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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 331 Everything is just a mirror

There were only three shield formations accompanying Jarvan IV, one of whom wanted to explore the village further.

Although the drone has discovered the enemy’s situation in Quiet Lake Village, that’s just the surface.

Noxus does not restrict magic, and even dark magic dares to be used.

No matter what, they had to ensure that this village was not magically trapped by the Noxians in advance.

The other three accompanying shield formations remain outside the city for the time being, mainly to guard the Noxian prisoners of war, and to echo the shield formation hidden in the distant forest to support His Royal Highness at critical moments.

However, although the number of Noxians is large, the soldiers of each Dauntless Vanguard Regiment have the ability to “one against a hundred”.

This number of enemies is simply not enough evidence.

The group arrived at the entrance of the village and dismounted. Sixteen elite warriors from two shield formations surrounded Jarvan IV, Li Lin, Shyvana and Alberk in the center.

Li Lin secretly mobilized hundreds of air combat machinery, storms and combat drones with “optical camouflage” functions to occupy a powerful position, controlling all the entrances and exits in all directions of the village.

Upon hearing the news that the Demacian army had entered the village, the Noxians quickly prepared their troops and gathered around the center of the village, outside the village chief’s house.

Their commander, the pale lady, was at the entrance of the courtyard, while Ted was still imprisoned in a side room.

On the narrow street, everyone, led by Jarvan IV, stopped dozens of meters away from the Noxians and faced each other.

“You are His Highness Prince Jarvan IV, right?”

Across the way, the Noxian middle-aged man commander shouted, “I am the general of the Noxian 37th Chapter, and my name is Prescott.”

He spoke the language of Demacia, which sounded a little lame, with a thick eastern Noxian accent, but he was very fluent.

“I have come at your invitation. Where are the Teds?”

Jarvan IV obviously didn’t have the patience to invade Demacia with this gang, and he deliberately set a trap and almost caught his enemies talking nonsense.

“His Royal Highness is really impatient. If you don’t have patience, you will be frustrated.” Prescott chuckled.

To the people here in Demacia, it sounded like a mockery of their prince’s failure, which seemed extremely harsh.

“How dare you disrespect His Royal Highness, I advise you to keep your mouth shut!” Pardek, who was guarding the prince with a shield and a spear in hand, scolded.

“Hey, it’s better for young people not to be too arrogant.”

Prescott was still smiling and was not affected by him at all.

“You should be the new Sword Captain of the Fearless Vanguard, right? I’ve heard about you. It seems that Tiana Crownguard felt that this official position was too small, so she left it to you to become the Grand Marshal?

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are indeed the right-hand family of the Light Shield Royal Family. You can easily climb to peaks that ordinary people like you can’t reach in your lifetime.”


Pardek was powerful, but he was obviously no match for Prescott in verbal confrontations. He was “killed” and was defeated step by step, without any power to refute.

“Unlike us in Noxus, those who are able will rise to the top. Anyone who can prove his ability can be placed in a position that matches his ability.”

Prescott’s words were filled with derogatory remarks about Demacia and praise for Noxus, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

“That’s enough!” Jarvan IV couldn’t bear it anymore and shouted angrily, “I’m not here today to listen to you bragging about your barbaric and violent system! Hand over Ted!”

Seeing that these Demacians did not accept the fact that he often preached loyalty to the empire in the military, Prescott did not appear discouraged and just shrugged.

This group of people is the elite of Demacia’s fearless vanguard group. If they can be convinced by themselves, that’s what the sun will come out of the west.

“Let’s go into the house to discuss. You can’t stand and talk outside the village…”

“No need.” Jarvan IV directly interrupted Prescott, “It’s very good here. Let’s exchange hostages, and then you can go back to Noxus. There’s no need to bother.”

“Okay.” Prescott said in an indifferent tone, “But, we have decided to exchange the 50 Noxian prisoners you captured for your adjutants.”

Upon hearing this, Jarvan IV’s eyes turned cold, he clenched the dragon gun in his right hand and pointed the tip of the gun at Prescott.

