’s body, but only to allow her to freely control this layer of skin according to her own will.

On normal days, she can shrink her skin, just like the biological armor of the fourth generation of Infinity Armor, and change her form when fighting.

But in that case, there is actually no way to get rid of the influence of void.

But now with nuclear fusion technology and nano-armors, Li Lin has new ideas.

I have not been affected by the void, and my strength has reached the current level. Why can’t Kai’Sa?

He can completely transfer the enhancement gained by Kaisha’s living skin from swallowing void creatures through genetic modification to herself.

Although she may not be able to inherit some of her abilities, it is still better than being affected by the void all the time.

After all, when he returned to Piltover, Li Lin promised Kassadin that he would help Kassa find a solution to this layer of skin.

As for the issue of defense, he planned to refer to Kai’Sa’s suit of armor from the parallel universe that can fight in the universe – Barrage Angel.

Coupled with nanotechnology, Kai’Sa no longer needs to consume her own energy when using weapons, and her combat capabilities will only increase again instead of decreasing.

While thinking, Li Lin already had a prototype of the design of this armor in his mind.

With nuclear fusion technology, it is only a matter of time before more miniaturized and portable room-temperature nuclear fusion and cold nuclear fusion are developed.

Coupled with nanotechnology, the energy supply required by the nanocore is replaced by cold nuclear fusion, and the energy supply of the armor will be further improved.

This armor for Kai’Sa, he named it Project Source Angel.

“In fact, you don’t have to worry about this problem at all, Kai’Sa.” Li Lin explained with a smile, “You see, I am not affected by the void, but I put on my armor, are you confident that you can defeat me?”

Since arriving in Pi City, Kai’Sa has never seen Li Lin’s combat prowess, but her skin can feel the threat he brings when he puts on the armor.

Her eyes widened, a little hope appeared on her face, “What do you mean…”

“Yes, if you want, I can design a suit of armor just for you, just like mine.”

Kasha’s eyes were instantly filled with tears, and her voice choked with sobs: “Thank you… Thank you so much!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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