“Don’t talk nonsense here!” He suppressed the anger surging in his chest and said in a low voice: “30 prisoners in exchange for Ted, as you agreed with our envoy last night!”

“Is there a possibility that your emissary went astray? All I asked for was 50 prisoners.”

Damn it! What a greedy Noxian bastard!

Seeing Prescott’s confident appearance, Jarvan IV couldn’t help but frown, then relaxed his brows and sneered.

“After investigation by our scouts, your team is 5 kilometers away from the main force where you are encamped.

“There are only 50 of you in this village, and the ones accompanying me to this meeting are the Fearless Pioneers. Do you think you have any hope of defeating us?

“Besides, it seems that you and the seemingly powerful person next to you are more valuable to Demacia than Ted.

“I believe Tad would be happy to die for Demacia and let me capture you.”

Prescott narrowed his eyes, paused for a moment and said, “You won’t do this, Prince Jarvan IV.”

“You can try.”

There was no emotion in Jarvan IV’s voice, as if the coldest Zhenbing in the world was not as cold as his voice.

“whispering sound……”

Prescott secretly spat, and his hand wearing cold iron gloves rubbed his chin for a moment.

Two strongholds with hundreds of people were inexplicably uprooted. The soldiers in one of the military camps seemed to have disappeared from the world, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

He did not believe that his men would desert in the face of battle, which was a taboo. According to the method of Darius, the Hand of Noxus, these retreating people would be beheaded to maintain military morale.

This is still the border of Demacia, and they can’t escape anywhere.

Moreover, even the Bloody Lady Faris Noradi and her men of the Gray Legion have disappeared, and there is a high probability that something unexpected has happened to them.

In addition, the weirdness of these two incidents directly reduced his battle group by more than half, and it was almost impossible to compete with Demacia’s army.

Just when he was about to order the withdrawal…she came.

Prescott glanced at the woman next to him out of the corner of his eye.

Recalling the scene that day, he couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat and feel lingering fear.

This middle-aged lady, whose skin was bloodless and flawless, and who showed all her grace and splendor, used some means to avoid the layers of guards and appeared quietly in his tent.

She did not reveal her name. She simply stood there and seemed to be integrated with the environment. She had a mirror-like feeling. The cold temperament made Prescott tremble and feel inexplicable fear.

At that time, the woman held a coat of arms with a black rose in her hand, conveying an order from the top:

The captured Prince Jarvan IV’s bodyguard, Captain Tad, was exchanged for 30 prisoners of war captured by Demacia.

Prescott was puzzled as to why Black Rose would issue this order, but since he was once a royalist, he would probably be liquidated by the new commander Swain soon, so he had to seek asylum from Black Rose.

But at what cost…

Prescott shook his head and did not shift his gaze from the Demacians in the distance. He lowered his voice and said to the lady next to him: “What should we do? Do we really want to trade Ted with them?”

He was very hesitant in his heart.

He led this warband to Demacia without Jericho Swain’s permission.

According to Noxus law, the commander who sends troops privately and does not obey military orders will be beheaded in public.

Unless it can be offset by outstanding military exploits.

Being able to capture the captain of Prince Jarvan IV’s bodyguard alive would not make up for his faults and would not keep him in the position of general, but it would at least allow him to save his life.

Of course, this is just wishful thinking on Prescott’s part.

Who knows if Swain will go back on his words about sparing the lives of the old nobles as long as they surrender?

“In exchange with them, it’s useless for us to have Ted.” The lady’s expression remained unchanged and her voice was cold.

“It’s useless?! Are you crazy? 30 soldiers are no match for a captain of the Demacia Royal Guard!”

Prescott almost couldn’t hold his nerve and almost said this through gritted teeth.

“I clearly told you that it would take at least a hundred prisoners to exchange for Ted, but you haven’t brought out his value at all!”

The lady just glanced at him lightly, and that look that he couldn’t tell what it meant made him suddenly panic.

“It seems that you have forgotten your position.” She shook her head and said, “It is you who need Black Rose’s help, not Black Rose who needs you. We don’t need an unleashed dog.”

Prescott clenched his fists, veins popped out on his forehead, and his clenched teeth seemed to be about to bleed.

When he was not in power, he suffered even greater humiliation than he does now.

But this was the first time since he became a Noxian general that he had been insulted like this.


Be calm…

Prescott took a deep breath, “So, the purpose of our visit today is to exchange 30 insignificant prisoners with a more important person?”

“No.” The lady just said one word lightly.

A strange color flashed through her deep eyes. Her gaze passed over Jarvan IV behind the shield formation in the distance, briefly stopping at Shyvana, and then looked at Li Lin who was also looking at her.

A smile appeared on the lady’s lips, “That boy is very interesting. Our main goal is actually to observe him.”

Jarvan IV had once again urged the exchange of prisoners, and Prescott responded casually with a trace of eagerness on his face.

Then, he first sent more than a dozen people to follow the other party to check on the Noxian prisoners, and then asked others to bring Ted out of the side room.

“He doesn’t look like a Demacian,” he added to the lady.

“He is a famous person in Piltover, Li Lin, who is known as a ‘genius craftsman’ and a ‘future creator’.”

“Li Lin? I seem to have heard of this name. The two-wheeled bicycle used in our military was invented by him… In order to obtain the manufacturing rights, Noxus has to pay a large amount of patent fees every year.

“But how could he collude with the Demacians? Piltover is a neutral city-state!”

The noble lady fell into silence for a long time again. It was not until the 30 prisoners were escorted into the village that the expression on her face changed slightly, as if she felt something.

Then, without saying a word, she turned around and left without looking back.

“Wait! Where are you going?”

Prescott was a little anxious and wanted to catch up with the lady, but he couldn’t leave his men behind.

The prisoners had been exchanged, and Jarvan IV looked very angry. The next step was to find a way to escape.

But the lady who came to convey the orders of the Black Rose’s top officials didn’t tell him how he, with only 50 people, could escape from the hands of the angry Prince of Demacia and a group of fearless vanguards.

After thinking about it, Prescott turned around and followed the lady heading to the main house until he entered a slightly dark room without direct sunlight.

“Wait a minute, you only asked me to bring 50 people here, and the 30 prisoners are of no use. How should we get out of here?”

“When did I promise you that you could leave safely?”

Prescott’s eyes widened and his heart sank, “You…what do you mean by that?!”

A faint smile appeared on her lips, and she said an inexplicable sentence: “Everything is just a mirror.”

“What bullshit flower water? I have a deal with Black Rose. You promised me that you would protect me from being liquidated by Swain!”

“Yes, but haven’t we reached this agreement?”

“Wha-you lied to me!”

Prescott gasped and realized he had been tricked.

This is Demacia. If he is captured or killed by Demacia soldiers, doesn’t that mean he has not been liquidated by Swain?

“Damn bitch!”

Suddenly, a rage of being deceived arose. Prescott pulled out the sword from his waist and strode forward at a very fast speed, running towards the noble lady who had a mocking smile on her face.

“Even if it means death, I will support you!”

He swung his sword and slashed. The sharp blade had clearly passed through the noble lady’s neck, but there was no feeling of hitting something real in his hand.

A look of astonishment appeared on Prescott’s face, “This, this is impossible!”

“Huh ha ha ha ha… I told you, all this is just a mirror.” The lady’s laughter was cold and piercing.

In Prescott’s stunned eyes, her figure revealed clouds of dark mist, which quickly dispersed in the air.

Her body is becoming transparent, and it is like a mirage-like hallucination. In fact, it does not exist in this space at all.

“You, who the hell are you!”

Feeling the taste of rancid metal in his mouth, Prescott frantically slashed at the noble lady with his sword, but he could not slow down the speed of her disappearance.

“The Empire no longer needs you, Prescott.”

The moment the lady’s body completely disappeared, her teasing voice echoed in the small room.

“But your death will only make the rose in the darkness grow stronger.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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